丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书(第二级)Sun教学设计教学目标 掌握i和u的字母名和字母音。 能够听辨短元音i和U。 见到i和U为中间音的CVC、CVCC单词能够迅速拼读解码。 能够流利朗读故事并理解大意。 能够根据绘本的内容创编自己的绘本二、教学重点 i和U的字母名和字母音的教学。 含有i和U的CVC和CVCC单词的拼读及在绘本中的含义。 绘本故事内容的理解。三、教学难点 能够听辨短元音i和uo 见到i和u为中间音的CVC和CVCC单词能够迅速拼读解码。 能够理解绘本故事内容。!1!教学用具设计意图复习字母名和字母音,并明确短 元音i和u是本节课的重点,明 确学习目标。通过游戏锻炼学生 听辩音素的能力,为之后的拼读 绘本 课件 拼读闪卡 带有字母i和u的指示牌五.教学过程Step 1热身1,复习字母名和字母音。教师用语建议:-Let's see some letters and please tell me the letter name and sound,-Letter d says /d/2.针对核心字母进行拓展。-Letter i says /i/-Letter u says /u/3.听辩带有音素/i/和/u/的音和单词。教师用语建议:-1 will say some sounds and words, if you hear sound /e/, show me YES. If you don't, show me NO.(Sounds & Words: it, up, un, it, ip, if,ug, ip, ut; pit, pin, pug, big, bux, but, hun, Pug, etc)学习做铺垫。Step 2拼读练习1.拼读带有中间音e的CVC单词,以sit作为示例。教师用语建议:- Letter i says /i/, letter t says /t/. Lefs put them together.- /i/+/t/ =/it/- Letter s says /s/, let's put them together.- /s/+/it/ =/sit/- Now, we have 1st word for today's lesson.2.针对故事中的核心单词,进行拼读练习(见课件)。设计意图通过演示拼读方法培养解码能 力。将更多辅音字母分别放在e 的前后进行拼读,强化拼读能 力。同时,与意义进行联系,为 之后的阅读教学做铺垫。Step 3阅读封面、扉页,介绍故事大思1.观察封面,了解绘本的题目和作者。提问建议:- What's the title of the book?- Let's see who wrote this lovely book.设计意图学生在教师的带领下了解绘本 的信息,如书名、作者名等,由 此了解阅读的方法、养成良好的 阅读习惯。增强文本概念。Step 4读中活动1 .教师与学生一起环游绘本的第三页.提问建议:- What can you see on this page?- Let's read together. The sun is up.- What do you do when the sun is up?2 .展示绘本的第七页。课堂用语建议:- Let's see what Sam and Mat do today.- Wow, Sam puts on the bag. Where are they going?3 .展示绘本的第八和第九页课堂用语建议:- It seems like they are having fun!- Where are they going?设计意图通过对故事情节的预测激发学 生的学习兴趣,引发好奇心。打 开绘本后,让学生带着问题进行 阅读,提升阅读效率、检验阅读 理解能力。之后,通过小组阅读 的方式,提升阅读乐趣。学生互 帮互助,与同伴共同进步。最后 通过听读的方式,验证拼读学习 的效果。及时纠正发音,提升课 堂学习质量。在阅读中,发现不符合自然拼读 发音规律的单词。告诉学生这属- Let's read the book.4 .展示绘本的第十一页,提问并进行小组讨论。提问建议:- I cover some parts of the picture.- But you can see their face.- What are they doing? Have a guess.- How do they feel?5 .打开绘本,进行任务性阅读。提问建议:- Open you book, read the story. Then please tell me where they are and what they are doing.6 .独立阅读绘本,回答提前布置的问题。7 .圈出绘本上带有字母i和u的单词,并进行朗读。课堂用语建议:- Now, please find the words with letter i and u in the book.- Now, who can tell me where 'sun' is.- You are the fastest! So you can pick up a word and ask them to look for.8 .教授视觉词puto课堂用语建议:- Now, let's talk about this word.- It has 'u' in it, but it doesn't say /u/.- This word is /put/, you can just remember it, because it's a sight word.9 .大声朗读绘本,针对有困难的学生教帅可给予帮助。10 .听读绘本,纠正发音。于视觉词的范围,进行教授。Step 5读后活动1 .联系自身进行讨论提问建议:- Who fills a pack in your family before outing?- Where do you usually visit?设计意图联系自身,进行绘本阅读后的拓 展活动。回忆现实生活中,与家 长相处的点滴;与自身联系,达 到绘本阅读'育人的目的。六,家庭作业1 .拼读解码以下CVC单词:rug, run, sit和sun,并理解词义。2 .听录音并大声朗读绘本。3 .给绘本涂色。4 .尝试创作一个故事,题目可以为Sun, Rain或是Snow。