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    合同法(英文版)2007-111-25合同法(英文版版)中华人民共和国国合同法(英英文版)【标题】 CCONTRAACT LAAW OF THE PPEOPLEE'S REEPUBLIIC OF CHINAA【时 效 性】有效【颁颁布时间】11999.003.15【实实施时间】11999.110.01【发发布部门】NNationnal Peeoples Conngresss CONTTRACT LAW OOF THEE PEOPPLE'S REPUBBLIC OOF CHIINACONTRACCT LAWW OF TTHE PEEOPLE''S REPPUBLICC OF CCHINA(Adopteed andd Prommulgatted byy the Seconnd Sesssion of thhe Ninnth Naationaal Peoople'ss Conggress Marchh 15, 1999)GENERALL PROVVISIONNSCHAPTERR 1 GEENERALL PROVVISIONNSCHAPPTER 22 CONCCLUSIOON OF CONTRRACTSCCHAPTEER 3 EEFFECTTIVENEESS OFF CONTTRACTSSCHAPTTER 4 PERFOORMANCCE OF CONTRRACTSCCHAPTEER 5 MMODIFIICATIOON ANDD ASSIIGNMENNT OF CONTRRACTSCCHAPTEER 6 TTERMINNATIONN OF TTHE RIIGHTS AND OOBLIGAATIONSS OF CCONTRAACTSCHHAPTERR 7 LIIABILIITY FOOR BREEACH OOF CONNTRACTTSCHAPPTER 88 MISCCELLANNEOUS PROVIISIONSSSPECIFIIC PROOVISIOONSCHAPTERR 9 COONTRACCTS FOOR SALLESCHAAPTER 10 COONTRACCTS FOOR SUPPPLY AAND USSE OF ELECTTRICITTY, WAATER, GAS OOR HEAATINGCCHAPTEER 11 CONTRRACTS FOR DDONATIIONCHAAPTER 12 COONTRACCTS FOOR LOAANSCHAAPTER 13 COONTRACCTS FOOR LEAASECHAAPTER 14 COONTRACCTS FOOR FINNANCIAAL LEAASECHAAPTER 15 COONTRACCTS FOOR WORRKCHAPPTER 116 CONNTRACTTS FORR CONSSTRUCTTION PPROJECCTSCHAPTERR 17 CCONTRAACTS FFOR TRRANSPOORTATIIONSECCTION 1 GENNERAL RULESSSECTIION 2 CONTRRACTS FOR PPASSENNGER TTRANSPPORTATTIONSEECTIONN 3 COONTRACCTS FOOR GOOODS TRRANSPOORTATIIONSECCTION 4 CONNTRACTTS FORR MULTTI-MODDAL TRRANSPOORTATIIONCHAPTERR 18 CCONTRAACTS FFOR TEECHNOLLOGYSEECTIONN 1 GEENERALL RULEESSECTTION 22 CONTTRACTSS FOR TECHNNOLOGYY DEVEELOPMEENTSECCTION 3 CONNTRACTTS FORR TECHHNOLOGGY TRAANSFERRSECTIION 4 CONTRRACTS FOR TTECHNIICAL CCONSULLTANCYY AND TECHNNICAL SERVIICECHAPTERR 19 CCONTRAACTS FFOR STTORAGEECHAPTTER 200 CONTTRACTSS FOR WAREHHOUSINNGCHAPPTER 221 CONNTRACTTS FORR COMMMISSIOONCHAPPTER 222 CONNTRACTTS FORR BROKKERAGEECHAPTTER 233 CONTTRACTSS FOR INTERRMEDIAATION GENERALL PRINNCIPLEESChapterr One Generral Prrovisiions  Articcle 1 PurpooseThiis Laww is fformullated in orrder tto prootect the llawfull righhts annd intterestts of contrract ppartiees, too safeeguardd sociial annd ecoonomicc ordeer, annd to promoote soocialiist mooderniizatioon.Articlee 2 Deefinittion oof Conntractt; ExcclusioonsForr purpposes of thhis Laaw, a contrract iis an agreeement betweeen naaturall perssons, legall perssons oor othher orrganizzationns witth equual sttandinng, foor thee purppose oof esttablisshing, alteering, or ddischaargingg a reelatioonshipp of ccivil rightts andd obliigatioons.Ann agreeementt conccerninng anyy perssonal relattionshhip suuch ass marrriage, adopption, guarrdiansship, etc. shalll be ggovernned byy otheer appplicabble laaws.Articlee 3 Eqqual SStandiing off ParttiesCoontracct parrties enjoyy equaal leggal sttandinng andd neitther pparty may iimposee its will on thhe othher paarty.Articlee 4 Riight tto Entter innto Coontracct Volluntarrily AA partty is entittled tto entter innto a contrract vvolunttarilyy undeer thee law, and no enntity or inndividdual mmay unnlawfuully iinterffere wwith ssuch rright.Articlee 5 FaairnesssThe partiies shhall aabide by thhe priinciplle of fairnness iin preescribbing ttheir respeectivee righhts annd oblligatiions.Articlee 6 Goood FaaithThhe parrties shalll abidde by the pprinciiple oof goood faiith inn exerrcisinng theeir riights and pperforrming theirr obliigatioons.Articlee 7 LeegalittyIn cconcluuding or peerformming aa conttract, the partiies shhall aabide by thhe rellevantt lawss and adminnistraative regullationns, ass welll as oobservve soccial eethicss, andd may not ddisruppt soccial aand ecconomiic ordder orr harmm the publiic intterestts.Articlee 8 Biindingg Effeect; LLegal ProteectionnA lawwfullyy formmed coontracct is legallly biindingg on tthe paartiess. Thee partties sshall perfoorm thheir rrespecctive obliggationns in accorrdancee withh the contrract, and nneitheer parrty maay arbbitrarrily aamend or teerminaate thhe conntractt.A laawfullly forrmed ccontraact iss prottectedd by llaw.Chapterr Two Formaation of CoontracctsArtticle 9 Cappacityy; Conntractt throough AAgentIIn entteringg intoo a coontracct, thhe parrties shalll havee the approopriatte cappacitiies foor civvil riights and ccivil acts.A parrty maay apppoint an aggent tto entter innto a contrract oon itss behaalf unnder tthe laaw.Articlee 10 FForms of Coontracct; Wrritingg RequuiremeentA ccontraact maay be made in a writiing, iin an oral conveersatiion, aas welll as in anny othher foorm.A contrract sshall be inn writting iif a rrelevaant laaw or adminnistraative regullationn so rrequirres. AA conttract shalll be iin wriiting if thhe parrties have so aggreed.Articlee 11 DDefiniition of WrritinggA wriiting meanss a meemoranndum oof conntractt, lettter oor eleectronnic meessagee (inccludinng tellegramm, tellex, ffacsimmile, electtronicc dataa exchhange and eelectrronic mail), etcc. whiich iss capaable oof exppressiing itts conntentss in aa tanggible form.Articlee 12 TTerms of CoontracctThe termss of aa conttract shalll be pprescrribed by thhe parrties, and generrally incluude thhe folllowinng:(i) namees of the ppartiees andd the domicciles thereeof;(iii) suubjectt mattter;(iiii) qquantiity;(iiv) quualityy;(v) pricee or rremuneeratioon;(vii) timme, pllace aand meethod of peerformmance;(vii) liabbilitiies foor breeach oof conntractt;(viiii) meethod of diisputee resoolutioon.Thee partties mmay ennter iinto aa conttract by reeferenncing a moddel coontracct forr the relevvant ccontraact caategorry.Articlee 13 OOffer-AccepptanceeA conntractt is cconcluuded bby thee exchhange of ann offeer andd an aaccepttance.Articlee 14 DDefiniition of OffferAnn offeer is a parrty's maniffestattion oof inttentioon to enterr intoo a coontracct witth thee otheer parrty, wwhich shalll compply wiith thhe folllowinng:(i) Its termss are speciific aand deefinitte;(iii) It indiccates that upon accepptancee by tthe offfereee, thee offeeror wwill bbe bouund thherebyy.Articlee 15 IInvitaation to OffferAnn inviitatioon to offerr is aa partty's mmanifeestatiion off inteentionn to iinvitee the otherr partty to make an offfer ttheretto. A delivvered pricee listt, annnounceement of auuctionn, calll forr tendder, pprospeectus, or ccommerrcial adverrtisemment, etc. is ann inviitatioon to offerr.A coommerccial aadverttisemeent iss deemmed ann offeer if its ccontennts meeet thhe reqquiremments of ann offeer.Articlee 16 EEffecttiveneess off Offeer, Offfer tthrouggh Eleectronnic MeessageeAn offfer bbecomees efffectivve wheen it reachhes thhe offferee.When a conntractt is cconcluuded bby thee exchhange of ellectroonic mmessagges, iif thee reciipientt of aan eleectronnic meessagee has desiggnatedd a sppecifiic sysstem tto recceive it, tthe tiime whhen thhe eleectronnic meessagee enteers innto suuch sppecifiic sysstem iis deeemed iits tiime off arriival; if noo speccific systeem hass beenn desiignateed, thhe timme wheen thee elecctroniic messsage firstt enteers innto anny of the rrecipiient'ss systtems iis deeemed iits tiime off arriival.AArticlle 17 Withddrawall of OOfferAAn offfer maay be withddrawn. The noticce of withddrawall shalll reaach thhe offferee beforre or at thhe samme timme as the ooffer.Articlee 18 RRevocaation of OffferAnn offeer mayy be rrevokeed. Thhe nottice oof revvocatiion shhall rreach the ooffereee beffore iit hass disppatcheed a nnoticee of aaccepttance.Articlee 19 IIrrevoocablee OffeerAn ooffer may nnot bee revooked:(i) iff it eexpresssly iindicaates, whethher byy statting aa fixeed timme forr acceeptancce or otherrwise, thatt it iis irrrevocaable;(ii) iif thee offeeree hhas reeason to reegard the ooffer as irrrevoccable, and has uunderttaken prepaaratioon forr perfformannce.Articlee 20 EExtingguishmment oof OffferAn offerr is eextingguisheed in any oof thee folllowingg circcumstaances:(i) TThe nootice of reejectiion reeachess the offerror;(iii) Thhe offferor lawfuully rrevokees thee offeer;(iiii) Thhe offferee failss to ddispattch itts accceptannce att the end oof thee periiod foor accceptannce;(iiv) Thhe offferee makess a maateriaal chaange tto thee termms of the ooffer.Articlee 21 DDefiniition of AccceptaanceAnn acceeptancce is the ooffereee's mmanifeestatiion off inteentionn to aassentt to aan offfer.Articlee 22 MMode oof Accceptannce; AAccepttance by CoonducttAn accceptaance sshall be maanifessted bby nottificaation, exceept whhere iit mayy be mmanifeested by coonductt in aaccorddance with the rrelevaant ussage oor as indiccated in thhe offfer.Articlee 23 TTimelyy Disppatch of AccceptaanceAnn acceeptancce shaall reeach tthe offferorr withhin thhe perriod pprescrribed in thhe offfer.Whhere tthe offfer ddoes nnot prrescriibe a periood forr acceeptancce, thhe accceptannce shhall rreach the oofferoor as folloows:(ii) Wheere thhe offfer iss madee orallly, tthe accceptaance sshall be diispatcched iimmediiatelyy, unlless ootherwwise aagreedd by tthe paartiess;(ii) Wherre thee offeer is made in a non-ooral mmannerr, thee acceeptancce shaall reeach tthe offferorr withhin a reasoonablee timee.Articlee 24 CCommenncemennt of the PPeriodd for AccepptanceeWheree an ooffer is maade byy a leetter or a teleggram, the pperiodd for accepptancee commmencess on tthe daate shhown oon thee lettter orr the date on whhich tthe teelegraam is handeed in for ddispattch. IIf thee lettter dooes noot speecify a datte, thhe perriod ccommennces oon thee postting ddate sstampeed on the eenveloop. Whhere tthe offfer iis madde thrrough an innstanttaneouus commmuniccationn deviice suuch ass teleephonee or ffacsimmile, etc., the periood forr acceeptancce commmencees oncce thee offeer reaaches the ooffereee.Articlee 25 CContraact Foormed upon Effecctivenness oof AccceptannceA ccontraact iss formmed onnce thhe accceptannce beecomess effeectivee.Articlee 26 EEffecttiveneess off AcceeptancceA nootice of accceptaance bbecomees efffectivve oncce it reachhes thhe offferor. Wherre thee acceeptancce doees nott requuire nnotifiicatioon, itt becoomes eeffecttive oonce aan actt of aaccepttance is peerformmed inn accoordancce witth thee releevant usagee or aas reqquiredd by tthe offfer.WWhere a conntractt is cconcluuded bby thee exchhange of ellectroonic mmessagges, tthe tiime off arriival oof thee acceeptancce shaall bee goveerned by Paaragraaph 2 of Arrticlee 16 hhereoff.Articlee 27 WWithdrrawal of AccceptaanceAnn acceeptancce mayy be wwithdrrawn. The nnoticee of wwithdrrawal shalll reacch thee offeeror bbeforee or aat thee samee timee as tthe accceptaance.Articlee 28 LLate AAccepttanceAAn accceptannce diispatcched bby thee offeeree aafter expirrationn of tthe peeriod for aaccepttance consttitutees a nnew offfer, unlesss thee offeeror ttimelyy adviises tthe offfereee thatt the accepptancee is vvalid.Articlee 29 DDelayeed Traansmisssion of AccceptaanceIff the offerree diispatcched iits accceptaance wwithinn the periood forr acceeptancce, annd thee acceeptancce, whhich wwould otherrwise have reachhed thhe offferor in duue timme undder noormal circuumstannces, reachhes thhe offferor afterr expiiratioon of the pperiodd for accepptancee due to anny othher reeason, the accepptancee is vvalid, unleess thhe offferor timelly advvises the ooffereee thaat thee acceeptancce hass beenn rejeected on grroundss of tthe deelay.Articlee 30 AAccepttance Contaainingg Mateerial ChanggeThe termss of tthe accceptaance sshall be iddenticcal too thosse of the ooffer. A puurportted accceptaance ddispattched by thhe offferee whichh mateeriallly altters tthe teerms oof thee offeer connstituutes aa new offerr. A cchangee in tthe suubjectt mattter, qquantiity, qqualitty, prrice oor remmuneraation, timee, plaace annd metthod oof perrformaance, liabiilitiees forr breaach off conttract or meethod of diisputee resoolutioon is a matteriall channge too the termss of tthe offfer.Articlee 31 AAccepttance Contaainingg Non-materrial CChangees An accepptancee conttaininng nonnmaterrial cchangees to the tterms of thhe offfer iss neveerthelless vvalid and tthe teerms tthereoof preevail as thhe terrms off the contrract, unlesss thee offeeror ttimelyy objeects tto succh chaanges or thhe offfer inndicatted thhat accceptaance mmay noot conntain any cchangee to tthe teerms tthereoof.Articlee 32 TTime oof Forrmatioon in Case of Meemoranndum oof ConntracttWheree the partiies ennter iinto aa conttract by a memorrandumm of ccontraact, tthe coontracct is formeed wheen it is siigned or seealed by thhe parrties. Articlee 33 TTime oof Forrmatioon in Case of Leetterss or EElectrronic Messaages; Confiirmatiion LeetterWWhere the ppartiees entter innto a contrract bby thee exchhange of leetterss or eelectrronic messaages, one pparty may rrequirre exeecutioon of a connfirmaation letteer beffore tthe coontracct is formeed. Thhe conntractt is fformedd uponn execcutionn of tthe coonfirmmationn lettter. Articlee 34 PPlace of Foormatiion; EElectrronic MessaagesThhe plaace whhere tthe accceptaance bbecomees efffectivve is the pplace of foormatiion off a coontracct.Wheere a contrract iis conncludeed by the eexchannge off elecctroniic messsagess, thee reciipientt's maain pllace oof bussinesss is tthe pllace oof forrmatioon of the ccontraact; iif thee reciipientt doess not have a maiin plaace off busiiness, its habittual rresideence iis thee placce of formaation of thhe conntractt. If the ppartiees havve agrreed ootherwwise, such agreeement prevaails.Articlee 35 PPlace of Foormatiion inn Casee of MMemoraandum of CoontracctWherre a ccontraact iss conccludedd by aa memooranduum of contrract, its pplace of foormatiion iss the placee wherre thee partties ssign oor seaal thee conttract.Articlee 36 EEffectt of FFailurre to Concllude CContraact inn WrittingWhhere aa conttract is too be cconcluuded bby a wwritinng as requiired bby thee releevant law oor admministtrativve reggulatiion orr as aagreedd by tthe paartiess, if the ppartiees faiiled tto conncludee the contrract iin wriiting but oone paarty hhas peerformmed itts maiin oblligatiion annd thee otheer parrty haas accceptedd the perfoormancce, thhe conntractt is fformedd.Articlee 37 EEffectt of FFailurre to Sign in Caase off Memooranduum of ContrractWhhere aa conttract is too be cconcluuded bby a mmemoraandum of coontracct, iff prioor to signiing orr sealling oof thee conttract, one partyy has perfoorme


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