Before signing this Contract, Borrower should read the Contract carefully,especially the sections marked with *, and should confirm that Borrower has no dissagreeement with the CContraact. BANK OF COOMMUNIICATIOONS LOOAN COONTRACCT (For Mediuum or Shortt Termm Workking CCapitaal Loaan) LLoan NNo.: WWei Jiiao Yiin 20001 Loaan 6-0031Borroweer: Weiffang FFuhua Amuseement Park Co., Ltd.Addresss: Eastt End of Doong Feeng Eaast Sttreet, Weiffang CityLegal rrepressentattive: Jie YangLender: Weiffang BBranchh of tthe Baank off CommmunicaationssAddresss: 358 Dong Feng East StreeetAccordiing too appllicablle lawws andd reguulatioons off the Peoplle's RRepubllic off Chinna(the "PPRC"), the Borroower aand Leender, afteer reaachingg an aagreemment tthrougghnegotiaationss, herreby eenter into this contrract ppursuaant too Borrrower''s appplicattionto Lendder foor a wworkinng cappital loan (the "Loann") AArticlle 1. The LLoan1.1. TType oof currrencyy: RMBB1.2. LLoan aamountt (fulll-forrm chaaracteers): Four hundrred annd fiffty thhousannd yuaan eexactlly. Thhe acttual pprinciipal bborrowwed byy Borrrower shalll be tthe nuumber wwritteen on the ffinanccial vvoucheer isssued bby Lennder.1.3. LLoan tterm: July 24, 22001 tto Junne 20, 200221.4. TThe Looan unnder tthis LLoan CContraact shhall bbe sollely ffor inndustrrial/bbusineess uuse. BBorrowwer shhall nnot diivert the ffunds underr thiss Loann Conttract to anny oother purpoose. AArticlle 2. Interrest RRate aand Innteresst Callculattion2.1. IIntereest raate: 55.36255%, baased oon 30 days in a monthh and 360 ddays iin a yyear.2.2. DDuringg the term of thhis Looan Coontracct, innteresst mayy be cchangeed as pprescrribed by thhe Peoople'ss Bankk of CChina when said Bank adjussts itts iintereest raate orr ratee calcculatiion meethod, in wwhich case Borroower'ss aapprovval iss not necesssary. 2<PAGE>2.3. TThe foormulaa for calcuulatinng thee inteerest is ass folllows: Interrest oon thee lloan = (thee presscribeed intterestt ratee undeer thiis Loaan Conntractt) x (Loan aamountt) x (actuaal dayys of use), wherre acttual ddays oof usee is ccalcullated ffrom tthe daay thee Loann is iissuedd.2.4. SSettleement of innteresst undder thhis Looan Coontracct is to bee calcculateed perr mmonth. The settllementt datee is tthe 200th daay of each monthh. Alll prinncipall aand innteresst shaall bee paidd in ffull oon thee day the tterm oof thee Loann eexpirees. Artticle 3. Reeleasee of ffunds underr the Loan3.1. BBorrowwer maay appply foor rellease of fuunds uunder the LLoan CContraact, aat onee ttime oor at diffeerent timess, witthin tthe fiixed pperiodd, undder Arrticlee 1.3 hhereoff. Howwever, eachh timee Borrrower must make the aappliccationn to LLenderr at lleast 3 bannking days in addvancee.3.2. LLenderr shalll havve thee righht to examiine thhe folllowinng isssues bbeforee rreleassing ffunds underr the Loan and sshall decidde wheether to reeleasee fundds bbased on reesultss of tthe exxaminaation: (1) whhetherr Borrrower has pperforrmed aall leegallyy-requuired proceeduress suuch ass obtaainingg goveernmennt liccensess, appprovalls andd regiistrattion annd othher prroceduures LLenderr may requiire off Borrrower; (2) Whhetherr a reelatedd guarranty contrract iis currrentlly in effecct.3.3. LLenderr shalll rellease fundss at oone tiime orr at ddifferrent ttimes to Boorroweer aaccordding tto thee Loann Vouccher; and3.4. TThe fuunds rreleasse datte andd amouunt shhall bbe as recorrded iin thee Loann VVoucheer. Artticle 4. Reepaymeent off the Loan:4.1. TThe daate off repaaymentt of pprinciipal uunder this Loan Contrract sshall be ass rrecordded inn the Loan Vouchher;4.2. BBorrowwer shhall rrepay the pprinciipal aand innteresst undder thhis Looan Coontracct iin fulll on the ddue daate.4.3. *Borrrowerr hereeby irrrevoccably authoorizess Lendder, oon thee Lendder's own iinitiaative, to wwithdrraw fuunds ffrom BBorrowwer's depossit acccountt withh the BBank oof Commmuniccationns.4.4. BBorrowwer shhall rrepay princcipal and iintereest inn the curreency pprovidded inn AArticlle 1.11 abovve.4.5. *Borrrowerr may repayy the Loan in addvancee uponn apprroval from Lendeer. 3<PAGE> Leender has tthe riight tto colllect the iintereest foor thee periiod beetweenn thedate off the prepaaymentt and the ddate oof reppaymennt reccordedd in tthe Looan Vooucherr atthe ratte speecifieed in this Loan Contrract. Arrticlee 5. *Borrrowerr's Deeclaraation and WWarrannties5.1. BBorrowwer accceptss and shalll abidde by Lendeer's bbusineess syystem, operrationnal ppractiices, and tthe prroceduures uunder this Loan Contrract.5.2. BBorrowwer waarrantts thaat it will coopeerate with Lendeer on the ssupervvisionn aand innspecttion oof thee use of thhe funnds boorroweed undder thhis Looan Coontracct aand off the businness ccondittion oof Borrrowerr and that it wiill prromptlly pprovidde alll finaanciall stattementts andd relaated mmateriials nneededd by LLenderr, wwhich Borroower wwarrannts too be ttrue, compllete aand acccuratte.5.3. BBorrowwer waarrantts thaat it will issuee writtten nnoticees to Lendeer upoon ooccurrrence or poossiblle occcurrennce off the folloowing eventts witthin sseven ddays tthereoof:(1) Borrrower''s opeeratioonal ssystemm or oorganiizatioonal fform oof proopertyy owneershipp is cchangeed matteriallly, iincludding, but nnot liimitedd to, intrroduciing thhe praacticee of ccontraactingg, connductiing leeasingg operrationns, enteering into jointt operrationns, reestruccturinng equuity, mergiing wiith (acqquirinng) otther eentitiies, eenteriing innto a jointt ventture (coopeerativve arraangemeent), splittting into separrate eentitiies, ssettinng up a subbsidiaary, trannsferrring ttitle to prropertty, reeducinng cappital, termminatiion orr disssolutiion annd filling ffor baankrupptcy;(2) Borrrower amendds it articcles oof asssociattion, replaaces iits leegal reprresenttativee, redduces its rregisttered capittal orr makees matteriall channges in iits fiinancees or persoonnel;(3) Borrrower sellss, leaases, transsfers or ottherwiise diisposees of all oor parrt of iits asssets;(4) Borrrower proviides aa guarranty to a thirdd partty, whhich wwill hhave aa mateerial adverrse efffect on itts finnanciaal possitionn or iits abbilityy to perfform iits obbligattions underr thiss Loann Conttract;(5) Borrrower is a partyy to aa mateerial legall suitt or iits maain asssets have beenn put underr propperty preseervatiion orr otheer ordders;(6) The finanncial posittion oof Borrrowerr has underrgone a matteriall channge orr the valuee of ccollatteral has bbeen mmarkeddly reeducedd; andd(7) Borrrower experriencees othher maatterss whicch willl prooduce a matteriall adveerse effeect onn its finanncial posittion oor abiility to reepay iits deebt. 4<PAGE> Artiicle 66. Othher Coontracctual Itemss:6.1. UUpon aagreemment bby botth parrties, thiss Loann Conttract will becomme efffectivve uupon tthe afffixinng of the oofficiial Looan seeal affter aauthorrizatiion frrom thhe LLenderr's leegal rrepressentattive. Artticle 7. * Eveents oof Deffault7.1. AAny off the folloowing eventts shaall bee conssidereed a ddefaullt undder thhis AArticlle:(1) Borrrower misappproprriatess loann fundds;(2) Borrrower is deelinquuent iin itss repaaymentt of tthe prrincippal orr inteerest;(3) Borrrower or guuaranttor reefusess normmal fiinanciial orr operrationnal supeervisiion byy Lendder, oor Borrrowerr or gguaranntor pproviddes faalse ffinanccial stattementts or assett apprraisall repoorts;(4) Borrrower or guuaranttor iss invoolved in illlegall actiivitiees;(5) The legall reprresenttativee or pprimarry mannagemeent peersonnnel off Borrrower or guarrantorr is iinvolvved inn a crriminaal casse; orr(6) Borrrower experriencees anyy of tthe evvents requiiring notifficatiion liisted in Artiicle 55.3, aand suuch evvent aaffectts Borrrowerr's abbilityy to rrepay debt.7.2. IIn thee evennt of eventts of defauult, LLenderr has the rright to taake thhe ffollowwing ssteps:(1) Stopp provvidingg loann fundds thaat Borrrowerr has not yyet ussed;(2) Unillateraally ddeclarre alll prinncipall alreeady llent uunder the LLoan CContraact to bbe duee aheaad of the ccontraact duue datte andd requuire BBorrowwer immeediateely too retuurn thhe priincipaal andd pay all iintereest duue; annd(3) Takee otheer remmediess as pprovidded byy appllicablle lawws andd reguulatioons. AArticlle 8. Defauult Liiabiliity:8.1. LLenderr willl impoose peenaltyy inteerest and ccompouunded interrest aaccordding tto tthe reegulattions of thhe Peoople'ss Bankk of CChina in thhe eveent thhat Boorroweer hhas noot fullly reepaid the pprinciipal oor intterestt undeer thee Loann Conttract in aa timeely maanner, or ffails to usse thee Loann's fuunds aas proovidedd by tthis LLoan CContraact. TThe deefaultt inteerest rate for aa foreeign eexchannge looan shhall bbe _ over and aabove the ooriginnal innteresst ratte.8.2. *Forr the recovvery oof thee prinncipall, intterestt, pennalty interrest, ccompouunded interrest aand otther ffees uunpaidd by BBorrowwer, BBorrowwer heereby iirrevoocablyy authhorizees Lennder tto witthdraww fundds froom itss accoount wwith tthe BBank oof Commmuniccationns. 5<PAGE> Artiicle 99. Othher Cllausess:9.1. *Anyy disppute cconcerrning this Loan Contrract iis undder thhe jurrisdicction of tthe loocal ppeoplee's coourt wwhere Lendeer is locatted.9.2. TThe Looan Vooucherr undeer thiis Loaan Conntractt and relatted doocumennts annd mmateriials cconfirrmed bby botth parrties are iinsepaarablee compponentts of this LLoan CContraact.9.3. TThis LLoan CContraact shhall bbecomee effeectivee uponn signnaturee (or seal) by llegal repreesentaativess or aauthorrized repreesentaativess of bboth ppartiees andd uupon tthe afffixinng of the oofficiial seeals oof botth parrties.9.4. TThis LLoan CContraact haas twoo origginalss, whiich arre ideenticaal to each otherr, wwith eeach oof thee partties hholdinng onee copyy. Theere arre sevveral dupliicatess ffor fuuture referrence.Borroweer (Offficiaal Seaal): (Illeggible)Legal RRepressentattive oor Autthorizzed Reepreseentatiive (Signaature or Peersonaal Seaal): (Illeggible) Date oof Siggnaturre: 244 Julyy 20011.Lender (Offiicial Seal): Weiifang Brancch of the BBank oof Commmuniccationns, Looan ContraactSeal (66)Legal RRepressentattive oor Autthorizzed Reepreseentatiive (Signaature or Peersonaal Seaal): SShixiaang MaaDate off Signnaturee: Jully 24, 20011.