化学专业外语和元素第1页,此课件共32页哦malleable 展性的ductile 延性的galvanize 镀锌、电镀blast 鼓 风volatile 易挥发的inhalation 吸 入amalgam 汞 齐sulphate 硫酸盐blue vitriol 胆矾、硫酸铜hydrate 水合物electroplate 电镀 1.1.学习词汇学习词汇barnacle 藤 壶ammonia 氨ammonium 铵basic 碱式的、碱性的dissolve 溶 解dissociate 离 解soluble 可溶的ferrocyanide 亚铁氰化物nitrate 硝酸盐 Medical silver nitrate 医用硝酸银第2页,此课件共32页哦2.2.科技英语翻译标准科技英语翻译标准科技英语的翻译标准有三条:信,达,专业术语正确。要求译者必须准确理解和掌握原著的内容,决不能主观发挥译者个人的想法和推测。译者在确切理解原著的基础上,又必须很好地运用本语言把原文通顺、流畅地表达出来。第3页,此课件共32页哦3.3.练习全文翻译练习全文翻译 FGroup IIIB includes the elements scandium,yttrium,lanthanum,and actinium,and the two rare-earth series of fourteen elements each-the lanthanide and actinide series.FIIIB包括Sc、Y、La、Ac以及各含有14种元素的两个稀土系列-镧系和锕系。Group Group B B elementselements第4页,此课件共32页哦 The principal source of these elements is the high gravity(地心引力,重力,重量)river and beach sands built up by a water-sorting process during long periods of geologic(地质学的)times.这些元素主要分布在经过漫长的地质年代由于水的自我冲积、挑选过程而形成的受地心引力较大的河滩和海滩上。(和潮汐现象对比理解)。注意:river sand 河沙water-sorting 水(力)拣选,挑选build up 造成,逐步建立,逐步形成,堆积而成第5页,此课件共32页哦Monazite(独居石)sand,which contains a mixture of rare earth phosphates,and an yttrium silicate in a heavy sand now commercial sources of a number of these scarce elements.独居石,一种混合稀土磷酸盐矿物和一种重沙中的硅酸钇是这些稀有元素的大量的商业来源。Separation of the elements is a difficult chemical operation.分离这些元素是非常困难的化学过程。The solubilities of their compounds are so nearly alike that a separation by fractional(分级的)crystallization is laborious and time-consuming(耗费时间的).它们化合物的溶解度极为相似,所以分级结晶(过去常用的一种方法)既劳神又耗时(耗时又耗力)。第6页,此课件共32页哦In recent years,ion exchange resins(离子交换树脂)in high columns have proved effective.近年来发现填充在长交换柱中的离子交换树脂在分离这些元素方面很有效。When certain acids are allowed to flow down slowly through a column containing a resin to which ions of Group IIIB metals are adsorbed,ions are successively released from the resin.当某种酸缓缓流过吸附了IIIB金属离子的树脂的交换柱时,IIIB的离子就连续地从树脂上脱附(释放、淋洗)出来。第7页,此课件共32页哦FThe resulting solution is removed from the bottom of the column or tower in bands or sections.F流出液(交换后的溶液)可以从交换柱或交换塔的底部分段转移开。FSuccessive sections will contain specific ions in the order of release by the resin.F连续的流出液部分按照树脂释放的顺序含有特定的离子。第8页,此课件共32页哦For example,lanthanum ion(La3+)is most tightly held to the resin and is the last to be extracted,lutetium ion(Lu3+)is less tightly held and appears in one of the first sections removed.例如,La3+与树脂结合得最紧密,所以它是最后一种被萃取出来的离子;而Lu3+与树脂结合得相对较松,最先被交换,所以它出现在最先流出的那部分溶液中。第9页,此课件共32页哦If the solutions are recycled(多次吸附和脱附)and the acid concentrations carefully controlled,very effective separations can be accomplished.如果小心控制酸的浓度,经过多次吸附和脱附(淋洗),稀土元素就可以得到有效的分离。Quantities of all the lanthanide series(except promethium,Pm,which does not exist in nature as a stable isotope)are produced for the chemical market.从而生产出大量的镧系元素产品(自然界中不存在稳定同位素的Pm除外)来供应化学试剂市场。第10页,此课件共32页哦FThe predominant group oxidation number of the lanthanide series is+3,but some of the elements exhibit variable oxidation states.F镧系元素的主要氧化值为镧系元素的主要氧化值为+3,但是有些元素的氧化数是可,但是有些元素的氧化数是可变的(呈现出不同的氧化值)。变的(呈现出不同的氧化值)。FCerium forms cerium(III)and cerium(IV)sulfates,Ce2(SO4)3 and Ce(SO4)2,which are employed in certain oxidation-reduction titrations.F铈可以形成氧化数为铈可以形成氧化数为+3和和+4的硫酸盐,的硫酸盐,Ce2(SO4)3和和Ce(SO4)2,这两种盐可以应用在特定的氧化还原滴定中。,这两种盐可以应用在特定的氧化还原滴定中。第11页,此课件共32页哦Many rare earth compounds are colored and are paramagnetic,presumably(推测起来)as a result of unpaired electrons in the 4f orbitals.许多稀土元素化合物都是有颜色的,而且是顺磁性的,大概是因为4f轨道中存在未成对电子。All actinide elements have unstable nuclei and exhibit radioactivity.所有的锕系元素的原子核都不稳定,表现出放射性。Those with higher atomic numbers have been obtained only in trace amounts.Actinium(89Ac),like lanthanum,is a regular Group IIIB element.已经获得的较高原子序数的元素仅仅是痕量级的。89Ac,象La一样,也是IIIB元素的一个正式成员。第12页,此课件共32页哦In chemical properties these elements resemble(象,类似)silicon,but they become increasing more metallic from titanium to hafnium.在化学性质方面,这些元素象硅,但是,从Ti到Hf,它们的金属性增强。The predominant oxidation state is+4 and,as with silica(SiO2),the oxides of these elements occur naturally in small amounts(少量地).IVB元素的主要氧化数为+4,象SiO2一样,这些元素的天然氧化物很少。Group IVB elementsGroup IVB elements第13页,此课件共32页哦FThe formulas and minerals names of the oxides are TiO2,reutile;ZrO2,zirconia;HfO2,hafnia.F这些氧化物的分子式和矿物的名字如下:TiO2,金红石;ZrO2,锆土(氧化锆);HfO2,二氧化铪。FTitanium is more abundant than is usually realized.F钛的含量要比人们通常所认识到的要丰富的多。FIt comprises(包含,由组成)about 0.44%of the earths crust.F钛在地壳中的丰度大约为0.44%。第14页,此课件共32页哦It is over 5.0%in average composition of first analyzed moon rock.首次分析月球岩石的一般组成表明它在(月球中)的丰度超过了5.0%。Zirconium and titanium oxides occur in small percentages in beach sands.锆和钛的氧化物在海滩沙子中占据很小的比例(含量很小)。Titanium and zirconium metals are prepared by heating their chlorides with magnesium metal.金属钛和锆可以通过在镁存在下,加热分解它们的氯化物而制备。第15页,此课件共32页哦*Both are particularly resistant to corrosion and have high melting points.*两种金属都有独特的抗腐蚀能力和较高的熔点。*Pure TiO2 is a very white substance which is taking the place of white lead in many paints.*纯的TiO2的颜色非常白,在很多涂料中可以取代白铅。*Three-fourths of the TiO2 is used in white paints,varnishes,and lacquers.*有3/4的TiO2用于白色涂料,清漆和大漆中。第16页,此课件共32页哦FIt has the highest index of refraction(折光指数)(2.76)and the greatest hiding power of all the common white paint materials.F在常见的白色涂料中,TiO2的折光指数最高,覆盖能力最强。FTiO2 also is used in the paper,rubber,linoleum,leather,and textile industries.FTiO2也用在造纸业,橡胶业,油毡,皮革和纺织品工业上。第17页,此课件共32页哦These are transition elements of Group VB,with a predominant oxidation number of+5.Their occurrence is comparatively rare.这些是VB的过渡元素,它们的主要氧化数为+5,丰度相对较小。These metals combine directly with oxygen,chlorine,and nitrogen to form oxides,chlorides,and nitrides,respectively.这些金属可以直接和氧、氯和氮反应,分别形成氧化物、氯化物和氮化物。Group VB Elements:Vanadium,Niobium,and Tantalum第18页,此课件共32页哦A small percentage of vanadium alloyed with steel gives a high tensile strength product which is very tough and resistant to shock and vibration.在钢铁中,少量钒的存在可以大大地提高产品的抗张强度,从而使产品非常坚韧,能够有效地抵抗震动和晃动。For this reason vanadium alloy steels are used in the manufacture of high-speed tools and heavy machinery.因此,含有钒的钢铁合金被用来加工高速工具和重机械。第19页,此课件共32页哦FVandium oxide is employed as catalyst in the contact process of manufacturing sulfuric acid.F五氧化二钒在接触法制造硫酸中用作催化剂。FNiobium is a very rare element,with limited use as an alloying element in stainless steel.F铌是一种非常珍贵的元素,应用有限,如铌的钢铁合金。FTantalum has a very high melting point(2850)and is resistant to corrosion by most acids and alkalies.F钽的熔点极高,高达2850,对大部分酸和碱有抗腐蚀能力。第20页,此课件共32页哦Chromium,molybdenum,and tungsten are Group VIB elements.铬、钼和钨是VIB元素。Manganese is the only chemically important element of Group VIIB.锰是VIIB唯一重要的化学元素。Group VIB and VIIB Elements第21页,此课件共32页哦All these elements exhibit several oxidation states,acting as metallic elements in lower oxidation states and as nonmetallic elements in higher oxidation states.所有这些元素都有几种氧化态,它们的低氧化数呈现出金属性,而高氧化数状态呈现非金属性。Both chromium and manganese are widely used in alloys,particularly in alloy steels.铬和锰在合金、尤其是钢铁合金上应用很广泛。第22页,此课件共32页哦 Group VIIIB contains the three triads of elements.VIIIB包含了三组元素。These triads appear at the middle of long periods of elements in the periodic table,and are members of the transition series.这三组元素处于周期表中长周期的中间,是过度元素的一部分。Group VIIIB Metals第23页,此课件共32页哦The elements of any given horizontal triad have many similar properties,but there are marked differences between the properties of the triads,particularly between the first triad and the other two.任何水平的一组元素都有许多相似的性质,但是组之间,尤其是第一组和其它两组之间的性质有显著的差别。Iron,cobalt,and nickel are much more active than members of the other two triads,and are also much more abundant in the earths crust.铁、钴、镍比其它两组元素活泼得多,在地壳中的丰度也大得多。第24页,此课件共32页哦Metals of the second and third triads,with many common properties,are usually grouped together and called the platinum metals.存在许多共同性质的第二组和第三组金属,通常被划分为一组,叫做铂系金属。These elements all exhibit variable oxidation states and form numerous coordination compounds.这些元素都呈现出可变的氧化态,形成了大量的配位化合物。第25页,此课件共32页哦Iron exposed to the action of moist air rusts rapidly,with the formation of a loose,crumbly deposit of the oxide.暴露在潮湿空气中的铁很快就会生锈,形成一层松的、脆的氧化物沉积层。The oxide does not adhere to the surface of the metal,as does aluminum oxide and certain other metal oxides,but peels off,expositing a fresh surface of iron to the action of the air.这种氧化物并不象氧化铝和某些其它金属氧化物一样附着在金属表面,而是脱落下来,暴露出新鲜的金属表面,继续和空气作用。Corrosion第26页,此课件共32页哦As a result,a piece of of iron will rust away completely in a relatively short time unless steps(措施,步骤)are taken to prevent the corrosion.结果是,如果不采取措施阻止铁的进一步腐蚀,一片铁很快就完全生锈了。The chemical steps in rusting are rather obscure,but it has been established that the rust is hydrated oxide of iron,formed by the action of both oxygen and moisture,and is markedly speeded up by the presence of minute amounts of carbon dioxide.生锈的化学过程并不十分清楚,但是已经确认生锈是因为氧和空气的作用而形成的水合氧化铁,并且由于微量二氧化碳的存在而显著加速。第27页,此课件共32页哦Zinc is fairly high in the activity series.锌在金属活动顺序表中是相当靠前的。It reacts readily with acids to produce hydrogen and displaces less active metals from their salts.它很容易与酸反应生成H2,和比它不活泼的金属的盐发生置换反应。Corrosion of iron is inhibited by coating it with numerous substance,such as paint,an aluminum powder gilt,tin,or organic tarry substances or by galvanizing iron with zinc.铁的腐蚀可以通过在表面包覆一层其它许多物质来抑制,如涂料,铝粉涂层,锡,有机焦油状物质或者镀锌。第28页,此课件共32页哦Alloying iron with metals such as nickel or chromium yields a less corrosive steel.铁和其它金属如镍或铬的合金的抗腐蚀能力也增强。“Cathodic protection”of iron for lessened corrosion is also practiced(熟练的,老练的,有经验的).用“阴极保护法”来阻止铁的进一步腐蚀也是一种成熟的方法。第29页,此课件共32页哦For some pipelines and standpipe zinc or magnesium rods in the ground with a wire connecting them to an iron object have the following effect:with soil moisture acting as an electrolyte for an Fe-Zn couple the Fe is lessened in its tendency to become Fe2+.对一些铁制品管道和筒形塔,可以用电线把地下的锌棒或锰棒和铁目标连接起来,它的作用如下:当潮湿的空气起到电解质的作用时,在Fe-Zn电对中,Fe变为Fe2+的趋势减弱。It acts as a cathode rather than an anode.因为它做的是阴极而不是阳极。第30页,此课件共32页哦 预习第预习第5章章第31页,此课件共32页哦第32页,此课件共32页哦