爱丽丝梦游仙境爱丽丝梦游仙境人物:爱丽丝,查尔斯,疯帽子,三月兔,红皇后,白皇后,红心杰克,切斯特,阿布索伦,半斤,八两,哈米什,炸脖龙,哈米什母亲,爱丽丝的母亲,参加订婚宴的人们,第一幕(爱丽丝上场)查尔斯:又做恶梦了吗?我去去就来爱丽丝:我掉入一个黑洞,然后看到奇怪的生物查尔斯:怎样的生物?爱丽丝:有只渡渡鸟、穿背心的兔子,一只微笑的猫查尔斯:我不知道猫会微笑爱丽丝:我原来也不知道爱丽丝:还有一只蓝色毛毛虫查尔斯:蓝色毛毛虫爱丽丝:你觉得我疯了吗?查尔斯:恐怕是如此 你发疯、发狂、失去理智了,但我要告诉你一个秘密 所有最优秀的人都这样。那只是个梦,爱丽丝 没有任何东西会伤害你,但如果你太害怕,你只要醒来就没事了,像这样第二幕人物:爱丽丝,爱丽丝的母亲,哈米什,哈米什的母亲,三月兔,参加订婚宴会的人们,半斤,八两,阿布索伦(在爱丽丝与哈米什的订婚宴上,爱丽丝跟着一直穿礼服的兔子逃走了,掉进一个黑洞里,喝了缩小剂,进入了地下王国,开始了仙境之旅。)十三年后爱丽丝:一定要去吗?爱丽丝的母亲:是的,一定要去。爱丽丝:要是爸爸就不会这样。抱歉,我很累 昨晚没睡好。母亲:你又做恶梦了?爱丽丝:就是那个梦,从我有记忆以来一直都做同样的梦,你觉得那样正常吗?一般人不是会做各式各样的梦吗?母亲:我不知道哈米什母亲:总算到了,还以为你们不来呢,爱丽丝,哈米什等着和你跳舞呢,去吧!爱丽丝母亲:抱歉 哈米什母亲:哦,算了!(爱丽丝与哈米什和众人一起跳舞)(在亭子下面,面对着众人,哈米什跟爱丽丝求婚)哈米什:爱丽丝金斯利,你愿意嫁给我吗?爱丽丝:嗯,每个人都希望我答应,你又是领主,我不会永远美丽 我不想最后变得像但一切发生得太快了,我我想我我想我我需要一点时间(爱丽丝跟着兔子来到一个大树下面,掉进了大树下面的黑洞,黑洞的最底端有一个大厅,周围有很多扇门,在最下方,她发现有一扇很小很小的门,然后她看到桌子上放着一把钥匙,还有一小瓶药水,药水瓶上写着:“喝我”。)爱丽丝:这只是个梦(缩小了的爱丽丝打开了那扇很小很小的门,进入了地下王国,看到了各种奇怪的生物)爱丽丝:事情越来越奇怪了(半斤,八两,三月兔上场)半斤:她是爱丽丝八两:她不是爱丽丝半斤:她就是爱丽丝八两:她不是真的爱丽丝爱丽丝:你们是谁?半斤:哦,我是半斤,他是八两八两:才怪,我是八两,他是半斤三月兔:别理他们,我直接带你去找阿布索伦。爱丽丝:阿布索伦是谁?阿布索伦:你是谁?爱丽丝:阿布索伦?阿布索伦:你不是阿布索伦,我才是 问题在于你是谁?爱丽丝:爱丽丝三月兔:这是万物历嘛 -是概要,它记录了开天辟地以来 每一天发生的事,在红皇后统治的今天是回归日阿布索伦:让她看看辉煌日三月兔:对,辉煌日就是你杀掉炸脖龙的那天爱丽丝:什么?杀掉什么?三月兔:对,你在那里,还拿着佛盘剑呢,只有这把剑能杀了炸脖龙 其他的都不行,只有佛盘剑能杀死他!阿布索伦:你们快走吧,红皇后的人要来了。第三幕人物:红皇后,侍卫们,红心杰克(在红皇后的宫殿里)(红皇后上场)红皇后:有人偷了三个水果馅饼!是你偷的吗? 侍卫甲:不是,皇后陛下红皇后:是你吗? 侍卫乙:不是,陛下红皇后:你偷的吗? 侍卫丙:不是,陛下红皇后:是你偷了我的水果馅饼吗?侍卫丁:我没有,陛下红皇后:梅子汁侍卫丁:我太饿了!我不是故意的! 红皇后:砍掉他的头!侍卫丁:我的家人!求求你不要!不!我还有小孩要养!红皇后:饮料!红心杰克:陛下?红皇后:伊洛索维克斯坦恩,小杰克 你跑到哪里去了?红心杰克:陛下,我找到万物历了红皇后:这个?看起来也太平凡了红心杰克:看看这里,在辉煌日那天红皇后:我到哪里都认得那一头乱发,那是爱丽丝?红心杰克:我相信是的红皇后:她想对我亲爱的炸脖龙怎样?红心杰克:她显然是要杀死它红皇后:她杀了我可爱的炸脖龙?红心杰克:还没有,但如果不阻止她 很快就会发生了红皇后:找到爱丽丝,杰克,找到她!(红心杰克带着一群士兵去找爱丽丝)第四幕人物:切斯特,疯帽子,爱丽丝,三月兔,红心杰克(爱丽丝在逃离了大毛兽的追赶后来到一片丛林里,遇到了切斯特,切斯特带爱丽丝去找疯帽子和三月兔)(切斯特上场)切斯特:你叫什么名字? 爱丽丝:爱丽丝切斯特:鼎鼎大名的爱丽丝?爱丽丝:关于这点还有争议 切斯特:我一向不插手政治,你最好继续上路了爱丽丝:上路去哪里? 我只想快点从梦中醒来切斯特:很好,那我带你去找三月兔和疯帽子 我也只能做到这样(在一个荒凉的小屋前,疯帽子,三月兔,正在喝茶,疯帽子看到爱丽丝很激动)三月兔:她是假的爱丽丝疯帽子:你绝对就是爱丽丝 我不会认错的,我到哪里都认得他,你总算回来了,我们必须进行到辉煌日一起喊:辉煌日! -辉煌日!疯帽子:你知道为什么乌鸦 会像张写字台吗?三月兔&切斯特:干掉残忍的死大头! 干掉残忍的死大头!爱丽丝:什么?干掉残忍的死大头?疯帽子:残忍的死大头就是红皇后切斯特:你是怎么了?塔伦 你以前是个开心果的,你以前是巫地最棒的福特韦根舞者了爱丽丝:福什么? -福特韦根!疯帽子:是一种舞蹈,在辉煌日那一天,当白皇后再次戴上皇冠,那一天我会尽情跳着福特韦根舞(红心杰克带领士兵找到了这里)三月兔:不好,红皇后的人又来了!疯帽子:等等,最好带她去见白皇后,她在那边会很安全!(疯帽子为了保护爱丽丝被红心杰克抓走)爱丽丝:去他的红皇后!他们要带他去哪里?切斯特:到沙森港,红皇后的城堡那边爱丽丝:我们必须去救他切斯特:不可能爱丽丝:我不管 要不是为了我,他也不会被抓三月兔:等等,这是什么?三月兔:天哪,这是佛盘剑!连老天都在帮我们!辉煌日就快到了,你必须准备对抗炸脖龙,用这把剑杀了他,这样才能救出疯帽子!三月兔:走,我们带你去白皇后的宫殿。 第五幕(人物:白皇后,爱丽丝,阿布索伦)白皇后:欢迎来到白石宫爱丽丝:我相信这是你的白皇后:佛盘剑又回家了,盔甲已经齐备了,现在只需要一位战士白皇后:跟我来,有人想和你说话爱丽丝:阿布索伦? 阿布索伦:你是谁?爱丽丝:我以为我们谈过了 我是爱丽丝,但不是正牌的阿布索伦:你怎么知道? 爱丽丝:你自己说的阿布索伦:我说你几乎不可能是爱丽丝,但你现在比较像她了,事实上你几乎就是爱丽丝爱丽丝:即使如此,就算事关我的生死 我也无法屠杀炸脖龙阿布索伦:会的,所以我建议辉煌日来临时,你要随身携带佛盘剑爱丽丝:你看起来好真实,有时我几乎忘了 这只是一场梦,你不要这样好吗?阿布索伦:爱丽丝,你不能为了取悦众人而活,你必须自己做决定,因为当你挺身面对那只魔兽,你将是孤身一人。流泪是解决不了问题的爱丽丝:别走,我需要你的帮忙,我不知道该怎么做阿布索伦:如果你不知道自己是谁 我也帮不上忙,笨女孩爱丽丝:我不笨,我叫爱丽丝,我住在伦敦,我妈妈叫海伦 姐姐叫玛格丽特,我爸爸是查尔斯金斯利,他的眼光遍及世界,没有任何事情能阻止他,我是他的女儿,我是爱丽丝金斯利阿布索伦:好好想想吧。记住,佛盘剑知道它要什么,你要做的只是握紧它,一路顺风了,爱丽丝。第六幕(人物:爱丽丝,红皇后,白皇后,红心杰克,疯帽子,切斯特,炸脖龙,半斤,八两)(红白皇后在战场相见,爱丽丝将用佛盘剑杀掉炸脖龙)白皇后:哈啰,依瑞斯贝斯 红皇后:哈啰,米兰娜旁白:在辉煌日这一天 红白两位皇后,将派遣她们的战士代表 进行决斗白皇后:哦,依瑞斯,我们不必争斗红皇后:我知道你在做什么,你以为眨着美丽的眼睛,我就会融化,就像爸妈那样白皇后:那请红皇后:不!这是我的皇冠!我是长女!炸脖龙!爱丽丝:这是不可能的疯帽子:除非你肯相信爱丽丝:有时在早餐之前 我已经想到六件不可能之事疯帽子:那是很好的练习,不过这个时候,你最好专注在炸脖龙身上红皇后:你的战士呢?妹妹白皇后:这里红皇后:哈啰,嗯爱丽丝:六件不可能之事 算一下,爱丽丝,一,有种药水能让身体缩小,二,有种蛋糕能让身体长大炸脖龙:我的旧敌 我们又在战场碰面了我的古老敌人,佛盘剑爱丽丝:废话说够了,三,动物会说话,四,爱丽丝猫会消失,五,有个地方叫仙境,六,我可以屠杀炸脖龙(在战斗过程中,爱丽丝杀掉了炸脖龙)疯帽子在捣乱,砍掉他的头!爱丽丝:砍掉你的头!红皇后:杀了她!红武士:我们不再听你指挥了 红大头红皇后:你胆子真大啊?砍掉他的头!(皇冠回到了白皇后的头上)白皇后:依瑞斯贝斯, 你违反化外之地的罪行足该处死,不过这违反我的誓言所以你要被放逐到边境,没有人会对你展现仁慈 没有人会和你说话,你在世上不会有半个朋友红心杰克:陛下,我希望你不会处罚我白皇后:只有一个例外,伊洛索维克斯坦恩,你陪同依瑞斯贝斯一起放逐,从即刻起,直到地下王国的末日红皇后:至少我们拥有彼此红心杰克:陛下,拜托!杀了我!白皇后:但我对你没有一丝同情红心杰克:砍掉我的头! 红皇后:他想杀我红心杰克:陛下!求求你! 红皇后:他想杀了我红心杰克:我献上我的头! 红皇后:他想杀我!众人齐喊:辉煌日!美丽又奇妙!爱丽丝:他在做什么? 切斯特:福特韦根舞白皇后:炸脖龙的血,我们永远感激你,谢谢你为了我们奋战爱丽丝:这可以带我回家吗? -如果这是你的决定疯帽子:你可以留下来爱丽丝:多棒的主意 一个疯狂美妙的主意,但是我不能,有些问题我必须去回答 我必须去完成一些事,但我很快就会回来疯帽子:你不会记得我爱丽丝:我当然会,我怎么忘得掉?疯帽子,为什么乌鸦 会像张写字台?疯帽子:我一点也不知道,一路顺风,爱丽丝Alice In Wonderland scriptAlice:Im falling Down a dark hole. Then I see strange creatures. Alices father:What kind of creatures? Alice:Theres a dodo bird, a rabbit in a waist coat and a smiling cat Alices father: I did not know cats could smile. Alice:Neither did I. And there is a blue caterpillar. A blue caterpillar? Do you think Ive gone round the bend? Im afraid so. Youre mad, bonkers, off your head But Ill tell you a secret. All the best people are. Its only a dream, Alice, nothing can harm you there. But if you get too frightened, You can always wake up. Like this Must we go? Yes,we mustFather would have laughed. Im sorry. Im tired. I didnt sleep well last night. Did you have bad dreams again? Only one. Its always the same, ever since I can remember Do you think thats normal? Dont most people have different dreams? I dont know. Alice, Hamish is waiting to dance with you . Go. Alice Kingsley . - Hamish. Will you be my wife? Well. Everyone expects me to And, youre a Lord. My face wont last and I dont want to end up like. But this is happening so quickly, I. I think I . I need a moment. Curiouser and curiouser How can I be the wrong Alice when this is my dream? And who are you if i might ask? Oh, Im Tweedledee and hes Tweedledum. Cherry wise, Im Tweedledum and hes Tweedledee. We should consult Absolum. - Exactly! Who are you? Absolem!? - Youre not Absolem. Im Absolem. The question is . Who are you? Alice. - We shall see. Unroll the Oraculum. Show her the Frabjus Day. Yes, Frabjus, being the day you slay the Jabberwocky Sorry? Slay the what? That being you there with the Vorpal sword. No other swords can kill the Jabberwocky. No how. If it aint Vorpal, aint dead Thats not me. - I know! Someone has stolen three of my tarts! Did You steal them? - No, Your Majesty. Did You? - No, Your Majesty. Did You steal them? - No, Your Majesty. Did you steal my tart? - No, Your Majesty . Its cranberry juice. - I was so hungry! I didnt mean to . - Off with his head! My family! No, please, please dont! I have little ones to look after! Majesty. Ilosovic Stayne Where have you been lurking? Majesty . I have found the Oraculum That? Looks so ordinary for an Oraculum. Look here. Frabjus Day. Id know that tangled mess of hair anywhere. Is it Alice? I believe it is. What is she doing with my darling Jabberwocky? She appears to be slating it She killed my Jabberbabywocky? Not yet. But it will happen if we dont stop her. Find Alice, Stayne. Find her! What do you call yourself? - Alice. THE Alice? There has been some debate about that I never get involved in politics. Youd best be on your way. What way? All I want to do is wake up from this dream. Fine. Ill take you to the Hare and the Hatter, but thats the end of it Coming? Its the wrong Alice? - Its absolutely Alice. Youre absolutely Alice. Id know you anywhere. Id know him anywhere! Well, as you can see, were still having tea. And its all because I was obliged to kill time waiting for your return. Youre terribly late, you know Naughty! Well anyway, time to came quite offended has stopped all together. Not a tick off a finger Cup.Time can be funny in dreams. Ive been investigating things that begin with the letter "M". Have you any idea why a raven is like a writing desk? "Downal wyth Bluddy Behg Hid "! - What? "Down with the Bloody Big Head" Bloody Big Head, being The Red Queen Welcome to Marmoreal. - I believe this belongs to you. The Vorpal sword is home again The Armor is complete Now all we need is a champion Come with me. Theres someone here whod like to speak with you Absolem! - Who are you? I thought wed settled this Im Alice, but not that one How do you know? Youve said so yourself I said you were not hardly Alice, but youre much more her now. In fact, youre almost Alice. Even so, I couldnt slay the Jabberwocky if my life depended on it It will So I suggest you keep the Vorpal Sword on hand when the Frabjus Day arrives You seem so real. Sometimes I forget that this is all a dream. Dont go. I need your help, I dont know what to do. I cant help you if you dont even know who you are, stupid girl. Im not stupid! My name is Alice, I live in London. I have a mother named Helen and a sister named Margaret. My father was Charles Kingsley. He had a vision that stretched halfway around the world and nothing ever stopped him Im his daughter. Im Alice Kingsley. Alice . At last! You are just as dimwitted as the first time you were here You called it Wonderland, as I recall Wonderland. This place is real! So are you and so is the Hatter! And the Jabberwocky Remember, the Vorpal Sword knows what it wants All you have to do, is hold on to it. Farewell, Alice. Perhaps I will see you in another life. Hello, Iracebeth. Hello . Mirana Iracy, we dont have to fight I know what youre doing. You think you can blink those pretty little eyes and Ill melt, just like mommy and daddy did. Please. No! Its my crown! I am the eldest! Jabberwocky! This is impossible. Only if you believe it is However, just at the moment, you really might want to focus on the Jabberwocky So my old foe,we meet on the battlefield once againWeve never metNot you,insignificant bearerMy ancient enemy the Vorpal oneThats enough chatterThe Hatter is interfering ! Off with his head! Off with your head! O Frabjus Day! What is he doing? - Futterwacken. The blood of the Jabberwocky. You have our everlasting gratitude. And for your efforts on our behalf . - Will this take me home? - If that is what you choose. You could stay. What an idea? A crazy mad wonderful idea! But I cant There are questions I have to answer Things I have to do. Ill be back again, before you know it You wont remember me. Of course I will. How could I forget? Hatter, why IS a raven like a writing desk? I havent the slightest idea Fairfarren Alice. 【END】