Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-datetqm(全面质量管理)tqm(全面质量管理)tqm(全面质量管理)全面质量管理TQM(全面质量管理)全面质量管理/全面品质经营,综合质量管理专家的思想精髓,我们认为是一种全员、全过程、全企业的品质经营。它指一个组织以质量为中心,以全员参与为基础,目的在于通过让顾客满意和本组织所有成员及社会受益而达到永续经营的管理途径TQM是1961年美国质量管理专家菲根保姆提出的。核心理念顾客满意:顾客即供应所提供产品的接受者,可以是组织内部的,也可以是组织外部的。附加价值:用最小的投入获取最大的功能价值,追求组织最大的经营绩效和个人最大的工作绩效。持续改善:建立以PDCA回圈为基础的持续改善的管理体系编辑本段中心思想1。高层管理的领导直接参与-全面品质管理,非要由高层管理直接领导不可。通常需要由总经理亲自领导,由高层人员组成的小组来策划及推动。传统意义的品质管理可通过授权给品质部门去进行,但全面品质管理则绝不能如此,必须由最高层的管理人员亲自统筹。任何公司若不能做到此点,大概可以无须推行全面品质管理。2。全体员工上下一心、群策群力-这是很关键的一点。要注意的是”上下一心”并非只是口号,而是必需条件。这里说”上下一心”,至少包含了三方面的意思:一是上下各级同事皆充分明了公司的目标、方向和策略;二是他们充分认同及投入;三是他们清清楚楚地知道公司能达致目标对他们会有什么好处,即是说,要能把公司的利益与各级员工的利益结合起来。3。具有竞争力的成本-这一点是全面品质管理的关键概念。很多人有这样的一个错觉,以为推行全面品质管理,必是费用惊人,导致成本上升。其实,绝大部分成功地推行了全面品质管理的企业,都是一方面为全面品质管理作了重大投资,提供更优质的产品或服务。施乐机构是美国最瞩目的一个成功地推行了全面品质管理的公司,在推行过程中的首六年内,把生产成本降低了20%。4。提供高素质且不断改进之产品及服务-一方面要”高质素”,另方面要不断改进,尤其是后者,更是全面质量管理的焦点。高质素的具体定义,当然要适应市场定位、顾客期望、竞争环境等因素来决定,但关键的一点,就是今天的高质素,并不代表明天仍是高质素,市场竞争的环境千变万化,若不能不断断改进,很快便会被人家追赶上来,或是被抛离得更远。5。在客户中建立优质及物有所值的良好声誉-若能做到上述四点,便很有机会达到这个境界。顾客导向是全面品质管理的中心思想,推行全面品质管理的公司,都必须令全体员工深明此昧。编辑本段工作程序美国质量管理学家戴明提出了全面质量管理的基该方法和工作程序,他认为质量管理工作程序包括:计划(计划)、实施(做)、检查(检查)、处理(行动)四个阶段周而复始运转,简称“PDCA循环”。计划阶段包括四个步骤:分析现状,找出质量问题;分析质量问题,找出影响质量因素;根据影响因素制定措施,提出改进计划,并预计计划效果;实施阶段是根据预计目标和措施,有组织的执行和实现质量控制;检查阶段是对计划执行情况进行检验,And find the deficiency; the processing phase includes two steps: summing up the successful experience and failure lesson, and standardized the successful experience, and put forward the prevention measures of failure. The unresolved problems should be transferred to the next cycle, as the next target in mind. The characteristics of PDCA cycle is: according to the order, by organizing force, cycle, continuous cycle; large ring ring. The enterprise quality management activities is the big ring, various departments and departments are independent of the ring; the spiral of quality management is not to stay in place, but constantly sum up and improve.Edit the TQM basic principles of this paragraphEconomic principle: TQM's ultimate goal is to meet the needs of customers under the premise of enterprises should be added value principle of cooperation to maximize TQM requires enterprises to maintain close cooperation of various departments, all staff to maintain good cooperation, to ensure the quality of the products so as to achieve better economic benefit. The system principle: the enterprise is a system composed of many related links, departments and elements. Therefore, TQM should be analyzed systematically and systematically, and measures should be taken to solve the problemEdit the basic content of this paragraphDesign process quality managementThe quality management of product design process is the first step of total quality management, mainly including market investigation, product development, product design, process preparation, trial manufacture and identification. The main contents are: according to market research, design and develop product quality objectives; organization, sale and use of scientific research, design, technology, manufacturing, quality departments involved in determining the suitable design proposal; ensure the quality of technical documents; do the standardization examination work; supervise compliance with the design work trial program.Manufacturing process quality controlThe manufacturing process refers to the process of direct processing of the product. It is the foundation of product quality formation and the basic link of enterprise quality management. The content of manufacturing process quality management is to organize quality inspection, to organize and promote civilized production, to analyze the quality of the organization, to control the quality trends, to control the quality of the organizational processes, and to establish the management points.Auxiliary process quality managementThe auxiliary process refers to the process of providing various materials and technical conditions to ensure the normal operation of the manufacturing process. It includes material purchasing, supply, power production, equipment maintenance, tool manufacture, warehouse keeping, transportation service, etc. The main contents are: auxiliary process management improve quality management in the supply of materials procurement, the procurement of quality assurance, strict inspection and acceptance of storage materials, quality and quantity, to provide all kinds of materials needed for production; organize the equipment maintenance work, maintain good technical status of equipment; make tool manufacture and supply quality management.Process quality managementThe use process is the process of testing the actual quality of the product. It is the continuation of the internal quality management, and also the starting point and end point of the overall quality management. The basic task of using process quality management is to improve service volume (pre-sales and after-sales service), ensure the actual use of products, and constantly urge enterprises to study and improve product quality. Its main contents are as follows: to carry out technical services; to deal with the quality of ex factory products; to investigate the effects of product use and user requirements.Edit the basic requirements of this paragraphThe whole process of product quality requirements: the final is enterprise production, and it is the guarantee from market research, design, manufacturing to sales of the entire process of the implementation of effective control and implementation of the service. All the requirements of the enterprise quality management functions are distributed in various management, the various functional departments, so the TQM requirements of enterprise management, the various functional departments responsible for quality management responsibility, the class of the Department staff in requirements: because the product quality is a comprehensive reflection of enterprises in all sectors and segments and various employees all the work quality, so the TQM requirements from the enterprise top leadership, down to the class management,Even front-line operators should be concerned about the quality of their products and participate in various quality management activities. The requirements of the management method: the factors that affect the quality of products is the one of the factors, both factors of technology and management factors, both internal factors and external factors, different kinds should therefore promote the TQM enterprise, the person and the time, using a variety of Circumstances alter cases. Management techniques and methods for effective control. The significance of improving the quality of products: * * * to speed up the production process improve product design * staff morale and enhance awareness of quality improvement of products customer service service * * * market to improve the acceptability of the lower operating costs * * quality reduce operating losses reduce site maintenance cost reduce accidents * range: the basic difference of the basic principle of comprehensive quality management and the other is the concept, it emphasizes that in order to achieve real economic benefits, management must start with the quality identification of customer requirements, customer satisfaction has products on his hands. Total quality management is to coordinate the activities of people, machines and information in order to achieve this goal. The main areas of activity can be described using the following schematic diagram:Edit this paragraph total quality management principle1. in the phrase "quality control" (Quality Control), the word "quality" does not have the general meaning of "best" in absolute sense. Quality refers to the requirements that are best suited to a particular customer". These requirements are: the actual use of A. products; the selling price of B. products. 2. in the "quality control" is a phrase, the word "control" represents a kind of management method, including four steps: to establish the quality standard of A.; the implementation of B. standards; C. adopted corrective measures when the deviation from the standard D. to improve the standard plan arrangements. 3., the factors that affect product quality can be divided into two categories: A. technology, i.e. machine, material and process; B. person, operator, team leader and other personnel of the company. Of these two factors, human factors are much more important. 4. total quality management is an important means of providing excellent product design, processing methods, and serious product maintenance services, which are always needed by quality products. 5., the basic principle of quality management applies to any manufacturing process, because of the different enterprises, industry, scale, the use of the method is slightly different, but the basic principle is still the same. The difference between methods can be summarized as follows: in mass production, the focus of quality management is on products, and the emphasis is on control processes in single piece and small batch production. 6. quality management runs through all stages of the industrial process. The first is to send products to users, and install and field maintenance services. 7. to effectively control the factors that affect the quality of the product, it must be controlled at all major stages of production or service process. These controls are called quality management (Job of quality control). According to their nature, they can be divided into four categories: A., new design control, B. material control, C. product control, D. research. 8., establishing quality system is one of the most effective methods and means to carry out quality control work. 9. quality cost is a means to measure and optimize total quality management activities. 10. in terms of organization, overall quality management is the management tool used to delegate authority and responsibility to achieve product quality, which not only can relieve the upper management tasks, but also can retain the upper management to ensure the quality of the results satisfactory methods. 11. in principle, the general manager of the company's quality management work should become the "chief designer", at the same time, the other main departments of him and the company should also promote the company in terms of efficiency, modernization, quality control etc. 12. from the perspective of human relations, quality management organizations include two aspects: a.Provide quality information and communication channels for all personnel and departments concerned; B. provides the means for the relevant employees and departments to participate in the overall quality management. 13. quality management work must have the full support of the upper management. If the upper management's support is not enthusiastic enough, there is no real effect if it is advertised to the rest of the company. 14. in the total quality management work, no matter when and where will use the mathematical statistics method, but mathematical statistics method is only a part of total quality management, it does not mean total quality management. 15., the overall quality management activities should be gradually carried out within the scope of the company. It is advisable to select one or two quality issues to be resolved and successful, and then implement quality management plans step by step in this manner. 16. an important feature of total quality management is the quality control from the root. For example, through the operator to measure their own achievements to promote and establish his sense of responsibility and concern for product quality, that is, positive results of total quality management work. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Edit this paragraph, Deming, 141. the establishment of continuous innovation and improvement goals; 2. to adopt such a philosophy, we cannot tolerate old habits; 3. with statistical evidence that quality has been done in 4.; stop price based company to evaluate 5. statistical methods; found the problem; 6. with modern methods to carry out on-the-job training; 7. improved supervision, not only pay attention to product quality, and to supervise the behavior of all kinds of personnel in the company is correct; 8. casts out fear, enable people to point out problems and questioning without fear; 9. break within the company and communicate with suppliers and customers of the obstacles and improve communication effectiveness; 10. slogans will not help solve the problem, go to the scene to do see 11. workers; the restriction of the use of only the provisions of production quota, the quota can only make regardless of the quality at the same time limit production workers 12. Encourage professionalism; 13. implement a re education program to maintain change and innovation; 14. create a top management that promotes the implementation of each of these points every day. TQM IT User Downtime Using TQM case Reducing This Information Technology (IT) case study was done during the implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM) in a financial services company with several hundred computers and computer users in multiple locations throughout India. The results have widespread applicability and in particular are aimed at organizations with large computer networks, IT facilities management companies and customer service providers. Success in any improvement effort is a function of techniques accompanied by a mindset change in the organization. This project was undertaken as part of the second wave of projects aimed at spreading the quality mindset in the organization. The narrative unfolds in the chronologic Al sequence, of, TQM's, Seven, Steps, of, Problem, Solving (similar, to, DMAIC, Six, Sigma, in), describing, the, critical, process, stages, where, results, were, achieved, and, mindsets, changed.Edit this paragraph TQM total quality management conceptThe concept of a comprehensive quality improved 1, total quality management (TQM) the basic requirements of the concept of "quality concept of comprehensive four pillars: refers to the early PDCA cycle, standardization, quality education, group QC (Quality Control Circle), now refers to leadership excellence, customer oriented, full participation, continuous improvement five the basic work of standardization, metrology, quality information, quality responsibility, quality education and training of the" new seven tools "(tree): system diagram, graph, matrix, Affinity Diagram (KJ), arrow bar, process decision program chart (PDPC), matrix data analysis, 2 total quality management and quality improve