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    Unit 5 Section A 1a_1c课件人教版英语九年级全册.ppt

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    Unit 5 Section A 1a_1c课件人教版英语九年级全册.ppt

    Unit 5What are the shirts made of?,Section A1 1a1c,.,教学目标,知识与技能,Teach students about the composition and origin of the product components .,过程与方法,情感态度与价值观,The common vocabulary and sentence patterns,Lead students to develop the cooperation consciousness through the group learning activities.,1. Who invented paper first?,Cai Lun invented it in Han Dynasty.,2. What was paper made of then?,It was mainly made of bamboo.,Warming up,3. Was it easy for people to make paper then?,No, it wasnt. Its was very difficult.,4. Whats paper made of today?,Its mainly made of wood, bamboo and cotton.,This pair of chopsticks are made of bamboo.,This coin is made of silver.,Learning,n. 筷子,n. 硬币,n. 银adj. 银色的,No, it isnt. Its made of silk.,Is this blouse made of cotton?,Its made of steel.,Whats the fork made of?,n. 女式衬衣,n. 棉花,n. 钢;钢铁,These pigs like grass very much.,a piece of leaf,Kolas like leaves.,n. 草,n. 叶子,n. 叶子复数,What are these things? Say the names in English.,stamp,window,(s),(s),What are these things? Say the names in English.,fork,coin,(s),(s),What are these things? Say the names in English.,blouse,ring,(s),(s),wood,What are these things? Say the names in English.,silk,paper,aper作“纸”讲时,为不可数名词,表达数量 则用piece(s) of paper. paper作“论文、试卷、报纸” 等讲是可数名词。,Do you know these materials?,cotton ktn,steel stil,plasticplstk,silver slv,What is the ring made of?,It is made of,ring,silver.,Where was it made?,It was made in,Thailand.,Matching,chopstickswindowcoinstampforkblouse,What are these things usually made of? Match them with the materials. More than one answer is possible.,1a,wood goldsilverpapersilkglass,Countries,America,Korea,Switzerland,Thailand,Germany,France,Pair Work,cotton dress France,gold watchSwitzerland,silk scarfChina,wood chairEngland,silver chopsticksThailand,Listening,Listen and match the products with what they are made of and where they were made.,1b,Practice the conversation in 1a. Then make conversations using the information in 1b.,Practicing,1c,This ring looks nice. Is it made of silver?,Yes, and it was made in Thailand.,Is made of ?,Yes, and it was made in .,Language points,be made of与be made from 辨析,1. What is the model plane made of? What is the painting made from?,两词组都是“由制成的”之意。be made of 指从原料到制成品只发生了形状变化,没有发生本质变化(属物理变化),be made from指从原料到制成品发生质的变化,无法复原(属化学变化)。,e.g. Glass is made of glass. 玻璃杯是由玻璃制成的。 The paper is made from wood. 纸是木头做的。,widely adv. 广泛地;普遍地,wide (形容词) + ly widely (副词),e.g. Gas is widely used for cooking and heating. 天然气被广泛地用于做饭和取暖。,2. For example, Anxi and Hangzhou are widely known for their tea.,Practice makes perfect,1.这个飞机模型是用木头做成的。The model plane _wood.2.这双筷子是由银制成的。This pair of chopsticks_ silver.3.这些汽车是在上海制造的。These cars _ Shanghai.4.这块手表是瑞士产的。This watch _ Switzerland.,is made of,is made of,were made in,was made in,用恰当的介词填空。1) What are your shoes made _? Leather (皮革).2) His watch was made _ Shanghai.3) The machines were made _ many workers.4) The wood will be made _ desks and chairs for students.5) This kind of wine is made _ grapes.,of / from,in,by,into,from,1.Copy the new words.2.Review the new words and structures.3.Write five sentences using the new structures.,Try to protect our trees.Dont cut down too many trees.Dont use one-off chopsticks any more.,Goodbye!,


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