Unit 1 Progect&Assessment&Further study 预习学案牛津译林版(2020)高一下学期英语必修第三册.docx
Unit1 Nature in the balanceProject&Assessment&Further studyMaking a booklet on environmental problems【学习目标】 Make a booklet on environmental problems.预习案【学习过程】Step 1: 自主学习任务一:自学课本unit 1(page13)的词汇与短语。要求:根据录音及单词音标,首先会读单词接着边读边写记单词,注意中英文的转换,最后默写单词。Step 2: 单词自学检测探究案【合作探究】Step 1 Lead-in 1. What is a booklet?A little book, especially one with paper covers; pamphlet.2.Have you seen a booklet? Step 2 Project1.Making a booklet on environmental problems PresentingPlanningProducingPreparing(1) Part A As a class, discuss different environmental problems. You can use the ideas below or think of other ideas. Then in groups, choose one problem to research.(2) TipInteracting with othersWhile discussing in a group, make eye contact with others to make sure that they can understand and are interested. Listen to their feedback carefully and respond appropriately. You may also ask questions to show that you are interested.2.Planning (1)Choosing topicsnoise pollutionglobal warmingsoil pollutionwater pollutionPollutionair pollutionlight pollution. .overfishinghabitat loss(2)Dividing tasksWrite the name(s) beside the tasksResearch information: _Write the passage: _Design the booklet page: _Present the booklet: _3.Preparing(1)Doing researchResearch your chosen environmental problem according to the diagram below. (2)Suggested sources of informationl Books and magazines l The Internet l Experts 4. Preparing: Reading and appreciating(1)1 What is the structure of the booklet page?2 How does the author convince readers?3 Does the author use the same verbs or sentence patterns? Why or why not? Please gives some examples.4 How can you make your ideas clear and impressive according to the sample?5 How can you make your booklet page attractive?(2)TitleHeadingsTopic sentencesSupporting sentencesStructureTo convince readersExamplesVariety of verbs and sentence patternsFeaturesof abooklet pageTo give an accurate descriptionTo avoid repetitionFirst, second, thirdMoreover, alsoLinking wordsArt work, handwriting, coordinationDesign5.ProducingGetthe finalversion.Polish the draft.Design the booklet page.Write a passageabout your chosen problem.6.PresentingContentDesignClarityCorrectnessCoherenceArtworkHandwritingCoordinationA scoring table for a booklet pageAbout the content: Is the structure of the passage clear and orderly? Are there any spelling or grammar mistakes in the passage? Is the passage written in a logical and consistent way?About the design: Can the art work (photos, pictures, graphs, etc.) help explain the information in the passage? Is the handwriting satisfying? Is there a good combination of colors, pictures and words?Step 3 ExampleAs a group, put together your information to make your part of the booklet. Use the example below to help you. Present your part to the rest of the class. Then as a class, put all the parts together to make the booklet.(1)Water pollutionAbout 70 per cent of our plants surface is covered by water. It is therefore obvious why water is important to our environment concern across the world.CausesThere are various causes of water pollution. Large amounts of industrial waste poison the water after they enter water bodies. Moreover, animal and human waste pollutes the water. Water pollution is also caused by poisonous chemicals used in agriculture.ConsequencesPolluted water bodies not only do harm to animals and plants; they also have a long-lasting effect on humans. For example, in many parts of the world, the poor quality of the local drinking water gives rise to public health problems.ControlTo prevent further damage to water bodies, it is necessary to take some measures. First, we must draw public attention to the problem. Second, more strict laws should be passed to help reduce water pollution. Third, we can volunteer to take part in clean-up activities.(2)Work in groups: make your bookletsStep 4 AssessmentHowwellcanyouMePartnerunderstandthedocumentaryscriptabouttheAmazonrainforest?writeanarticlecallingfortheprotectionofanimalsand checkyourwriting?understandtheTVshowtranscriptaboutpollutionin Norgate?interactwithothersandmakeabookletonenvironmentalproblems?usethenewvocabularyfromthisunit?identifyandmakeuseofellipsis?5=Excellent 4=Good 3=Satisfactory 2=Fair 1=Improvement requiredStep 5 Further study1. Earth Day is an annual international event that promotes environmental protection. It falls on 22 April of each year. Visit the official website to find out more.2. Earth:One Amazing Day is a feature film that tells unique stories of life on our planet-through the oceans and across the continents and skies all in a single day. It tries to inspire the audience to love our natural world and value every single day.【Homework】Read the booklet and appreciate the work of other groups