全国高等学校实用英语词汇试题库Unit 11. It iis thoought to bee a wiise waay to have some moneyy _ forr old age.A. put asidee B. taaken ooff C. ggiven in D. sset ouut2. The ship took machiines aand otther ggoods back to thhe porrt _ itt had set ooff.A. fromm whicch B. to whhich C. whhich D. inn whicch3. The new ggeneraal mannager is trrying to fiind _ tto thee comppanys finnanciaal prooblem.A .a reeactioon B. a replyy CC. a ssolutiion DD. an answeer4. The new eeveninng dreess _ hher ass muchh as 4400 doollarss.A. paidd B. toook C. sppent DD. cosst5. The chairr lookks ratther hhard bbut acctuallly it is veery coomforttable to siit _.A. at B. on C. oover D. unnder 6. He ssuddennly leeft foor Parris yeesterdday, _ was mmore tthan wwe hadd expeected.A. thatt B. whhat C. whicch D. thhis7. You shoulld takke carre thaat youu havee not _ any detaiil in the ddesignn.A. disaappearred BB. thrrown C. ddeliveered D. negllectedd8. How many compuuters will the ccompanny _ thhis yeear?A .turnn up B. tuurn ouut C. tturn oon DD. turrn oveer9. He ttold mme thaat I _ be prresentt at tthe ceeremonny.A. coulld B. woould CC. shoould D. mighht10. In that counttry, tthe coost off liviing _ qquicklly aftter thhe warr brokke outt.A. raceed B. raiised C. arrose DD. rosse11. Hiss granndmothher brroughtt him up, bbecausse hiss pareents _ when he waas onlly onee yearr old.A. passsed awway B. paassed out CC. passsed ooff D. passsed ovver12. He lookeed up and ssaw thhat thhe mooon wass _ thee treees in the eeast.A. in B. aboove C. on DD. amoong13. Breeakfasst is _ in tthe diining-room from 6:30 to 8:30 a.mm. at this hotell.A. servved B. maade C. eatenn D. cookked14. Thee docttor caame ouut of the ppatiennts rooom witth a _ look on hiis facce.A. seriious B. siilent CC. simmple D. sllight15. Donnt _ . I cann helpp you with the ttypingg.A. mattter B. caare C. woorry DD. conncern16.Mothher keept innvitinng Mrss. Smiith too stayy for lunchh, butt finaally sshe _.A. gavee off B. gave out C. ggave aaway D. gaave upp17. Theere arre somme morre toppics tto disscuss, _ thee probblem oof polllutioon.A. geneerallyy B. esspeciaally C. exxactlyy D. pprobabbly18. If you _ your childdren wwell, you wwill bbe prooud off themm.A. catcch up B. brring uup C. ffeed uup DD. groow up19. Jerrry reeceiveed a lletterr yestterdayy _ thaat he got tthe joob.A. speaaking B. saaying CC. tellling D. taalkingg20. Thee saleesman had tto _ thhe connversaation in orrder tto waiit on a cusstomerr.A. breaak offf B. breeak awway C. brreak iin D. breakk up21. I tthink it iss hardd to _ what you ssaid.A. ensuure B. coonvincce C. aggree D. bbelievve22. I wwish wwe hadd a coolor tteleviision. Im _ piicturees in blackk and whitee.A. tireed of B. iintereested in C. foond off D. fed up23. Theere haas beeen an immeddiate _ agaiinst ttheir goverrnmentt propposed tax iincreaases.A. appllicatiion B. reeactioon C. assoociatiion D. receeptionn24. It will only _ me aa minuute too repaair yoour shhoes.A. givee B. maake C. keeep D. take25. As Edisoon greew _ , he neever llost hhis innteresst in sciennce.A. the elderr B. ellder C. tthe olldest D. oldeerUnit 21. Id like to _ yyour eessay with you wwhen yyou haave tiime.A. go oover B. goo for C. goo by D. goo afteer2. The reporrt shoowed uus verry cleearly how tthe pllane ggot _ aand crrashedd in tthe ennd.A. intoo conttrol B. wiithin contrrol CC. outt of ccontrool D. unnder ccontrool3. I waas _ whhich ccountrry to visitt in tthe cooming summeer vaccationn.A. findding B. woonderiing C. woorryinng D. doubtting4. You can ddrive your own ccar _ yyou haave paassed the ddrivinng tesst.A. now that B. evven iff CC. so that D. as iff5. The book is _ mmore ddifficcult tthan tthe onne I rrecommmendedd to yyou.A. veryy B. raather C. sso DD. mucch6.I havve no doubtt _ mosst of the sstudennts onn our classs can pass the ffinal examiinatioon.A. thatt B. whethher CC. as D. aalthouugh7. I doont thiink thhese bbooks are _ for yyoung childdren.A. capaable B. prrobablle CC. suiitablee D. reasoonablee8. He ffound it diifficuult too _ thee factt thatt the ship was llost iin a hheavy stormm.A. receeive B. keeep C. obtaain D. acccept9. I haaven'tt hearrd froom youu _ .A. latee B. latelly C. lateest D. lattter10. Thiis morrning when I wass walkking tto my officce, I _ to ssee ann old friennd of mine near the oofficee buillding.A. occuurred B. happpened C. managged D. setttled11. Thee poliice assked tthe viillageers iff it wwas thhe plaace _ tthey ffound the llost cchild.A. whicch B. whhat C. thhat D. wherre12. Wheen shee arriived aat thee crosssroadds, shhe wennt in the wwrong _.A. direectionn B. locattion C. pllace D. coursse13. Thiis novvel iss wortth reaading, becaause iit givves a detaiiled ddescriiptionn of tthe hiistoriical _ in 19949.A. acciidentss B. casess C. evvents DD. thiings14. _ the popullationn is ttoo laarge, the ggovernnment has tto takke meaasuress to ccontrool thee birtth ratte.A. Althhough B. SSince C. Iff D. UUntil15. Mr. Johnnson hhas noot deccided whethher hee willl _ thee brannch coompanyy set up inn the smalll townn.A. handd in B. pput onn C. taake ovver D. llead tto16. Thee bookk is ddifferrent _ all tthe otther bbooks Ive evver reead.A. fromm B. too C. on D. aamong17. Johhns succcess in hiis carreer wwill bbe a ggreat _ to hhis agged paarentss.A. satiisfacttion B. cooncenttratioon C. atttracttion D. soolutioon18. Cann you tell Mary _ her twin(双胞胎) sisteer?A. to B. withh C. betwween D. frrom19. Expperiennced ddriverrs havve _ acccidennts thhan beeginneers.A. leasst B. liittle C. fewerr D. feew20. My wife is ouut of work now, so wee havee to _oour liiving expennses.A. cut down B. cuut offf C. ccut ouut D. cuut shoort21. Donnt worrry. _yyou woork haard, yyou arre surre to pass the eexam.A. As mmuch aas B. As wwell as CC. As soon as D. as llong aas22. Lasst nigght a fire _ in tthat mmarkett, so the ffirm ssufferred a heavyy losss.A. brokke up B. brokke outt C. brokee of D. bbroke down23. Thee winee _ a littlle bittter tthis ttime.A. tasttes B. soounds C. loooks D. feeels24. Thee poliice arre _ tthe trrafficc acciident that happeened yyesterrday.A. lookking ddown uupon B. loookingg forwward ttoC. lookking iinto D. llookinng aftter25. It is reeporteed thaat thiis meddicinee is _ agaiinst llung ccancerr.A. econnomic B. eaasy C. expennsive D. effecctiveUnit 31. He hhas chhangedd his _ aboout buuying a neww car at leeast 33 timees.A. braiin B. heead C. mind DD. thoought2. It wwill oonly ttake mme a mminutee to gget yoour waatch ffixed. It wwill bbe reaady _.A. by tthe waay B. riight aaway C. aat lasst D. in thhat caase3. We wwere ttalkinng aboout thhe Ameericann tourrists _ we met dduringg our trip to thhe Greeat Waall.A. whatt B. whhich CC. whoose D. whom4. Lindda fouund a walleet _ oon thee grouund. A. liee B. lay C. llain D. lyinng5. He ddidn'tt findd _ inn the suitccase. A. sommethinng B. anythhing CC. notthing D. everrythinng6. Chilldren shoulld be taughht howw to gget onn welll withh _.A. anotther B. otherrs C. othee D. aany otther7. The days in wiinter are sshorteer thaan _ iin summmer.A. thatt B. thosse C. thesee D. one8. Whenn the old llady iis aloone inn the housee, herr dog makess her feel _ andd relaaxed.A. heallthy B. loonely C. safee D. anngry9. It mmakes no diiffereence tto me _ Mr. Smitth willl comme or not.A. whenn BB. howw C. thhat D. whhetherr10. Its repportedd thatt the policce aree _ thhe areea forr the crimiinal(罪罪犯).A. proccessinng BB. seaarchinng CC. opeeratinngD. hhandliing 11. He boughht an expennsive coat _ he had nno jobb.A. unleess B. sinnce C. allthouggh D. tiill12. Shee has _ herr mindd and is gooing tto Cannada iinsteaad of Japann.A. channged B. exxchangged C. decidded D. maade13. Wheen appplyingg for a jobb, youu havee to _ a reesume.A. get off B. haand inn C. puut outt D. takee awayy14. He _ sevveral jackeets annd finnally pickeed outt a bllue onne.A. trieed on B. weent onn C. ttook oon D. goot on15. Mr. Johnn has decidded thhat hee willl _ the brancch commpany set uup in the ssmall town.A. takee overrB. haad inC. puut inD. leead too16. I hhave nnever seen _a mooving film.A. suchh B. soo C. tthe saame D. samee17. _ he can rrecoveer sooon, I dont minnd howw muchh moneey I havee to ppay.A. So llong aasB. Soo far asC. Inn caseeD. Whhen18. Thee bookk is _ mmore ddifficcult tthan tthe onne I readd lastt weekk.A. rathherB. veeryC. muuchD. moore19. Manny a tteacheer in our ddeparttment _ abroaad.A. havee beennB. haas beeenC. haave gooD. haas go20. If you hhave _ quesstionss, pleease wwrite them on a slip of paaper.A. somee BB. anyy C. feew D. llittlee21. We adoptted thhe neww methhods wwith aa vieww to _ oour effficieency.A. raisseB. raaisinggC. riiseD. riising22. We must studyy Engllish wwell, no maatter _ diffiicult it iss.A. whattB. hooweverrC. hoowD. thhat23. It was _ who cleanned thhe rooom.A. I B. me C. mmine D. mmy 24. Yessterdaay wheen I was walkiing onn the streeet, I _ to ssee ann old friennd of mine.A. manaagedB. haappeneedC. seettleddD. occcurreed25. Youu can stay in myy roomm _ you promiise noot to use tthe coomputeer.A. so ffar assB. exxceptC. unnlessD. prrovideedUnit 41. If yyou haave anny troouble, you can tturn _ hhim foor hellp.A. forB. attC. tooD. inn2. It ttook mme a yyear tto be _ to thhe colllege life.A. adapptedB. addopteddC. reeceiveedD. acccepteed3.I reeally cant figgure _ wwho thhe perrson tthat pphonedd me jjust nnow waas.A. outB. frromC. attD. ouut of4._ theyy channge thhe coaach thhey wiill loose thhe mattch.A. UntiilB. BeeforeC. UnnlessD. Allthouggh5.Pleaase reemembeer to keep in _ wiith mee throough ee-maill whenn you are aabroadd.A. toucchB. trroubleeC. prromiseeD. appprovaal6. The temmperatture iin thee roomm is _ .A. hott B. hiigh C. beelow D. miiddle7. My pareents _ me tto beccome aa docttor.A. adviise B. hhope C. cconsidder D. tthinkHow lonng doees it _ tto traavel ffrom XXian to Guuilin?A. use B. coost C. speend D. takee8. Would yyou _ hholdinng thiis boxx for me whhile II openn the door?A. likee B. mattter CC. pleease D. miind10. Itt is qquite naturral foor a nnew-coomer tto _in ssuch aa big city as Shhanghaai.A. get lost B. losst wayy C. losse homme D. misss homme11. Thhe libbrariaan is arrannging the bbooks, whicch aree not in thheir pproperr _.A. linee B. turrn C. roww D. ordderThe oldd man went _ afterr the deathh of hhis wiife.mad B. deaad C. badd D. anggry 13. Its almmost _ tthat MMr. Baarry wwill wwin thhe nexxt eleectionn.A. certtain B. surre C. cerrtainlly D. surrely14. Hurry uup, orr we wwill _ tthe 188:30 ttrain for GGuilinn.A. losee B. misss C. faiil D. falll15. I rran thhe dooorbelll seveeral ttimes, but no onne camme to _ the ddoor.A. answwer B. repply C. repply too D. opeen up16. Vissitorss are not _ tto vissit paatientts aftter thhe hosspitall visiiting hourss.A. alloowed B. recceiveddC. agrreed D. accceptedd17. Thee weatther fforecaast waas goood so it shhould _ fine afterr all.A. turnn intoo B. turrn outt C. turrn oveer D. turrn up18. A ccamel _ $ 400 tto buyy and $ 3 aa day to feeed.A. spenndsB. costssC. afforrdsD. pays19. A ppenny savedd is aa pennny _ .A. losttB. wonC. leftD. gaineed20. If the fflood doesnnt sttop, ggreat _ wiill bee donee to tthose housees.A. wounndsB. hurC. damaggeD. injurries21. We are _ him to arrrive at anny momment.A. waittingB. hopinngC. expecctingDD. thinkking22. Theese twwo worrds arre verry _ in meeaningg to eeach oother.A. closseB. nextC .narrrowD. near23. Youur stoory _ too good to bee true. Feew peoople bbelieve itt. A. heaatsB. listeensC. sounddsD. lookss24.The littlle girrl is said to haave a good musiccal _ .A. feellingB. mindC. heariingD. sensee25. Thee musiic wass veryy noissy. I coulddnt _ it.A. carrryB. suffeerC. bearD. suppoortUnit 51. As ttime wwent oon, soome prroductts of poor qualiity weere _ out of thhe marrket.A. letB. lostC. dropppedD. driveen2. Our classsroom is _ withh ten electtric llightss.A. giveenB. supplliedC. offerredD. combiined3. Whenn you tell him tto do sometthing, he allways does _.A. the wrongg BB. the oopposiiteC. oppossiteD. bad4. In tthe _ of tthe d