商务英语感激信范文感激信(Letter of Thanks)是外国政府机构或个人的关怀、支持、协助或热情招待表示感激的对外函件。其详细格式和要求与邀请函一样。例文Date and PlaceMinister of _(Address)Beijing,ChinaDear Minister,I am writing this letter to thank you for youwarm hospitality accorded to me and my delegationduring our recent visit to your beautiful country.I would also like to thank you for your interestingdiscussion with me which I have found very informativeand useful.During the entire visit,my delegationand I wereoverwhelmed by the enthusiasm expressedby your business representatives oncooperation with China.I sincerelyhope we could have more exchanges likethis one when wewould be able to continue our interesting discussion onpossible ways to expand our bilateraleconomic and traderelations and bring our business people together.I am looking forward to your earlyvisit to Chinawhen I will be able to pay back some ofthe hospitalityI received during my memorable stay inyur beautifulcountry.With kind personal regards,Faithfully yours,(Signed)Mr._ Minister of Economic Cooperation