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    英语范文MPA英语联考必背作文1、TTheree aree manny waays oof trravelling, thee mosst coommonn wayys beeing by ttrainn, byy airr, byy buss or in aa carr.Traveelingg by traiin iss currrenttly tthe mmost econnomiccal wway, far cheaaper thann traaveliing bby aiir. HHowevver, air travvel iis tiimesaavingg andd theerefoore ooftenn thee topp chooice for peopple ttraveelingg on busiinesss or travvelinng abbroadd. Trravelling by bbus iis prrobabbly cconveeniennt moostlyy forr shoort-ddistaance tripp. Buut wiith tthe ddevellopmeent oof exxpressswayys inn Chiina, and withh morre peeoplee havving theiir owwn caar, ttraveelingg by bus or iin onnes own car woulld beecomee fasshionnablee andd enjjoyabble iin Chhina.For mme, mmy faavoriite wway oof toourinng iss traaveliing bby trrain, beccausee it savees mooney and givees uss thee dellightt of enjooyingg thee sceeneryy aloongsiide oour jjournney.2、Todday iin Chhina, witth peeoplees llivinng sttandaard ggreattly eenhannced, fattnesss hass beccome a heeadacche ffor mmore and moree peoople.Gainiing ttoo mmuch weigght ddoes harmm to our heallth. To ffightt agaainstt fatt, maany ppeoplle tuurn tto thhe nuumeroous ttypess of mediicinee, whhich all claiim too havve sppeciaal efffectts, bbut ddo noot acctuallly llead to ppermaanentt weiight losss. Ottherss wouuld cchoosse too be on ddiet but onlyy to findd theem fooreveer huungryy andd havve grreateer apppetiite. Stilll ottherss wouuld ggo too fattnesss cennter, makking it aa fasshionnablee wayy of modeern llife.Persoonallly, II thiink iinacttivitty iss an impoortannt coontriibutoor too fattnesss andd theerefoore eexerccise is tthe oonly heallthy way to rreducce apppetiite, takiing ooff wweighht annd keeepinng itt offf.3、Somme peeoplee worrk too livve. FFor tthem the onlyy reaason for workking is tthat theyy neeed mooney to kkeep themmselvves aalivee, too payy forr theeir ssheltter, and to ssuppoort ttheirr fammily.Howevver, therre arre allso ppeoplle whho liive tto woork. Theyy worrk foor thhe saake oof suuccesss, pposittion and conttrol in ssocieety. For themm, woork iis a way of llife, a mmentaal chhalleenge, or an eemotiionall invvolveementt. Taake ssome womeen foor innstannce, theyy go out to wwork becaause it ggivess theem a sensse off inddepenndencce awway ffrom the famiily.As foor mee, too worrk iss a ffundaamenttal hhumann neeed annd a meanns too an end. Howweverr, I workk nott jusst foor mooney, beccausee I aalso see it aas a badgge off fullfilllmentt. 4、POSSITIVVE ANND NEEGATIIVE AASPECCTS OOF SPPORTSS".   Spportss bennefitt us in mmany resppectss. Whhen ttakinng paart iin spportss, wee gett thee chaance to ttrainn almmost all partts off ourr boddies. Theere iis noo douubt tthat propper ssportts acctiviitiess keeep ouur phhysiccal ffitneess. Furtthermmore, spoorts can enriich oour llife and mainntainn ourr psyychollogiccal hhealtth. TThrouugh ppartiicipaationn, evveryoone ccan llearnn thaat onn thee plaaygroound he nnot oonly struugglees foor hiimsellf buut allso ffightts foor hiis teeam. Sporrts tteachh us abouut coonsidderattion, coooperaationn andd opttimissm too faiiluree.Butt spoorts can do ssome harmm to thosse whho caannott plaan thheir actiivitiies ppropeerly. Tooo harrd trrainiing mmay hhurt theiir boodiess, exxhausst thheir vigoor, aand eeven causse thhem tto beecomee sicck.Inn gennerall, I lovee spoorts. I eenjoyy spoorts. Forr spoorts not onlyy hellp mee to livee a wwell-balaancedd liffe, bbut aalso provvide me wwith oppoortunnitiees too gett clooser to nnaturre. SSportts addd haappinness to mmy evverydday llife whenn I pperfoorm iin a deceent wway.新东方100大功能段段落:第一段:1.现象象/现状说说明段 2.图画/图图表描述段段 第二段:3.对立立观点陈诉诉段(四四,六级多多用) 4.利弊弊说明段 5.意义阐述述段 6.原因因列军段 77.举例段段 第三段:8.归纳纳结论段 9.趋势势预测段 110建议措措施段(其中说明明文只有三三篇8,99,10书书信,所以以前七篇是是重点,毕毕竟是200分啊!在在以后的时时间里,我我也会把说说明文100分的必背背篇整理出出来的,谢谢谢大家的的支持.)第一部分 图画作文文 (四篇篇)1. 关于于爱心 (001年真题题) Love is aa lammp 1.现象象/现状说说明段 Lovee is of uutmosst immporttancee to us hhumanns. EEveryybodyy nott onlly neeeds lovee, buut allso sshoulld giive ootherrs loove. As ccan bbe seeen ffrom the pictture, "loove iis a lampp whiich iis brrightter iin daarkerr plaaces. " TThis is iindeeed trrue. Peopple iin daarkerr plaaces needd morre liight thann othher ppeoplle. MMaybee eveen a dim lighht caan giive tthem muchh hoppe foor a bettter llife. Mayybe jjust a thhreadd of lighht wiill ccall fortth thheir streengthh andd couuragee to helpp theem sttep oout oof thheir diffficulltiess.7.举例例段 II cann thiink oof noo bettter illuustraationn of thiss ideea thhan tthe ffolloowingg exaamplee(s).For insttancee wheen soomeonne iss staarvinng too deaath, justt a llittlle foood aand wwaterr froom yoou maay saave hhis(hher) lifee. Aggain, wheen a litttle ggirl in aa pooor ruural areaa droops oout oof scchooll beccausee of poveerty, jusst a smalll suum off monney ffrom you may suppport her to ffinissh scchooll andd chaange her lifee. Inn theese ccase/circcumsttancees yoou haave ggivenn lovve whhich is llike a laamp iin a darkk plaace wwheree ligght iis moost nneedeed.8.归纳纳结论段 To sum up, we sshoulld offfer our helpp to all the needded. We eexpecct too gett lovve frrom ootherrs annd wee alsso giive llove to ootherrs. SSo whhen yyou ssee ssomeoone iin diifficcultyy or in ddistrress and in nneed of hhelp, donn't hhesittate to ggive yourr lovve too himm (heer). I beelievve thhat tthe rrelattionsship betwween peopple wwill be hharmooniouus annd thhat oour ssocieety wwill be aa bettter placce foor uss to livee in. 2. 空气气污染(隐隐形杀手) 2.图画/图图表描述段段 Poolluttion is bbecomming moree andd morre seeriouus alll ovver tthe wworldd. Ass is showwn inn thee carrtoonn, twwo caars aare ggivinng offf waaste gas and threee peeoplee aree tryying to aavoidd breeathiing iin thhe pooisonnous gas by mmaskiing ttheirr facce wiith ttheirr hannds. The poissonouus gaas seent ooff bby faactorries, dommestiic apppliaancess andd auttomobbiless hass madde thhe aiir unnheallthy for peopple tto brreathhe. 5.意义阐述述段 TTheree is no ddenyiing tthat autoomobiiles are indiicatiions of ccivillizattion, proogresss annd deeveloopmennt; nneverrthelless , auutomoobilees caause the seriious probblem of aair ppolluutionn. Sccienttistss havve waarnedd thaat unnlesss efffectiive mmeasuures are takeen, tthe pprobllem oof poolluttion willl eveentuaally get out of hhand. Acttuallly, ppeoplle arre shhowinng a reall conncernn oveer thhe prrobleem. FFor eexampple, therre iss an incrreasiinglyy louud vooice fromm thee pubblic for firmm acttion agaiinst polllutioon frrom aautommobilles. 100建议措施施段Inndeedd, thhe eaarth is oour hhome and we hhave the dutyy to takee carre off it for oursselvees annd foor ouur deescenndantts. IIn myy opiinionn, wee shoould workk outt conncrette soolutiions to tthe pprobllem oof poolluttion fromm poiisonoous ggas ggivenn offf by autoomobiiles. Forr exaamplee, thhe auutomoobilees shhouldd be equiippedd witth a deviice wwhichh cann dissposee of wastte gaas soo as to ppreveent iit frrom ppolluutingg airr. Onnly iin thhis wway ccan wwe reeallyy sollve tthe pprobllem oof aiir poolluttion caussed bby auutomoobilees.3. 沙漠漠化 2.图图画/图表表描述段As iis shhown in tthe ppictuure, we ccan ssee cclearrly tthe rrelattion shipp bettweenn peoople and deseert. In tthe lleft handd piccturee, peeoplee aree fleeeingg froom grreedyy sannd hiills becaause theyy cutt dowwn alll thhe trrees. Thee capptionn reaads, ”As the sandd advvancees, wwe reetreaat.” In tthe rrightt hannd piicturre, tthe ppeoplle haave rreturrned carrryingg toools, wateer, aand yyoungg treees tto pllant the landd agaain. The capttion readds: “AAs wee advvancee, thhe saand rretreeats. ” 5.意义义阐述段It sseemss to me tthat the carttooniist iis seendinng a messsage abouut thhe immporttancee of treees inn watter aand ssoil consservaationn andd thee neeed foor evveryoone tto fiight agaiinst the dangger oof thhe deeserttificcatioon. IIn faact, whatt he is ssayinng iss thaat thhe saand hhillss willl drrive awayy froom thhe laand iif wee do fighht aggainsst thhe saand. If wwe leet thhis ssituaationn conntinuue ass it is , ourr envvironnmentt willl suufferr a ggreatt desstrucctionn. 10.建建议措施段段Thee besst waay too figght bback agaiinst the greeedy ddeserrt inn madde cllear in tthe sseconnd piicturre. TTheree thee loccal ppeoplle arre acctiveely ssettiing aaboutt thee tassk off plaantinng trrees to rreclaaim tthe lland and makee it ferttile. Thee facct thhat ttheree aree thrree ppeoplle inn thee piccturee, eaach wwith a diifferrent job sugggestss thaat woorkinng toogethher iis thhe keey too succcesss in the batttle aagainnst ssoil erossion.4. 商业业捕鱼(000年真题题)A Briief HHistoory oof Woorld Commmerciial FFishiing 2.图表表描述段 As is sshownn in the pictturess ,wiith tthe iincreease of ccommeerciaal fiishinng ,tthe nnumbeer off fisshes drammaticcallyy(shaarplyy) deecreaased .In one pictturess ,thhere weree varriouss kinnds oof fiish aand oonly one fishhing-boatt in 19000 .Onn thee conntrarry ,iin19995 thhere was onlyy onee fissh ,wwith manyy fisshingg-boaats.5.意义义阐述段 Thee purrposee of thiss piccturee is to sshow us tthat due (greeat eenouggh) aattenntionn hass to be ppaid to tthe ddecreease (decclinee) off oceean rresouurcess .Owwing to oover-fishhing the numbber oof fiishess hass obvvioussly ddroppped .If wwe leet thhis ssituaationn go (conntinuue) aas itt is ,we do nnot kknow wherre fiish wwill be iin thhe fuuturee .Byy thaat tiime ,our enviironmment willl sufffer a grreat desttructtion .10.建建议措施段段 Thhereffore ,it is iimperrativve foor uss to takee draasticc (efffecttive) meaasurees .FFor oone tthingg ,wee shoould appeeal tto ouur auuthorritiees too makke sttrictt lawws too conntroll commmerccial fishhing .Forr anootherr ,wee shoould enhaance(impeeratiive aarousse) tthe aawareenesss of peopple tthat the oceaan reesourrces are veryy vittal tto uss .Onnly iin thhis wway ccan wwe prrotecct ouur occean resoourcees .AAlso I beelievve thhat wwe huumanss cann oveercomme thhis ddiffiicultty ,aand wwe wiill hhave a brrightter ffuturre .第二部分 图表作文文(三篇)5. 人口口增长对野野生动物的的影响(999年真题题)2.图画画/图表描描述段 Fromm theese ggraphhs, wwe caan drraw aa connclussion thatt, wiith tthe ggrowtth off humman ppopullatioon, tthe nnumbeer off speeciess hass deccreassed rrapiddly iin Ammericca, aand ssome speccies havee eveen vaanishhed ffrom our plannet.6.原因因列军段Why ddoes thiss pheenomeenon appeear? Therre arre seeveraal poossibble rreasoons ffor tthis. Aboove aall, as tthe hhumann poppulattion growws raapidlly, aa groowingg nummber of ppeoplle caame tto liive wwheree somme wiild sspeciies hhave beenn livving. Theen thhese speccies havee to movee to otheer pllacess. Soome oof thhem pprobaably can not adappt too thee neww envvironnmentt andd diee. Inn addditioon, aalthoough manyy peoople lookk on the wilddlifee as theiir frriendds, ssome peopple mmay nnot tthinkk so. Theey caatch a loot off willd annimalls annd seell tthem in oorderr to get moree monney. Evenn worrse(坏坏)/Moore iimporrtanttly(好好), aas thhe reesultt(中性) /connsequuencee(贬义)oof thhe inndusttry, the natuural balaance and the ecollogicc envvironnmentt aree desstroyyed. The cleaar cuuttinng haas beecomee inccreassinglly seeriouus. SSo soome oof thhe wiildliife bbecomme hoomeleess aand eextinnct. 10.建议措施施段In oorderr to prottect the wilddlifee, I havee somme suuggesstionns. FFirstt, thhe goovernnmentts shhouldd makke laaws tto prrevennt thhem ffrom beinng caaughtt andd killled. Seccond, thee govvernmmentss shoould educcate peopple tto loove nnaturre annd prrotecct itt. Thhird, as for oursselvees, wwe shhouldd takke prractiical actiions to pproteect oour llivinng ennviroonmennt.6 烟草生生产和消费费(01年年大纲样题题)1.现象象/现状说说明段TThe mmajorrity of ppeoplle woould agreee thhat ccigarrettee smookingg hass cauused seriious probblemss. Buut thhe toobaccco coompannies insiist tthat theyy conntribbute greaatly to tthe wworldd ecoonomyy by payiing ttaxess to the goveernmeent aand eemplooyingg hunndredds off worrkerss. 4.利弊说明明段Peersonnallyy, I beliieve thatt ciggarettte pproduuctioon annd coonsummptioon thhreattens to ddo moore hharm thann goood. FFirsttly, smokking is rrespoonsibble ffor mmany fataal diiseasses ssuch as llung canccer, hearrt diiseasses aand sso onn. Acccordding to tthe ssurveey, ttobaccco cconsuumerss acccountt forr aboout 220% oof thhe woorld popuulatiion, and amonng thhem, threee miillioon peeoplee diee froom smmokinng-reelateed diiseasses eeveryy yeaar. TThe ffact thatt thee outtput of ttobaccco pproduuctioon iss redducedd froom 1443.644 billlionn pouunds in 11994 to 1142 bbilliion ppoundds inn 19995 allso ssuggeests thatt peoople havee comme too reaalizee thee neggativve efffectts off smookingg. Seeconddly, tobaacco conssumpttion is eextreemelyy wasstefuul off monney. As iis inndicaated in tthe ppictuures, 2000 billlionn US dolllars is llost due to ssmokiing eeach yearr. Obbviouusly, thee tottal lloss of mmoneyy aroound the globbe suubstaantiaally exceeeds the gainn in the induustryy. 8.归纳结论论段Inn connclussion, as the econnomicc devveloppmentt aimms att makking our lifee bettter, we cannnot ssacriificee ourr heaalth for shorrt-teerm ffinannciall bennefitts. IIf wee havve too speend mmore and moree monney pproviidingg meddicall serrvicees foor thhose who sufffer ffrom smokking-relaated illnnessees, tthe nnotioon off proomotiing eeconoomy vvia ttobaccco pproduuctioon iss nott jusstifiiablee. Itt is highh timme thhat wwe fooughtt forr thee tottal ttobaccco bban.7. 日用用花销统计计Statiisticcs inn Peoople''s Daaily Expeensess in Xi'aanYearIItem 19995 19996 19977 11998 19999Food 666% 61% 488% 41% 366%Clothhing 9% 110% 12% 115% 18%Recreeatioon 4% 5% 8% 99% 11% 2.图图画/图表表描述段Whatt is showwn inn thee tabble aabovee inddicattes tthat drammaticc chaangess havve taaken placce inn thee daiily eexpennses in XXi' aan frrom 11995 to 11999. Thee exppensees onn foood haave ddecliined by 330% wwhilee thoose oon cllothiing aand rrecreeatioon haave iincreeasedd resspecttivelly byy 9% and 7%. The stattistiics oof riise aand ffall seemm to exisst inn isoolatiion bbut ccloseely rrelatted tto onne annotheer. 6.原因列军军段Thhere are two facttors accoountiing ffor tthesee chaangess. Deeveloopmennt inn ecoonomyy is an eessenntiall onee in the fivee yeaars. The incrreaseed inncomee ressultiing ffrom econ


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