小学小升初英语热点题型一06 完形填空与阅读理解.pdf
【精品】【精品】2018 小升初小升初英语英语热点题型热点题型06完形填空与阅读理解完形填空与阅读理解【要点归纳】【要点归纳】一、完形填空一、完形填空【重点】小学完形填空主要考察:1.动词的变化;2.词汇的常用搭配。应对完形填空的考查点基本上相同,应对完形填空的学习,我们需要培养:第一,勤于朗读和背诵,熟读和熟记常用的表达应对词汇常用搭配的考查;第二,课堂上,注意语法的讲授,通过做讲义练习进行巩固应对动词变化的考查。做完形填空时要注意以下几点:1.通读全文,了解文章大意了解文章大意的好处在于对语篇有一个整体的了解,可以避免断章取义,减少解题时的盲目性。但在迅速浏览全文的过程中,切勿望生词而却步,恰恰相反,碰到不明白的地方应掠过去,等到填空需要细读时再去理会。2.抓住首尾句在阅读时要特别注意文章的第一句和最后一句,因为它们通常是文章的主题句,是全文的中心所在,然后读一遍选项,知道均有哪些备选项。3.再读全文可以边读边用铅笔试着将选项的内容填在空白处,这是一个关键性的分析判断阶段,要瞻前顾后,仔细研究上下文,不能只看空格前后两个词,而是应该看完整的句子,这时,应调动你学过的全部语言知识,明确题目要考查的是你哪方面知识的掌握。4.根据语言知识和语法知识解题完形填空中有相当一部分题涉及各种句子结构、基本语法要点、固定搭配以及习惯用法,因此,在解题时需要运用掌握的语言知识和语法知识解题。5.联系上下文要学会利用上下文的各种语言线索和已有的语言知识来选词,切不可不读全文,见一空填一词,如果遇到一时难以确定的答案可先不填,先去做后面的,或有把握的,待填完其他空白后,再回过头来做前面的,有时候,前后空白往往形成相互提示和补充,同时,还可利用排除法,首先排除不合题意的选项,然后反复比较剩下的选项,这样就可以略为简单一些。来源:学科网6.运用背景知识解题背景知识在解答填空题时往往具有重要的辅助作用,有些空格不需要花费太多的时间去研究上下文,有些无论从上下文还是从词汇、语法着眼都无法找到解题信息,而运用背景知识也许很快能找到答案。因此,注意背景知识的运用是很有必要的,最后还要利用自己各方面的知识和语言知识、历史知识、生活常识等,细微分析比较,理解中心,全面验证。【难点】1.完形填空的解题步骤:1)跳过空格,通读全文,掌握大意2)瞻前顾后,先易后难,各个击破3)复读全文,逐个核对,验证答案2.注意事项:1)注重首、尾句2)克服畏难、急躁情绪,耐心通读全文3)切勿看到一个空格就急着选出一个答案,必须纵观全文、通篇考虑4)动笔前先易后难,注意从文中同样结构或类似结构中寻找提示,大胆地作出猜测。5)如果选项从语法角度无法确定,则必须从语篇(前提示,后暗示)意义上加以鉴别。二、二、阅读理解阅读理解【重点】对阅读理解要注意解题需要三个步骤:读问题、读原文,最后挑选项。(一)、读问题(做阅读最重要的一个步骤,如果连问题都读不懂,必定做错误判断),把问题分为两类:1.需要记住的问题:凡是问题中涉及到原文具体内容信息的问题,记住问题中的原文信息,重点放在记时间、地点,大写的词或者名词上(原因:名词在文中不容易改变)。要记的信息,能读懂的尽量读懂,实在读不懂的记长相,记中文就可以。记信息的目的是为一会儿读原文做准备(读原文时主要的目的在于找出问题中记住的内容信息,对应处即为问题答案所在位置),而且在读文章时先对文章内容有一个大概的了解。2.不需要记住的问题:问题中没有涉及到原文具体内容的(换句话说就是不用原文某一处信息作答的标题问题),此类的问题有:主旨题(main idea),中心思想题(From the text,we can learn that),作者态度题(The writer wants to tell us)和判断对错题。针对此类问题,读文章时,重点放在含有原文内容信息的标题问题上,一会儿做题时也是先做划的标题问题,再做不划的标题问题。(二)、读原文1.读原文的主要目的,划出解题所需要的内容信息,包括:刚才读问题时脑中记的原文信息(把问题中所问的东西在文中找出来),转折词:but,however,although,though,重点强调的词或是绝对化的词:none,only,all,everything,must,always,数字及序数词。读出整篇文章的大概标的目的及围绕着什么东西说的。2.开始读文章读文章总则:从头到尾读,读时脑中反映中文意思,但是根据英文单词出现挨次接受信息,读的重点放在文章的段首句、转折句和整篇文章的最后几句。(三)解题1.先做文中划出对映信息的标题问题第一步:关注问题问的是什么?(问什么答什么)第二步:精确答案所在位置(在读原文时,我们已经在原文划出问题中出现的具体内容,但划的那句话必然就是答案吗?50%标题问题答案出在所划定的那句里,但不是所有的情况都是这样。因此,文章中划的地方诠释答案就在附近,但纷歧定就是划的那句)第三步:按照找到的精确信息为依据,看四个选项哪个和精确信息最像,选哪个。来源:学&科&网2.做完所有的划出对映信息的标题问题后,再做不划的标题问题3.选择答案的思路答案是比出来的每道题都要把四个选项通过对比得到答案。答案没有对的,只有更好的。(抛开对不合错误的判断思路,是因为不求知道答案之所以对的原因,选一个答案只是因为它比其他的三个更好)来源:学*科*网 Z*X*X*K4.考场上的解题思路(1)做题时必然要客观,判断选项时,所有的判断依据都来自原文,千万不要加入本身的想法和判断,文章说什么就是什么。(2)除非文章中作者有明显的绝对化的观点出现,不然选项中一旦出现绝对化的修饰词立刻排除(all,none,everything,/one,must,only,never,usually,always)【难点】英语阅读试题的技巧与方法1.阅读信息文中找。小学阶段的阅读试题答案,基本都能在所给的阅读文中找所需信息,学生只需带着问题或关键词以寻读的方式,快速在文章中寻找所需信息,切记不可任凭自己的想象,随心所欲的回答。如一道阅读填空:Tim and his friend _ in the sea.没有通过寻找关键词,在文章中寻找的方式,而是根据自己的猜测写出 play.2 寻找信息的顺序性一篇阅读文章之后的若干试题,通常依据自上而下的顺序出题。(当然也有个别例外)。第一道题所需信息通常在文中的首段,学生只需在文章的第一部分寻找;第二题的信息,则无需从文章中开始浏览,只要从第一个信息之后寻读即可,后面的题依次往下寻找,最后一道题的信息,基本在文章的末段,了解了寻找信息的顺序性,学生无需花费较多时间一遍又一遍通读全文,增加信息量,干扰阅读理解,影响做题速度。3.如何快速寻找所需信息在拿到一篇阅读试题时,大部分学生首先会不自觉地通读全文,甚至因思考文中的生词而花费较多的时间,然后再回到试题时,头脑中关于文章的信息已所剩无几。正确的方法是:首先仔细阅读试题上,圈出试题中的关键词,如何识别关键词,需要老师在平时的阅读教学中指导、判断。比如:am,is,are,do,did,can,to,of等虚词通常不可能是关键词,而名词、动词、副词通常为关键词,对于阅读文中的问答题,方法基本相同,首先找出问题中的关键词,然后再着关键词在文章中寻找答案。4.判断正误对于阅读试题占的判断正误题,相对比较简单,但学生的出错率仍然较大,究其原因:学生不懂判断的方法,通常是读完试题之后,凭着自己对阅读文章的大致印象判断。事实上判断试题与选择、填空的做题方法基本一致,仍需找出试题中的关键词,带着关键词,在文中寻找所需信息,然后仔细判断是否与文中信息一致,如一致则正确,反之错误。【热点题型】【热点题型】完形填空解题技巧讲解及练习例 1 根据短文内容选择合适的词填空(上下文、语境)In New York,on a Friday night,a young artist stood at the gate of a train station.Hewas playing his _.His music was so great that many people put money into hishat.The next day,the young artist came to the same place,and played the violin asusual.A.pianoB.guitarC.violinD.sax【答案】C【解析】当不知道应该填哪项时,继续读短文,读到最后一句 and played the violinas usual.即可判断此空应填 violin【点拨】考查学生对完形填空要根据上下文、语境来做题,难度中。例 2根据短文内容选择合适的词填空(逻辑推理)When we talked,I discovered(发现)some differences in school life between the USand China.For example,each class lasts fifty minutes in the US.It is a little _ thanthat in China.We usually have forty-five minutes in each class.A.shorterB.longerC.earlierD.later【答案】B【解析】做此类题时要根据短文内容进行逻辑推理,根据短文中 each class lastfifty minutes in the US.We usually have forty-five minutes in each class.所以可以判断 It is a little longer than that in China.应选 B。【点拨】考查学生做完形填空时要注意运用逻辑推理的方法进行判断,难度中。来源:Zxxk.Com例 3完形填空Li Li,Look 1_ the picture.Its 2_ picture of our classroom.In the picture,youcan see some desks 3_ chairs.4_ the blackboard,you can see two black andwhite cats.A map is 5_ the door.Its a map 6_ Beijing.Under the 7_ desk isa ball,but you cant see it.The girl in the hat is my good friend Kate.She is a newstudent.She is 8_ English girl.She looks 9_ Lucy.But they arent 10_.()1.A.inB.atC.toD.on()2.A.aB.anC.theD./()3.A.orB.butC.andD.there()4.A.InB.OfC.AtD.On()5.A.atB.inC.underD.behind()6.A.ofB.onC.inD.for()7.A.teacherB.teachersC.teachersD.of teacher()8.A./B.theC.anD.a()9.A.atB.afterC.likeD.the same()10.A.boysB.girlsC.twinsD.students【答案】1.B2.A3.C4.D5.D6.A7.B8.C9.C10.C【解析】1.此句意是:看这张照片,look at 看.应选 B。2.此句意是:这是我们教室的一张照片,a picture of.意为”的一张照片”3.此句意是:你能看到一些桌子和椅子,and 和,连词。4.On the blackboard 在黑板上,用介词 on.5.此句意是:一张地图在门后,behind 在后面。6.此句意是:这是一张北京地图,a map of Beijing 一张北京地图。7.在讲桌的下面是一个球,the teachers desk 讲桌。8.此句意是:她是一个英国女孩,English 的第一个字母是元音音素,所以前面要用 an.9.此句意是:她看起来和露西很像,look like 看起来像.10.但是他们不是双胞胎,twins 双胞胎,应选 C。【点拨】考查学生对完形填空的用法的掌握情况,难度易。例 4阅读理解Look at that boy.His name is Liu Bing.He is a Chinese boy.He is in the kitchen.Helikes apples.Su Yang is at home too.She is in the study.She likes drawing.Is GaoShan at home?No,he is in the park.He is thirsty.He wants to drink some juice.MissLi is in the office.She is reading.快速判断(正确的写 T,错误的写 S)()1.Liu Bing is in the kitchen.()2.Liu Bing likes eating pears.()3.Su Yang isnt in the study.()4.Gao Shan is thirsty and he wants to drink()5.Miss Li is drawing.This is _ orange._ orange is Lucys.【答案】1.T2.F3.F4.T5.F【解析】1.根据短文中 He is in the kitchen.可判断此句是正确的。2.根据短文中 He likes apples.所以可判断此句是错误的。3.根据短文中 She is in the study.可判断此句是错误的。4.根据短文中 He is thirsty.He wants to drink some juice.可判断此句是正确的。5.根据短文中 She is reading.可判断此句是错误的。【点拨】考查学生对阅读理解中对句子判断正误的掌握情况,难度易。例 5阅读理解,根据短文内容选择正确的答案。Tom likes fish very much.He often buys some fish in the shop and takes it home.But when his wife sees the fish,she says to herself,“Good!I can ask my friends tohave lunch,and we can eat the fish.They like fish very much.”So when Tom comes home in the evening,the fish is not there and his wife alwayssays,“Oh,your cat eats it.”And she gives Tom some bread for his supper.Tom isvery angry.He takes the cat and his wife to the shop near his house and weighs(称重)the cat.Then he turns to his wife and says,”My fish weigh one kilo(公斤).This catweighs one,too.My fish is here,you see,then where is my cat?”1._ eats the fish.A.Mr TomB.Mrs TomC.The catD.His friends2.What does Mrs Tom do with the fish?A.She eats the fish before Tom comes back.B.She asks her friends to come to eat the fish with her.C.She puts the fish in the fridge(冰箱)and waits for her husband.D.She cooks the fish for Tom.3.Mr Tom weighs _ in the shop with his wife.A.the fishB.the catC.his wifeD.his friend4.How much fish does Tom often buy?A.one kiloB.two kiloC.three kiloD.four kilo5.Tom likes _ very much.A.catB.his wifeC.fishD.his friends.【答案】1.D2.B3.B4.A5.C【解析】1.根据短文中 I can ask my friends to have lunch,and we can eat the fish.They likefish very much.可知 D 是正确答案。2.根据短文中 I can ask my friends to have lunch,and we can eat the fish.They likefish very much.可知 B 是正确答案。3.根据短文中 He takes the cat and his wife to the shop near his house and weighsthe cat.可知 B 是正确答案。4.根据短文中 My fish weigh one kilo 可知 A 是正确答案。5.根据短文中 Tom likes fish very much.可知 C 是正确答案。【点拨】考查学生对阅读理解的掌握情况,难度中。【易错诊断】【易错诊断】例 1完形填空This is my bedroom.You can see 1_ pictures on the wall.A nice light is 2_the desk.A football is 3_ the chair.4_ is the bed?Its near the window.Myfather and 5_ bedroom is near my bedroom.6_ flowers and a nice big bed7_ in their room.Some windows are 8_ the wall.Ayellow door is in the wall,9_.Do you like my bedroom and 10_?()1.A.aB.anC.oneD.some()2.A.inB,onC.underD.behind()3.A.toB.inC.forD.under()4.A.WhoB.HowC.WhatD.Where()5.A.brotherB.motherC.brothersD.mothers()6.A.theB.someC.TheD.Some()7.A.amB.isC.areD.isnt()8.A.behindB.underC.inD.on()9.A.ofB.tooC.hereD.there()10.A.themB.theirC.theirsD.their room【错解】5.B6B7B8D10.C【错误辨析】5.我爸爸和妈妈的卧室,应表示为 My father and mothers bedroom.在表示两者共有时,在后一个名词后加 s,这点是学生们容易出错的地方,学生易错误地填写为 B。6.,因此处不是特指所以不用能 the,因 flowers 是复数,所以前面要用 some,但学生易匆忙看下答案,一看 B 项是 some,所以就将答案填为 B,这是错误的,要注意,在句首的第一个字母要大写,D 项才是正确答案。7.学生做此题时容易想当然,一看空格前面是 a nice big bed,所以后面的动词肯定用单数,故将答案填为 B,这是错误的,要注意这句还有前半部分,整个主语是 Some flowers and a nice big bed,是两项,所以后面动词要用复数 are.8.学生在做此题时容易理解为,窗户在墙上,所以要用介词 on,其实不然,窗户,门,钉子在墙上要用介词 in,地图,图片在墙上要用 on.10.你喜欢我的卧室和他们的卧室吗?学生容易错误理解为 Do you like mybedroom and theirs?这是错误的,如果为了避免重复,就要用名词性物主代词theirs,或者用 their bedroom.【正确答案】5.D6.D7.C8.C10.D例 2阅读理解Wang Bin is a football fan.There is a football match between Chinese team andAmerican team.He wants to watch it.He comes to the box office(售票处)and givesthe clerk 10 yuan.The clerk says,”Please give me another 10 yuan.The price(价格)of a ticket is 20 yuan.”“Why?”says Wang Bin,”I just watch Chinese team.I dont want to watch the otherteam at all.Do you want me to buy a ticket for them?No,no,no”根据短文内容选择正确答案.()1.How does Wang Bin like football?A.LittleB.AlittleC.VeryD.Very much()2.“Do you want me to buy a ticket for them?”the word“them”refers to_.A.Chinese teamB.British teamC.American teamD.French team【错解】1.B2.A【错误辨析】1.学生要想答对此题,就要能够理解 fan 的意思,football fan 足球迷,既然是 fan了,所以就是 like football very much,但是学生在做此题时,由于不理解 fan 的意思,所以就根据后句 He wants to watch it.他想观看比赛,一句很普通的话,就错理解为 a little 一点儿点儿喜欢足球了,这是错误的。2 学生做此题时,容易根据就近句子进行选择,一看前句是 I just watch Chineseteam.所以很容易错误地理解为这里的 them 是指 Chinese team 了,这是错误的,正确答案应是 American team.【正确答案】1.D2.C【趁热打铁】【趁热打铁】一、完形填空Once there was a boy in Toronto.His name is Jimmy.He started drawing when hewas three years old,and when he was five he was already very 1_ at it.He drewmany beautiful interesting pictures,and many people 2_ his pictures.Theythought this boy was going to be 3_ when he was a little older,and then they weregoing to 4_ these pictures for a lot of money.Jimmys pictures were quite different from other 5_ because he never drew onall of the paper.He drew on 6_ of it,and the other half was always 7_.“Thats very clever”everybody said,“8_ other people have ever done thatbefore.”One day somebody asked him,“Please tell me,Jimmy.Why do you draw on thebottom half of your pictures,9_ not on the top half?”“Because Im small”Jimmy said,“and my brushes(毛笔)cant 10_ veryhigh”.()1.A.poorB.sadC.gladD.good()2.A.boughtB.broughtC.soldD.took()3.A.differentB.cleverC.famousD.rich()4.A.buyB.showC.leaveD.sell()5.A.mensB.peoplesC.boysD.childs()6.A.halfB.partC.sideD.end()7.A.fullB.emptyC.wrongD.ready()8.A.NoB.SomeC.AnyD.Many()9.A.thenB.andC.butD.or()10.A.changeB.turnC.pullD.reach二、阅读理解阅读短文,按短文内容判断所给的句子,如符合用 T,否则用 F。John is a Canadian.He lives in a tall building in the city of Toronto(多伦多).Thereare eighteen floors in the building,and he lives on the fifteenth floor.He uses a lift togo up and down.来源:Zxxk.ComJohn works very hard.He goes to work early.Every day he gets out of the lift.Thenhe walks to a bus stop.The bus stop is in front of a station.It is about two hundredmeters from his home.He usually catches the number 11 bus to work,but sometimes he goes by train.John works in a factory about ten kilometers from his home.He starts working at 8:30,and finishes at 4:45.He gets back home at a quarter past five.He gets into the lift,andhe goes up to the twelfth floor.Then he gets out of the lift and climbs up to thefifteenth floor on foot.()1.John is a Canada.()2.He lives on the eighteenth floor()3.Astation is behind the bus stop.()4.John usually goes to work by bus.()5.He works for seven hours a day.【趁热打铁】【趁热打铁】答案及解析答案及解析一、完形填空(一)【答案】1D2A3C4D5B6A7B8A9C10D【解析】1.be good at 擅长,固定搭配。2.很多人买了他的画,buy 买,其过去式是 bought.3.此句意是:他们认为这个男孩在他长大一点儿时他会很出名的,famous 出名的。4.然后他们会卖掉这些画赚很多钱。sell 卖。5.Jimmy 的画和其他人的画有很大不同,other peoples 别人的。6.根据后句 the other half 另半部分,可知此句是 He drew on half of it.他只画画的一半。7.他只画画的一半,而另一半则总是空的,empty 空的。8.以前还没有人曾这样做过,no other people 没有其他人。9.为什么你在画的底部画,而不在画的顶部呢?but not 而不是。10.我的毛笔够不到很高,reach 够得到。二、阅读理解【答案】1.T2.F3.T4.F5.F【解析】1.根据短文中 John is a Canadian.可判断此句是正确的,应填 T。2.根据短文中 and he lives on the fifteenth floor.可判断此句是错误的,应填 F。3.根据短文中 The bus stop is in front of a station.可判断此句是正确的,应填 T。4.根据短文中 He usually catches the number 11 bus to work,but sometimes he goesby train.可判断此句是错误的,应填 F。5.根据短文中 He starts working at 8:30,and finishes at 4:45 可判断此句是错误的,应填 F。