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精品word 可编辑资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - -完善 WORD 格式2021 年长沙中考英语真题试卷范文 .范例 .指导. 参考第 1 页,共 9 页 - - - - - - - - - -A fafhcz axd hi= dAughfcr ec flyfi1g a kite in the jark. Ti ynung daughter w& a liiuc hif iiroL w they txk a 1l nn the b:u:h. whes tke dauter aw an no muselling ngglxchezked kcr father tn buy her ax aple. Her 1”ader diAr bnng nuch money with hn. but it was enough to buy You upplcs. So he did. ad gr 12 nf them tn h &u#htcr. milinp.Hi Jaugfllci hcld unc .ippk iit lcr left lund and the txhcr in he rii hcd. Tln ihc fis r kcd ir irshe could II one of the appIe with him. When the girl feerd this、 she quickly tak a bite I)tromric ppIc. And hcftirc her aihcr xuld xpcok. sNc ute ttxk s hile nm ldc .A tpplc.T he father war 1.i . He won&red what nisoke he made so the hi. daughter :xted in such a grvedy I .I-t. J vByNr wa fct in Meught. Pn&g lie was yut linking trx muh. Hi 6ughwr was Enn .1f t undenIund bH xhizing and giving. A xniIc pjxrit fnn z: r.Scddeily、 his daughter with an apple in her left hwd said. “Daddy. have ihis ooe. It is much juicer znd 17 .“ Her failcr wts sjcrhlea. He fell)8ahnut mating the judgcmoy I SUB ) n quicklya&ut u xinoll chilL Rul his sinik 19 kixxxing hy his &ughicr yuick Iy luuk a biic fnin ca:h appk.Dnnt judge nyihing cr draw cnrclusivi (I tcx q i ckly 4Gjxire szme mniv Isme ouMrntard things bctlcr.32. A. bolt. . r35. A.tixfieci.6. A. bntvc37. A. sweeter.R. A. prtlud.1. A. went away8. uiouerB. citiirrB. washB. sillyB. bitexerB. yrcaiB. anw haLB. NeterC. breakC. neitherC. shareC. saltierC. hdZsOseDy PmsAdult.Scnion (Aged ftf end obocjChitdrwi (Agc h- )7j.42nSl2FREE Parking9:.V a.ni. - S:m p.in. iesn duyx z wkOpen cs-cry 1ay csccpt Thsnkxgis-ing Ily aixJ Chriinas Dsy43. Mrs. Snuth lakes her five year old soil to the zon. and she needs to pay A. $24B. $.3fiC、 54442. 77 zw pe.i ahoxe hell u lfial A. 1e x i freC tr nl jecpB. dte x nffer free prl:ingI. Ite x upitx ctcry day.The YouEN Dxity newxppr gmup i luoking fnr twn Enplih-languagc bua cJilr )furfhc inlernalit nal teazn. Chdpthe ec.itor-in-chief (Ieel goawx and wcrk nn niging iticnt.MCgi>"e creative idea、 .be able in rewrite articles if necessary and gi+e Ieson-s tn tfe team memfenwfx hut e little cx(cricncc.wui6 hn1 tu finish tfe tzskx un tire.ha+”e zt Init three year” experience.If you jin on too will get6fre< Iurch.6gctcn day piJlc”e.clcxcn publL hclihiys atict x raum tJckrt tu yuur hom uwn.II youre tntersced In l. yon ran rst wrtte to .o&tvav/Adcifr.<-t43. 7Z+ or/ Xzi/ ach papcr #oup oft”mcrything bclow exccpt to ilx cditors.A. free 1ux:hB. II mcdicid crstxC. puh1 ic holidnys.44. 11 yoa want in tet the job yini canA. callR. visitC. cmoijA ap)ic4nE ax xquircd Ie be gxx1 uf writingB. anyone who h+s worked tor rwa years can get the b. wwkcrx 7he Yaafh DaiI dtnt ncoJ it puy Inr hwsia.N.mnst everyoe fasa qucstn cr twn atxu )ising in spoce.aE in I ife zeally 1ike tzi nzce. Andwhll dt cnnoul f 7 .t & thrc.Astxuts Ji inp in space hzsc the same hvefew nceds pcopI da on Larth. When tkey wakc up、 II:icywash t&ir hair. Gmbh deir teeth and gn tn hr ha1nxm z well. Hnwe er. teca se nf micmgra+ity ( 71 . slmi1ut te we uf theiteIve in JiKcrenl >ys. Fur exanplc. Ilwy u a kind uf sjeiI ittlie luwach tkcir hair und ichtrsintx .(l1 t tu pciticn chcmxelvv-kczt thcv tthe toiJct.Axnnauix aufs thrxc mczl day: hxakfat、 lurxh n Jixncr. .6mc fxd n hc ralrn in lhc nuturalfom ixh a frMit. Gthcr fd eqie a3ding a4er uch a nt)e. Thefe ar na fdg in =paca.)fxx1 mut hr ttn>i axd grcjtmI ymjtcr1y in a-nid gnixg fd.jacout if the wiial w. And they can new enjoy ihcinsclves by watching niov. reviling lxnUs. playing rentand talking n llsir fanilim dring thir frea iiria.4fL The underline wcd ”/tygfzre” in ihis paaqge properly means A.I it.B. Q6C:. L B47. As Fnr ealing in space、 whi% kcie nent is N Pre-.A. AatrunauU cat tftrce needle a May zs (xxpIe r.u ut LrMtB. Fruit cazi be eaten in the natural tooo Fx6 cun tt kep frch in riay<4R. Whots the mzin idea nf &ragrah I ffi.y I Fnur.A. Ealing in sptcC. Relaxing in spx:cJS. Iltsidc rIeking 1fx ntnItine nd updliig ningulr ojuignent、 ixlmnill a1so riocd lo inA. nmmuniratr with friends nn FaxhB. uaIzo1 the people xt IJc <w lauf <x:slur uiz EarlJz. received me=age acl rtIfnw the ixslrwtic rmm the crntnI ener tin MrihIII. Fzom this paige、 wcteam iiat A. file in spcc is actually we san+x life nn ForthB. Ii-ing in pae is different but inersting. aIrnaui.v have Jillc Line iirnc in paccA college graduate 14. ). From Shanxi named Wu Jun created a 9-page "We6hal puide”. Wiftdrawinp and xintplc vanls. dtc step-by-step gkide exylainx txw to reitd eoge. aLe pictures and inaLe vidw :sIlx. Wu made tkc puidc fnr fzcr pttrcni. “Ivly pacn src gctiin$ Id. TI+cy need an cxy wey In learn Iww t tz1c tcchnnhsyy. xhc aid.Wus experiencesueozmon sadeys. War)dwide. 40 percent uf par<ois fearo abxt newiec tnltgies. inclxting c1mj:xiiers. rnhile )niemeI、 md atx:inl modin I ) . Frtm their hildwn. ctvdingo a xady.P6rrnts used n teah heir ki&s 8hout almmt cveyhing. xn rm ae t"it time. The teachers t>rcnmeIhC 8ubcnLx、 while the xtudcntx turn intu thc cohc.The chnnge of the roles comes from te rapid de>eIopment of xietyand technology. ay ZhnuX iix1fxng、 x pn1Fstrf J Frm Nanjing Univriiy. Zhnu aid the Internet izoJ nthcr Frins tr rricdia yivcchiJdren wys to get information besides from asking older generations (infirmaiin. its (x xih)c ihai children knw mvc ifiuo their purcntx d.G As a result、 in the age oLIts reprtrteJ that Jb 7 pernl of Intern et u r and h7 . pr s nf tl x: iaI ixedia tcr in China are un&rk age off. The ycunp geeratim usually aces in o I ink I ) bswrcn &cir families aixl thc newenvimnnicnt. Whczt ihey trocft iheir pren ww fechnulugies、 pxretLx con connect tu the new wurlct byIn Wux eyex. twhing br paiwil abcu WcChai briag hrr c1ocr in her psrat. "P nple concommunicate more by u- ing new rchno)ugy- Why kuuft cc kcsp uur pizsnout.” zait WM、II.Wu -pegs “WeChat gu1tc" rsaJc it A. finrtterR. simple12. What ho caused tke change of the roles about tcwhiny in rM familysA. The rapid &*eIopnwnt of swiciy znd lechnnlosy.b. The gro>iiig nuelbers of old people.C. The unicntific design ( I il I Gif nc tcchntilugy.53. WHy i it pPibtc kat ckiJ&a kow nPr ia thvi parau do“/A. Bonuxe hildren has best r nicmric.B. Beesase clildrco I tx e inre wny u yet inkrinxri n.C. Because their parnr mfus to accept new thinps.14. What doe Wu ihin1 of tke ptmornenon ( Jk. ihal kidr ewh parni.A. There ix nc need fnr psntx t Icum new icchnnIgy.B. Pzcntx ore xup(xucJ tr Irrn nrw tchnkiy fry ihcmxrlvcx.C. Children hould teach their parents new technology to make communication convenient.5i. Wa cn infer J ffcift1 the passage fat A. its n;n、or lcxs c)f:I t lcftrnB. oil s wrll thnt cn4< wcIWiiJ tirrc. everything changes. So do magazine covers. The follnwinp Bzc three nf the mn popular mg+inch in thr L.S. txt take a kxk at huw tkctr ixvcis have ;hngM uvcr the gc6t Lvniurix.rfm is test knnwn l”ta ice red lxrder (t$(M . The cvx er pfxttx anal fexign ure )ziox the arme r ac-a pIxtu uf a finuu persun with &U txi lu drw yuur atefinn. The nvur unincn fu feature ( f1- HU) Amrricss iesus year afler yesr-t“rsm presidents io pop mars.KNutrition Ggr yhiBeing anunct Ie mcxc ihzo z crnturv. the design uF /or zc/ I eypine“. ci Iy ur tic Lwxcr. flexgcne ilimugh icany chacyc. The nopazine i perhaps best known fv ics amazing (hntngra(hy-yet it wasntxhj>J uittilg Serzxre n.TIB xacnesn ogc tt.iJ. J hat ayod k tis、 hut almm.I cerylhiig eIs abouf Jc &.sign ha*cJwngcd. There wax a iime when the cozcr wax simple. And lhet hinge just got nx:re and more clulIcrxlThe rnagazinc c-crx p h ix nell tic magazine-it he to and uut fnm flue xix.the drignsfun w grf ItuIcr 4ixJ Itudcr. R ul huncxfly、 yuu niig) I get u bit ut u hcahbc when you ImJk yf the4h. What hexA. Q I$ithe nline wirld icnn" in lhi pxxogc mean in .hiriexe.B. Pt C.f57. WlliCh OI f/e ffI1OWFfg ifi ttJFe bOMtZ2r/f772O/ /dcf;fr4)Q/z6/. li hr hino nr ninrc llun a hured yn.B. II fuid amazing Qologrsphy n iJte I3th.C. Ft is damxzs mr iz yellow txxdcr.1H. Acrding iu ihe lit t paragraph、 may mske a magazine well well.A. special cB. gtxxl writcn. ranuci dx59. The writrr thinks the cmers uf 3crezifeeir became A. cnmfnnahleR. gIeaantfiD.Wfia*culJVdhet fiiMfirlhi pi*gu.A. chsngmm8 ise onk .B. T)+e chuge oJ" magazine coet .i. Th e ch、ange nf magazine lngns、"Mu)r r/ ix hirs. ni /r/z Jrngr ir ". 77irwg/i r rile.r out. rfz . Bill ohm in.r/rr /br /xur/ fiIirznoorr /crgeZ/ zr I) .J、 .$."wcote Su Suzi、a poeE during the Up(3ynasty、 in hiswell-knnwn poeoi In his ynunger fmthrr0.u Z he.ttxxJn ks at iLx brightest un fJc( R JJj ) . On iJfiday、 jxxpIe celebrate MiJ-Amumn Festival. IF has heen enjying great popu)zrity all over the cnunrry.)n tmccnl Chinu、 tltat dy wz> harvextf III) be.tia beuusr erupt( I).$ )w<rz hervc ted luring thatpericxi. It was a time far relaxation az.) celebrttLion.7usI like T hanksgit iRg in Western cnunlris. families alsn tg n g tngrllei fnr the Mid-AutumnFc tidal in hina. tJuclly. n nutter hw far auuy ir fxw busy Joey are. pccpfc aiII trv k return hnmr JsTle Mid-Autumn ha it owl6IB) EDOC QM-IF R6 Other waditional Chinese hdiday. People cat moonnke wiih tiJlingx wh a lugo uJ cggl. TD nunJ hajx tf to cake maci it ltxJk like Ehc t.iII nitmn. Thefull oxni nd mmches xcxd for smily reunion I UII(. JWi1the beautiful manup in the sky. pcoplr sit tog&ei. enjoy the full moon、 eel inon cakos andfruit、 hxrc i)e stnrix. wJ exprtx u &s isbr fat ihe tamily mm&rx xrxl rrirnJ aho liv ofBr.6 t. Whn dit 1u 1hi write the jxem fr in62. Why wa the Mid-Autumn Festival a hare=t festival in ancieru ifina.63. I3s Thanksgiving and the Mid-Autumn PrsiivaJ have anything in common".b4. What Ie the full mtxit and mxin If: iixi rT.lifi. How cki people spend itie nighl of lhe Mid-Autumn FeTival. II.ill at lraxt three act is iiiesi- Ie fitaning high schm can he difficult. F.vcrjxz s ricrtnus and rrtxxly knnwx wkcrc u gn fnr classes.Thinking abcl ma.:ing ne f.imd migh maka yau tee1 wnu. ta6h j_+*J );j.H.、 M:.flt 1k 8k.*t 、I-Ynk am gniag n Ntml wiEh a gmug nfsitcar nfyxr age、 arxJ we hnte at-em1 ij:x I bit7 ftr ytuFozget yoor lear andjust talk to somcoze.67. It in e:ier sail lMn duic. Bul try lu I:Ie a dep txealh iuJ fuund your ie. nu”l armiu iuBppFQOCh I/ pCoplC. F2tECN/LCC /L32I " 23f) :gt2LEfB COlt4VFGQEiOZf 2bt3Mf .BOFEfcLhi3g y73 ka6V i3 cQI3tFDOI3.fiii in Ohr miIrIIe nf Chg cI4ssrxiri with as many new friends amuFt) ynL t jx ssih)e.Join clubsT8kc ax in tkc arcr-schnc1acEiviEic= haf inicmed ynu. hR. ill .g (I: fl.& i% .l i. jgJt i$ If ytu dunin nyihiny. yxi will be just ying t Iss nMthen giny hme. Being in a luh nukex ytu mre uizl.SQy ciao.Nnane Iike a bad xnell tkat xiId knx:k sJneiw ncr. Shcwm cvcy J&y、 bnxh ynur ieeh And wahynur hair. fi9. Youre supposed lv make ycxirsel f 1cx:1k clean arid lidv、 whatever von wear.7tl. Excrvonc &s his o hrr own ooiniun ur tbc world. And cz cryonc belie cs in different ihings. It a gxxl thing in heave diffmnl flicnd with diffctcnl npininnr hccauyes can cash hac ynur nwe.h7. 7ft. . 7n asa mauwTAKwM2M CS4m 8-i XtREe0BEIACL、 、 、 q、A: Jeff、 71 .b: You、 ktuin. 1 fiiAcd ny homework a 1ew minutes agD.A: But what are yru dniag nnv I6. 72 . I just want tu etax myeI f.A. lx hat alno yoxr &mwn6/B: Nx retIy. Rul 1r idm i acII uuh wnlhing、 I uppe.A: You do. 73 .B: Its a)xsul rite J/z/ r rx/ Rr z/ “ - ” ) 74.A: Yex、 I have just heard xonxzthing about itat un due radio. Anyway. it may be a littlv s:t hr r y ndoland.B: A little bit hnl. Yuu niua explain the topic lively and clearly. A: Tt tcs. Cun I wntch il wiih you.In the vida. the cunxcrxatiun between fhc t"aIhcr arid the diughlcrB: 7.1 1gJutiun pnyj. jl.Bd:Q.-t/4*h. i6O i/1f8.th:”/”J /"tt .(s I: t4O r.3.irr.lA-3;t4.Li Him* B * H *RH&&R&lRi B&&T8 lRRB Oi4&8B *HRH$aR&UG BBe3*RBG. R2&aB. & B t * H I2ffMG&&&BBf1A8 Z&GZC&Bb 1A&T6BDB (+1H 1&MtbWt.Q 2BOEf&. EWMsZ