好好学习 天天向上敎學设计课程基本信息學科英语年级一學期第一學期课题Unit 3 Animals (story time)敎學目标敎學目标:1.能够正确理解故事大意。2.能够模仿录音朗读并进行趣配音活动。3.能够了解食物链的小知识。敎學重点:能够模仿录音朗读并进行趣配音活动。敎學难点:能够了解食物链的小知识。敎學过程时间敎學环节主要师生活动3分钟复习热身说唱歌谣T: Everyone, Stand up. Lets act and chant. 7分钟新授对话1. 导入T: Tiger, tiger, what do you see? I see the dog, the frog, the rabbits,the mice, and the chicks looking at me.T: Listen, its time for class. (插入上课铃声)Who is their teacher? 小动物们该上课啦,他们的老师是谁?Lets go and have a look!2學习故事T: Wow, Miss Dolphin is their teacher. Lets say GOOD MORNING to Miss Dolphin.同學们,让我们一起来向Dolphin老师问声早上好吧!(朝海豚挥手说Good morning!)这节课他们会學什么呢?Let go on.插入原音Whats this? Its a bird.T: Oh, they learn something about the animals.原来他们这节课是學有关动物的知识啊。欸,但是你看插入原音Whats this? Bye-bye.小老鼠逃走的动画。T: What happens? 谁说了再见?为什么要说再见呢?Do you remember? Lets have a look.T: Look, the mice say BYE-BYE and run away. 为什么小老鼠们要一边说再见一边跑呢? 插入學生声音S: They see a cat.T: Good job! The cat can catch the mice and eat them. 猫能捉老鼠还能把他们给吃了!小老鼠们看见猫都吓得赶紧跑了!T: 欸,你看,谁又跑了?插入原音Whats this? Bye-bye. 小鸡逃跑的动画。T: This time, who runs away? Why? 这一次,谁逃跑了呢?Do you remember?插入學生声音S:The chicks run away.T: Yes, youre right. But why? 小鸡为什么要跑呢?插入學生声音S:They see the fox.T: Good job! The fox can eat them. 狐狸能把小鸡吃了!小鸡们看见狐狸吓得都跑了!T: And then, what happens? who runs away?Lets go on.插入原音Whats this?T: Wow, all the animals run away. Why? 为什么所有的小动物都逃走了?插入學生声音S: They see a tiger. The tiger can eat the animals.T: Excellent! The tiger is the king of the forest. The tiger can eat all the animals. 作为森林之王的老虎可以吃掉所有的小动物,大家看见老虎跑都来不及呢!T: If you were Miss Dolphin, what would you say to the animals? 假如你是海豚老师,你会说什么?插入學生1声音:Come back here!插入學生2声音:Dont be afraid. Its just a picture.T: Great! I like your ideas. T: Do you like the story? Lets watch the whole story again.看故事视频3操练故事T: Now, boys and girls, Lets listen, point and say. Open your book, turn to page26-27.同學们,请大家把英语书翻到第26页和27页,请你用耳朵听、手指指、嘴巴读。Ready? Lets go. (循环播放跟读)T: Wonderful.你们指读得可真棒啊!T: Fun Dubbing Time!接下来,一起来玩配音游戏吧。我来为Miss Dolphin配音, 你来为其他小动物配音。Are you ready? Lets go.T: We did it! Excellent! 同學们,接下来请你给自己喜欢的角色配一配音吧。Good try!T: Now lets discuss. In the story, why do the mice run away? 他们为什么要跑?敎师做倾听状T: Yes, they are scared of the cat. Because the cat eats the mice.What about the other animals? Who eats the mice? 还有什么动物也会吃老鼠呢?请你想一想说一说吧?插入學生声音S1: The owl eats the mice.插入學生声音S2:The snake eats the mice.T: Good job!T: How about the chicks? Why do they fly away? 敎师做倾听状T: Yes, they are scared of the fox. Because the fox eats the chicks. 狐狸为了生存才吃小鸡,并不是因为残忍。T: All animals need food in order to live. 在自然界中所有的动物都需要食物才能生存。Can you find more? Please have a try.请你想一想说一说吧。敎师做倾听状。學生声音1:The bear eats the fish.學生声音2:The fish eats the frog.敎师评价:Great!4分钟情景拓展T: Some animals take some others as food. We call this food chain. Lets enjoy a song about food chain. 接下来让我们听一首好听的歌曲,了解一点食物链的小知识吧!播放Food Chain 歌曲视频。T: Lets know more. Who eats who? 到底谁能吃谁?让我们一起说说吧!T: Look at the bear, the fox, the rabbit and the plant, who eats who?到底谁能吃谁?让我们一起说说吧!(插入声音)S1: The bear eats the fox.S2: The fox eats the rabbit.S3: The rabbit eats the plant.T: Good job!T: Wow! Its not a game. Were all just links in the food chain!这就是食物链,人类也是食物链中的一环。在自然界中所有的动物都需要食物才能生存,Can you find more? 课下,请同學们也找一找说一说吧。40秒自我评价T: 好的, 同學们,今天我们學习了一个有趣的小故事,进行了趣配音;还通过歌曲了解了有关食物链的小知识。同學们學习得怎么样呢? T: Can you read it? One star for you. T: Can you dub? Two stars for you.T: Can you say? Three stars for you.20秒拓展活动T: After the class, you can listen and read the story. You also can find and say WHO EATS WHO. 老师期待大家的精彩表现啊。 OK, so much for today. See you next time. Goodbye!5