加勒比海盗一全英文对白完整版这是加勒比海盗一的全部英文对白,从开头到结束,目的是为了方便那些想用加勒比海盗练习听力的 朋友,也可以作为对剧情的参考,加注了人名,局部无法考证名字的路人以MAN替代<PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN>-THE CURSE OF THE BLACK PEARLElizabeth singing softly:Drink up,me hearties,yo ho;We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot;Drink up,me hearties,yo ho;Yo ho,yo ho,A pirate's life for me;We extort,we pilfer,we filch and sack,Drink up.;Gibbs: Quite,missy. Cursed pirates sail these waters. You don't want to bring them.Norrington: Mr.Gibbs,that will do.Gibbs: She was singing about pirates. It's bad luck to be singing about pirates with us mired in this unnatural fog. Mark my words.Nomngton: Consider them marked. On your way.Gibbs: Aye,Lieutenant. It's bad luck to have a woman on board,too. Even a miniature one.Elizabeth: I think it'd be rather exciting to meet a pirate.Norrington: Think again,Miss Swann. Vile and dissolute creatures,the lot of them. I intend that any man w ho sails under a pirate flag or wears a pirate brand gets what he deserves. A short drop and a sudden stop.Swann: Lieutenant Norrington,I appreciate your fervor,but I'm concerned about the effect this subject will have upon mydaughter.Nomngton: My apologies, Governor Swann.Elizabeth: Actually, I find it all fascinating.Swann: Yes. That's what concerns me.Elizabeth: Look! A boy! There's a boy in the water!MAN:There he is! Over here!Norrington: Excellent work,Mr.Brown. You've assisted in the capture of a dangers fugitiveBrown: Just doing my civic duty,sir.Nomngton: I trust you will remember this is the day The Captain Jack Sparrow almost escaped. Take him a way.MAN: Can you smell it? Come here.Jack: It's marrowbone. (MAN: Come here.) Want a nice juicy bone? (MAN: Come here,boy! Come on.) You can keep doing thatforever. The dog is never going to move.MAN: Oh,excuse us if we haven't resigned ourself to the gallows just yet.WOMAN: There you go,miss. It was a difficult day for you,Fm sure.Elizabeth: I suspected Commodore Norrington would propose. I must admit,I wasn*t prepared for it.WOMAN: I meant you being threatened by that pirate. Sounds terrifying.Elizabeth: Oh. Yes,it was terrifying.WOMAN: But the commodore proposed. Fancy that. Now,that's a smatr match,miss,if it's not too bold to s ay.Elizabeth: It is a smatr match. He's a fine man. He*s what any woman should dream of marrying.WOMAN: Well,that Will Turner. He's a fine man,too.Elizabeth: That is too bold.WOMAN: Well,begging your pardon,miss. It was not my place.Swann: Has my daughter given you an answer yet?Norrington: No,she hasn't.Swann: Well,she has had a very trying day.Swann: Ghastly weather,don't you think?Norrington: Bleak. Very bleak.Swann: What's that?Norrington: Cannon fire! Rerurn fire!Jack: I know those guns.(Norrington:Men to arms!) It*s the Pearl.MAN: The Black Pearl? Fve heard stories. She's been preying on ships and settlements for neat 10 years. N ever leaves anysurvivors.Jack: No survivors? Then where do the stories come from,I wonder?PIRATE: Coming through!Norrington: Sight the muzzle flash!MAN: Aim for the flashes!Nomngton: I need a full strike,fore and aft. Mr.Stephens,more cartridges! Governor,barricade your self in my office. That's an order.Elizabeth: Don*t!Pintel: Hello,chum.Ragetti: Up there.WOMAN: Miss Swann, they've come to kidnap you!Elizabeth: What?WOMAN: You're the governor's daughter.MAN: In here!WOMAN: Listen. They haven*t seen you. The first chance you get,run to the fort.Ragetti: Gotcha. NoJNoJNoJIfs hot!You burned me!Pintel: Come on! We know you're here,poppet.Ragetti: Poppet.Pintel: Come out and we promise we won't hurt you. We will find you,poppet. You've got something of our s,and it calls tous. The gold calls to us. Gold. Hello,poppet.Elizabeth: Parley.Pintel: What?Elizabeth: Parley. I invoke the right of parley. According to the Code of the Brethren set down by the pirate s Morgan andBartholomew,you have to take me to your captain.Pintel: I know the Code.Elizabeth: If an adversary demands parley,you can do them no harm until the parley is complete.Ragetti: To blazes with the Code.Pintel: She wants to be taken to the captain. And shell go without a fuss. We must honor the Code.PIRATE: Say goodbye.Will: Goodbye.Elizabeth: Will.Pintel: Come on!Will: Elizabeth.PIRATE: Out of my way,scum!MAN: My sympathies,friend. You've no manner of luck at all.Jack: Come on,doggy. It*s just you and me now. Come on. That*s a boy. Good boy. Come get the bone. That 's a good boy. Come on. A bit closer. A bit closer. That*s it. That's it,doggy. Come on,you filthy,slimy,mangy cur. Don't do that. No ,no! Ididn*t mean it! I didn't.Twigg: This ain't the armory.PIRATE: Well,well,well. Look what we have here,Twigg. Captain Jack Sparrow.Twiggl: Last time I saw you,you were all alone on a godforsaken island,shrinking into the distance. His fort unes aren'timproved much.Jack: Worry,about your own fortunes,gentlemen. The deepest circle of hell is reserved for betrayers and mu tineers. So thereis a curse. That*s interesting.PIRATE: You know nothing of hell.Jack: That's very interesting.PIRATE: I didn't know we was taking on captives.Pintel: She's invoked the right of parley with Captain Barbossa.Elizabeth: I'm here toPIRATE: Youll speak when spoken to.Barbossa: And ye will not lay a hand on those under the protection of parley.PIRATE: Aye,sir.Barbossa: My apologies,miss.Elizabeth: Captain Barbossa,! an here to negotiate the cessation of hostilities against Port Royal.Barbossa: There were a lot of long words in there. We're naught but humble pirates. What is it that you wan t?Elizabeth: I want you to leave and never come back.Barbossa: I'm disinclined to acquiesce to your request. Means "no." Elizabeth: Very well. I'll drop it.Barbossa: Me holds are bursting with swag. That bit of shine matters to us?Why?Elizabeth: It's what you've been searching for. I recognize this ship. I saw it eight years ago on the crossing fromEngland.Barbossa: Did you, now?Elizabeth: Fine. I suppose if it is worthless,there*s no point in me keeping it.Barbossa: You have a name, missy?Elizabeth: Elizabeth Turner. I'm a maid in the governor's household.Barbossa: Miss Turner.Pintel: Bootstrap.BarbossaJ: How does a maid own a trinket such as that?Family heirloom,perhaps?Elizabeth: I didn't steal it,if that's what you mean.Barbossa: Very well. Hand it over. Well put your town to our rudder and ne'er return.Elizabeth: Our bargain?PIRATE: Still the guns and stow them.Elizabeth: Wait! You have to take me to shore. According to the CodeBarbossa: First,your return to shore was not part of our agreement. So I must do noting. You must be a pira te for thePirate's Code to apply,and you're not. Thirdly,the Code is more what you'd call guidelines than actual rules. Welcome aboard the Black Pearl,Miss Turner.Will: They've taken her. They've taken Elizabeth.Norrington: Mr.Murtogg,remove this man.Will: We have to hunt them down. We must save her.Swann: And where do you propose we start?If you have any information concerning my daughter,please share it.Murtogg: That Jack Sparrow. He talked about the Black Pearl.Mullroy: Mentioned it is more what he did.Will: Ask him where it is. He could lead us to it.Norrington: No. The pirates who invaded this fort left Sparrow locked in his cell,ergo they are not his allies .Governor wewill establish their most likely course.Will: That's not good enough!Norrington: Mr.Turner,you are not a military man. You are not a sailor. You are a blacksmith. And this is no t the momentfor rash actions. Do not make the mistake of thinking you are the only man here who cares for Elizabeth.Will: You. Sparrow. You are familiar with that ship. The Black Pearl.Jack: Fve heard of it.Will: Where does it make berth?Jack: Where does it make berth?Have you not heard the stories?Captain Barbossa and his crew of miscrean ts sail from thedreaded Isla de Muerta. It's an island that cannot be found,except by those who already know where it is.Will: The ship's real enough. Its anchorage must be a real place. Where is it?Jack: Why ask me?Will: Because you're a pirate.Jack: And you want to turn pirate yourself,is that it?Will: Never. They took Miss Swann.Jack: Oh,so it is that you found a girl. I see. Well,if you're intending to brave all,hasten to her rescue,and so win fairlady's heart,you*! have to do it alone,mate. I see no profit in it for me.Will: I can get you out of here.Jack: How's that?They key*s run off.Will: I helped build these cell. These are half-pin barrel hinges. With the right leverage and the proper appli cation ofstrength. The door will lift free.Jack: Whafs your name?Will: Will Turner.Jack: That would be short for William,! imagine. Good,strong name. No doubt named for your father,all rig ht?Will: Yes.| Jack: Uh-huh. Well,Mr.Turner,rve changed me mind. If you spring me from this cell,I swear on pain of dea th. I shall takeyou to the Black Pearl and your bonny lass. Do we have an accord?Will: Agreed.Jack: Agreed.Get me out.Will: Hurry. Someone will have heard that.Jack: Not without my effects.Will: We're going to steal the ship? That ship?Jack: Commandeer. We're going to commandeer that ship. Nautical term. One question about your business boy. There's no usegoing. This girl. How far are you willing to go to save her?Will: I'd die for her.Jack: Oh,good. No worries,then.Will: This is either madness or brilliance.Jack: It's remarkable how often those two traits coincide. Everyone stay calm! We are taking over the ship.Will: Aye!Avast!Gillette: This ship cannot be crewed by two men. You'll never make it out of the bay.Jack: Son,I'm Captain Jack Sparrow. Savvy?Stephens: Commodore.Gillette: Sir,they've taken the Dauntless! Commodore. They've taken the ship! Sparrow and Turner have ta ken the Dauntless!NorringtionJ: Rash,Turner. Too rash. That is without doubt the worst pirate I have ever seen.Will: Here they come.Gillette: Bring her around! Bring her around!Norringtion: Search every cabin,every hull,down to the bilges. Sailors,back to the Interceptor. Now!Jack: Thank you,Commodore,for getting us ready to make way. We*d have had a hard time of it by ourselve s.Norringtion: Set topsails and clear up this mess.Stephens: With the wind,we won't catch them.Norringtion: I don't need to. Get them in range of the long nines.Stephens: Hands,come about!Run out the guns!We are to fire on our own ship,sir?Norringtion: Fd rather see her at the bottom of the ocean than in the hands of a pirate.|MANJ: Commodore,hefs disabled the rudder chain,sir.Gillette: Abandon ship!Stephens: That's got to be the best pirate I've ever seen.Nomngtion: So it would seem.Will: When I was a lad living in England,my mother raised me by herself. After she died,I came out here,looking for my father.Jack: Is that so?Will: My father,Will Turner. It was only after you learnt my name you agreed to help. Since that*s what I w anted, I didn'tpress the matter. Fm not a simpleton jack. You knew my father.Jack: I knew him. Probably one of the few who knew him as William Turner. Everyone else called him Bo otstrap or BootstrapBill.Will: Bootstrap?Jack: Good man. Good pirate. I swear,you look just like him.Will: It's not true. He was a merchant sailor. A respectable man who obeyed the law.Jack: He was a bloody pirate. A scallywag.Will: My father was not a pirate.Jack: Put it away,son. Its not worth you getting beat again.Will: You ignored the rules of engagement. You ignored the rules of engagement. In a fair fight,Fd kill you.Jack: Then that's not much incentive for me to fight fair. Now,as long as youYe just hanging there,pay atten tion. The onlyrules that really matter are these. What a man can do and what a man can't do. For instance,you can accept th at your fatherwas a pirate and a good man or you can't. Pirate is in your blood,so you'll have to square with that someday. Now,me,forexample. I can let you drown. But I can't bring this ship into Tortuga all by me onesy,savvy? So. Can you sail under the command of a pirate?Or can you not?Will: Tortuga?Jack: Tortuga. More importantly,it is indeed a sad life that has never breathed deep this sweet bouquet that i sTortuga,savvy? What do you think?Will: Itll linger.Jack: Fil tell you,mate,if every town in the world were like this one,no man would ever feel unwanted. Scar lett! Not sureI deserved that. Giselle!GiselleJ: Who was she?Jack: What?I may have deserved that.Gibbs: Curse you for breathing,you slack-jawed idiot!Mother's love!Jack! You should know better than to wake a man when he*ssleeping. It*s bad luck.Jack: Fortunately,! know how to counter it. The man who did the waking buys the man who was sleeping a drink. The man whowas sleeping drinks while listening to a proposition from the man who did the waking.Gibbs: Aye,that'll about do it. BlastiFm already awake!Will: That was for the smell.Jack: Keep a sharp eye.Gibbs: Now,what's the nature of this venture of yourn?Jack: I'm going after the Black Pearl. I know where it's going to be,and Pm gonna take it.Gibbs: Jack,its a fool's errand. You know better than me the tales of the Black Pearl.Jack: That's why I know what Barbossa is up to. All I need is a crew.Gibbs: From what I hear of Barbossa,hefs not a man to suffer fools,nor strike a bargain with one.Norrington: Man overboard! Man the ropes. Fetch a hook. Haul him aboard. He s still breathing.Gibbs: Mary, Mother of God.Swann: What happened here?Norrington: It's the powder magazine.Merchant vessels run heavily armed.Gibbs: A lot of good it did them. Everyone's thinking it. I'm just saying it. Pirates.SwannJ: There's no proof of that. It's probably an accident.Norrington: Rouse the captain immediately. Heave to and take in sail. Launch the boats.SwannJ: Elizabeth, I want you to accompany the boy. He'll be in your charge. Take care of him.Elizabeth: It's okay. My name's Elizabeth Swann.Will: Will Turner.Elizabeth: I'm watching over you, Will. You're a pirate.Nomngton: Has he said anything?Elizabeth: His name's William Turner. That's all I found out.Nomngton: Take him below.Swann: Elizabeth? Are you all right? Are you decent?Elizabeth: Yes.Swann: Still abed at this hour? Oh,it's a beautiful day. I have a gift for you.Elizabeth: OH, it's beautiful.,Swann|: Isn't it?Elizabeth: