Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.一课经济济学中英英文对照此一课经经济学中中英文对照照版是在德德赛公园开开放式校译译本v2000903305基础础上编辑而而成的。主主要参照此此前出版的的5个中译译本。网友友寻正对前前六章做了了新的校译译。希望有一天天Henrry Haazlittt这本一课经济济学,跟跟物理、化化学并列科科学教材,作作为中学生生的必修课课。在此利利用bloog作一个个开放的平平台,欢迎迎有兴趣的的朋友都来来添砖加瓦瓦。德赛公园主主站htttp:/www.de-ssci.oorg/bblogss/dinngdonng/caategoory/eeconoomicss-in-one-lessson/Misess.orgg博客存档档htttp:/misees.orrg/Coommunnity/bloggs/dpp/deffaultt.asppx“一课”说说来很简单单,也就是是经济学的的首要教训训。教训是一一句话就说说完了。对对于不守教教训的政府府干预经济济的政策,要要一条条批批下去,这这样才能让让人醒豁。Prefaace tto thhe Neew Edditioon4新版序44Prefaace tto thhe Fiirst Edittion5第一版序5PART ONE: THEE LESSSON9The LLessoon9第一编 主主旨 第1章 关于这堂堂课9The LLessoon Appplieed Thhe Brrokenn Winndow15第二编 课课程的应用用15第2章 破破橱窗15The BBlesssingss of Desttructtion 第3章 战祸之福17Publiic Woorks Meann Taxxes24第4章 公共工程程意味着增增税24Taxess Disscourrage Prodductiion32第5章 税税负抑制生生产32Crediit Diivertts Prroducctionn35第6章 政政府信贷扭扭曲生产35The CCursee of Machhinerry46第7章 诅诅咒机器46Spreaad-thhe-Woork SSchemmes62第8章 分分散工作机机会的方案案62Disbaandinng Trroopss andd Burreauccratss68第9章 遣遣散军队和和裁减公务务员68Thee Fettish of FFull Emplloymeent72第10章 盲目崇拜拜充分就业业72Whoss “Prroteccted” by Tariiffs?75第11章 关税“保护”了哪些人人?75The DDrivee forr Expportss88第12章 拉动出口口88“Parrity” Priices95第13章 “平准价价格”95Savinng thhe X Induustryy104第14章 救救X产业104How tthe PPricee Sysstem Workks111第15章 价格体系系如何运作作?111“Staabiliizingg” Coommodditiees119第16章 “稳定”物价119Goverrnmennt Prrice-Fixiing128第17章 政府管制制价格12818. WWhat Rentt Conntroll Doees140第18章 房租管制制的后果140Minimmum WWage Lawss148第19章 最低工资资法令148Do Unnionss Reaally Raisse Waages156第20章 工会真正正提高了工工资吗?156“Enouugh tto Buuy Baack tthe PProduuct” 第21章 “足以买买回产品”171The FFuncttion of PProfiits 第第22章 利润的功功能180The MMiragge off Infflatiion 第第23章 通货膨胀胀的幻景185The AAssauult oon Saavingg 第24章 抨击储蓄蓄202The LLessoon Reestatted 第第25章 课后温习习218The LLessoon affter Thirrty YYearss230第三篇 三三十年后的的这堂课 第26章 三十年后后的这堂课课230A Notte onn Boooks 后后记与参考考书目243Prefaace tto thhe Neew Edditioon 新版序The ffirstt ediitionn of thiss boook apppearred iin 19946. Eighht trransllatioons wwere madee of it, and therre weere nnumerrous papeerbacck edditioons. In aa papperbaack oof 19961, a neew chhapteer waas addded on rrent conttrol, whiich hhad nnot bbeen speccificcallyy connsideered in tthe ffirstt ediitionn apaart ffrom goveernmeent ppricee-fixxing in ggenerral. A feew sttatissticss andd illlustrrativve reefereencess werre brroughht upp to datee.本书第一版版于19446年面市市,该版曾曾被译成八八种文字,并并出过好些些平装版本本。在19961年版版的平装本本中,我加加写了新的的一章,探探讨租金管管制的问题题,这个课课题在第一一版中并没没有从一般般的政府定定价中拿出出来单独讨讨论。19961年版版还更新了了部分统计计数据和用用作说明例例证的参考考资料。Otherrwisee no channges weree madde unntil now. Thee chiief rreasoon waas thhat tthey weree nott thooughtt neccessaary. My bbook was writtten to eemphaasizee gennerall ecoonomiic prrinciipless, annd thhe peenaltties of iignorring themm-nott thee harrm doone bby anny sppeciffic ppiecee of legiislattion. Whiile mmy illlusttratiions weree bassed mmainlly onn Ameericaan exxperiiencee, thhe kiind oof goovernnmentt intterveentioons II depploreed haad beecomee so inteernattionaalizeed thhat II seeemed to mmany foreeign readders to bbe paarticcularrly ddescrribinng thhe ecconommic ppoliccies of ttheirr ownn couuntriies.此外,本书书内容在此此新版前再再无其他改改动,主要要是我认为为没有大改改的必要。本书是为为了强调一一般性的经经济科学原原理,强调调忽视这些些原理会受受到的惩罚罚,而不是是去探讨特特定政策法法规对经济济可能造成成的危害。书中的例例证虽然主主要取材于于美国经验验,但作者者所责难的的政府干预预行为在各各个国家是是如此普遍遍,以至于于在许多外外国读者看看来,作者者就像特地地在描述他他们自己国国家的经济济政策。Neverrthelless, thee passsagee of thirrty-ttwo yyearss noww seeems tto mee to calll forr exttensiive rrevission. In addiitionn to brinngingg alll illlustrratioons aand sstatiisticcs upp to datee, I havee wriittenn an entiirelyy neww chaapterr on rentt conntroll; thhe 19961 ddiscuussioon noow seeems inaddequaate. And I haave aaddedd a nnew ffinall chaapterr, “TThe LLessoon Affter Thirrty YYearss,” tto shhow wwhy tthat lessson iis tooday moree dessperaatelyy neeeded thann eveer.H.H.WWiltoon, Connn.Juune 11978时隔32年年,该对此此书作一个个全面修订订了。我对对例证资料料和统计资资料做了全全面更新,并并彻底重写写了租金管管制那一章章,因为11961年年版的讨论论现在看来来还不够充充分。另外外,我加写写了最后一一章“三十年后后的这堂课课”,以说说明今天我我们上这堂堂课比以往往更为迫切切的原因。亨利·黑兹兹利特于康康涅狄格州州,威尔顿顿镇19778年6月月Prefaace tto thhe Fiirst Edittion 第一版序序This bookk is an aanalyysis of eeconoomic falllaciees thhat aare aat laast sso prrevallent thatt theey haave aalmosst beecomee a nnew oorthoodoxyy. Thhe onne thhing thatt hass preeventted tthis has beenn theeir oown sself-conttradiictioons, whicch haave sscattteredd thoose wwho aacceppt thhe saame ppremiises intoo a hhundrred ddiffeerentt “scchoolls,” for the simpple rreasoon thhat iit iss imppossiible in mmatteers ttouchhing praccticaal liife tto bee connsisttentlly wrrong. Butt thee difffereence betwween one new schoool aand aanothher iis meerelyy thaat onne grroup wakees upp earrlierr thaan annotheer too thee abssurdiitiess to whicch itts faalse premmisess aree driivingg it, andd beccomess at thatt momment incoonsisstentt by eithher uunwitttinggly aabanddoninng itts faalse premmisess or acceeptinng cooncluusionns frrom tthem lesss dissturbbing or ffantaasticc thaan thhose thatt loggic wwouldd demmand. 本书在于分分析那些盛盛行到几乎乎成为新的的正统学说说的经济学学谬误。阻阻碍它们成成为正统学学说的一个个因素,在在于这些谬谬误本身自自相矛盾,让让接受同样样前提的学学者各执一一端形成百百家争鸣的的“学派”。道理很很简单,跟跟现实相联联系的问题题,是不可可能一直错错下去的。一个新兴兴学派与另另一个的区区别无非就就是一群人人比另一群群人更早地地认识到基基于错误前前提所进行行的推导多多么荒谬,那那一刻,由由于是无意意间放弃了了错误的前前提,或是是由于接受受了相对于于其内在逻逻辑所推导导出的不那那么诡异与与令人难以以接受的结结论,那种种区别又会会化为矛盾盾。Theree is not a maajor goveernmeent iin thhe woorld at tthis momeent, howeever, whoose eeconoomic poliiciess aree nott inffluennced if tthey are not almoost wwhollly deetermminedd by acceeptannce oof soome oof thhese falllaciees. PPerhaaps tthe sshorttest and sureest wway tto ann unddersttandiing oof ecconommics is tthrouugh aa disssecttion of ssuch erroors, and partticullarlyy of the centtral erroor frrom wwhichh theey sttem. Thatt is the assuumptiion oof thhis vvolumme annd off itss sommewhaat ammbitiious and bellligerrent titlle.然而,当今今主要国家家的政府所所采取的经经济政策,即即便不是全全部被那些些盛行的经经济学谬误误所左右,也也必然都受受到了那些些经济谬误误的深刻影影响。所以以,剖析这这些谬误,尤尤其是衍生生出这些谬谬误的核心心谬误,也也许是了解解经济学的的最简捷且且最可靠的的方法。本本书的构思思,以及看看上去多少少有些雄心心勃勃与挑挑战意味的的书名,正正是来源于于这个信念念。The vvolumme iss theerefoore pprimaarilyy onee of expoositiion. It mmakess no claiim too oriiginaalityy witth reegardd to any of tthe cchieff ideeas tthat it eexpouunds. Ratther its effoort iis too shoow thhat mmany of tthe iideass whiich nnow ppass for brillliannt innnovaationns annd addvancces aare iin faact mmere reviivalss of anciient erroors, and a fuurtheer prroof of tthe ddictuum thhat tthosee whoo aree ignnorannt off thee passt arre coondemmned to rrepeaat itt.本书属于阐阐释性质。本书所阐阐述的主要要观点,皆皆非原创。相反,本本书将致力力于揭示,当当今许多被被看作是卓卓越的创新新和发展的的观点只不不过是换了了新马甲的的古老谬误误,进而印印证“忘记记历史,就就意味着重重蹈覆辙”这句格言言。The ppreseent eessayy itsself is, I suupposse, uunbluushinngly “claassiccal,” “trradittionaal” aand “orthhodoxx”; aat leeast thesse arre thhe eppitheets wwith whicch thhose whosse soophissms aare hhere subjjecteed too anaalysiis wiill nno dooubt atteempt to ddismiiss iit. BBut tthe sstudeent wwhosee aimm is to aattaiin ass mucch trruth as ppossiible willl nott be frigghtenned bby suuch aadjecctivees. HHe wiill nnot bbe fooreveer seeekinng a revoolutiion, a “ffreshh staart,” in econnomicc thooughtt. Hiis miind wwill, of courrse, be aas reecepttive to nnew iideass as to oold oones; butt he willl be conttent to pput aasidee merrely resttlesss or exhiibitiionisstic straaininng foor nooveltty annd orriginnalitty. AAs Moorriss R. Coheen haas reemarkked *: “TThe nnotioon thhat wwe caan diismisss thhe viiews of aall ppreviious thinnkerss surrely leavves nno baasis for the hopee thaat ouur owwn woork wwill provve off anyy vallue tto ottherss.”本书的内容容,我觉得得,应当算算是“古典典的”、“传统的”或“正统统的”吧,起起码,抱持持那些谬误误的人会用用这些名义义来否定我我的分析。但是那些些努力探求求真理的学学生,则不不应该被几几个形容词词吓住。学学生们不应应该总想着着寻找革命命性的、“全新”的的经济学思思想,他们们应该是既既接纳老观观念,又欢欢迎新观念念,应该摒摒弃浮躁而而不是好炫炫求酷,一一味地追寻寻新奇和原原创。莫里里斯·科恩恩(Morrris R. CCohenn)说过:“如果说说我们能够够推翻以前前所有思想想家的理论论,那么我我也不敢奢奢望自己的的作品对别别人会有任任何价值。”foootnootes:理性与与本质(RReasoon annd Naaturee), 11931Becauuse tthis is aa worrk off expposittion I haave aavailled mmysellf frreelyy andd witthoutt dettaileed accknowwledggmentt (exxceptt forr rarre foootnootes and quottatioons) of tthe iideass of otheers. Thiss is inevvitabble wwhen one writtes iin a fielld inn whiich mmany of tthe wworldds ffinesst miinds havee labboredd. Buut myy inddebteednesss too at leasst thhree writters is oof soo speecifiic a natuure tthat I caannott alllow iit too passs unnmenttioneed. MMy grreateest ddebt, witth reespecct too thee kinnd off expposittory frammeworrk onn whiich tthe ppreseent aargumment is hhung, is to FFredeeric Basttiats esssay Ce qqu oon vooit eet cee quon nne vooit ppas, now nearrly aa cennturyy oldd. Thhe prresennt woork mmay, in ffact, be regaardedd as a moodernnizattion, exttensiion aand ggenerralizzatioon off thee appproacch foound in BBastiiatss pammphleet. MMy seecondd debbt iss to Phillip WWickssteedd: inn parrticuular the chappterss on wagees annd thhe fiinal summmary chappter owe muchh to his Commmon-ssensee of Poliiticaal Ecconommy. MMy thhird debtt is to LLudwiig voon Miises. Passsingg oveer evverytthingg thaat thhis eelemeentarry trreatiise mmay oowe tto hiis wrritinngs iin geeneraal, mmy moost sspeciific debtt is to hhis eexpossitioon off thee mannner in wwhichh thee proocesss of moneetaryy infflatiion iis sppreadd.由于这是一一部阐释性性著作,我我会自由地地利用他人人的观点而而不必作具具体说明(除除了少数脚脚注和引文文外)。在在经济学这这个诸多先先贤辛勤耕耕耘过的领领域写作,这这样做在所所难免。不不过,有三三位作者对对我有特别别的帮助,我我不能不提提及。首先先要感谢弗弗雷德里克克·巴斯夏夏(Freederiic Baastiaat),本本书中的阐阐释所采用用的框架得得益于巴斯斯夏一百年年前发表的的文章<看看得见的与与看不见的的>(Cee quon vvoit et cce quuon ne vvoit pas)。事实上,本本书可视为为巴斯夏原原文所用的的分析方法法的现代版版,是其延延伸和扩展展。其次,要要感谢菲利利普·威克克斯第德(PPhiliip Wiickstteed),特特别是关于于工资的章章节和课后后温习那一一章,多得得益于他所所著的政政治经济常常识(TThe CCommoon Seense of PPolitticall Ecoonomyy)。最后后要感谢路路德维希··米塞斯(LLudwiig voon Miises),除除了他对我我这本粗浅浅的入门著著作在写作作上的指点点,特别地地要感谢他他对通货膨膨胀过程散散播方式的的说明。When anallyzinng faallaccies, I hhave thouught it sstilll lesss addvisaable to mmentiion ppartiiculaar naames thann in giviing ccrediit. TTo doo so woulld haave rrequiired speccial justtice to eeach writter ccritiicizeed, wwith exacct quuotattionss, acccounnt taaken of tthe ppartiiculaar emmphassis hhe pllacess on thiss poiint oor thhat, the quallificcatioons hhe maakes, hiss perrsonaal ammbiguuitiees, iinconnsisttenciies, and so oon. II hoppe, tthereeforee, thhat nno onne wiill bbe tooo diisapppointted aat thhe abbsencce off succh naames as KKarl Marxx, Thhorsttein Vebllen, Majoor Doouglaas, LLord Keynnes, Proffessoor Allvin Hanssen aand ootherrs inn theese ppagess. Thhe obbjectt of thiss boook iss nott to expoose tthe sspeciial eerrorrs off parrticuular writters, butt ecoonomiic errrorss in theiir moost ffrequuent, widdesprread or iinfluuentiial fform. Falllaciies, whenn theey haave rreachhed tthe ppopullar sstagee, beecomee anoonymoous aanywaay. TThe ssubtlletiees orr obsscuriitiess to be ffoundd in the authhors mostt ressponssiblee forr proopagaatingg theem arre waashedd offf. A docttrinee beccomess simmpliffied; thee sopphismm thaat maay haave bbeen buriied iin a netwwork of qqualiificaationns, aambigguitiies oor maathemmaticcal eequattionss staands cleaar. II hoppe I shalll noot bee acccusedd of injuusticce onn thee groound, theerefoore, thatt a ffashiionabble ddoctrrine in tthe fform in wwhichh I hhave pressenteed itt is not precciselly thhe dooctriine aas itt hass beeen foormullatedd by Lordd Keyynes or ssome otheer sppeciaal auuthorr. Itt is the beliiefs whicch poolitiicallly innflueentiaal grroupss holld annd whhich goveernmeents act uponn thaat wee aree intteressted in hhere, nott thee hisstoriical origgins of tthosee belliefss.我认为在分分析谬误时时,不同于于对贡献的的评价,要要避免指名名道姓。若若要指名道道姓,就得得公允地对对待每一位位被批评的的学者,引引录其著述述原文,叙叙述其对某某个问题的的特殊见解解,列明其其所给定的的限定条件件,指出其其表达暧昧昧或前后矛矛盾之处等等。因此,书书内并没有有具体提及及卡尔·马马克思(KKarl Marxx)、索尔尔斯坦·凡凡勃伦(TThorssteinn Vebblen)、大道格拉拉斯(Maajor Dougglas)、凯恩斯爵爵士(Loord JJohn M. KKeynees)、阿阿尔文·汉汉森(Allvin Hanssen)和和其他人,但但愿读者不不会太失望望。本书的的目的并不不在于揭露露某某学者者所犯下的的某个错误误,而是在在于分析经经济生活中中那些最常常见的、流流传最广的的、影响力力最大的经经济学谬误误。谬论一一旦流行开开来,便责责怪不到谁谁的头上,散布谬误误负有主要要责任的作作者的细节节与隐晦之之处会在流流传中消失失。当用于于包装谬误误的理论被被简化成泛泛泛的教条条,那些可可能隐藏在在一堆限定定条件、含含混表达或或数学方程程式中的诡诡辩就会显显现出来。本书所讨讨论的流行行教条跟凯凯恩斯或其其他某位学学者所陈述述的学说不不完全相同同,希望大大家不要因因为这些不不同就责怪怪我处理不不公。我们们在这里所所感兴趣的的,是那些些有强大政政治影响力力的集团抱抱持的信条条,以及政政府的政策策行动所依依据的信条条,而不是是这些信条条的历史渊渊源。I hoppe, ffinallly, thatt I sshalll be forggivenn forr makking suchh rarre reefereence to sstatiisticcs inn thee folllowiing ppagess. Too havve trried to ppreseent sstatiisticcal cconfiirmattion, in refeerrinng too thee efffectss of tariiffs, priice-ffixinng, iinflaationn, annd thhe coontrools oover suchh commmodiitiess as coall, ruubberr andd cottton, wouuld hhave swolllen thiss boook muuch bbeyonnd thhe diimenssionss conntempplateed. AAs a workking newsspapeer maan, mmoreoover, I aam accutelly awware of hhow qquickkly sstatiisticcs beecomee outt of datee andd aree supperseeded by llaterr figguress. Thhose who are inteerestted iin sppeciffic eeconoomic probblemss aree advvisedd to readd currrentt “reealisstic'' diiscusssionns off theem, wwith stattistiical docuumenttatioon: tthey willl nott finnd itt diffficuult tto innterppret the stattistiics ccorreectlyy in the lighht off thee bassic pprincciplees thhey hhave learrned.书中极少引引用统计资资料,望读读者见谅。倘若要引引述统计资资料作论据据,去论证证关税、政政府限价、通货膨胀胀,去论证证政府对于于煤炭、橡橡胶、棉花花等商品的的进行管制制所产生的的影响,那那么本书的的篇幅势必必远远超出出预先的设设想。还有有,作为一一个报界从从业人士,我我非常清楚楚统计数字字更新的频频率有多快快。我建议议那些对特特定的经济济问题感兴兴趣的读者者,结合统统计资料,去去翻阅即时时的“现实实”问题讨讨论:相信信大多数读读者会发现现,用学到到的基本原原理去正确确解读统计计数字并非非难事。I havve trried to wwritee thiis boook aas siimplyy andd witth ass mucch frreedoom frrom ttechnnicallitiees ass is conssisteent wwith reassonabble aaccurracy, so thatt it can be ffullyy unddersttood by aa reaader withh no prevviouss acqquainntancce wiith eeconoomicss.本书中的文文字力求通通俗易懂,力力求在不丧丧失合理的的准确性的的前提下,尽尽量避免过过分专业化化,以便还还不了解经经济学的读读者同样能能充分理解解。Whilee thiis boook wwas ccompoosed as aa uniit, tthreee chaapterrs haave aalreaady aappeaared as sseparrate artiicless, annd I wishh to thannk thhe Neew Yoork TTimess, thhe Ammericcan SSchollar aand tthe NNew LLeadeer foor peermisssionn to reprrint mateeriall oriiginaally publlisheed inn theeir ppagess. I am ggrateeful to PProfeessorr vonn Misses ffor rreadiing tthe mmanusscrippt annd foor heelpfuul suuggesstionns. RRespoonsibbilitty foor thhe oppinioons eexpreessedd is, of courrse, entiirelyy my own. Henryy HazzlitttNew YorkkMarcch 255, 19946当本书编为为单行本时时,先已有有三个章节节分别独立立发表于纽约时报报(Neew Yoork TTim