U6Whats a balanced diet? Doris and Samuel are having dinner in a restaurant. Samuel: I think Ill have a hamburger, some chocolate cake 1._ a large cola. How does that sound2._you? Doris: That 3._ (sound)terrible! Ill have a chicken sandwich a salad, an apple and a glass of lemon tea. Ive 4._ (decide)5._ (stay) away 6._ (fry)food and soft drinks. Samuel: Since when? Doris: Since I had my 8._medicine)9._(examine). The doctor said 10._ I needed 11._ (lose)a bit of 12._ (weigh)by 13._ (avoid) fat, oil and sugar. He also stated 14_.15._ is necessary 16._ me to have a more balanced diet.Samuel: Whats a balanced diet?Doris: A balanced diet means 17._ (have)different 18._ (kind) of 19._ (health) food every day. Research shows 20._ each day you should have plenty 21._ fruit. vegetables and grain 22._ (produce)such 23._ noodles and bread. And, 24._ general you should have fewer dairy products and eggs, and 25._ (little)meat.Samuel: But I believe my diet is 26._(balance) Doris: 27._(real)? Do you remember what you 28._(have)today? Samuel: Oh, the usual things. 29._breakfast, I had fried eggs and a large cup of coffee 30._ a lot of milk and sugar. Then I treated 31._(I)32._ some ice cream 33._ a snack. Doris: And for lunch? Samuel: For lunch, I had six 34._ (chick)35._(wing)and a cola. Doris: I dont understand 36._ that is a balanced diet! Samuel: Well, I have many different 37._ (kind)of food every day. Doris: But all of these kinds of food are 38._(healthy)39._you. Samuel: OK, youre right. Ill change my diet . tomorrow. Here 40._ (come)my hamburger and chocolate cake! A Pity the farmer by Li Shen(772-846) The farmer hoes grain 1._ the noonday sun,2_ sweat 3_ (drip)onto the field Who realizes that the food on 4._ (they) plate Every grain-5._ (come)from bitter 6._ (suffer)? The rice farmer by Saoirse McCann The Sun is 7._ (set)low, the red sky a welcoming sight; The farmer stands 8._ (silent) in the fading light. The fields are 9._ (water)and planted, the buffaloes are fed; The only thing he thinks of now is 10._ (find)home and bed. A gentle wind is whispering of hope and dreams 11._ life; Every grain of rice 12._ (require)such effort and 13._ strife. Remember, when you sit and eat 14._ family or 15._ (friend), All the many 16._ (hour)he works, as 17._ (he)fields he tends.B The tale of the tomato Tomatoes were first 1._ (grow) in Central and South America. They were unknown 2._ the rest of the world 3._ the 16th century. In the 4._ (begin), many people in Europe refused5._(eat)tomatoes because they thought the fruit was 6._ (danger). Tomatoes first 7._ (become)common in the US 8_ the 1820s. In one story, a man 9._ (name)Robert Johnson 10._ (eat)some tomatoes 11._ public. Everyone in the town 12._ (crowd) around him 13._ (watch)him die. When he did not die, they realized 14_ tomatoes were safe to eat and no 15._ (long)avoided 16._ (they)U7Miss Liu wanted to encourage her students 1._ (read) famous books, 2._ she showed them this humorous story from a novel 3._ (call)The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. Tom Sawyer paints the fenceOn Saturday morning, every boy in town was happy, 4._ Tom Sawyer.Toms aunt gave him a task 5_6_ (paint)their fence. It was 30 yards long and 3 yards high. He painted one board and 7._ _(survey) his progress, and then he sat down 8._ have a rest.Tom began to think 9_ the games 10._ he wanted to play. He knew the boys 11._ were free would soon come along and make fun 12._ him. Just 13._, he had an idea.he4._ his brush and went back 15._ work.Ben Rogers came along the road. He was singing 16._ (happy)and 17._ (carry)an apple.I am m going 18_(swim), said Ben. "Do you want to come? Oh, you have to work, dont you? 19._a pity!“ Work?" said Tom. "This isnt work. Im enjoying 20._(I). Does a boy get a chance 21._( paint)a fence 22_ this every day?" Then he went on 23._ _(paint). Ben watched Tom in 24_ (silent). He became more and more 25._ (interest).26._ a while, he said, "Tom, will you let me do some 27._ (paint)?" Tom said, "No, Ben, I cant. Aunt Polly warned me 28._ (do)it 29._ (good). Im the only person that can do it right. "Oh, please, Tom, said Ben. "I can do it. Ill be 30._ (real)31._ _(care). Ill give you half my apple. Wait, Ill give you all 32_it”“Thats33 _deal," said Tom. "But you must be careful." Tom gave Ben his brush 34._ worry 35._ his face 36._ joy 37._ his heart. He sat down again and started to eat the apple.38._ Ben got 39._ (tire), Billy Fisher was waiting. He gave Tom kite 40._the chance 41._(paint). Then Johnny Miller offered 42_(he)two toy soldiers. Soon Tom had got many new 43_ (toy), and the fence got three coats 44_ paint. Aunt Polly was 45_pleased 46_she gave Tom a big apple U8The gifts by O. Henry One dollar and eighty-seven cents. That was all. Three1._ (time)Della counted it. One dollar and eighty-seven cents. And the next day would be Christmas. She could not afford a present, 2_ she 3._ (sit) down and cried. Jim and Della had two 4._ (possess)which they were both proud 5. One was Jims gold watch that was 6._his father and his grandfather. The 7._was Dellas 8._(beauty) hair. It fell about9._(she), and reached below her knee. Della put 10_her old brown jacket and her old brown hat. Then she went out 11._the door and down the stairs 12._ the street. She 13._(stop)at a store. The sign 14_front of the store read"Hair Goods". "Will you buy my ha_?"asked Della."Twenty 15. Then Della searched 16._ (dollar),"the woman said. the stores 17._ (look)18._ a present 19._ Jim. She 20._ (find) it at last. It was a watch chain. The bill was twenty-one dollars21._ seven oclock, the coffee was 22._ (make)and dinner was ready. Jim was never late. Della 23_ (hear) his 24._ (step)on the stairs. The door 25._ (open)and Jim walked 26._ He stopped inside the door. 27._ (he) eyes were 28. (fix)29._ Della, and there was an 30_ (express)in them that she could not read“Jim,she cried,“dont look at me31._way. I 32._ (sell) my hair 33_ (buy) you a Christmas present. Jim 34._ (draw)a box 35._his pocket and put it on the table. Della opened it. There 36._ (lie)the set 37._combs that she had always wanted. Now they were 38._(she),39_ her hair was 40. _(go). She smiled and held out Jims present. "I hunted all over town 41._ (find)it. Give me your watch. I want to see 42._ it looks 43._ it. Instead of 44._(obey), Jim sat down, put his hands behind his head and smiled. "Della,"he said, "I sold the watch 45._ (get) the money to buy 46_ (you)combs."8