编号:时间:2021年x月x日书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟页码:第11页 共11页国家自然科学基金委员会与丹麦国家研究基金会合作研究项目(摘要)发布单位:基金委国际合作局西欧处主要申请条件:(详见附件2)1. 申请人必须是在研的国家自然科学基金重点项目执行人、或创新研究群体项目负责人、或国家杰出青年科学基金项目获得者。2. 每个项目为期3年,中方资助强度为每项100万元人民币左右。3. 申报截止日期是每年9月1日。申请流程:1. 在线填报中文申请书:登录网站填报申请表(详见附件2)。2. 填报英文申请书“ELECTRONIC APPLICATION FORM FOR PROPOSALS FOR NANO RESEARCH COLLABORATIONS ”(见附件1),并将填写完毕的英文申请书上传添加至中文申请书的“附件”栏中一同在线提交。3. 将中、英文申请书一式两份于8月25日前交到科研处。附件1.ELECTRONIC APPLICATION FORM FOR PROPOSALS FOR NANO RESEARCH COLLABORATIONS - under the framework of the Danish National Research Foundation International Collaboration with the National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaTo see the call for proposals, please refer to the webpage of the Danish National Research Foundation (DNRF): www.dg.dk and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC): This downloaded application form must be electronically submitted as a PDF document no later than 1 September 2008 by the Danish principal investigator to the DNRF at dgdg.dk and correspondingly by the Chinese principal investigator to the NSFC through its ISIS system.The form is to be filled out in English with the font ”Times New Roman”, size 12, with one line space. Applicants are kindly requested to meet the following requirements as well.ObjectiveThe objective is to strengthen the competitiveness of Danish and Chinese research in nanoscience and nanotechnology through collaboration. To this end the two Foundations wish to support scientific research within new nano structures and their functions. Such initiatives might include as examples research on self assembly of (molecular) nanostructures and their functions, nanomaterials with new functional and structural properties, functional nanodevices and molecular electronics. Applications may thus include project proposals which have a translational approach ranging from basic sciences to relevant applications.Requirements· The applications must be made as truly joint applications written by the responsible Chinese principal investigator and the responsible Danish principal investigator so that each initiative is represented by only one application, incl. budgets specifying the Chinese and Danish respective costs.· Both sides shall send scientists to the other part as well as receive visiting researchers and PhD students.· The Danish host institution is required to provide the necessary resources, including offices, laboratories, equipment, etc. The institution is further expected to contribute with PhD-stipends and travel grants.Selection CriteriaWhen selecting which proposals to support, the two Foundations will emphasise (not in any order of priority):· The scientific quality of the proposal· The added value of performing joint collaborative research between the research groups involve· The degree of complementarity between the involved research groups in answering the research questions addressed.EvaluationThe proposals will be reviewed by international peers (preferably neither Chinese nor Danish). The Boards of the DNRF and the NSFC will take the reviews into consideration as an important part of their decision-making process when agreeing on which joint projects to fund.After two and a half years the two parties will jointly evaluate the progress of the research initiatives. The evaluation will be based on a self-evaluation and on international peer review. The project may be extended with another 3 year grant.Further informationFor further information or if you have questions to the form or to other parts of the application process, please contact: NSFC, China: Lu Rongkai, Director of Division, Bureau of International Cooperation. E:mail: lurk or tel.: + 8610 6232 7014.DNRF, Denmark: Research Adviser Geeske de Witte Vestergaard gwvdg.dk, or tel.: + 45 3318 1950. 1. Title of the Chinese-Danish research project2. Name, title, position, sex, and date of birth of the two principal investigatorsa. The Chinese principal investigator:Name:Title:Position:Sex:Date of Birth:b. The Danish principal investigator:Name:Title:Position:Sex:Date of Birth:3. Current work place (address, telephone number, email address, www home page)a. The Chinese principal investigator:Address:Telephone number:Email address:Homepage:b. The Danish principal investigator:Address:Telephone number:Email address:Homepage:4. Scientific keywords to be used for the identification of peer reviewers (5-10 keywords)5. Host institutions of the research projecta. Chinese host institution:b. Danish host institution:6. Summary of the proposed project description (maximum: 2.400 keystrokes)7. Project description (maximum: 36.000 keystrokes), including:a. A detailed description of the scientific problem, including objectives, background, references, proposed experiments, complete description of raised hypotheses, and the methodological choices, and a work plan showing individual tasks and responsible groupsb. An explanation of what added value the collaboration will bring and how the Chinese-Danish groups are complementary to each other in the realisation of the project goals (i.e. what are the unique respective strengths and skills that the Chinese and Danish collaborators bring to the project.)c. A statement describing the importance and novelty of the proposed projectd. A description of the organisational structure and the planned research collaboration defining the responsibilities of both partnerse. A description of the projects significance to research training (Ph.D. and post.doc)8. CV of the two principal investigators, including a brief and concise outline of professional career (maximum: 4.800 keystrokes)a. The Chinese principal investigator:b. The Danish principal investigator:9. A list of the most essential peer reviewed publications by the two principal investigators from the past 10 years. Furthermore please indicate total number of publications within the categories: articles, monographs, book chapters, proceedings, public outreach activities, other. (maximum: 2.400 keystrokes)a. The Chinese principal investigator:b. The Danish principal investigator:10. CV for each of the participating key scientists incl. total number of peer reviewed publications (maximum for each CV: 2.400 keystrokes)a. Chinese key scientists:b. Danish key scientists:11. Information about formalised and international cooperation (maximum: 2.400 keystrokes)12. For the Chinese principal investigator: Title and grant number of ongoing NSFC-project13. Funding applied for from the DNRF The NSFC will fund the Chinese research partner and the DNRF will fund the Danish research partner. In terms of mobility of scientists (senior scientists, post docs and PhD students) the receiving party pays for accommodation and daily allowances whereas the party sending such visitors would pay for international transportation. Estimated budget for the 3 year period(in 1000 DKK.) 2009201020112012TOTALBudgetBudgetBudgetBudgetSalaries: 1 Principal Investigator2 Scientific Staff3 Guests4 Technical Staff5 Administrative Staff6 OtherSalaries, TotalPhD StudentsTravels, Conferences, etc.Equipment etc.Overhead, Host InstitutionOtherTOTAL DNRFCo-financing, Danish Host InstitutionCo-financing, other Danish fundsTOTAL FUNDING14. Funding applied for from the NSFC.1 Estimated budget in RMB for the 3 year periodYear 2009Year 2010Year 2011Year 2012Total RMBInternational travel costsLocal living expensesSub-Total RMBYear 2009Year 2010Year 2011Year 2012Total RMBWorkshop costsSeminar costsSub-Total RMBYear 2009Year 2010Year 2011Year 2012Total RMBResearch costsOther expensesSub-Total RMBTotal NSFCHost Institution, Co-financing and Staff contributionCo-financingYear 2009Year 2010Year 2011Year 2012Total RMBEquipmentOther ExpensesTotalStaff, man-yearYear 2009Year 2010Year 2011Year 2012Total RMB1. Scientific Staff2. Technical and Adm. 4. Ph.d. StudentsSIGNATURES15. Signatures of responsible principal investigator in each country, dates and places (“I assure that the information I have presented in this application and its appendices is correct and that all the factors essential for the processing of the application have been included. I undertake the responsibility that, in the event that DNRF and NSFC grant the funding, the funds will be used for the purpose for which they have been granted and that any reports required by DNRF and NSFC will be submitted.”) Date and place: Signature:Date and place: Signature: 16 Signatures of the signing official of each host institution, dates, places (The host institutions stated in the present application will provide the researchers the necessary work premises, equipment and other basic research prerequisites. The host institution commits itself, in the event that DNRF and NSFC grant the funding, to undertake the responsibility for ensuring that the funds will be used for the purpose for which they are granted and to hire the personnel whose salaries are to be paid with the appropriation, and to submit in accordance with the instructions of DNRF and NSFC, reports on the use of the funds. Date and place:Signature:Date and place: Signature:附件2. 关于征集2009年国家自然科学基金委员会与丹麦国家研究基金会合作研究项目的通知 为推动中丹两国科学家的实质性合作,国家自然科学基金委员会(NSFC)与丹麦国家研究基金会(DNRF)拟在“新纳米结构及其功能(New Nano Structures and their Functions)” 领域(详见英文申请书)共同资助两国科学家合作研究。资助项目数不超过3个,每个项目为期3年,执行期限为2009年6月1日至2010年5月31日,中方资助强度为每项100万元人民币左右,包括研究经费和国际合作交流费用。合作研究项目将进行国际评审。评审指标包括:合作项目的科学水平、创新性和研究计划的可行性;双方合作的互补性和必要性等。一、申请项目的基本条件申请合作项目的我国研究人员必须是在研的国家自然科学基金重点项目执行人、或创新研究群体项目负责人、或国家杰出青年科学基金项目获得者。二、申报要求中方申请人需与丹方合作者联合提出申请,并填写中、英文申请书,项目申报截止日期是2009年9月1日。申请时,请注意如下事项:1. 在线填报中文申请书:登录网站,进入“申请国际合作与交流项目”后,选择“多年期项目”下“NSFC-DNRF项目(中丹)”申请书并附合作研究协议书或意向书。2. 填报英文申请书“ELECTRONIC APPLICATION FORM FOR PROPOSALS FOR NANO RESEARCH COLLABORATIONS ”(见附件),并将填写完毕的英文申请书上传添加至中文申请书的“附件”栏中一同在线提交。3. 需打印一套纸质的中、英文申请书,经单位盖章确认后,于2009年9月1日前(以邮戳为准)邮寄至国家自然科学基金委员会国际合作局西欧处,地址:北京市海淀区双清路83号,邮编:100085 。三、通报最终结果结果将于2009年3月底前在网上公布,获批准的合作项目将从2009年6月1日开始执行。附件:英文申请书国际合作局西欧处联系人:鲁荣凯 范英杰电话:62327014,email: lurk, fanyj第 11 页 共 11 页