整理日期整理人2011年2月月24日星期期四小 湖北省荆州市2011届高中中毕业班质量量检查(I)英 语 试 题题注意事项: 1本本试题共1550分。考试试时间1200分钟。2答卷前,考考生务必将自自己的学校、班班级、姓名、学学号填在试卷卷答题卡上。3客观题部部分答案选出出后,用288铅笔把答题题卡上对应的的答案标号涂涂黑。如需改改动,用橡皮皮擦干净后,再再选涂其它答答案标号。第第四部分第一一节完成句子子和第二节短短文写作的答答案用钢笔或或圆珠笔直接接“填写到答题题卡上对应的的空白处。,答答在试题卷上上的无效。第一部分:听力力(共两节,满满分30分)第一节(共5小小题;每小题题15分,满满分75分分)听下面5段对对话。每段对对话后有一个个小题,从题题中所给的AA、B、C三三个选项中选选出最佳选项项,并标在试试卷的相应位位置。听完每每段对话后你都有100秒钟的时间间来回答有关关小题和阅读读下一小题。每每段对话仅读读一遍。1What are tthe twwo speeakerss doinng noww? AWWalkinng upsstairss BTakking aa liftt CCliimbingg a hiill2What time if noow? ATThree thirtty BThrree o''clockk CFouur o'cclock3What languuage spooken iin thee filmm? AJJapaneese BChiinese, CEngglish4How wwill tthe maan gett to BBostonn? ABBy carr BBy trainn CBy air5How llong haas he been in thhe commpany? A110 years B4 yyears C6 yyears第二节(共155小题;每小小题15分分,满分2225分)听下面5段对话话或独自。每每段对话或独独白后有几个个小题,从题题中所给的AA、B、C三三个选项中选选出最佳选项项,并标在试试卷的摆应位位置。听每段段对话或独白白前,你将有有时间阅读各各个小题,每每小题5秒钟钟;听完后,各各小题将给出出5秒钟的作作答时间。每每段对话或独独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回回答第6至77题。6What are tthey mmainlyy talkking aabout?AGoinng outt for food.BGoinng shooppingg.CGoinng forr a piicnic.7What will the mman moost prrobablly do the dday beefore they go?APreppare tthe caar.BBuyy somee foodd.CWriite thhe repport.听第7段材料,回回答第8至99题。8Why ddidnt thee man show up laast niight?AHis brothher waas gettting marriied.BHis car wwent wwrong.CHis car wwas geettingg repaaired.9What do wee knoww abouut thee man?AHe iis verry pooor.BHe is veery kiind.CHe is a littlle craazy.听第8段材料,回回答第10至至12题。10Whatt sizee did the wwoman want?AA siize 288.BA ssize 338.CA ssize 448.11Whatt coloor sweeater did tthe wooman bbuy inn the end? AAA grayy sweaater. BA greenn sweaater. CA blaack swweaterr12Whatt do yyou thhink oof thee womaan? ASShe waas rudde. BShe wwas cllever. CShe wwas foorgetfful.听第9段材料,回回答第13至至16题。13Why is thhe Briitish goverrnmentt plannning to taax (征税税)plasstic bbags?ATo ggo witth thee rulees in Irelaand.BTo mmake tthem nnot tooo exppensivve.CTo rreducee the amounnt of rubbiish.14In wwhich counttries can yyou goo to pprisonn for usingg plasstic bbags?ABrittain aand Soouth AAfricaa.BBanggladessh andd Irelland.CSoutth Afrrica aand Inndia.15Why are pplastiic baggs alsso stoopped in Baanladeesh?ATheyy costt a loot to produuce.BTheyy caussed seeriouss floood.CTheyy weree danggerouss for animaals.16Whatts thhe wommans atttitudee towaards tthe taaxing of pllasticc bagss?AShe is alll forr it.BShee is aagainsst it.CShee carees litttle oof it.听第10段材料料,回答第117至20题题。17Who is thhe speeaker talkiing too?APeopple shhowingg inteerest in thhe theeater.BPeopple woorkingg in tthe buuildinng.CPeopple viisitinng thee univversitty.18Whatt is tthe viideo sshowinng todday?AThe teachhers iin thee univversitty.BThe histooryof the ttheateer.CThe builddings in thhe citty.19How soon will peoplle meeet agaain?AIn aan houur andd a haalf.BIn hhalf aan houur.CIn aan houur.20Whatt is tthe puurposee of tthe sppeakerrs tallk?ATo ttell ppeoplee the ruless theyy shouuld foollow.BTo ggive ppeoplee somee brieef inttroducction.CTo sshow ppeoplee the direcction.第二部分:英语语知识运用(共共两节, 满分400分)第一节:多项选选择题(共110小题,每每小题1分,满分110分)从A、B、C、DD四个选项中中,选出可以以填入空白处处的最佳选项项,并在答题题卡上将该选选项的标号涂涂黑。21Not wantiing too let it trroublee his , he wwrote her aa lettter annd admmittedd thatt he hhad brroken the vvase bby misstake.AcourrageBwellfareCambbitionnDconnsciennce22Thosse whoo sufffer frrom heeadachhe willl finnd theey gett from this mediccine.AreliiefBsaffetyCdisscounttDsheelter23Wass it JJoho tthat kknockeed dowwn thee old womann?No, itt cant be true. He iis alwways ssuch aa (n) ddriverr.AstubbbornBeneergetiicCpossitiveeDcauutionss24I haave beeen peersuadded thhat thhe priint meedia aare ussuallyy moree and mmore rreliabble thhan teelevission.AaccuurateBriddiculoousCurggentDshaallow25It'ss repoorted that Internet ccafes and llong-ddistannce buuses wwill bbe for screeening(放放映) Chhinesee moviies frrom neext Jaanuarvv. Aooffereed Bbargaained Cchargged Dpaid26Manyy younng peoople, especciallyy in tthe UKK, tennd to a "livee now, pay laterr" atttitude and tthey ddon't have the iidea oof savving ffor thheir oold agge., Aaadapt Badoptt Cappoiint Dapproove27Stevve Couusins, the “Ballloon CCuy" ffrom AAustraalia, put oon hiss ballloon ccomedyy showw at SShang-hai EExpo aand hee was_ _thee messsage tthrouggh thee showw: we are nnever too oold too play. Abbroadccastinng Bprediictingg Cconveyinng Dconsuultingg28Illl joinn you laterr theree are a feww thinngs I need to in my offfice firstt. Aaattendd to Bapplyy for Cappeaal to Dlay off29Wheere haave yoou beeen? 一I got ccaughtt in tthe trrafficc jam; I'mm heree justt on ttime. Ahhoweveer Botherwwise Cthouggh Danyhoow 30Whenn theyy got theree, theey fouund thhe peoople ssufferring ffrom tthe eaarthquuake wwere_ foood andd wateer suppplies. Aiin praaise oof Bin waant off Cin hoonor oof Din pllace oof第二节完形填空空(共20小小题,每小题题1.5分,满满分30分)阅读下面短文,从从短文后所给给各题的四个个选项(A.B,C和DD)中,选出出可以填入空空白处的最佳佳选项,并在在答题卡上将将该项涂黑。All 34 0f myy studdents I tauught aat Saiint Maary's Schoool in Morris, Minnnesotaa weree dearr to mme, but Mark was oone inn a miillionn. Hiss happpy-to-be-allive aattituude maade eveen hiss occaasionaal nauughtinness 31 .Mark 32 consttantlyy in cclass. I hadd Io rremindd him againn and aggain tthat ttalkinng witthout permiissionn was 333 Whhat 34 me soo muchh, thoough, was hhis siinceree respponse everyy timee I haad to 355 himm for misbeehavinng "Thhank yyou foor corrrectiing mee, Maddam!" I diddn't kknow wwhat tto makke of it att firsst, buut beffore llong II becaame _ 36 hearring iit manny timmes a day. Onee mornning mmy 337 waas groowing thin when Mark talkeed oncce tooo ofteen. I 38 Markk,“If youu say one mmore wword,II am ggoing to tape your mouthh shutt!"It wasnn't teen secconds laterr_ 339 CChuck blurtted ouut(脱口说说出), “Mark is taalkingg agaiin” I haadnt askked anny of the studeents tto hellp me 40 Marrk, buut sinnce I had sstatedd the 41 infront oof thee classs, I hadd to aact onn if. Taking out aa rolll of mmaskinng tappe(胶纸带带)fromm the draweer(抽屉)oof my desk, I 422 to Mark''s dessk, 43 two ppiecess of ttape aand maade a big XX withh themm overr his 444 I then returrned tto thee_ 445 tthe rooom.As I gllancedd at MMark tto seee how he waas doiing, hhe winnked(眨眨眼)at me naaughtiily. TThat hhe didd so ffunnilly! I startted 46 .The eentiree classs 447 ass l waalked back to Maark's desk, 488 thee tapee, andd shruugged my shhoulderss. Hiss frirstt 449 weere, ""Thankk you for ccorreccting mme, Madam!”Severall yearrs passsed uuntil one ccold rrainy day wwhen mmy fatther 50 thee newss to mme thatt Markk was kkilledd in VVietnaam warr, I bbroke down and ccried in myy hearrt, "MMark, l wouuld giive alll thee maskking ttape iin thee worlld if only you ccould talk to mee!"31Aatttracttive Bdelighhtful C strikinng D annoyinng32Ataalked B arrgued C quuarrelled D diisruptted33Atrroubleesome B shhamefuul C irrrespoonsiblle D unnaccepptablee34Aannnoyedd B impresssed C puuzzled D deelightted35Apuunish B bllame C coorrectt D sccold36Aacccustoomed ttoB unnbearaable off C foond off' D cuuriouss in37Aboody B paatiencceC coonfideence D sppirit 38Awaarned B addvisedd C assked D frrighteened39Athhen B whhen C affter Duntiil40Acrriticiize B reeport C wattch D innform41Aoppinionn B vieww C puunishmment D evideence42Athhrew B fllew C wallked D poointedd43Atoore offf B puut up C cuut intoo D toook ouut44Afaace B mouth C haand D heead45Abaack B ceentre C frront D enntrancce46Asccreamiing B laaughinng C commplainiingD crriticiizing 47Achheeredd B prrotestted C frroze D diisturbbed48Asttuck B faasteneed C reecoverred D reemovedd49Aexxpectaationss ' B reesponsses C movementts D woords50Ainndicatted B brroke C presenteed D unnfoldeed第三部分:阅读读理解(共220小题;每每小题2分,满满分40分)阅读下列短文,从从每题所给的的四个选项(A、B、CC和D)中,选选出最佳选项项,并在答题题卡上将该项项涂黑。AMy daugghter Kelseey wass bornn withh cereebral palsyy(脑瘫). Becaause oof herr cereebral palsyy, Kellsey hhas veery liittle use oof thee finggers oon herr leftt handd. Whhen shhe wass four, she wwantedd to llearn to tiie herr shoees jusst as heer besst friiend hhad doone. I diddn't kknow whhat too do. If II coulldn't tie aa shoee singgle-handeddly, hhow waas I goiing too teacch herr? Howwever, afteer thrree annd a hhalf yyears of prractice, Kelssey fiinallyy did it! When shhe wass six, she wanteed to take balleet lesssons. Im embbarrasssed tto admmit hoow mucch thiis friightenned mee. I wwasn'tt justt afraaid foor herr bodyy, butt for her ffeelinngs. II worrried aabout the tteasinng(取笑)she mmight get fromm the rest of thhe dannce cllass. But II didnn't knnow hoow to tell Kelseey all of this, and she woulldn't let uup, soo I ennrolled hher inn a ballett schoool.Kelsey danceed witth abaandon, comppletelly unaaffectted byy whatt she coulddn't ddo. Thhe joyy o! ddancinng was eenoughh. Eveery peerson who ssaw Keelsey dancee camee awayy withh someethingg speccial. She dancced foor fouur yearss. Wheen shee quitt, it was oonly tto annnouncee thatt she wanteed to take horseeback ridingg lesssons iinsteaad.In fiftth graade, KKelseyy exciitedlyy brouught hhome aa regiistrattion fform ffor scchool baskeetballl. Noww thiss was goingg to bbe a mmajor challlenge for heer. Shhe couuld run onnly sllowly, she'' s shhort, and sshe sttill hhad thhe usee of onnly onne hannd. Waarningg Bellls werre off insidde my head againn, butt I haad leaarned tto ignnore tthem. The exccitemeent inn her eyes canceelled (取消) out aall thhe draawbackks(缺陷) , annd we signeed herr up.After tthe fiirst ppractiice thhe coaach saaid thhat hee was afraiid to let hher pllay inn a gaame. WWhen hhe expplaineed howw she mightt get hurt, I coould ssee sccenes lawsuuits(官官司) daancingg in hhis heead. BBut evvery cchild who pplays sportts takkes riisks, I reaasonedd withh him. Afteer a ffew diiscusssions and aa litttle moore enncouraagement, hhe decidedd to llet heer plaay.For twoo yearrs, Keelsey playeed harrder tthan aany giirl inn the leaguue. Annd whiile shhe nevver maade a baskeet durinng a ggame, she bbroughht othher giifts tthat wwere mmore vvaluabble too her teammmates. In two years, I neever oonce ssaw a playeer treeat heer as anythhing oother thaan treaasuress.51Kelssey sttoppedd danccing bbecausee .Aher motheer diddn't ssupporrt herrBshe wanteed to learn horsee-ridinggCher healtth connditioon wassn't ssuitabble foor to danceeDshe coulddn't bbear tthe teeasingg fromm her classsmatess52The authoor sayys I had learned tto ignore them"" ( inn Paraa.4)beecausee she .Awas capabble off dealling wwith aany inncidentBwas able too takee goodd caree of hher daughtterCwas confiident in heer dauughterr' s hhealthh condditionnDwas sure her ddaughtter coould oovercome aall thhe obsstaclees53Duriing thhe staay in the bbaskettball leaguue, Keelsey .Aofteen sennt her teammmates giftsBwas treatted as a ggreat inspiiratioon to the lleagueeCwas oftenn lookked down uupon bby thee teammmatessDofteen madde herr coacch worrry abbout aa posssible lawsuuit54Whatt is tthe theme of the sttory?APatiience is biitter, but its fruuit iss sweeet.BActiivitiees proovide happiiness for tthe diisableed.CNothhing iis diffficultt if yyou seet youur minnd to it.DExerrcisess are vitall for the rrecovery of paatientts.BThe Unnited Statees govvernmeent haas staarted a webbsite to heelp chhildreen thiink crriticaally aabout the aadverttisingg thatt is aaimed at thhem. TThe neew sitte is calleed Admmongo. It cclaimss to pprovidde vissitorss withh an “aducaation” throough ggames and oother enterrtainmment.A carttoon mman drressedd in oold tiime piilot cclothiing grreets visittors tto Admmongo. "Calll me Haiz"" he ssays uupon aarrivaal in a roccket sship tthat oopens up wiith a crazyy worlld insside iit. Daabce pplays in thhe bacckgrouund ass Haizz tellls vissitorss thatt theyy needd to llearn aboutt adveertisiing.The Addmongoo webssite iis aimmed att chilldren eightt to twelve yearss old. Its invenntors say tthat iis thee age kids developp theiir criiticall thinnking abiliities. Kidss thatt age are alsso a bbig maarket for aadverttiserss.The iddea beehind Admonngo iss to tteach childdren three tthingss: To identtify tthe addvertiiser. To knnow what thhe advvertisser iss reallly saaying. And to knnow what thhe advvertissementt is ttryingg to gget thhe chiild too do.Childrren leearn tthese thinggs thrrough a viddeo gaame. TThey ccreatee theiir ownn gamee charracterr. Theey cann chooose diiffereent skkin coolors, hairr stylles, eeye annd mouuth shhapes. Thenn theyy begiin a ttrip tthrouggh ad-land. Theyy takee a waalk thhroughh the neighhborhoood. TThey sseek oout thhe advvertissing aand caapturee treaasuress. Theere arre adss on bbuses and bbillbooards. The playeers haave too findd all the mmarketting iin thee neigghborhhood bbeforee theyy can move on too the next levell.The Addmongoo gamee takees plaayers insidde a hhome, to thhe advvertissing sstudioo and everyywheree elsee ads can bbe fouund. IIt is a commpletee explloratiion off the worldd of mmarketting.One suuch arrea iss foodd markketingg. Thee Fedeeral TTrade Commiissionn sayss it