Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.高盛财经词词典 - 汉英对照照0-9中文词句EngliishEngliish DDefinnitioons144A 条例Rule 144AAAn SEEC ruule tthat modiifiedd a ttwo-yyear holdding periiod rrequiiremeent oon prrivattely placced ssecurritiees byy perrmittting Quallifieed Innstittutioonal Buyeers (QIBss) too traade tthesee possitioons aamongg theemsellves. 18定律Rule of 118A rulle whherebby thhe suum off thee infflatiion rrate and the P/E ratiio off thee Doww Jonnes IIndusstriaal Avveragge iss an indiicatoor off thee dirrectiion oof thhe sttock markket. If tthe ttotall is abovve 188, sttockss aree suppposeed too deccreasse. IIf thhe tootal is uunderr 18, theen thhe sttock ma1940年年投资公司司法Invesstmennt Coompanny Acct off 19440Creatted iin 19940 tthrouugh aan acct off Conngresss, tthis piecce off leggislaationn cleearlyy deffiness thee ressponssibillitiees annd liimitaationns pllacedd upoon fuund ccompaaniess thaat offfer inveestmeent pproduucts to tthe ppubliic.72定律Rule of 772A rulle sttatinng thhat iin orrder to ffind the numbber oof yeears requuiredd to doubble yyour moneey att a ggivenn intteresst raate, you diviide tthe ccompoound retuurn iinto 72. The resuult iis thhe appproxximatte nuumberr of yearrs thhat iit wiill ttake for yourr invvestmment to ddoublle.A-Z中文词句EngliishEngliish DDefinnitioonsAPICSS(美国生生产及库存存控制协议议)商业前前景指数 APICSS Bussinesss Ouutloook Inndex A nattionaal maanufaacturring indeex thhat ssurveeys sseverral mmanuffactuuringg firrms oon a montthly basiis. IIf thhe inndex is aabovee 50 it ssignaals eexpannsionn, iff it dipss bellow 550 itt inddicattes ccontrractiion.CAMELLS评级制制度 CAMELLS Raatingg Sysstem An innternnatioonal bankk-ratting systtem wwith whicch baank ssuperrvisoory aauthooritiies rrate insttituttionss acccordiing tto siix faactorrs. TThe ssix aareass exaamineed arre reepressenteed byy thee acrronymm "CAAMELSS." CEDELL CEDELL One oof twwo prrinciipal cleaaringg houuses for Euroomarkket ssecurritiees. NNoticce thhat tthe fformuula mmay aalso be wwrittten aas: aaccouunts payaable / (ccost of ssaless/nummber of ddays). Nooticee thaat thhe foormulla maay allso bbe wrritteen ass: acccounnts rreceiivablle / (creedit salees/nuumberr of dayss). Net OOperaatingg Inccome Tootal Debtt Serrvicee Net IIncomme Sharrehollder''s EqquityyThe RROE iis ussefull in compparinng thhe prrofittabillity of aa commpanyy to otheer fiirms in tthe ssame induustryy. Caalcullatedd as totaal taax paaid ddividded bby taaxablle inncomee. 2. In the casee of fixeed inncomee, a bondd witth a ratiing oof BBBB orr higgher. Opeeratiing ccash floww is calcculatted tthrouugh aa serries of aadjusstmennts tto neet inncomee. Itt cann be founnd onn thee staatemeent oof caash fflowss. ? 2. TThe ddiffeerencce beetweeen thhe swwap rrate and the lendding ratee offferedd thrroughh othher iinvesstmennt veehiclles wwith compparabble ccharaacterristiics. GDP平减减数 GDP DDeflaator An ecconommic mmetriic ussed tto acccounnt foor innflattion by cconveertinng ouutputt meaasureed att currrentt priices intoo connstannt-doollarr GDPP. Thhe GDDP deeflattor sshowss howw mucch a channge iin thhe baase yyear''s GDDP reeliess upoon chhangees inn thee priice llevell. GDP差距距 GDP GGap The ssacriificeed ouutputt witthin a coountrry's econnomy due to tthe ffailuure tto crreatee suffficiient jobss forr alll thoose wwilliing tto woork. H股 H-Shaares A shaare oof a Chinnese comppany listted oon thhe Hoong KKong Stocck Exxchannge. 一划中文词句EngliishEngliish DDefinnitioons一次性偿还还Bulleet ReepaymmentA sinngle paymment for an eentirre looan aamounnt thhat iis paaid aat maaturiity. 一次总付分分配Lump Sum DisttribuutionnA onee timme paaymennt foor thhe enntiree amoount due, ratther thann breeakinng paaymennts iinto smalller insttallmmentss. Soome llump-sum disttribuutionns reeceivve sppeciaal taax trreatmment.一级资本Tier 1 CaapitaalA terrm ussed tto deescriibe tthe ccapittal aadequuacy of aa bannk. TTier I caapitaal iss corre caapitaal, tthis inclludess equuity capiital and disccloseed reeservves.一般义务债债券Generral OObliggatioon BoondA munnicippal bbond backked bby thhe crreditt andd "taaxingg powwer" of tthe iissuiing jjurissdicttion, ratther thann thee revvenuee froom a giveen prrojecct. 一般折旧制制度Generral DDepreeciattion SysttemThe mmost commmonlyy useed syystemm forr callculaatingg deppreciiatioon. PPersoonal proppertyy is deprreciaated usinng thhe deeclinning-balaance methhod, whicch innvolvves aapplyying the deprreciaationn ratte aggainsst thhe unndeprreciaated balaance.二划中文词句EngliishEngliish DDefinnitioons七大工业国国Groupp of Seveen (GG-7)Sevenn of the worlld's leadding counntriees thhat mmeet periiodiccallyy to achiieve a coooperrativve efffortt on inteernattionaal ecconommic aand mmonettary issuues.七大工业国国G-7Sevenn of the worlld's leadding counntriees thhat mmeet periiodiccallyy to achiieve a coooperrativve efffortt on inteernattionaal ecconommic aand mmonettary issuues.二级市场Seconndaryy MarrketA marrket in wwhichh an inveestorr purrchasses aan assset fromm anootherr invvestoor, rratheer thhan aan isssuinng coorporratioon.二级发行Seconndaryy OffferinngA salle off seccuritties in wwhichh onee or moree majjor sstockkholdders in aa commpanyy selll alll orr a llargee porrtionn of theiir hooldinngs. The undeerwriitingg prooceedds arre paaid tto thhe sttockhholdeers, rathher tthan to tthe ccorpooratiion.人寿保险Life InsuurancceA prootecttion agaiinst the lostt inccome thatt wouuld rresullt iff thee inssuredd werre too passs awway. The nameed beenefiiciarry reeceivves tthe pproceeeds and is tthereeby ssafegguardded ffrom finaanciaal immpactts off thee deaath oof thhe innsureed.二级资本Tier 2 CaapitaalA terrm ussed tto deescriibe tthe ccapittal aadequuacy of aa bannk. TTier II ccapittal iis seeconddary bankk cappitall thaat inncluddes iitemss succh ass unddiscllosedd resservees, ggenerral lloss reseervess, suuborddinatted tterm debtt, annd moore.三划中文词句EngliishEngliish DDefinnitioons个人收入Persoonal IncoomeAn inndiviiduall's ttotall earrninggs coomingg froom waages, bussinesss ennterpprisees, aand vvarioous iinvesstmennts.个人消费开开支PCESimillar tto CPPI, PPCE iis a repoort (actuuallyy a ppart of tthe ppersoonal incoome rreporrt) pput oout bby thhe Buureauu of Econnomicc Anaalysiis off thee Deppartmment of CCommeerce. PCEE is a meeasurre off priice cchangges iin coonsummer ggoodss andd serrvicees. IIt coonsissts oof thhe acctuall andd impputedd exppendiiturees off houusehoolds, andd inccludees daata ppertaaininng too durrablees, nnon-ddurabbles, andd serrvicees.个人理财Persoonal FinaanceFinannciall plaanninng foor inndiviidualls. GGenerrallyy, itt invvolvees annalyzzing theiir cuurrennt fiinanccial posiitionn, prredicctingg shoort-tterm and longg-terrm neeeds, andd reccommeendinng a finaanciaal sttrateegy. Thiss mayy invvolvee advvice on ppensiions, schhool feess, moortgaages, liffe innsuraance, andd invvestmmentss.子公司、附附属公司SubsiidiarryA commpanyy ownned bby annotheer coompanny thhat ccontrrols moree thaan 500% off itss votting stocck. 上市公司Publiic CoompannyA commpanyy thaat haas isssuedd seccuritties throough an oofferring whicch arre noow trradedd on the openn marrket. 上市证券Listeed SeecuriitySecurritiees thhat hhave beenn acccepteed foor trradinng puurposses bby a recoognizzed aand rregullatedd excchangge.已充分反映映实值Fullyy ValluedA stoock tthat has reacched a prrice thatt acccurattely refllectss thee strrengtth off thee commpanyy. 已动用资本本回报率Returrn Onn Cappitall Empployeed (RROCE)A rattio tthat indiicatees thhe effficiiencyy andd proofitaabiliity oof a comppany''s caapitaal innvesttmentts. CCalcuulateed ass: Earniings befoore iinterrest and tax (EBIIT) (CCapittal eemplooyed + Shhort termm borrrowiings - Inntanggiblee asssets) 已动用资本本回报率ROCE A rattio tthat indiicatees thhe effficiiencyy andd proofitaabiliity oof a comppany''s caapitaal innvesttmentts. CCalcuulateed ass: Earniings befoore iinterrest and tax (EBIIT) (CCapittal eemplooyed + Shhort termm borrrowiings - Inntanggiblee asssets) 已发行股票票Sharees OuutstaandinngThe nnumbeer off shaares thatt aree currrenttly oownedd by inveestorrs. TThis inclludess resstriccted sharres (sharres oownedd by the comppany''s offficeers aand iinsidders) andd shaares heldd by the publlic. Sharres tthat the comppany has repuurchaased are not conssiderred ooutsttandiing sstockk.大宗交易Blockk TraadeThe ssale or ppurchhase of aa larrge qquanttity of ssecurritiees. 广泛基础加加权平均Broadd-Bassed WWeighhted AverrageAn annti-ddiluttion provvisioon ussed ffor tthe bbeneffit oof exxistiing pprefeerredd shaarehoolderrs whhen aaddittionaal offferiings are madee by the corpporattion. Thee brooad-bbasedd weiighteed avveragge acccounnts ffor aall eequitty prrevioouslyy isssued and currrentlly unnderggoingg isssue.广泛基础指指数Broadd-Basse InndexAn inndex desiignedd to refllect the moveementt of the entiire mmarkeet. 下调评级DownggradeeA neggativve chhangee in the ratiing oof a secuurityy. 子弹式交易易Bulleet TrradeThe aact oof puurchaasingg an "in the moneey" pput ooptioon soo thaat thhe buuyer can capiitaliize oon a bearr marrket by eeffecctiveely sshortting a sttock withhout waitting for an uupticck.已售商品成成本COGSAn exxpensse thhat rrefleects the costt of the prodduct or ggood thatt gennerattes rrevennue ffor aa commpanyy. Soometiimes refeerredd to as ""Costt of Salees."已售商品成成本Cost of GGoodss Solld (CCOGS)An exxpensse thhat rrefleects the costt of the prodduct or ggood thatt gennerattes rrevennue ffor aa commpanyy. Soometiimes refeerredd to as ""Costt of Salees."下游DownsstreaamReferrs too oill andd gass opeeratiions afteer thhe prroducctionn phaase aand tthrouugh tto thhe pooint of ssale. 已解除债务务的破产人人Dischhargee in BankkrupttcyWhen a baankruupt ppersoon orr commpanyy is legaally freee andd cleear oof anny obbligaationn to repaay ceertaiin deebts. 已缴资本Paid-Up CCapittalThe sstatee of a seettleementt wheen alll paaymennt obbligaationns foor a secuurityy hass beeen coompleeted. 兀鹫投资者者Vultuure CCapittalisst1. A slaang wword for a veenturre caapitaalistt whoo depprivees ann invventoor off conntroll oveer thheir own innoovatiions and mostt of the moneey thhey sshoulld haave mmade fromm thee invventiion. 2. A vennturee cappitallist who inveests in fflounnderiing ffirmss in the hopees thhat tthey willl turrn arroundd. 兀鹫基金Vultuure FFundA funnd thhat bbuys secuuritiies iin diistreessedd invvestmmentss, suuch aas hiigh-yyieldd bonnds iin (oor neear) defaault or eequitties thatt aree in (or nearr) baankruuptcyy. 四划中文词句EngliishEngliish DDefinnitioons五大工业国国G-5Five of tthe wworldd's lleadiing ccounttriess thaat meeet pperioodicaally to aachieeve aa coooperaativee efffort on iinterrnatiionall ecoonomiic annd moonetaary iissuees. 五大工业国国Groupp of Fivee (G-5)Five of tthe wworldd's lleadiing ccounttriess thaat meeet pperioodicaally to aachieeve aa coooperaativee efffort on iinterrnatiionall ecoonomiic annd moonetaary iissuees. 公开上市Goingg PubblicThe pproceess oof seellinng shharess thaat weere fformeerly privvatelly-heeld tto neew innvesttors for the firsst tiime.开支比率Expennse RRatiooThe pperceentagge off thee asssets thatt werre sppent to rrun aa muttual fundd. Itt inccludees thhingss likke maanageementt andd advvisorry feees, travvel ccostss, annd 122b-1 feess. Thhe exxpensse raatio doess nott inccludee brookeraage ccostss forr traadingg thee porrtfollio.公开市场委委员会Federral OOpen Markket CCommiitteee (FOOMC)The bbody thatt setts thhe inntereest rrate and creddit ppoliccies of tthe FFederral RReserrve SSysteem.公开市场委委员会FOMCThe bbody thatt setts thhe inntereest rrate and creddit ppoliccies of tthe FFederral RReserrve SSysteem.日历年Calenndar YearrThe yyear thatt beggins Januuary 1 annd ennds DDecemmber 31公开发行价价值Publiic Offferiing PPricee (POOP)The ppricee at whicch neew isssuess aree offferedd to the publlic bby ann undderwrriterr公开说明书书Prosppectuus1. A forrmal legaal doocumeent ddescrribinng deetaills off a ccorpooratiion. The prosspecttus iis geeneraally creaated for a prropossed oofferring (usuuallyy an IPO), buut thhey ccan sstilll be obtaainedd froom exxistiing bbusinnessees ass welll. TThe pprosppectuus inncluddes ccompaany ffactss thaat arre viitallly immporttant to ppotenntiall invvestoors. 2. In thhis ccase of mmutuaal fuunds, a pprosppectuus deescriibes the fundd's oobjecctivees, hhistoory, manaager backkgrouund, and finaanciaal sttatemmentss. 公开说明书书定稿Finall ProospecctusA leggal ddocumment statting the pricce off a nnewlyy isssued secuurityy, thhe deeliveery ddate, andd othher ffactss thaat arre immporttant for inveestorrs.公开资产Publiic Assetts thhat ccan bbe trradedd in a puublicc marrket, succh ass thee stoock mmarkeet. 无风险回报报率Risk Freee Ratte off RetturnThe qquoteed raate oon ann assset tthat has virttuallly noo rissk. 无风险资产产Risk-Freee AsssetAn assset whicch haas a certtain futuure rreturrn. TTreassuriees (eespecciallly T-billls) aare cconsiidereed too be riskk-freee beecausse thhey aare bbackeed byy thee U.SS. goovernnmentt. 公开流通股股票FloattThe ttotall nummber of ssharees puubliccly oownedd andd avaailabble ffor ttradiing. The floaat iss callculaated by ssubtrractiing rrestrricteed shharess froom ouutstaandinng shharess.今天最低Todayy's LLowThe iintraa-dayy loww traadingg priice. 今天最高Todayy's HHighThe iintraa-dayy higgh trradinng prrice.开支Expennse1. Moneyy speent bby a firmm to conttinuee itss onggoingg opeeratiions. 2. Moneyy speent oor coosts incuurredd thaat arre deeducttiblee andd redduce yourr taxxablee inccome. 公司化、非非共同化DemuttualiizatiionThe pproceess oof chhangiing ccorpooratee strructuure ffrom a muutuall funnd coompanny too somme otther formm, suuch aas a limiited liabbilitty orr corrporaationn.公司、企业业CorpooratiionThe mmost commmon fform of bbusinness orgaanizaationn. Thhe tootal wortth off thee orgganizzatioon iss divvidedd intto shharess of stocck, eeach reprresenntingg a uunit of oownerrshipp. A corpporattion is oongoiing aand tthe oownerrs faace oonly limiited liabbil