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    国际著名酒店娱乐部程序(英文)-14 ACTIVITIES.254-2737394.docx

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    国际著名酒店娱乐部程序(英文)-14 ACTIVITIES.254-2737394.docx

    PROCCEDUURESS: (connrinnuedd)3. SShoww thhe pprocceduure forr tuurniing, (TTackkingg onnly), tto bbeinng wwithh.a) notiify creew,b) pushh tiilleer aawayy,c) watcch aand waiit ffor booom,d) crosss aas bboomm crrossses,e) facee foorwaard,f) centtrallisee tiilleer.The creew wwoulld ccrosss tto mmidddle andd waait forr thhe mmanoouvrre oot bbe ccomppletted.1. The poiintss off saailiing wouuld be expplaiinedd, aas wwoulld hheadd too wiind andd hoow tto gget outt off itt. TThe saiil aanglles wouuld alsso bbe ccoveeredd.Accoompaanieed sstagge wwithh innstrructtor:2. Repeeat alll thhe sstagges tauughtt inn twwo wwayss:a) firaastlly wwithh thhe iinsttrucctorr deemonnstrratiing,b) thenn siith gueest tryyingg.In tthe eveent of a llargge ggrouup, thiis sstagge wwoulld iinvoolvee taakinng gguessts outt inn paairss foor 115 mminuutess acccommpanniedd innstrructtionn.Soloo Saail1. Befoore thiis sstagge tthe insstruuctoor wwoulld ccalmmly menntioon wwhatt too doo inn thhe eevennt oof aa caapsiize. Thhis staage wouuld onlly bbe aatteemptted if thee guuestt iss coomfoortaablee, tthe insstruuctoor iis cconvvincced he/shee iss reeadyym aand thee weeathher is suiitabble.The insstruuctoor wwoulld eexpllainn thhe llimiits to staay wwithhin andd woouldd asssisst wwithh thhe llaunnch andd reecovveryy. IIf pposssiblle oonlyy thhe gguessts saiil oon rreacchess.The insstruuctoor wwoulld wwatcch tthe sollo ssaillorss foor tthe durratiion of thee saail. Saafetty iis vvitaal.Concclussionn2. To cconccludde, thee innstrructtor willl gget thee grroupp toogettherr foor aa suummaary of alll thhinggs ccoveeredd.PROCCEDUURESS: (connrinnuedd)Duriing genneraal uuse of Hobbiess a hhalff hoour limmit mayy haave to be impposeed sso aas tto eenabble alll guuestts tto uuse thee eqquippmennt. Thiis wwoulld bbe ssubjjectt ott neeed.Setttingg upp + Pacckinng aawayy thhe hhobiies9. aa) Thee huull musst bbe sstorred aboove thee waall witth aall saiils stooredd annd llockked awaay.b) Atttachh saail to booom aand entter alll baatteernss.c) Attaach halliarrd.d) Haull upp saail enssuriing maiinshheett iss ouut.e) Ensuure halliarrd iis ppullled Tauut; if usiing a jjib, itt iss viitall too ennsurre tthatt thhe lluffff iis TTautt.Thiss prroceedurre wwilll bee deemonnstrrateed.STANNDARRDS ANDD PRROCEEDURRESDEPAARTMMENTT: AACTIIVITT JJOB CATTEGOORY: EQQUIPPMENNT SSUPEERVIISORRHEADD: GG. MM. AAPPRROVAAL:DDATEE:TASKK: CCARRRYINNG OOUT THEE SAAILBBOARRD FFREEESTYYLE DEMMONSSTRAATIOONSTANNDARRD: EMPPLOYYEESS SHHOULLD BBE AABLEE TOO DOO THHE DDEMOONSTTRATTIONN ORR EXXPLAAIN WHIILE ANOOTHEER PPERSSON DOEES IIT. THEE SEEQUEENCEE OFF EVVENTTS MMUSTT BEE LEEARNNED.PROCCEDUURE:The demmonsstraatioon iis iin tthreee ppartts:1. Intrroduuctiion 2. Demoonsttrattionn3. ConcclussionnBefoore thee evventt thhe eequiipmeent to be sett ouut iis aas ffolllowss:One saiilbooardd riiggeed aand lyiing on thee beeachh. One blaackbboarrd, eitth ccleaarlyy vbbisiiblee orrderr off evventts (leaarneed tthorrougghlyy byy thhe ttwo parrticcipaatinng bbeacch aatteendaantss). Onee meegapphonne iif nneceessaary, Chhalkk, OOne reggattta bbuoyy.Intrroduuctiion4. Bothh beeachh atttenndannts adddresss tthe vieewinng ggrouup aand inttrodducee thhemsselvves. Onne wwilll thhen expplaiin tthe ordder of eveentss too bee shhownn, uusinng tthe blaackbboarrd pproggrammme. Thhe hhazaardss off thhe ttriccks willl bbe ppoinntedd ouut, aloong witth tthe shaalloowneess of thee waaterr thiis wwilll seet aa liighttheaarteed ttonee inn caase comme ttriccks faiil. If willl aalsoo bee poointted outt thhat eacch ttricck wwilll coome in thee saame dirrecttionn frrom thee reegattta buooy.PROCCEDUURESS: (conntinnuedd)Triccks to be shoown andd thheirr orrderr arre: -Headd diip Sitttingg, kkneeelinng,. SpplittsSaillingg innsidde tthe booomSaillingg baackwwarddsBackk too thhe ssaillSaillingg ennd uup Duckk taack Carvve jjibRaill riidinng foorwaard andd baackwwarddsDemoonsttrattionn5. The demmonsstraatioon aatteendaant willl tthenn saail outt too thhe pposiitioon oof tthe reggattta bbuoyy. AAs tthe commes up to thee buuoy on thee fiirstt ruun tth llandd baasedd atttenndannt wwilll inntrooducce tthe heaad ddip andd guuestts wwilll seee iit ccarrriedd ouut. As thee deemonnstrratoor rretuurnss too thhe bbuoyy thhe iinsttrucctorr wiill expplaiin tthe nexxt ttricck, andd aggainn inntrooducce iit aas tthe demmonsstraatorr coomess upp too thhe bbuoyy. EEachh trrickk wiill be donne iin tthe samme ddireectiion.The raiil riidinng wwilll bee thhe ccoimmax andd shhoulld rreceeivee a bigg buuildd upp inn thhe wway of ntrroduuctiion.Concclussionn6. As tthe demmonsstraatorr reeturrns, a rouund of appplauuse shoouldd bee enncouuragged andd a conncluudinng ssenttercce oor ttwo shoouldd bee maade.STANNDARRDS ANDD PRROCEEDURRESDEPAARTMMENTT: AACTIIVITIIES JOBB CAATEGGORYY: EEQUIIPMEENT SUPPERVVISOORHEADD: GG. MM. AAPPRROVAAL:DDATEE:TASKK: TTAKIING A WWATEER POOLO ACTTIVIITYSTANNDARRD: ALLL STTAFFF MUUST BE ABLLE TTO SSWIMM ANND BBE AABLEE TOO TAAKE COMMMANND OOF AA WAATERR POLLO AACTIIVITTY.PROCCEDUURE:The watter pollo aactiivitty wwilll bee heeld in thee maain poool aand couuld be a cchilldreenss orr addultts eevennt. Theese steeps shoouldd bee foolloowedd:1. Ensuure thaat aall equuipmmentt iss geet uup bbefoorehhandd, aand thaat eeverrythhingg neeedeed iis rreaddy aat tthe pooolsiide. Eqquippmennt nneedded inccluddes; baall goaals, waaterr poolo capps, skii beeltss, bblacckbooardd chhalkk, wwhisstlee annd aa saafetty ppolee.2. Ensuure thaat aall gueestss att thhe ppoollsidde kknoww thhat thee evventt iss abboutt too taake plaace andd hoow llongg itt abboutt too taake plaace andd hoow llongg itt wiill takke. Enccourragee paartiicippatiion.3. Whenn guuestts aare gattherred, exxplaaingg thhe rrulees:a) Safeety at alll tiimess if tirred droop oout, noo duuckiing etcc.b) No hholddingg thhe bballl whhen movvingg. YYou musst sswimm whhilee puushiing it.c) Afteer eeachh gooal thee baall commes bacck tto tthe reffereee. d) Scorre wwilll bee keept on thee bllackkboaard. Exxplaain lenngthh off gaame or scoore to thee reeachhed.1. Givee ouut sswimm caaps andd piick teaams. Thhis cann bee doone anyy waay, forr exxampple by couuntrriess, bby ssex, byy seex, by sexx, bby aage or at ranndomm. AAnyoone reqquirringg skki bbeltt foor bbuoyyanccy wwilll bee giivenn onne.2. Begiin tthe mattch rrefeereee coonsttanttly andd waatchh eaach plaayerr too enndsuure thee gaame is saffee; keeep a cconsstannyt scoore dissplaayedd.PROCCEDUURESS: (conntinnuedd)3. Whenn thhe mmatcch iis ooverr (tthiss coouldd bee att anny ttimee deecidded by thee reeferree deppenddingg onn tiireddnesss oof ppartticiipannts, taargeet sscorre rreacchedd, oor aany othher reaasonn) aall equuipmmentt taargeet sscorre rreacchedd, oor aany othher reaasonn) aall equuipmmentt shhoulld bbe rretuurneed tto tthe stoore.Makee suure theere is a ccleaar bbegiinniing andd a cleear endd too thhe aactiivitty.STANNDARRDS ANDD PRROCEEDURRESDEPAARTMMENTT: AACTIIVITIIES JOOB CCATEEGORRY: EQUUIPMMENTT SUUPERRVISSORHEADD: GG. MM. AAPPRROVAAL:DDATEE:TASKK: SSETTTINGG UPP THHE VVOLLLEYBBALLL ANND KKNOWWINGG THHE TTHEMMES.STANNDARRD: ALLL STTAFFF SHHOULLD BBE AABLEE TOO PLLAY, ORRGANNISEE, AAND REFFEREEE AA VOOLLEEYBAALL COMMPETTITIIONPROCCEDUURE:Vollleybballl opperaatess onn a daiily bassis forr onne hhourr att 4.30 p. m. Onee meembeer oof sstafff iis ssuffficiientt too orrgannisee annd ccompplette aa coomprrtittionn.Equiipmeent neeededd Vollleyyballl, Chaalk, Bllackkboaard.1. The theemess ussed aree ass foolloows:a) Openn evventt Simpply a ggamee orr a serriess off gaamess too prromoote enjjoymmentt annd ggrouup ppartticiipattionn.44. Vollleyyballl cchalllennge aa sppeciificc teeam agaainsst aanottherr. FFor exaamplle PPareentss veersuus OOffsspriing, Auustrraliia vvs. thee reest of thee woorldd orr baattlle oof tthe sexxes.b) The Sheeratton Fijji tteamm voolleeybaall commpettitiion wwherre ppartticiipannts aree puut iintoo eqquall teeamss off siix ppeopple andd a touurnaamennt iis aarraangeed uuwinng tthe blaackbboarrd. It cann bee a knoockoout or leaaguee syysteem.1. Whatteveer tthemme iis uusedd thhe oorgaanissingg shhoulld bbe aa sttanddardd syysteem. Gueestss neearbby wwilll bee enncouuragged to joiin iin. Thee atttenndannt wwilll inntrooducce hhimsselff/heerseelf. Thhe rrulees wwilll bee siimplly eexmllainned ie. nuumbeer oof hhitss ettc. Thee gaame willl tthenn prrogrresss wiith thee atttenndann t eittherr jooiniing in or reffereeeinng.2. In tthe eveent of a ttourrnammentt, tthe atttenddantt wiil nnot joiin iin bbut willl rrefeereee annd kkeepp trrackk off maatchhes froom tthe siddeliiness.3. In tthe endd off a touurnaamennt, thee wiinneers willl bbe aannoouncced by thee atttenndannt. Thiis wwilll seervee ass a conncluusioon tto tthe eveentss.The empphassis shoouldd bee onn fuun aand maxximuum ppartticiipattionn.STANNDARRDS ANDD PRROCEEDURRESDEPAARTMMENTT: AACTIICITTIESS JOOB CCATEEGORRY: EQUUIPMMENTT SUUPERRVISSORHEADD: GG. MM. AAPPRROVAAL:DDATEE:TASKK: LLAUNNCHIING ANDD REECOVVERIING SAIILBOOARDDS, HOBBIESS ANND OOTHEER CCRAFFTSSTANNDARRD: ALLL STTAFFF WIILL KNOOW TTHE PROOPERR WAAT TTO LLAUNNCH ANDD REECOVVER BOAATS.PROCCEDUURE:The lauunchhingg annd rrecooverry oof ssaillboaardss annd hhobiie ccat is vittal nott onnly to thee coomfoort of gueestss buut aalsoo too avvoidd anny ddamaage to thee eqquippmennt.Stafff mmustt bee awwaree off thhe ccondditiionss beeforrf ssenddingg ouut gguessts andd muust offfer liffejaackeets to anyyonee gooingg ouut. Anyyonee onn thhe wwateer mmustt bee coonsttanttly monnitooredd. TThe folllowwingg arre rrigiid gguiddeliiness:Hobiie CCat Lauunchhingg1. The gueest musst bbe rremiindeed hhow to opeeratte aand wheere theey ccan/cannnott goo.2. It mmustt bee puulleed iin wwhille rremaainiing heaad tto wwindd.3. The gueestss cllimbb abboarrd wwhille tthe insstruuctoor hholdds iit ssteaady.4. Whenn guuestts aare reaady, thhe iinsttrucctorr wiill pussh tthe boww awway froom tthe winnd aand gueestss wiill lowwer thee ruuddeers as thee booat genntlyy puullss awway.Hobiie CCat Recceivvingg.5. Guessts willl bbe ddisccourrageed ffromm heeadiing strraigght intto tthe beaach at fulll sspeeed.6. instteadd thhey willl bbe eencoouraagedd too reeleaase thee maainssaill annd ccomee inn clloseer tto tthe winnd aat aa sllow pacce.7. All inccomiing boaats willl bbe ccaugght.8. As gguessts gett offf tthe Hobbie theey wwilll bee heelpeed aashoore.PROCCEDUURESS: (conntinnuedd)9. The Hobbie Catt wiill theen bbe tturnned arooundd too faace thee wiind if it is nott allreaady. Itt wiill theen bbe ppullled up thee beeachh caareffullly aavoiidinng aany roccks or stooness.10. It wwilll bee sttoreed heaad tto wwindd.Saillboaard Lauunchhingg11. The gueest willl bbe rremiindeed hhow to opeeratte tthe boaard andd whheree hee caan/ccannnot go.12. The saiilbooardd wiill be lifftedd annd nnot draaggeed iin ttwo staagess, ffirsstlyy riig aand secconddly boaard. Itt wiill theen bbe aattaacheed.13. The rigg wiill be plaacedd doown winnd oof tthe boaard, thhe ddagggerbboarrd wwilll reemaiin oonlyy paartlly ddownn.14. The gueest mayy thhen takke tthe boaard, wiith thee innstrructtor iniitiaallyy hooldiing thee stternn too aiid sstabbiliity.Saillboaard Recceivvingg15. As tthe boaard appproaachees, thee guuestt wiill havve bbeenn toold to stoop bbefoore hitttinng tthe sannd.16. The gueest willl tthenn leeavee thhe bboarrd tto tthe insstruuctoor.17. The boaard andd riig wwilll thhen be sepparaatedd annd ccarrriedd inndivviduuallly uup tthe beaach andd sttoreed nneattly.Safeety willl bbe eemphhasiisedd, aand at alll tiimess caare willl bbe ttakeen wwithh thhe eequiipmeent.STANNDARRDS ANDD PRROCEEDURRESDEPAARTMMENTT: AACTIIVITIIES JOBB CAATEGGORYY: EEQUIIPMEENT SUPPERVVISOORHEADD: GG. MM. AAPPRROVAAL:DDATEE:TASKK: DDOINNG TTHE HOBBIE JOYYRIDDE AACTIIVITTYSTANNDARRD: ALLL STTAFFF WIILL KNOOW HHOW TO SAIIL SSAFEELY ANDD BEE ABBLE TO COMMPLEETE THIIS AACTIIVITTY EEFFIICIEENTLLY.PROCCEDUURE:Thiss acctivvityy iss foor eeithher aduultss orr chhilddrenn, aand is schheduuledd att diiffeerinng ttimees iin tthe weeek. It is a oone houur eevennt. Thee nuumbeer oof aatteendaantss neeedeed wwilll vaary witth tthe nummberr off paartiicippantts. Thee onnly equuioppmennt nneedded is Hobbie Catts aand liffejaackeets.Prepparaatioon1. Makee suure gueestss knnow thee evven t iis tto ttakee pllacee annd wwhatt itt innvollvess. EEnsuure equuipmmentt iss reeadyy weell befforee evventt coommeenceemennt.Intrroduuctiion2. Intrroduuce youurseelf andd thhe ootheer iinsttrucctorr annd eexpllainn whhat willl ffolllow.Eachh peersoon, paiir oor ggrouup wwilll bee taakenn ouut ffor 15 220 mminuute ridde iin HHobiie CCat witth aan iinsttrucctorr. IIt iis nnon inttrodducttionn too saailiing.Expllainn thhat gueestss maay hhavee too waait on thee beeachh foor ttheiir tturnn, oor ccomee baack at theeir alllocaatedd tiime.PROCCEDUURESS: (conntinnuedd)The Eveent1. One insstruuctoor pper Hobbie catt triips to be mosstlyy reeachhingg annd sspeeed ssaillingg. TTripp muust be saffe aand enjjoyaablee.The timme mmustt bee addherred to so as to alllow equual timme tto eeachh guuestt.2. Afteer eeachh saail, thhankk thhe gguesst aand expplaiin tthatt iff thhey wannt ffurttherr saailiing or lessssoons, too coontaact thee acctivvitiies dessk oor bbeacch bburee.The strresss muust be on saffetyy att alll ttimees aand maxximuum eenjooymeent.


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