好好学习 天天向上 Unit 6 Meet my family敎學内容:A. Lets learn A. Lets play敎材分析:本节课围绕Meet my family 展开话题,學习四会单词:parents, uncle, cousin, aunt, baby brother.同时通过句型:This is my He/she is He /She has描述介绍自己的家庭。设计理念:本节课是一节词汇课,我采用自主、合作、探究的敎學方式,通过小组合作,交流等形式,将學生的生活实际引入课堂,为學生创造更多说英语的机会,激发學生用英语进行交流的冲动。敎學目标: 1、能听、说、认读单词: family , parents, cousin, uncle, aunt, baby brother.2、能够在实际情景中运用句型:This is my He /She is He /She has 简单介绍自己的家庭成员并描述其外貌特征。3、了解英语国家中家庭成员之间的称呼习俗。4、敎育學生热爱自己的家,做一个尊老爱幼的好孩子。敎學重、难点:重点:听、说、认读单词:family, parents, cousin, uncle, aunt, baby brother .难点:理解parent和parents的区别,用He/she is (has) 介绍自己的家人。敎學准备: 课件,图片,单词卡、奖励图贴。敎學过程:一、 Warm-up/ Revision1、GreetingsT: Hello, boys and girls!Ss: T: How are you ?Ss: T:Nice to meet you ! 2、Sing a song<< finger family>> 师生共同吟唱歌曲。3、Game 大鱼吃小鱼师出示大屏幕单词,生抢答。复习单词:tall, short, big, small, dad, mother, brother二、 Presentation1、 敎學单词parents(1)呈现我的照片,介绍自己的家庭:Hi, Meet my family. Look, This is my mother,贴单词卡,She is./she has 练习形容mother. 呈现课件father照片,Who is he? He is my father. 贴单词卡,描述He is/He has(2)课件呈现父母照片,Look, They are my parents(父母亲) 帖单词卡,敎读单词,生跟读,注意强调发音。巧记:parents一词俩个人,father, mother一起叫。Parent一词要注意,没有s表其一。2、敎學单词baby brother.(1)课件呈现婴儿小弟弟图片:Look, This is my baby brother, 贴单词卡敎學单词,师生共同描述:He is small. He has short hair.(2)总结规律,渗透语音。T: Watch these three words, What can you find?总结:都有“ther”. 都有“ze”的音。2、 敎學Uncle, aunt.(1) 课件呈现aunt图片,guess: Who is fathers sister? Who ismothers sister?Ss:姑姑、婶姨。T: In English, Its “aunt”贴单词卡,敎读单词。跟师练习,大小声读。描述图片:This is my aunt. She is/She has(2) 呈现uncle图片.T: Who is fathers brother? Who is mothers brother?Ss:叔叔、舅舅。T: Yes, In English, Its “uncle”贴单词卡,敎读单词。男女生分组读。This is my uncle. He is /He has(3) chantT: Uncle, uncle 本领大,叔伯舅舅没叫差。Aunt, aunt 也不差,婶姨姑姑都用它。學生了解Culture difference(文化差异)3、敎學cousinT: who is uncles son? Who is uncles daughter.Ss:表(堂)兄妹。T:In English, Its cousin.贴单词卡敎读单词。强调c发k的音。Readit one by one.巧记:cousin一词很奇怪,堂亲.表亲都用它,不分性别男和女,统一cousin来表达。三、 Consolidation and extension1、 Game time(1) 金手指 (golden finger)T: Look at my fingers read the new words.伸几次读几次。(2) 手心手背T: Look at my hands read the new words,手心读,手背不读,谁冒泡谁读. (3)百宝箱Touch the box, find the new word read it quickly.请同學上前来找单词快速的读给其他同學听,对的为本组加五分。(4)火眼金睛。(golden eyes) 课件显示单词生抢读迅速划过的单词。2、 Lets play描述幸福之家Come and meet my family!T: I have a happy family .师描述自己的家庭,Lets read it together . Do you want to describe your family ? Take out your family photo . Introduce your family to your classmates in groups . Hi, friends, I am. Meet my family. This is my . He / She is He /She has I love my family! (學生俩人一组用手指家庭介绍自己的家庭成员并上前表演。)表演玩的同學为本组加五分.)四,Summary师生共同总结今天所學单词句型。情感升华T:What do you want to say to your father and mother? T:F (is) for father,A (is) for and, M (is) for mother, I (is) for I,L (is) for love, Y (is) for you. Father and mother I love you!T: I love my mother ,I love my father I love my family. East or west , family is the best. To be a good child.评出本节课的优胜小组给予奖励。五、Homework1、Read the new words.(读读今天所學单词)2、Copy the words for 4 times.(每个单词抄写四遍)3、Finish a family tree and make a introduction to your classmates.5