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专利技术许可合同适用许可方合同目录CONTENTTS第一条 定义义第二条 合同范围第第三条 合合同价格第四四条 支付付条件第五条条 资料的的交付和改进进第六条 侵权和保证证第七条 税费第八条条 争议的的解决第九条条 合同生生效和其他附附件附件一 专利资料料的名称、内内容和申请情情况(略)附附件二 合合同产品的型型号、规格和和技术参数(略略)附件三 提成费的的起算时间和和计算方法(略略)附件四 出让方查查帐的内容和和方法(略)Sectionn1DeefinittionsSSectioon2SScope of thhe ConntactSSectioon3PPrice of thhe ConntracttSectiion4Condiitionss of PPaymenntSecttion55Deliivery and IImprovvementt of tthe Teechniccal DoocumenntatioonSecttion66Infrringemments and GGuarannteesSSectioon7TTaxes and DDutiessSectiion8Dispuute SeettlemmentsSSectioon9EEffecttiveneess off the Contrract aand MiiscelllaneouusAppeendixeesAppeendix 1 Namme, Coontentt of PPatentt Docuumentss andAAppliccationn of tthe Paatentss (omiitted)Appenndix 22 Modeels, SSpecifficatiions aand Teechniccal Inndicess ofthhe Conntractt Prodducts (omittted)AAppenddix 3 The SStartiing Daate annd Couuntingg Methhods oofRoyaalty (omittted)Apppendiix 4 TThe Coontentt and Methoods off Liceensor''sAudiiting (omittted)签约时间: 年 月 日Signatuure Daate:签字地点: Signatuure Pllace:合同号: Contracct No.:中国 公司(以下下简称“受让让方”)为一一方, 国 市 公司(以下下简称“出让让方”)为另另一方。China, Beijiing, CCompanny (heereinaafter referrred tto as“LLicenssee”) on thhe onee handd, andd Counntry, City,CCompanny (heereinaafter referrred tto as “Liceensor”) on tthe ottherhaand;鉴于出让方是 技技术的专利权权持有者;Whereass the patennt rigght off_iss owneed by Licennsor;鉴于出让方有权权,并且也同同意将 专利技技术的使用权权、制造权和和产品的销售售权授予受让让方;Whereass Liceensor has tthe riight aand aggreed to grrant LLicensseethee righhts too use, manuffacturre andd selll the Contrract PProduccts off thePPatentted Teechnollogy;鉴于受让方希望望利用出让方方的专利技术术制造和销售售产品;Whereass Liceensee hope to usse thee Pateented Technnologyy ofLiicensoor to manuffacturre andd selll the Contrract PProduccts;双方授权代表通通过友好协商商,同意就以以下条款签订订本合同。BothPaartiess authhorizeed reppresenntativves, tthrougghfriiendlyynegottiatioon, haave aggreed to ennter iinto tthis CContraact unnder tthe teermsass stippulateed bellow:第一条定义Sectionn 1Deffinitiions11“专利技技术”是是指本合同附附件一中所列列的技术,该该技术已于 年年 月 日经中国专专利局批准,获获得了专利权权,其专利编编号为 。1.1 “Paatenteed Tecchnoloogy” mmeans the ttechnoology whichh haswwritteen in Appenndix 11 to tthe Coontracct , iit wass apprroved by ChhinaPaatent officce in and ggranteed thee pateent riight, the ppatenttnumbeer is12“出让方方”是指指 国 市 公司,或者者该公司的法法人代表、代代理和财产继继承者。1.2 “Liicensoor” meeans_Counntry,_Citty,Commpany or thhe Leggal reepreseentatiive, oor ageency aand thhe proopertyy succcessorr of tthe Coompanyy.13“受让方方”是指指中国 公司,或或者该公司的的法人代表、代代理和财产继继承者。1.3 “Liicenseee”meaans Chhina_Comppany, or thhe leggalreppresenntativve,orr agenncy annd thee propperty succeessor of thheComppany.14“合同产产品”是是指合同附件件二中所列的的产品。1.4 “Thhe Conntractt Prodducts” meanss the produucts sstipullatediin Apppendixx 2 too the Contrract.15“合同工工厂”是是指生产合同同产品的工厂厂,该工厂在在 省 市,名叫 工厂厂。1.5 “Thhe Conntractt Facttory” meanss the factoory whhichmaanufaccturess the Contrract pproduccts, iit is locatted inn_Ciity,Prrovincce andd nameed16“净销售售价”是是指合同产品品的销售发票票价格扣除包包装费、运输输费、保险费费、佣金、商商业折扣、税税费、外购件件等费用后的的余额。1.6 “Neet Sellling Pricee” meaans thhe remmaininng summ whicch theeselliing coommerccial iinvoicce priice deeductss the packiing exxpensees,traansporrtatioon exxpensees,innsurannce ppremiuum,coommisssions,ccommerrcial discoounts, taxess and expennses ffor brroughtt out elemeentsannd parrts ettc.17“专利资资料”是是指本合同附附件一中所列列的有关资料料。1.7 “Thhe Pattent DDocumeents” meanss all relatted doocumenntscovvered in Apppendiix 1 tto thee Conttract.18“合同生生效日”是指本合同同双方有关当当局的最后一一方的批准日日期。1.8 “Thhe Datte of Cominng intto Efffect oof thee Conttract” meanssthe ddate oof rattificaation of thhe Conntractt by tthe coompeteent auuthoriitiesoof botth parrties, whichhever comess lateer.第二条合同范围围Sectionn 2Scoope off the Contrract21受让方同同意从出让方方取得,出让让方同意向受受让方授予合合同产品的设设计、制造和和销售的权利利。合同产品品的名称、型型号、规格和和技术参数详详见本合同附附件二。2.1Liccenseee has agreeed to obtaiin froom Liccensorr, Liccensorrhas aagreedd to ggrant Licennsee tthe riight tto dessign, manuffacturre anddsell the CContraact Prroductts. Thhe namme, moodel, speciificattion aandtecchnicaal inddices of thhe Conntractt Prodducts are ddetailled inn Appeendix22 to tthe Coontracct.22出让方授授予受让方在在中国设计制制造合同产品品、使用、销销售和出口合合同产品的许许可权,这种种权利是非独独占性的,是是不可转让的的权利。2.2Liccensorr has agreeed to grantt Liceensee the llicencce anddrightt to ddesignn, mannufactture, use, sell and eexportt the ContrractPrroductts in Chinaa. Thee liceence aand riight aare noon-excclusivve andduntraansferrable.23出让方负负责向受让方方提供合同产产品的专利资资料,包括专专利的名称、内内容、申请情情况和专利编编号等,具体体的资料详见见本合同附件件一。2.3Liccensorr has been respoonsiblle to proviide Liicenseee wittlrthee Pateented Documments of thhe Conntractt Prodducts, incluuding thenaame, ccontennt, appplicaation for ppatentt and numbeer of the ppatenttetc. the sspeciffic doocumenntatioon is detaiiled iin Apppendixx 1 too theCContraact.24在合同的的执行中,如如果受让方需需要出让方提提供技术服务务或一部分生生产所需的零零部件或原材材料时,出让让方有义务以以最优惠的价价格向受让方方提供,届时时双方另行协协商签订合同同。2.4In the ccoursee of iimplemmentattion oof thee ConttractLLicenssor haas oblligatiion , upon the rrequesst of Licennsee, to prrovideeLicennsee aat thee bestt favoourablle priice wiith thhe tecchnicaal serrvicess orsoome coomponeents, sparee partts andd raw materrials whichh arennecesssary ffor maanufaccturinng thee Conttract Produucts. When the ttimecoomes, both partiies wiill siign thhe neww conttract throuugh frriendllyconssultattion.25出让方同同意受让方使使用其商标的的权利,在合合同产品上可可以采用双方方的联合商标标,或者标明明“根据出让让方的许可制制造”的字样样。2.5Liccensorr has agreeed to grantt Liceensee the LLicencce andd righht to use tthe trrade mmark oof Liccensorr, andd use the ccombinnati ttrade mark of booth paartiess or mmark tthe woordingg "prooductiion acccordiing too Liceensor''s liccence"" on tthe Coontracct Prooductss.第三条合同价格格Sectionn 3Priice off the Contrract31按照第二二条规定的内内容和范围,本本合同采用提提成方式计算算价格,计价价的货币为美美元。3.1Priice off the Contrract sshall be caalculaated oon Royyalty ir acccordaance wwith tthe coontentt and scopee stippulateed in Sectiion 9 to thhe Conntractt and shalll be ppaid iin US Dollaars.32本合同提提成费的计算算时间从合同同生效之日后后的第 个月开开始,按日历历年度计算,每每年的十二月月三十一日为为提成费的结结算日。3.2Royyalty underr the Contrract sshall be paaid frrom moonths afterr the date of cooming into effecct of the CContraact inn termm of CCalenddar Yeear. TThe daate off setttling accouunts sshall be 3llst Deecembeer of each year.33提成费按按当年度合同同产品销售后后的净销售价价格计算,提提成率为 ,合合同产品未销销售出去的不不应计算提成成费。3.3Royyalty at thhe ratte of_% (_peercentt) shaall lccalcullated in teerms oof nett Sellling PPrice afterr the Contrract PProducctsaree solyy in tthis yyear, the CContraact Prroductts whiich noot solld shaall nootbe iincludded.34在提成费费结算日后110天之内受受让方应以书书面通知的形形式向出让方方提交上一年年度合同产品品的销售数量量、净销售额额和应支付的的提成费,净净销售额和提提成费的具体体计算方法详详见本合同附附件三。3.4Thee repoort off the selliing quuantitty, neet sellling amounnt oftthe Coontracct Prooductss and Royallty whhich sshouldd be ppaid iin lasstyearr shalll be submiitted to Liicensoor in writtten foorm byy liceenseewwithinn 10 (ten) days afterr the date of seettlinng acccountss toRooyaltyy. Thee speccific methoods whhich ccalcullate nnet seellingg amouuntandd Royaalty aare deetaileed in Appenndix 33 to tthe Coontracct.35出让方如如需查核受让让方的帐目时时,应在接到到受让方根据据第34条条规定开出的的书面通知后后10天之内内通知受让方方,具体的查查帐内容和程程序详见本合合同附件四。3.5If Licennsor ddemandd to aaudit the aaccounnts off Liceensee, itshaall nootice Licennsee wwithinn 10(tten) ddays aafter receiiving the wwritteennotiiceoffLiceenseeinacccordaancewwithSSectioon3.44ofttheConntractt. Thee speccific conteent annd proocedurre of auditting aaccounntsaree detaailed in Apppendiix 4 tto thee Conttract.第四条支付条件件Sectionn 4Connditioons off Paymment41本合同第第三条中规定定的提成费,受受让方将通过过 银行(此处处为受让方的的业务银行)和和 银行(此处处为出让方的的业务银行)支支付给出让方方,支付中使使用的货币为为美元。4.1 Royyalty stipuulatedd in SSectioon 3 tto thee Conttract shalll beefffecteed by Licennsee tto Liccensorr throough tthe Baank _ (heere itt isthhe bussinesss Bankk of LLicenssee) aand thhe Bannk_(heree it iis theebusinness BBank oof Liccensorr), paaymentt shalll be settlled inn US DDollarrs.42出让方在在收到受让方方按第344条的规定发发出的书面通通知后应立即即开具有关的的单据,受让让方在收到出出让方出具的的下列单据后后三十天内,经经审核无误即即支付提成费费给出让方:4.2Liccensorr shalll immmediattely iissue the rrelateed doccumenttsafteer recceivinngtheewrittten nnoticeesubmmitteddbyLLicensseeinnaccorrdancee withh Secttion 33.4 off the Contrract. the RRoyaltty shaall beepaid by Liicenseee to Licennsor wwithinn 30 (thirtty) daays affter LLicensseehass receeived the ffollowwing ddocumeents wwhich are pprovidded byyLicennsor aand foound tthem iin connformiity wiith thhe stiipulattions of thheCOnttract:A、提成费计算算单一式四份份;A.Four copiees of the sstatemment oon callculattion oof thee royaalty;B、商业发票一一式四份;B.Four copiees of the ccommerrcial invoiice;C、即期汇票一一式二份。C.Two ccopiess of tthe siight ddraft.43按本合同同规定,如出出让方需要向向受让方支付付罚款或赔偿偿时,受让方方有权从上述述支付中直接接扣除。4.3Liccenseee shalll havve thee righht to deducct froom anyy of ttheaboove meentionned paaymentt the penallties and/oor commpensaationsswhichh liceensor shalll pay in acccordaance wwith tthe sttipulaationss of ttheConntractt.第五条资料的交交付和改进sectionn 5Deeliverry andd Imprrovemeent off theTTechniical DDocumeentatiion51出让方应应按本合同附附件二的规定定向受让方提提供专利资料料的名称、内内容,以及出出让方向中国国专利局申请请专利的有关关情况。5.1Thee Pateent naame, ccontennt andd relaated ssituattion wwhichllicenssor apppliedd for the ppatentt fromm Chinna Pattent OOfficee shalll bepprovidded byy Liceensor to Liicenseee in accorrdancee withh stippulatiions iinAppeendix 2 to the CContraact.52出让方应应在签订合同同的同时,将将第51条条中规定的专专利资料交付付给受让方。(注注:由于专利利资料都是现现成的,因此此要求出让方方在签约时提提交。)5.2Thee Pateent Doocumennts sttipulaated iin Secction 5. I to thheConttract shalll be pprovidded byy Liceensor to Liicenseee whiile thheConttract was ssignedd.(noote: BBecausse thee Pateent Doocumennts arrereaddy-madde, Liicensoor shaall prrovidee withh in ssigninng Conntractt. )53在合同有有效期内,双双方对合同产产品涉及的技技术如有改进进和发展,应应相互免费将将改进和发展展的技术资料料提供给对方方使用。5.3Witthin tthe vaaliditty perriod oof thee Conttract, both partiiesshaall prrovidee eachh otheer witth thee imprrovemeent annd devvelopmment oofthe Technnologyy relaated tto thee Conttract Produucts ffree oof chaarge.54改进和发发展的技术,其其所有权属于于改进和发展展一方,另一一方不得利用用这些技术资资料去申请专专利或转让给给第三方。5.4Thee imprroved and ddevelooped ttechnoology shalll be oownedbby thee partty whoo imprroved and ddevelooped tthe teechnollogy, the ootherpparty shalll be pprohibbited from applyying ffor thhe pattent,ttransfferingg to tthe thhird pparty.第六条侵权和保保证Sectionn 6Inffringeementss and Guaraanteess61出让方保保证是本合同同一切专利技技术和专利资资料的合法持持有者,并且且有权向受让让方转让,如如果在合同执执行过程中一一旦发生第三三方指控侵权权时,则由出出让方负责与与第三方交涉涉,并承担由由此引起的一一切法律和经经济上的责任任。6.1Liccensorr guarranteees thaat Liccensorr is tthe leegitimmate oowner of alll thee Pateented Technnologyy and Docummentattion ssuppliied byy Liceensor to Liicenseee in accorrdancee withh the Contrract, and tthat LLicenssor iss lawfful inn a poositioon to transsfer aall suuch Teechnollogy aand Teechniccal DDocumeentatiion tto Liicenseee. Inn thee couurse of immplemeentatiion off the Contrract, if anny thiird paarty aaccusees Liccenseee of iinfrinngemennt, Liicensoor shaall bee respponsibble foor appproachhing tthe thhird pparty aboutt the accussationn and bear all tthe ecconomiic andd legaal ressponsiibilitties wwhich may aarise.62出让方保保证本合同中中涉及的专利利在合同执行行期间是有效效的和合法的的。如果由于于出让方的原原因导致专利利提前失效时时,出让方应应将专利失效效后受让方支支付的费用偿偿还给受让方方,并按 的的年息加计利利息,与本金金一起偿付给给受让方。6.2Liccensorr guarranteees thaat thee Pateent cooveredd by tthe Coontracct shaall bee lawfful annd vallid inn the coursse of impleementaationoof thee Conttract. If bbecausse of Licennsor tthe Paatent advanncedlyy ceasseto bbe in forcee, Liccensorr shalll reppay exxpensees whiich haave beeen paaidby Licennsee aafter the PPatentt has ceaseed to be inn forcce; annd pluus theeinterrest aat thee ratee of_% (_peercentt) perr annuum shaall beepaid by Liicensoor to Licennsee.63在合同有有效期间,出出让方应按照照中国专利局局的有关规定定按时缴纳专专利维持费,以以保持专利的的有效性。6.3Witthin tthe vaaliditty perriod oof thee Conttract, Licennsor sshallppay thhe cosst of mainttaininng thee pateent onn timee in aaccorddance withrrelateed stiipulattion oof thee Chinna Pattent OOfficee so aas to mainttain tthePattent eeffecttiveneess.64在合同执执行期间,如如果本合同涉涉及的专利的的法律性质发发生了变化,出出让方应立即即将此情况以以书面形式告告之受让方,然然后双方再协协商本合同的的执行问题。6.4In the ccoursee of iimplemmentattion oof thee Conttract, if thhelegaal natture oof thee Pateent cooncernned inn the Contrract hhas chhangedd,Liceensor shalll immeediateely nootify Licennsee tthis ccase iin wriittenfform, then both partiies soolve tthe prroblemm of ffurtheer exeecutioon oftthe Coontracct thrrough consuultatiion.第七条税费Sectionn 7Taxxes annd Dutties71中华人民民共和国政府府根据其现行行税法征收受受让方有关执执行本合同的的一切税费由由受让方负担担。7.1 Alll thee taxees andd dutiies inn connnectioon witth andd in ttheexeecutioon of the CContraact too be lleviedd on LLicenssee byy theGGovernnment of thhe Peoople'ss Repuublic of Chhina iin acccordannce wiiththee Chinnese TTax Laaws inn effeect shhall bbe paiid by Licennsee.72中华人民民共和国政府府根据其现行行税法征收出出让方与执行行本合同有关关的一切税费费由出让方负负责。7.2 Alll thee taxees andd dutiies inn connnectioon witth andd inexxecutiion off the Contrract tto be levieed on Licennsor bby theeGoverrnmentt of tthe Peeople''s Reppublicc of CChina in acccordaance wwiththhe Chiinese Tax LLaws iin efffect sshall be paaid byy Liceensor.第八条争议的解解决Sectionn 8Disspute Settllementts81因执行本本合同所发生生的或与本合合同有关的一一切争议,双双方应通过友友好协商解决决。8.1 Alll dissputess in cconnecction with or inn the execuution of thheConttract shalll be ssettleed thrrough frienndly cconsulltatioon by bothppartiees.82如双方通通过协商不能能达成协议时时,则应提交交中国的仲裁裁机构或中国国的有关法院院解决。如果果是诉诸仲裁裁,则由 仲裁裁委员会按该该会的仲裁程程序规则进行行仲裁;如果果是通过诉讼讼,则由受让让方所在地的的人民法院根根据中国的有有关法律进行行审理。8.2 Inn casee no ssettleement to diisputees cann be rreacheed thrroughffrienddly coonsulttationn by bboth ppartiees, thhe dissputess shalll be settlledby Chineese arrbitraationaal autthoritty or relatted Chhinesee Courrt.arbbitrattion iis choosen, the ccase sshall be suubmittted too the ForeiignEcoonomicc and Tradee Arbiitratiion Coommisssion oof thee Chi