,Part 1Translation from English into Chinese 2 hoursRead the following two passages.Translate them into Chinese.Write your answers on the answer sheets.You may use additional paper for your draft but you must copy your answers onto the answer sheets.Passage 1Artificial SpeechBecause speech is the most convenient form of communication, in the future we want essentially natural conversations with computers. The primary point of contact will be a simple device that will act as our window on the world. You will simply talk to it. The device will be permanently connected to the Internet and will beep relevant information up to you as it comes in. Just how quickly people will adapt to a voice-based Internet world is uncertain. Many believe that, initially at least, we will need similar conventions for the voice to those we use at present on screen: click, back, forward, and so on. But soon you will undoubtedly be able to interact by voice with all those IT-based services you currently connect with over the Internet by means of a keyboard. This will help the Internet serve the entire population, not just techno-freaks.Changes like this will encompass the whole world. Because English is the language of science, it will probably remain the language in which the technology is most advanced, but most speech-recognition techniques are transferable to other languages provided there is sufficient motivation to undertake the work.Within ten years we will have computers that respond to goal-directed conversations, but for a computer to have a conversation that takes into account human social behaviour is probably 50 years off. Were not going to be chatting to the big screen in the living room just yet.There are those in the IT community who believe that current techniques will eventually hit a brick wall. Personally, I believe that incremental developments in performance are more likely. But its true that by about 2040 or so, computer architectures will need to become highly parallel if performance is to keep increasing. Perhaps that will inspire some radically new approaches to speech understanding that will supplant the methods were developing now.Passage 2The Atlantic Alliance Needs TendingThe U.S. and Europe. These days, they bicker almost like a couple whose long marriage is in danger of unravelling. The litany of misunderstandings and mutual resentment seems to be growing. From the death penalty to steel tariffs, from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to military spending, there is an abyss between American and European positions on innumerable issues.Each side feels the other isnt shouldering enough of the burdens facing both. The Europeans see an unbending posture, from the Bush Administrations protecting inefficient U.S. steel companies to its threats to take out Iraqs Saddam Husseinalone, if necessary. U.S. policymakers, for their part, are losing patience with Europeans inability to get serious about defence spending. The war in Afghanistan has brought home the reality that much of Europe has fallen behind in military technology. And Washington is annoyed at Europes feckless attempts at economic reforms. As a result, Europe couldnt play the role of economic locomotive to help pull the U.S. out of its downturn in 2001. This year, Europe is set to grow less than the U.S. once again.Relationships in trouble can be fixed, and this one had better be. In a world increasingly fraught with danger, European leaders must commit themselves to bigger military budgets or risk being marginalised by the U.S. military machine. The $ 45.1 billion hike in military spending the Bush Administration is pushing for next year is $12.1 billion more than the entire defence budget of France. The U.S. could help by opening up more of its vast military market to European partners. And Washington should realise that in many global challenges a smart multilateral approach can be much more effective than unilateralism.A world in which the U.S. and Europe go off on their own, in which the Atlantic alliance is reduced to mere lip service to ideals long since abandoned, is a frightening one.Part 2Translation from Chinese into English 2 hoursRead the following two passages.Translate them into English.Write your answers on the answer sheets. You may use additional paper for your draft but you must copy your answers onto the answer sheets.Passage 1保姆校长常常听到一些大学校长说:“我把学生当自己的儿女看待。”他也真做得像个严父慈母:规定学生睡眠要足8小时,清晨6点必须起床做操,不许穿拖鞋在校内行走,等等。 我一直以为大学校长是高瞻远瞩、指导学术与教育大方向的决策人,而不是管馒头稀饭的保姆。教育者或许会说:“这些学生如果进大学以前,就已经学好自治自律的话,我就不必如此喂之哺之;就是因为基础教育没教好,所以我办大学的人不得不教。” 听起来有理,可是学生之所以在小学、中学12年间没有学会自治自律,就是因为他们一直接受喂哺式的辅导,大学再来继续进行“育婴”,这岂不是一个没完没了的恶性循环?我们对大学教育的期许是什么?教出一个言听计从、循规蹈矩的学生,还是教出一个自己会看情况、做决定的学生?Passage 2发展问题发展问题一直是世界各国普遍关注的问题。大部分发展中国家取得独立后,在发展民族经济、改变贫穷落后面貌、缩小同发达国家的经济差距等方面,取得了巨大成绩。一些国家实现了经济“起飞”,甚至创造了“奇迹”。经济增长是社会发展的基础,但有增长不一定有发展。为了避免“有增长、无发展”的现象,世界各国都把可持续发展作为国家宏观经济发展战略的一种重要选择,并深刻认识到,人类需要一个持续发展的途径。这是人类发展观的重大转折,具有深远的历史意义。然而,在保持生态环境问题上,发展中国家存在的问题较为严重。特别是,一些发展中国家或没有认识到可持续发展的深刻内涵,或认识得很不深刻,采取的措施也不得力。因此,在今后制定新的经济发展战略时,把可持续发展作为一个突出的重要内容,是大多数发展中国家面临的迫切和艰巨的任务。一、考生须知1考试开始前,请在录音磁带的A面标签上正确填写你的姓名、考点、考号。2考试方式:口译采取听录音做翻译的方式。考生在语音室内头戴耳机,听到一段英语或汉语讲话后把它们分别译成汉语或英语并通过麦克风录到磁带上。讲话当中有停顿,考生需充分利用停顿时间进行翻译。3听录音时,可做笔记。4翻译时要沉着冷静,不要紧张。二、考试内容本部分共分两节。第一节:英译汉这是联合国秘书长工作报告的一部分。请将该部分讲话译成汉语。第二节:汉译英这是在一个国际会议上的讲话的一部分,请将该部分讲话译成英语。三、考试结束后,再次检查是否在录音磁带的A面标签上正确填写了自己的姓名、考点和考号,检查完毕,离开考场。请勿将磁带和考试用纸带出考场。交替传译录音稿Certificate of English Interpretation: Level 1Section 1: Consecutive Interpreting.Now please listen to the instructions about this section. Ill give you a brief introduction before each part begins and leave you enough time to do the interpreting. Each part is divided into a number of segments and at the start of each segment youll hear this tone (TONE). At each pause where you are expected to start interpreting, youll also hear this tone (TONE). Youll hear each segment only once.Lets start with Part 1.Part 1English to ChineseIn this part you are going to hear part of a report by the Secretary-General on the work of the UN. Please interpret the speech into Chinese. Lets begin.(/表示停顿)TONE / TONEDuring the past year there have been extraordinary challenges to security and stability. The terrorist attacks in the United States of America on September 11th 2001 dramatized the global threat of terrorism and highlighted the need for a broad strategy to combat it. Already, the United Nations has played an important role in mobilizing international action in the global struggle against terrorism. We know that terrorism is not a new phenomenon; it has deep political, economic, social and psychological roots. I firmly believe that the terrorist menace must be suppressed, but States must ensure that counterterrorist measures do not violate human rights. TONE / TONEIn the wake of the terrorist attacks of September 11th the international community has focused its attention on the challenge of reconstructing weak or collapsed States, like Afghanistan, which provide fertile breeding grounds for terrorism. Simultaneously, there has been a sharp escalation of violence and tension in the Middle East, in South Asia, and in central Africa over the past year. TONE / TONEThere were also positive developments on the international scene. East Timor gained independence and Sierra Leone held peaceful presidential and parliamentary elections. The conferences at Doha on trade, Monterrey on financing for development, and Johannesburg on sustainable development outlined steps that can help to meet the millennium development goals. The entry into force of the Statute of the International Criminal Court was an unprecedented step forward for world order and justice. There was also increasingly widespread recognition that respect for international treaties and international law is essential for human security, stability and progress. TONE / TONEOne of the basic truths of our time is that no single country has the capacity to cope with the political, economic, environmental and technological challenges of an interconnected world. Problems such as terrorism, mass refugee movements, HIV/AIDS, overpopulation, environmental degradation and pollution transcend national borders, and require international solutions - and the number of global problems requiring global solutions is continually growing. All nations stand to benefit from the constructive change that multilateralism makes possible, as well as the opportunities and solutions that it provides. Moreover, multilateral action is possible in many cases where unilateral involvement would be impossible or undesirable. TONE / TONEFulfilling its role as a universal organization, the United Nations has helped to develop the principles and practice of multilateralism. The Organization is a unique instrument available to the world for dealing with critical global problems that require the collective resources and cooperation of all countries. It provides the common structures and institutions by which we can further our profound universal human interests. TONE / TONEThats the end of Part I. Now we move on to Part 2. Part 2Chinese to EnglishIn this part you are going to hear part of a speech delivered at an International Conference. Please interpret the speech into English.TONE / TONE主席先生,女士们,先生们:今天, 首届国际水稻大会在北京隆重开幕。首先,我代表中国政府,并以我个人的名义,向与会各界来宾表示诚挚的欢迎!向大会表示热烈的祝贺!TONE / TONE水稻是世界上食用人口最多、历史最悠久的农作物。世界上90的水稻产自亚洲,养育着25亿人口。水稻在亚洲各国的农业发展和历史文明中占有重要地位。TONE / TONE在上个世纪的100年里,科技进步突飞猛进,有力地推动了生产力的发展和人们生活质量的提高。物质科学、生命科学、信息科学、空间科学、海洋科学和环境科学等领域的进步,使人类不断揭开自然界的奥秘,不断掌握新知识、新概念、新理论和新方法。科学技术新发展孕育的农业科技革命,极大地促进了世界农业生产的发展。TONE / TONE科技进步为中国的农业生产力和综合效益的提高发挥了重要作用。中国粮食年生产能力由上世纪六十年代初的2亿吨提高到目前的5亿吨,以不足世界10的耕地养活了占世界22的人口。现在,中国12亿多人民已解决了温饱问题,生活总体上达到小康水平。中国为世界粮食生产和安全做出了自己的贡献。TONE / TONE我们必须看到,世界农业正面临着新的挑战,全球范围内的粮食安全问题依然存在。随着人口的增长,世界粮食需求将继续显著增加,而耕地、淡水等粮食生产的基本要素却呈不断减少的趋势。在相当一些国家和地区,粮食问题仍尚未根本解决,全球营养不良的人口仍有79亿。这些问题和挑战,需要各国政府和各界有识之士加强合作,共商解决之计。TONE / TONE共享科技进步带来的成果,实现各国的普遍发展,需要各国政府和人民共同努力,尤其需要各国科学家的共同奋斗。中国与国际水稻科技界几十年来富有成果的交流和合作证明:不同文化传统、经济模式和发展水平的国家开展科技交流与合作,对合作各方和世界的发展都有利。我们主张按照平等互利、成果共享、尊重知识产权的原则积极进行国际合作,鼓励中国科技人员与各国科学家加强合作研究,为各国的共同发展和普遍繁荣做出贡献。TONE / TONE第二部分:同声传译考试时间:约30分钟一、考生须知1考试开始前,请在录音磁带的A面标签上正确填写你的姓名、考点、考号。2考试方式:本部分考试方式为听录音做同声传译。考生在语音室内头戴耳机,把听到的英语或汉语演讲分别以同传方式译成汉语或英语并通过麦克风录到磁带上。3翻译时要沉着冷静,不要紧张。二、考试内容本考试共分两部分。第一节:英译汉这是美中商会会长罗伯特克普博士(Dr. Robert Kapp)在厦门某次投资贸易洽谈会上的讲话。请将讲话内容同声传译成汉语。 第二节:汉译英这是在一次联合国会议上中国大使关于国际减灾与人道主义援助的讲话,请将其同声传译成英语。请参考以下汉/英名称:议程项目37Agenda item 37国际减灾害International Natural Disaster Reduction人道主义援助Humanitarian Assistance横滨声明Yokohama Message横滨战略Yokohama Strategy人道主义事务部Department of Humanitarian Affairs三、考试结束后,再次检查是否在录音磁带的A面标签上正确填写了自己的姓名、考点和考号,检查完毕,离开考场。请勿将磁带和考试用纸带出考场。同声传译录音稿Section 2: Simultaneous InterpretingPart 1:English to ChineseIn the first part of the test, you will hear a speech delivered in English by Dr. Robert, President of US-China Business Council at Xiamen Trade and Investment Fair. Please turn the speech into Chinese while the speaker speaks.Lets begin. TONELadies and Gentlemen:I am very grateful for the chance to meet with you this day. The credit or the blame for my being here belongs to Vice Minister Ma. She is very persuasive, and I found it easy to accept her kind invitation to participate in this years events. She also urged me to bring with me to Xiamen representatives of some of our US-China Business Councils member companies, and I am pleased that we could do so. I hope that everyone in the audience this morning will have a change to get acquainted with these experienced business friends Mr. Patrick Powers, our Councils Director of China Operations, based in Beijing, and Mr. Dennis Chen.In the brief time available today, I would like to offer five observations.1.From the standpoint of foreign investment, China is already a success story.Anyone who remembers that Deng Xiaoping was once criticized for suggesting that China should study German shipbuilding methods in order to improve its own; anyone who remembers Dengs moving speech to the National Science Conference in the spring of 1978, in which he declared that science was a world heritage from which China should draw and to which China must contribute; anyone who remembers that foreign investment was almost completely absent from China little more than twenty years ago such a person, like me, will understand how much China accomplished in the next two decades.China now ranks first as a recipient of foreign direct investment on an annual basis. Millions of people have risen from absolute, grinding poverty. Those achievements are important, and they can be measured. But the numbers are only part of the story.Beyond the quantitative measures are the vital “accompanying factors.” Market principles have taken root within the economy and within most enterprises. A labor market has emerged, providing a degree of occupational choice to millions of Chinese citizens who formerly had no choice as to how they would earn their livings. The amount and quality of information available to Chinas citizens has improved in many sectors. Legal concepts and practices unknown to nearly all Chinese 25 year ago are gradually entering the lives of the people, their workplaces, and students have reached fully into the world. Technology imports and domestic technology development have been successfully linked with effective managerial skill and a hard working labor force to create a vast and rapidly growing industrial economy oriented to world markets, world standards, and global needs.Opening its doors to international investment, China has created a foreign-invested export economy that not only brings capital and technology into the country, but by providing more than half of Chinas overall exports raises foreign exchange needed for the purchase of items that a modernizing China cannot better provide for itself. By joining the World Trade Organization on demanding but ultimately beneficial terms, China has reaffirmed its determination to continue the process of economic reform and integration with global commercial practices. That decision, together with Chinas impressive rates of economic growth and the emergence of a large domestic market, has further encouraged foreign to come to integrate China into their global business strategies.China has, as we say in casual American English, “arrived.” The language of global business is increasingly the language of Chinas engagement with the world. The gleaming cities and sprawling industrial parks of China are proof for the world to see.2.That “success story.” However, has created its own dislocations, and for many inside China the “success” is far less obvious.The dislocat