1.e-commerce :The process of buying, selling, or exchanging products, services, or information via computer;2.e-business:A broader definition of EC that includes not just the buying and selling of goods and services, but also servicing customers, collaborating with business partners, and conducting electronic transactions within an organization;3.brickk-and-mortaar (olld ecoonomy) orgaanizattions:Old-eeconommy orgganizaationss (corrporattions) thatt perfform ttheir primaary buusinesss offf-linee, sellling physiical pproduccts byy meanns of physiical aagentss;4.virtuual (ppure-pplay) organnizatiions:OOrganiizatioons thhat coonductt theiir bussinesss actiivitiees sollely oonlinee;5.clickk-and-mortaar (cllick-aand-brrick) organnizatiions:OOrganiizatioons thhat coonductt somee e-coommercce acttivitiies, uusuallly as an addditioonal mmarketting cchanneel;6.electtronicc markket (ee-markketplaace):AAn onlline mmarkettplacee wherre buyyers aand seellerss meett to eexchannge gooods, serviices, moneyy, or inforrmatioon;7.Interrorgannizatiional inforrmatioon sysstems (IOSss):Commmuniccationns sysstems that alloww routtine ttransaactionn proccessinng andd infoormatiion fllow beetweenn two or moore orrganizzationns;8.Intraaorgannizatiional inforrmatioon sysstems:Commuunicattion ssystemms thaat enaable ee-commmerce activvitiess to ggo on withiin inddividuual orrganizzationns;9.intraanet:AAn intternall corpporatee or ggovernnment netwoork tthat uuses IInternnet toools, such as Weeb broowserss, andd Inteernet protoocols;10.extrranet:A nettwork that uses the IInternnet too linkk multtiple intraanets;11.busiiness-to-buusinesss (B22B):E-commeerce mmodel in whhich aall off the partiicipannts arre bussinessses orr otheer orgganizaationss;12.busiiness-to-coonsumeer (B22C):E-commeerce mmodel in whhich bbusineesses sell to inndividdual sshoppeers;13.busiiness-to-buusinesss-to-consuumer (B2B2CC):E-ccommerrce moodel iin whiich a businness pproviddes soome prroductt or sservicce to a cliient bbusineess thhat maaintaiins itts ownn custtomerss;14.conssumer-to-buusinesss (C22B):E-commeerce mmodel in whhich iindiviidualss use the IInternnet too selll prodducts or seervicees to organnizatiions oor inddividuuals wwho seeek seellerss to bbid onn prodducts or seervicees theey neeed;15.e-taailingg:Onliine reetailiing, uusuallly B2CC;16.intrrabusiiness EC:E-commeerce ccategoory thhat inncludees alll inteernal organnizatiional activvitiess thatt invoolve tthe exxchangge of goodss, serrvicess, or inforrmatioon amoong vaariouss unitts andd indiividuaals inn an oorganiizatioon;17.busiiness-to-emmployeees (BB2E):EE-commmerce modell in wwhich an orrganizzationn deliivers serviices, inforrmatioon, orr prodducts to itts inddividuual emmployeees;18.conssumer-to-coonsumeer(C2CC):E-ccommerrce moodel iin whiich coonsumeers seell diirectlly to otherr conssumerss;19.colllaboraative commeerce (c-commmercee):E-ccommerrce moodel iin whiich inndividduals or grroups commuunicatte or collaaboratte onlline;20.e-leearninng:Thee onliine deeliverry of inforrmatioon forr purpposes of trraininng or educaation;21.e-goovernmment:EE-commmerce modell in wwhich a govvernmeent enntity buys or prrovidees gooods, sservicces, oor infformattion ffrom oor to businnessess or iindiviidual citizzens;22.sociial coomputiing:Ann apprroach aimedd at mmakingg the humann-compputer interrface more naturral;23.Web 2.0:TThe seecond-generrationn of IInternnet-baased sservicces thhat leet peoople ccollabboratee and sharee infoormatiion onnline in neew wayys, suuch ass sociial neetworkking ssites, wikiis, coommuniicatioon toools, aand foolksonnomiess;24.sociial neetworkk:A caategorry of Interrnet aappliccationns thaat hellp connnect friennds, bbusineess paartnerrs, orr indiividuaals wiith sppecifiic intterestts by proviiding free serviices ssuch aas phooto prresenttationns, e-mail, bloggging, and so onn usinng a vvarietty of toolss;25.sociial neetworkk servvice (SNS):A serrvice that buildds onlline ccommunnitiess by pprovidding aan onlline sspace for ppeoplee to bbuild free homeppages and tthat pproviddes baasic ccommunnicatiion annd suppport toolss for conduuctingg diffferentt actiivitiees in the ssociall netwwork;26.sociial neetworkking:TThe crreatioon or sponssoringg of aa sociial neetworkk servvice aand anny acttivityy, succh as bloggging, done in a sociaal nettwork ;27.enteerprisse-oriientedd netwworks:Sociaal nettworkss whosse priimary objecctive is too faciilitatte bussinesss;28.virttual wworld:A useer-deffined worldd in wwhich peoplle cann inteeract, playy, andd do bbusineess. TThe moost puubliciized vvirtuaal worrld iss Secoond Liife;29.digiital eeconommy:An econoomy thhat iss baseed on digittal teechnollogiess, inccludinng diggital commuunicattion nnetworrks, ccomputters, softwware, and oother relatted innformaation technnologiies; aalso ccalledd the Interrnet eeconommy, thhe neww econnomy, or thhe Webb econnomy;30.digiital eenterpprise:A neww busiiness modell thatt usess IT iin a ffundammentall way to acccompllish oone orr moree of tthree basicc objeectivees: reeach aand enngage custoomers more effecctivelly, booost eemployyee prroducttivityy, andd imprrove ooperatting eefficiiency. It uuses cconverrged ccommunnicatiion annd commputinng tecchnoloogy inn a waay thaat impprovess busiiness proceesses;31.corpporatee porttal:A majorr gateeway tthrouggh whiich emmployeees, bbusineess paartnerrs, annd thee publlic caan entter a corpoorate Web ssite;32.busiiness modell:A meethod of dooing bbusineess byy whicch a ccompanny cann geneerate revennue too susttain iitselff;33.reveenue mmodel:saless,trannsactiion feees,suubscriiptionn feess,adveertisiing feees,afffiliaate feees,otther rrevenuue souurces.1.e-marrketpllace:AAn onlline mmarkett, usuually B2B, in whhich bbuyerss and selleers exxchangge gooods orr servvices; the threee typees of e-marrketpllaces are pprivatte, puublic, and consoortia;2.markeetspacce:A mmarkettplacee in wwhich selleers annd buyyers eexchannge gooods aand seervicees forr moneey (orr for otherr goodds andd servvices), butt do sso eleectronnicallly;3.digittal prroductts:Gooods thhat caan be transsformeed to digittal foormat and ddeliveered oover tthe Innterneet;4.frontt end:The pportioon of an e-selleers bussinesss proccessess throough wwhich custoomers interract, incluuding the ssellerrs porrtal, electtronicc cataalogs, a shhoppinng carrt, a searcch enggine, and aa paymment ggatewaay;5.back end:TThe acctivitties tthat ssupporrt onlline oorder fulfiillmennt, innventoory maanagemment, purchhasingg fromm suppplierss, payyment proceessingg, pacckaginng, annd delliveryy;6.interrmediaary:A thirdd partty thaat opeeratess betwween ssellerrs andd buyeers;7.sell-side e-marrketpllace:AA privvate ee-markketplaace inn whicch onee comppany ssells eitheer staandardd and/or cuustomiized pproduccts too quallifiedd comppaniess;8.buy-sside ee-markketplaace:A privaate e-markeetplacce in whichh one compaany maakes ppurchaases ffrom iinviteed suppplierrs;9.storeefrontt:A siingle compaanys Webb sitee wherre prooductss or sservicces arre solld;10.e-maall (oonlinee malll):An onlinne shooppingg centter whhere mmany oonlinee storres arre loccated;11.Web portaal:A ssinglee poinnt of accesss, thhroughh a Weeb broowser, to ccriticcal buusinesss infformattion llocateed insside aand ouutsidee (viaa Inteernet) of aan orgganizaation;Types oof porrtals:commeerciall porttal,coorporaate poortalss,publlishinng porrtals,persoonal pportalls12.mobiile poortal:A porrtal aaccesssible via aa mobiile deevice;13.voicce porrtal:AA porttal acccesseed by telepphone or ceell phhone;14.infoomediaaries:Electtronicc inteermediiariess thatt provvide aand/orr conttrol iinformmationn floww in ccybersspace, ofteen agggregatting iinformmationn and selliing itt to ootherss;15.e-diistribbutor:An e-commeerce iintermmediarry thaat connnectss manuufactuurers with businness bbuyerss (cusstomerrs) byy aggrregatiing thhe cattalogss of mmany mmanufaactureers inn one placeethe iintermmediarrys Webb sitee;16.elecctroniic cattalogss (e-ccataloogs):TThe prresenttationn of pproducct infformattion iin an electtronicc formm; thee backkbone of moost e-selliing siites;17.enteerprisse seaarch:TThe prracticce of identtifyinng andd enabbling speciific ccontennt acrross tthe ennterprrise tto be indexxed, ssearchhed, aand diisplayyed too authhorizeed useers;18.deskktop ssearchh:Searrch toools tthat ssearchh the conteents oof a uusers or organnizatiions commputerr filees, raather than searcching the IInternnet;19.searrch enngine:A commputerr proggram tthat ccan acccess dataabasess of IInternnet reesourcces, ssearchh for speciific iinformmationn or kkeyworrds, aand reeport the rresultts;20.elecctroniic shooppingg cartt:An oorder-proceessingg techhnologgy thaat alllows ccustommers tto acccumulaate ittems tthey wwish tto buyy whille theey conntinuee to sshop;21.aucttion:AA comppetitiive prrocesss in wwhich a selller ssoliciits coonsecuutive bids from buyerrs (foorwardd aucttions) or aa buyeer sollicitss bidss fromm selllers (backwward aauctioons). Pricees aree deteermineed dynnamicaally bby thee bidss;22.elecctroniic aucctionss (e-aauctioons):AAuctioons coonductted onnline;23.forwward aauctioon:An auctiion inn whicch a ssellerr enteertainns bidds froom buyyers. Biddeers inncreasse priice seequenttiallyy;24.reveerse aauctioon (biiddingg or ttenderring ssystemm):Aucction in whhich tthe buuyer pplacess an iitem ffor biid (teender) on aa requuest ffor quuote (RFQ) systeem, pootentiial suupplieers biid on the jjob, wwith tthe prrice rreduciing seequenttiallyy, andd the lowesst bidd winss; priimarilly a BB2B orr G2B mechaanism;25.“namme-youur-ownn-pricce” modeel:Aucction modell in wwhich a wouuld-bee buyeer speecifiees thee pricce (annd othher teerms) he orr she is wiillingg to ppay too any williing annd ablle selller. It iss a C22B moddel thhat waas piooneereed by P;26.doubble auuctionn:An aauctioon in whichh multtiple buyerrs andd theiir biddding pricees aree matcched wwith mmultipple seellerss and theirr askiing prrices, conssideriing thhe quaantitiies onn bothh sidees;27.bartteringg:The exchaange oof gooods annd serrvicess;28.e-baarteriing (eelectrronic barteering):Bartteringg condductedd onliine, uusuallly in a barrterinng excchangee;29.bartteringg exchhange:A marrketpllace iin whiich ann inteermediiary aarrangges baarter transsactioons;30.blogg:A peersonaal Webb sitee thatt is oopen tto thee publlic too readd and to innteracct witth; deedicatted too speccific topiccs or issuees;31.vlogg (or videoo blogg):A bblog wwith vvideo conteent;32.micrro-blooggingg:A foorm off bloggging that allowws useers too writte messsagess (usuually up too 140 charaacterss) andd publlish tthem, eitheer to be viiewed by annyone or byy a reestriccted ggroup that can bbe choosen bby thee userr;33.Twittter:AA freee micrro-blooggingg servvice tthat aallowss its userss to send and rread oother userss updaates;34.tweeets:Teext-baased pposts up too 140 charaacterss in llengthh postted too Twittter;35.tag:A nonnhieraarchiccal keeywordd or tterm aassignned too a piiece oof infformattion ;36.folkksonommy :Thhe praacticee and methood of collaaborattivelyy creaating, classsifyiing, aand maanaginng taggs to annottate aand caategorrize ccontennt;37.sociial boookmarrking:Web sservicce forr sharring IInternnet boookmarrks. TThe siites aare a popullar waay to storee, claassifyy, shaare, aand seearch linkss throough tthe prracticce of folkssonomyy techhniquees on the IInternnet annd inttranetts;38.wikii (wikkilog):A bllog thhat alllows everyyone tto parrticippate aas a ppeer; anyonne mayy add, deleete, oor chaange ccontennt;39.avattars:AAnimatted coomputeer chaaracteers thhat exxhibitt humaanlikee moveementss and behavviors;40.custtomizaation:Creattion oof a pproducct or serviice acccordiing too the buyerrs speecificcationns;41.perssonaliizatioon:Thee abillity tto taiilor aa prodduct, serviice, oor Webb conttent tto speecificc userr prefferencces;42.disiintermmediattion:EEliminnationn of iintermmediarries bbetweeen selllers and bbuyerss;43.reinntermeediatiion:Diisinteermediiated entitties oor newwcomerrs takke on new iintermmediarry rolles;44.masss custtomizaation:A metthod tthat eenablees mannufactturerss to ccreatee speccific produucts ffor eaach cuustomeer bassed onn the custoomers exaact neeeds;45.builld-to-orderr (pulll sysstem):A mannufactturingg proccess tthat sstartss withh an oorder (usuaally ccustommized). Oncce thee ordeer is paid for, the vvendorr starrts too fulffill iit;1.direcct marrketinng:Brooadly, markketingg thatt takees plaace wiithoutt inttermeddiariees bettween manuffacturrers aand buuyers; in tthe coontextt of tthis bbook, markeeting done onlinne bettween any ssellerr and buyerr;2.virtuual (ppure-pplay) e-taiilers:Firmss thatt selll direectly to coonsumeers ovver thhe Intternett withhout mmaintaainingg a phhysicaal salles chhannell;3.clickk-and-mortaar rettailerrs:Briick-annd-morrtar rretaillers tthat ooffer a traansacttionall Web site from whichh to cconducct bussinesss;4.brickk-and-mortaar rettailerrs:Rettailerrs whoo do bbusineess inn the non-IInternnet, pphysiccal woorld iin traaditioonal bbrick-and-mmortarr storres;5.multiichannnel buusinesss moddel:A businness mmodel wheree a coompanyy sellls in multiiple mmarketting cchanneels siimultaaneoussly;6.electtronicc(onliine) bbankinng or e-bannking:varioous baankingg actiivitiees connducteed froom homme or the rroad uusing an innterneet connnectiion;allso knnown aas cybberbannking,birtuual baankingg,onliine baankingg ,andd homee bankking7.birtuual baanks:hhave nno phyysicall locaation;only conduuct onnline transsactioons8.shoppping pportalls:gattewayss to ee-storrefronnts annd e-mmalls;may bbe commpreheensivee or nniche oriennted9.shoppping rrobotss:toolls thaat scoout thhe webb on bbehalff of cconsummers wwho sppecifyy searrch crriteriia10.disiintermmediattion:tthe reemovall of oorganiizatioons orr busiiness proceess laayers respoonsiblle forr certtain iintermmediarry steeps inn a giiven ssupplyy chaiin11.reinntermeediatiion:thhe proocess whereeby inntermeediariies taake onn new interrmediaary rooles12.cybeermediiationn(elecctroniic inttermeddiatioon):thhe usee of ssoftwaare(inntelliigent) agennts too faciilitatte inttermeddiatioon13.channnel cconfliict:siituatiion inn whicch an onlinne marrketinng chaannel upsetts thee tadiitionaal chaannelss due to reea