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国际土木工程建筑承包合同(中英文对照) PARRT工GENNERAL CONDIITIONSS 第第一章 总则则 DEFFINITIIONS AAND INNTERPRRETATIION 定义和释释义 1(1)IIn thee Conttract,aas herreinaffter ddefineed,thee folllowingg wordds andd exprressioons shhall hhave tthe meeaninggs herreby aassignned too themm,exceept whhere tthe coontextt otheerwisee requuires: 111在本合合同中,除按按上下文另具具意义者外,下下列词语应解解释如下: (aa)'Empployerr' meaans thhe parrty naamed iin Parrt II who wwill eemployy the Contrractorr and the llegal succeessorss in ttitle to thhe Empployerr,but not,eexceptt withh the conseent off the Contrractorr,any assiggnee oof thee Emplloyer “业业主”指第二二章中所指定定的雇用承包包人的一方或或其权利继承承人,但不包包括业主的受受让人,经承承包人同意者者除外。 (b)“CContraactor”mmeans the ppersonn or ppersonns,firrm or compaany whhose ttenderr has been acceppted bby thee Emplloyeraand inncludees thee Conttractoors ppersonnal reepreseentatiives,ssuccesssors and ppermittted aassignns “承包人人”指标书已已被业主接受受的某个或某某些人、商行行或公司,包包括其个人代代表,继承人人和业经认可可的受让人。 (c)“Engineer”means the Engineer designated as such in Part II,or other Engineer appointed from time to time by the Employer and notified in writing to the Contractor to act as Engineer for the purposes of the Contract in place of the Engineer、designated “工程师”指第二章中所指定的工程师,或由业主随时任命且书面通知承包人以代替指定工程师履行合同职责的其他工程师。 (d) 'Engineers Representative' means any resident engineer or assistant of the Engineer or any clerk of works appointed from time to time by the Employer or the Engineer to perform the duties set forth in Clause 2 hereof,whose authority shall be notified in writing to the Contractor by the Engineer “工程师代表”指任何常驻工程技术人员、工程师助手,或由业主或工程师随时任命履行本合同第二条规定职责的任何工程现场监督,其权限应由工程师书面通告承包人。 (e) “Works” shall include both Permanent Works and Temporary Works, “工程”包括永久性工程和临建工程。 (f)“Contract” means the Conditions of Contract,specification,Drawings,priced Bill of Quantities,Schedule of Rates and Prices,if any,Tender,Letter of Acceptance and the Contract Agreement,if completed “合同”指合同条款、技术规范、图纸、标价的建筑工程清单、单价和价格表(如果有),还可指标书、接受证书以及承包协议(如已完成)。 (g) “Contract Price” means the sum named in the Letter of Acceptance, subject to such additions thereto or deductions therefrom as may be made under the provisions hereinafter contained “合同价格”指在接受证书中确定的数额,可按本合同以下条款规定增减。 (h)“Constructional Plant' means all appliances or things of whatsoever nature required in or about the execution or maintenance of the Works but does not include materials or other things intended to form or forming part of the Permanent Works “建筑设备”指工程施工和维修中或有关施工和维修所需的全部设备或物品,不论任何性质,但不包括旨在构成或正在构成永久性工程某一部分的材料或其他物品。 (i)“Temporary Works' means all temporary works of every kind required in or about the execution or maintenance of the Works “临建工程”指工程施工或维修或有关工程施工或维修所需的各种临时工程。 (j)“Permanent Works”means the permanent works to be executed and maintained in accordance with the Contract “永久性工程”指按合同将施工和维修的永久工程。 (k) “Specification” means the specification referred to in the Tender and any modification thereof or addition thereto as may from time to time be furnished or approved in writing by the Engineer “技术规范”指在标书或任何标书更改中提及的规范,或由工程师随时可能增加或书面同意增加的部分。 (1)“Drawings” means the drawings referred to in the Specification and any modification of such drawings approved in writing by the Engineer and such other drawings as may from time to time be furnished or approved in writing by the Engineer “图纸”指技术规范中规定的图纸,经工程师书面同意对此种图纸所作的任何更改,以及可由工程师随时提供或书面认同的其他图纸。 (m) “Site” means the land and other places on,under,in or through which the Permanent Works or Temporary Works designed by the Engineer are to be executed and any other lands and places provided by the Employer for working space or any other purpose as may be apecifically designated in the Contract as forming part of the Site “工地”指工程师设计的永久性或临建工程施工所需的土地及其他场地,包括地面、地下、在之上或通过部分,以及由业主所提供的用作临时储存或其他目的的其他土地或场所,只要能按合同明文规定构成工地的组成部分。 (n)“Approved” means approved in writing,including subsequent written confirmation ofprevious verbalapproval and“approval' means approval in writing,including as aforesaid “业经认可”指已经经书面认可,包括过后对口头认可的书面确认,“认可”指书面认可,包括上述规定在内。 (2)Words importing the singular only also include the plural and vice versa where the context requires 12按合同上下文所需,单数含义的单词也可具有复数的含义,反之一样。 (3)The headings and marginal notes in these Conditions of Contract shall not be deemed to be part thereof or be taken into consideration in the interpretation or construction thereof or of the Contract 13合同条款的标题和边注不得视为合同的一部分,不得用于考虑解释条款或合同。 (4)The word“cost' shall be deemed to include overhead costs whether on or off the Site 14“费用”一词应视为含工地上或以外发生的间接费用。 ENGINEER AND ENGINEERS REPRFSFNTATIVE 工程师及工程师代表 2(11)The Enginneer sshall carryy out such dutiees in issuiing deecisioons,ceertifiicatess and orderrs as are sspeciffied iin thee ConttractIn thhe eveent off the Enginneer bbeing requiired iin terrms off his appoiintmennt by the EEmployyer too obtaain thhe speecificc apprroval of thhe Empployerr for the eexecuttion oof anyy partt of tthese dutiees,thiis shaall bee set out iin Parrt II of thhese CCondittions 221工程师师必须按合同同明文规定,履履行作决断、颁颁发证书和发发出指令等职职责。如业主主签发的工程程师任命书中中规定其某些些职责的履行行得经业主专专门认可,其其要件应在本本合同第二部部分予以规定定。 (2)Thhe Enggineerr may from time to tiime inn writting ddelegaate too the Enginneer'ss Reprresenttativee any of thhe powwers aand auuthoriities vesteed in the EEngineeer annd shaall fuurnishh to tthe Coontracctor aand too the Emplooyer aa copyy of aall suuch wrrittenn deleegatioons off poweers annd autthoritties Any wwritteen insstructtion oor appprovall giveen by the EEngineeers Repreesentaative to thhe Conntracttor wiithin the tterms of suuch deelegattion,bbut noot othherwisse,shaall biind thhe Conntracttor annd thee Emplloyer as thhough it haad beeen givven byy the EnginneerPProvidded allways as foollws: 222工程师师可随时书面面授权其代表表代行其任何何职权,但必必须将所有此此种授权书的的副本提交给给承包人和业业主。在授权权期间,工程程师代表给承承包人的任何何书面指令或或认可(仅限限于此)对承承包人和业主主具有与工程程师的指令或或认可同样的的效力。以下下规定属于例例外: (a) Failuure off the Enginneer'ss Reprresenttativee to ddisappprove any wwork oor matterialls shaall noot preejudicce thee poweer of the EEngineeer thhereaffter tto dissapproove suuch woork orr mateerialss and to orrder tthe puullingg downn,remooval oor breeakingg up tthereoof 工程师代代表对任何工工程或材料的的不予否认,不不得影响工程程师此后否认认以及命令拆拆毁、移动或或拆除此种工工程或材料的的权力。 (b)IIf thee Conttractoor shaall bee disssatisffied bby reaason oof anyy deciisionss of tthe Enngineeer's RRepressentattive hhe shaall bee entiitled to reefer tthe maatter to thhe Enggineerr,who shalll therreuponn conffirm,rreversse or vary such decission 若承承包人对工程程师代表的任任何决定不满满意,其有权权将此决定提提交工程师确确认、取消或或更改。 ASSSIGNMEENT ANND SUBBLETTTING 转让和和分包 3TThe Coontracctor sshall not aassignn the Contrract oor anyy partt therreof,oor anyy beneefit oor intterestt therrein oor theereundder,ottherwiise thhan byy a chharge in faavor oof thee Conttractoor's bbankerrs of any mmoniess due or too becoome duue undder thhis Coontracct,witthout the pprior writtten coonsentt of tthe Emmployeer 3未经经业主事前书书面同意,承承包人不得将将合同或其他他任何部分,或或合同所规定定或依合同而而产生的任何何收益转让,向向承包人的开开户银行支付付按本合同规规定到期或即即将到期的款款项除外。 4TThe Coontracctor sshall not ssub-leet thee wholle of the WWorksExceppt wheere ottherwiise prrovideed by the CContraact,thhe Conntracttor shhall nnot suub-lett any part of thhe Worrks wiithoutt the priorr writtten cconsennt of the EEngineeer,whhich sshall not bbe unrreasonnably withhheld,aand suuch coonsentt,if ggiven,sshall not rrelievve thee(conttractoor froom anyy liabbilityy or oobligaation underr the Contrract aand hee shalll be respoonsiblle forr the acts,ddefaullts annd negglectss of aany suub-conntracttor,hiis ageents,sservannts orr workkmen aas fullly ass if tthey wwere tthe accts,deefaultts or negleects oof thee Conttractoor,hiss agennts sservannts orr workkmenPProvidded allways that the pprovission oof labbor onn a piiecewoork baasis sshall not bbe deeemed tto be a subblettiing unnder tthe Cllause 44承包人不不得转包整个个工程。除非非合同另有规规定,未经工工程师事前书书面同意,承承包人也不得得分包工程的的任何部分,但但工程师不得得无故不同意意分包,一旦旦同意分包,此此种同意不得得免去承包人人所承担的任任何合同所规规定的责任或或义务,他必必须对任何分分包人、其代代理人、雇员员或工人的行行为、不履行行和过失负完完全责任,如如同这些行为为、不履行或或过失是承包包人、其代理理人、雇员或或工人所为。以以计件方式提提供劳力不得得视为是本条条所规定的分分包。 COONTRACCT DOCCUMENTTS 合同文件 5(11)Therre shaall bee statted inn Partt 1I oof theese Coonditiions: 51以下要件件得在合同第第二部分规定定: (a)thhe lannguagee or llanguaages iin whiich thhe Conntractt docuumentss shalll be drawnn up aand 用以起起草合同文件件的语言; (bb)the counttry orr statte,thee law of whhich iis to applyy to tthe Coontracct andd accoordingg to wwhichtthe Coontracct is to bee consstruedd 合同适用哪哪个国家的法法律以及用哪哪个国家的法法律解释合同同。 If thhe saiid doccumentts aree writtten iin morre thaan onee langguage,tthe laanguagge acccordinng to whichh the Contrract iis to be coonstruued annd intterpreeted sshall also be deesignaated iin Parrt II,bbeing thereein deesignaated tthe “RRulingg Langguage” 如如果文件用一一种以上语言言作成,用以以解释合同的的语言也必须须在第二部分分中规定,且且将被寇为“主主体语言”。 (2)Except if and to the extent otherwise provided by the Contract,the provisions of the Conditions of Contract Parts and shall prevail over those of any other document forming part of the ContractSubject to the foregoing,the several documents forming the Contract are to be taken as mutually explanatory of one another,but in case of ambiguities or discrepancies the same shall be explained and adjusted by the Engineer who shall thereupon issue to the Contractor instructions thereonProvided always that if,in the opinion of the Engineer,compliance with any such instructions shall involve the Contractor in any cost,which by reason of any such ambiguity or discrepancy could not reasonably have been foreseen by the Contractor,the Engineer shall certify and the Employer shall pay such additional sum as may be reasonable to cover such costs 52除合同中另有规定外,合同第一、二部分的条款规定优于其他任何构成合同的文件的规定。以上述规定为准,构成合同的数个文件可视为能互相解释,如意思含糊或不一致时,由工程师解释和处理,并由此向承包人发出指令。如工程师认为,服从此种指令会使承包人发生额外费用,而此种费用是承包人由于上述意思含糊或不一致而按理无法预见的,工程师应予以证明,业主必须支付相应的额外款额以补偿此种费用。 6(11)The Drawiings sshall remaiin in the ssole ccustoddy of the EEngineeer,buut twoo copiies thhereoff shalll be furniished to thhe Conntracttor frree off charrgeThhe Conntracttor shhall pprovidde andd makee at hhis owwn exppense any ffurtheer coppies rrequirred byy himAt thhe commpletiion off the Contrract tthe Coontracctor sshall returrn to the EEngineeer alll Draawingss provvided underr the Contrract 61图纸由工工程师独自保保管,但须向向承包人免费费提供两份副副本。承包人人所需的其余余副本由他自自己制作并承承担费用。合合同履行后,承承包人须将全全部合同图纸纸归还工程师师。 (2)Onne coppy of the DDrawinngs,fuurnishhed too the Contrractorr as aaforessaid,sshall be keept byy the contrractorr on tthe Siite annd thee samee shalll at all rreasonnable timess be aavailaable ffor innspecttion aand usse by the EEngineeer annd thee Engiineer''s Reppresenntativve andd by aany otther ppersonn authhorizeed by the EEngineeer inn writting 62承包人必必须将按上述述规定所提交交的一份图纸纸副本留在工工地,让工程程师及其代表表,或工程师师书面授权的的任何其他人人在所有合理理的时间内查查阅使用。 (33)The Contrractorr shalll givve wriitten noticce to the EEngineeer whheneveer plaanningg or pprogreess off the Workss' is likelly to be deelayedd or ddisruppted uunlesss any furthher drrawingg or oorder,iincludding aa direectionn,insttructiion orr apprroval,iis isssued bby thee Engiineer withiin a rreasonnable timeThe nnoticee shalll incclude detaiils off the drawiing orr ordeer reqquiredd and of whhy andd by wwhen iit is requiired aand off any delayy or ddisrupption likelly to be suuffereed if it iss latee 63如工工程师不在适适当时间内再再提供图纸或或命令,包括括指示、指令令或认可,工工程计划或进进展便可能被被延误或中断断时,承包人人必须书面通通知工程师。通通知书中应详详细说明所需需的图纸或命命令,所需原原因和时间,以以及如果不及及时提供而可可能造成的任任何延误和中中断。 (4)IIf,by reasoon of any ffailurre or inabiility of thhe Enggineerr to iissue withiin a ttime rreasonnable in alll thee circcumstaances any ddrawinng or orderr requuestedd by tthe Coontracctor iin acccordannce wiith suubclauuse(3)oof thiis Claause,tthe Coontracctor ssufferrs dellay annd/or incurrs cossts thhen thhe Enggineerr shalll takke succh dellay innto acccountt in ddetermminingg any extennsion of tiime too whicch thee Conttractoor is entittled uunder Clausse 44 hereoof andd the Contrractorr shalll be paid the aamountt of ssuch ccost aas shaall bee reassonablle 64如承承包人按本条条第3款规定定索要图纸或或命令,由于于工程师没有有或不能在合合理时间内提提供,从而导导致承包人误误工和左戊承承担费用,工工程师必须考考虑此种延误误,以决定是是否按本合同同第44条规规定延长承包包人的工期,且且只要有理由由,承包人所所承担的此种种费用必须得得到补偿。 7TThe Enngineeer shaall haave fuull poower aand auuthoriity too suppply too the Contrractorr fromm timee to ttime, durinng thee proggress of thhe Worrks,suuch fuurtherr drawwings and iinstruuctionns as shalll be nnecesssary ffor thhe purrpose of thhe prooper aand addequatte exeecutioon andd mainntenannce off the Workss Thee Conttractoor shaall caarry oout annd be boundd by tthe saame 7在在施工期间,工工程师全权负负责随时进一一步向承包人人提供图纸和和指示,以满满足工程正常常施工和维护护所需。承包包人必须执行行且受图纸和和指示的约束束。 GENNERAL OBLIGGATIONNS 总义务 8(11)The Contrractorr shalll,subbject to thhe proovisioons off the Contrract,aand wiith duue carre andd diliigencee, exeecute and mmaintaain thhe Worrks annd proovide all llabor,iincludding tthe suuperviision thereeof, mmateriials,CConstrructioonal PPlant and aall otther tthingss,whetther oof a ttemporrary oor perrmanennt natture,rrequirred inn and for ssuch eexecuttion aand maaintennance,sso farr as tthe neecessiity foor proovidinng thee samee is sspeciffied iin or is reeasonaably tto be inferrred ffrom tthe Coontracct 81承承包人必须根根据合同条款款,对工程的的施工和维护护予以应有的的注意,且提提供此种施工工和维护所必必需的包括劳劳动管理在内内的所有劳力力、材料、施施工成套设备备及其他一切切物品,不管管其是临时或或长期性质,只只要合同明文文规定需要或或根据合同合合理推断需要要。 (2)Thhe Conntracttor shhall ttake ffull rresponnsibillity ffor thhe adeequacyy,stabbilityy and safetty of all ssite ooperattions and mmethodds of consttructiion,prrovideed thaat thee Conttractoor shaall noot be respoonsiblle, exxcept as maay be expreessly proviided iin thee Conttract,ffor thhe dessign oor speecificcationn of tthe Peermaneent Woorks,oor forr the desiggn or speciificattion oof anyy Tempporaryy Workks preeparedd by tthe Enngineeer 82承承包人必须对对现场操作和和施工方法的的恰当、稳定定及安全性负负全部责任。除除非合同另有有明文规定,承承包人对工程程师制定的永永久性工程的的设计或规格格,或临建工工程的设计或或规格概不负负责。 9TThe Coontracctor sshall,wwhen ccalledd uponn so tto do,eenter into and eexecutte a CContraact Aggreemeent,too be ppreparred annd commpleteed at the ccost oof thee Emplloyer,iin thee formm anneexed wwith ssuch mmodifiicatioon as may bbe neccessarry, 9如经经要求,承包包人必须签署署一承包协议议,该协议由由业主制定并并承担费用,协协议应附带必必要的修正条条款。 10If,foor thee due perfoormancce of the CContraact,thhe Tennder sshall contaain ann undeertakiing byy