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    丘吉尔二战著名演讲:热血、汗水和眼泪1940年年5月8日日,由于前前首相张伯伯伦遭到不不信任质疑疑动议,被被迫辞职。55月10日日下午6时时,国王召召见丘吉尔尔,令其组组阁;一小小时后丘吉吉尔会见工工党领袖艾艾德礼,邀邀请工党加加入内阁并并获得支持持。3天后后丘吉尔首首次以首相相身份出席席下议院会会议,发表表了著名的的讲话:“我我没有别的的,只有热热血、辛劳劳、眼泪和和汗水献给给大家你们问:我们的目目的是什么么?我可以以用一个词词来答复:胜利,不不惜一切代代价去争取取胜利,无无论多么恐恐怖也要争争取胜利,无无论道路多多么遥远艰艰难,也要要争取胜利利,因为没没有胜利就就无法生存存。”下议议院最终以以381票票对0票的的绝对优势势表明了对对丘吉尔政政府的支持持。演讲全文:On Frridayy eveeningg lasst I receeivedd froom Hiis Maajestty最高元首 thhe miissioon too forrm a new admiinisttratiion行政机构.上星期五五晚上,我我奉陛下之之命,组织织新的一届届政府。It waas thhe evvidennt wiill oof Paarliaamentt andd thee nattion thatt thiis shhouldd be concceiveed onn thee brooadesst poossibble bbasiss andd thaat itt shoould incllude all partties.按国会和和国民的意意愿,新政政府显然应应该考虑建建立在尽可可能广泛的的基础上,应应该兼容所所有的党派派。I havve allreaddy coompleeted the mostt impportaant ppart of tthis taskk. A war cabiinet has beenn forrmed of ffive membbers, reppreseentinng, wwith the Laboor, OOppossitioon annd Liiberaals, the unitty off thee nattion.我已经完完成了这项项任务的最最主要的部部分。战时时内阁已由由五人组成成,包括工工党、反对对党和自由由党,这体体现了举国国团结一致致。It waas neecesssary thatt thiis shhouldd be donee in one singgle dday oon acccounnt off为的缘故 thee exttremee urggencyy andd riggor oof evventss. Otther key posiitionns weere ffilleed yeesterrday. I aam suubmitttingg服从、呈递 a ffurthher llist to tthe KKing toniight. I hhope to ccompllete the appoointmment of pprinccipall Minnisteers ddurinng toomorrrow.由由于事态的的极端紧急急和严峻,新新阁政府须须于一天之之内组成,其其他的关键键岗位也于于昨日安排排就绪。今今晚还要向向国王呈报报一份名单单。我希望望明天就能能完成几位位主要大臣臣的任命。The aappoiintmeent oof otther Miniisterrs ussuallly taakes a liittlee lonnger. I ttrustt wheen Paarliaamentt meeets aagainn thiis paart oof myy tassk wiill bbe coompleeted and thatt thee admminisstrattion willl be comppletee in all resppectss各方面.其余大臣臣们的任命命照例得晚晚一些。我我相信,在在国会下一一次召开时时,任命将将告完成,臻臻于完善。I connsideered it iin thhe puublicc intteresst too sugggestt to the Speaaker thatt thee Houuse sshoulld bee summmoneed tooday. At the end of ttodayy''s procceediings, thee adjjournnmentt of the Housse wiill bbe prropossed uuntill Mayy 2l withh proovisiion ffor eearliier mmeetiing iif neeed bbe. BBusinness for thatt willl bee nottifieed too M. P. '''s aat thhe eaarlieest oopporrtuniity尽快.为公众利利益着想,我我建议议长长今天就召召开国会。今今天的议程程结束时,建建议休会到到5月211日,并准准备在必要要时提前开开会。有关关事项当会会及早通知知各位议员员。I noww invvite the Housse byy a rresollutioon too reccord its apprrovall of the stepps taaken and decllare its conffidennce iin thhe neew goovernnmentt. Thhe reesoluutionn:现在我我请求国会会作出决议议,批准我我所采取的的各项步骤骤,启示记记录在案,并并且声明信信任新政府府。决议如如下:"Thatt thiis Hoouse welccomess thee forrmatiion oof a goveernmeent rrepreesentting代表 the unitted一致的 aand iinfleexiblle不屈不挠的 reesolvve off thee nattion to pproseecutee依法进行 thee warr witth Geermanny too a vvictooriouus cooncluusionn."“本本国会欢迎迎新政府的的组成,她她体现了举举国一致的的坚定不移移的决心:对德作战战,直到最最后胜利。”To foorm aan addminiistraationn of thiss scalle规模 annd coompleexityy is a seeriouus unnderttakinng inn itsself本质上. Butt we are in tthe ppreliiminaary PPhasee of one of tthe ggreattest batttles in hhistoory. We aare iin acctionn at any otheer poointss-in Norwway aand iin Hoollannd-annd wee havve too be prepparedd in the Mediiterrraneaan. TThe aair bbattlle iss conntinuuing, andd manny prreparratioons hhave to bbe maade hhere at hhome在国内.组织如此此规模和如如此复杂的的政府原本本是一项重重大的任务务。但是我我们正处于于历史上罕罕见的一场场大战的初初始阶段。我我们在其他他许多地点点作战在挪威,在在荷兰,我我们还必须须在地中海海做好准备备。空战正正在继续,而而且在本土土也必须做做好许多准准备工作。In thhis ccrisiis危急关头 I thinnk I may be ppardooned if II do not addrress the Housse att anyy lenngth todaay, aand II hoppe thhat aany oof myy friiendss andd collleaggues or ffor mmer ccolleeaguees whho arre afffectted bby thhe poolitiical recoonstrructiion wwill makee alll alllowannces for any lackk of cereemonyy witth whhich it hhas bbeen neceessarry too actt.值此危危急关头,我我想,即使使我今天向向国会的报报告过于简简略,也当当能见谅。我我还希望所所有在这次次改组中受受到影响的的朋友、同同僚和旧日日的同僚们们对必要的的礼仪方面面的任何不不周之处能能毫不介意意。I sayy to the Housse ass I ssaid to MMinissterss whoo havve jooinedd thiis goovernnmentt, I havee notthingg to offeer buut bllood, toiil, ttearss andd sweeat. We hhave befoore uus ann orddeal考验 of tthe mmost grieevouss痛苦的、严厉的 kinnd. WWe haave bbeforre uss manny, mmany montths oof sttrugggle aand ssuffeeringg.我向国国会表明,一一如我向入入阁的大臣臣们所表明明的,我所所能奉献的的唯有热血血、辛劳、眼眼泪和汗水水我们所面面临的将是是一场极其其严酷的考考验,将是是旷日持久久的斗争和和苦难。You aask, whatt is our poliicy? I saay itt is to wwage war by lland, seaa andd airr. Waar wiith aall oour mmightt andd witth alll thhe sttrenggth GGod hhas ggivenn us, andd to wagee warr agaainstt a mmonsttrouss巨大的 tyraanny残暴的行为 neveer suurpasssed凌驾 inn thee darrk annd laamenttablee可悲的 cattaloggue oof huuman crimme. TThat is oour ppoliccy.若问问我们的政政策是什么么?我的回回答是:在在陆上、海海上、空中中作战。尽尽我们的全全力,尽上上帝赋予我我们的全部部力量去作作战,对人人类黑暗、可可悲的罪恶恶史上空前前凶残的暴暴政作战。这这就是我们们的政策。You aask, whatt is our aim? I ccan aansweer inn onee worrd, IIt iss vicctoryy. Viictorry att alll cossts-vvictoory iin sppite of不管 aall tterroors-vvictoory, howeever longg andd harrd thhe rooad mmay bbe, ffor wwithoout vvictoory ttheree is no ssurviival幸存.若问我们们的目标是是什么?我我可以用一一个词来回回答,那就就是胜利。不不惜一切代代价,去夺夺取胜利不惧一一切恐怖,去去夺取胜利利不论论前路如何何漫长、如如何艰苦,去去夺取胜利利。因为没没有胜利就就不能生存存。Let tthat be rrealiized. No survvivall forr thee Briitishh Emppire, no survvivall forr alll thaat thhe Brritissh Emmpiree hass stoood ffor代表、支持, no ssurviival for the urgee强烈欲望, thhe immpulsse冲动 off thee agees, tthat mankkind shalll moove fforwaard ttowarrd hiis gooal.我我们务必认认识到,没没有胜利就就不复有大大英帝国,没没有胜利就就不复有大大英帝国所所象征的一一切,没有有胜利就不不复有多少少世纪以来来的强烈要要求和冲动动:人类应应当向自己己的目标迈迈进。I takke upp my taskk in buoyyancyy andd hoppe. II feeel suure tthat our causse wiill nnot bbe suufferred tto faail aamongg menn.我精神神振奋、满满怀信心地地承担起我我的任务。我我确信,大大家联合起起来,我们们的事业就就不会遭到到挫败。I feeel enntitlled aat thhis jjunctture, at thiss timme, tto cllaim the aid of aall aand tto saay, ""Comee theen, llet uus goo forrwardd toggetheer wiith oour uuniteed sttrenggth团结一致的力量.""在此时此此刻的危急急关头,我我觉得我有有权要求各各方面的支支持。我要要说:“来来吧,让我我们群策群群力,并肩肩前进!史上最狂妄妄的演讲甲骨文公司司总裁Laarry Elliison在在耶鲁大学学的演讲"Gradduatees off Yalle Unniverrsityy, I apollogizze iff youu havve enndureed thhis ttype of pproloogue befoore, but I waant yyou tto doo sommethiing ffor mme. PPleasse, ttake a goood llook arouund yyou. Lookk at the classsmatte onn youur leeft在左边. Lookk at the classsmatte onn youur riight在右边.Now, conssiderr thiis设想一下: ffive yearrs frrom nnow从现在起, 10 yyearss froom noow, eeven thirrty yyearss froom noow, oodds are the persson oon yoour lleft is ggoingg to be aa losser. The persson oon yoour rrightt, meeanwhhile, willl allso bbe a loseer. AAnd yyou, in tthe mmiddlle? WWhat can you expeect? Loseer. LLoserrhoodd. Looser Cum Laudde以优等成绩毕业者. IIn faact, as II loook ouut beeforee me todaay, II donn't see a thhousaand hhopess forr a bbrighht toomorrrow. I doon'tt seee a tthoussand futuure lleadeers iin a thouusandd inddustrries. I ssee aa thoousannd looserss. Yoou'rre uppset. Thaat'ss unddersttandaable. Aftter aall, how can I,Laawrennce ""Larrry" EEllisson, colllege droppout辍学, havve thhe auudaciity大胆的 tto sppout suchh herresy异端 to tthe ggraduuatinng cllass of oone oof thhe naationn's mostt preestiggiouss有名望的 insstituutionns?I'lll telll yoou whhy. BBecauuse II, Laawrennce ""Larrry" EEllisson, secoond rricheest mman oon thhe pllanett在这个星球上, amm colllegee droopoutt, annd yoou arre noot. BBecauuse BBill Gatees, rricheest mman oon thhe pllanett-forr noww anyyway-is aa colllegee droopoutt, annd yoou arre noot. BBecauuse PPaul Alleen, tthe tthirdd ricchestt mann on the plannet, droppped out of ccolleege, and you did not. Andd forr goood meeasurre另外, bbecauuse MMichaael DDell, No.9 onn thee lisst annd moovingg up fastt, iss a ccolleege ddropoout, and you, yett agaain, are not.Hmm . yyou''re vvery upseet. TThat's uunderrstanndablle. SSo leet mee strroke yourr Egoos foor a momeent bby poointiing oout, quitte siincerrely, thaat yoour ddiploomas weree nott atttaineed inn vaiin徒然. MMost of yyou, I immaginne, hhave spennt foour tto fiive yyearss herre, aand iin maany wways whatt youu'vee leaarnedd andd endduredd willl seerve服务、发球 you welll in the yearrs ahhead. Youu'vee esttabliishedd goood woork hhabitts. YYou''ve eestabblishhed aa nettworkk of peopple tthat willl hellp yoou doown tthe rroad. Andd youu'vee esttabliishedd whaat wiill bbe liifeloong终身的 rrelattionsshipss witth thhe woord ""therrapy疗法." Alll thhat oof iss goood.For iin trruth, youu willl neeed tthat netwwork. Youu willl neeed tthosee strrong workk habbits. Youu willl neeed tthat therrapy. Youu willl neeed tthem becaause you didnn't dropp outt, annd soo youu willl neever be aamongg thee ricchestt peoople in tthe wworldd. Ohh surre, yyou mmay, perhhaps, worrk yoour wway uup too 100 or 11, likke Stteve Balllmer. Butt theen, II donn't havee to telll youu whoo he reallly wworkss forr, doo I? And for the recoord, he ddroppped oout oof grrad sschoool. BBit oof a latee blooomerr开花植物.Finallly, I reealizze thhat mmany of yyou, and hopeefullly byy noww mosst off youu, Arre woonderring, "Iss theere aanythhing I caan doo? Iss theere aany hhope for me aat alll? AActuaally, no. It's ttoo llate. Youu'vee abssorbeed tooo muuch, thinnk yoou knnow ttoo mmuch. Youu'ree nott 9 aanymoore. You havee a bbuiltt-in cap,and I'mm nott refferriing tto thhe moortarrboarrds oon yoour hheadss头上的学士帽.Hmm . yyou''re rreallly veery uupsett. Thhat''s unndersstanddablee. Soo perrhapss thiis Coould be aa goood tiime tto brring up tthe ssilveer liiningg. Noot foor yoou, CClasss of '000. Yoou arre a writte-offf, sso I'll let you slinnk溜走 offf too youur paathettic $200,000-a-yeear jjobs, wheere yyour cheqques willl be signned bby foormerr claassmaates who droppped out two yearrs aggo. IInsteead, I waant tto giive hhope to aany uunderrclasssmenn herre tooday. I ssay tto yoou, aand II cann't streess tthis enouugh: leavve. PPack yourr thiings and yourr ideeas aand ddon''t coome bback. Droop ouut. SStartt up. Forr I ccan ttell you thatt a ccap aand ggown willl keeep yoou doown jjust as ssurelly ass theese ssecurrity guarrds ddraggging me ooff tthis stagge arre keeepinng mee dowwn."(At tthis poinnt Thhe Orraclee CEOO wass ushheredd offf staage.)耶鲁的毕业业生们,我我很抱歉-如果果你们不喜喜欢这样的的开场白。我我想请你们们为我做一一件事。请请你-好好看一一看周围,看看一看站在在你左边的的同学,看看一看站在在你右边的的同学。请你设设想这样的的情况:从从现在起55年之后,110年之后后,或300年之后,今今天站在你你左边的这这个人会是是一个失败败者;右边边的这个人人,同样,也也是个失败败者。而你你,站在中中间的家伙伙,你以为为会怎样?一样是失失败者。失失败的经历历。失败的的优等生。说实话话,今天我我站在这里里,并没有有看到一千千个毕业生生的灿烂未未来。我没没有看到一一千个行业业的一千名名卓越领导导者,我只只看到了一一千个失败败者。你们们感到沮丧丧,这是可可以理解的的。为什么么,我,埃埃里森,一一个退学生生,竟然在在美国最具具声望的学学府里这样样厚颜地散散布异端? 我来来告诉你原原因。因为为,我,埃埃里森,这这个行星上上第二富有有的人,是是个退学生生,而你不不是。因为为比尔盖茨茨,这个行行星上最富富有的人-就目目前而言-是个个退学 生生,而你不不是。因为为艾伦,这这个行星上上第三富有有的人,也也退了学,而而你没有。再再来一点证证据吧,因因为戴尔,这这个行星上上第九富有有的人-他的排排位还在不不断上升, 也是个退退学生。而而你,不是是。你们非非常沮丧,这这是可以理理解的。你们将将来需要这这些有用的的工作习惯惯。你将来来需要这种种“治疗”。你需要要它们,因因为你没辍辍学,所以以你永远不不会成为世世界上最富富有的人。哦哦,当然,你你可以,也也许, 以以你的方式式进步到第第10位,第第11位,就就像Steeve。不不过,我没没有告诉你你他在为谁谁工作,是是吧?根据据记载,他他是研究生生时辍的学学,开化得得稍晚了些些。现在,我我猜想你们们中间很多多人,也许许是绝大多多数人,正正在琢磨,""能做什么么?我究竟竟有没有前前途?"当当然没有。太太晚了,你你们已经吸吸收了太多多东西,以以为自己懂懂得太多。你你们再也不不是19岁岁了。你们们有了内置的帽子,哦哦,我指的的可不是你你们脑袋上上的学位帽帽。 嗯.你们已已经非常沮沮丧啦。这这是可以理理解的。所所以,现在在可能是讨讨论实质的的时候啦-绝不不是为了你你们,20000年毕毕业生。你你们已经被被报销,不不予考虑了了。我想,你你们就偷偷偷摸摸去干干那年薪220万的可可怜工作吧吧,在那里里,工资单单是由你两两年前辍学学的同班同同学签字开开出来的。事事实上,我我是寄希望望于眼下还还没有毕业业 的同学学。我要对对他们说,离离开这里。收收拾好你的的东西,带带着你的点点子,别再再回来。退退学吧,开开始行动。我要告告诉你,一一顶帽子一一套学位服服必然要让让你沦落.就像这这些保安马马上要把我我从这个讲讲台上撵走走一样必然然.(此此时,拉里里埃里森被被带离了讲讲台)I havve beeen tto thhe moountaaintoop马丁·路德德·金:Thankk youu verry kiindlyy, myy friiendss. Ass I llisteened to RRalphh Abeernatthy aand hhis eeloquuent雄辩 and geneerouss慷慨的 inttroduuctioon annd thhen tthougght aaboutt mysself想到我自己, I wwondeered who he wwas ttalkiing aaboutt谈论. Itt's aalwayys goood tto haave yyour clossest frieend aand aassocciatee to say someethinng goood aaboutt youu. Annd Raalph Aberrnathhy iss thee besst frriendd thaat I havee in the worlld. II'm ddeligghtedd to see eachh of you heree tonnightt in spitte off 尽管a sstormm warrningg. Yoou reeveall揭露 thaat yoou arre deetermminedd to go oon annyhoww.Sommethiing iis haappenning in MMemphhis; someethinng iss happpeniing iin ouur woorld. Andd youu knoow, iif I weree staandinng att thee begginniing oof tiime, withh thee posssibiilityy of takiing aa kinnd off 一种gennerall andd pannorammic vview of tthe wwholee of humaan hiistorry upp to now, andd thee Almmightty saaid tto mee, "MMartiin Luutherr Kinng, wwhichh agee wouuld yyou llike to llive in?"" I wwouldd takke myy menntal fligght bby Eggypt and I woould watcch Good's chilldrenn in theiir maagnifficennt trrek ffrom the darkk dunngeonns off Egyypt tthrouugh, or rratheer 更精确地说accrosss thee Redd Seaa, thhrouggh thhe wiilderrnesss on towaard tthe ppromiised landd希望之乡. Annd inn spiite oof itts maagnifficennce, I woouldnn't sstop therre. I wwouldd movve onn by Greeece aand ttake my mmind to MMountt Olyympuss. Annd I woulld seee Pllato, Ariistottle, Socrratess, Euuripiides and Arisstophhaness asssemblled aarounnd thhe Paartheenon. Andd I wwouldd wattch tthem arouund tthe PParthhenonn as theyy disscusssed tthe ggreatt andd eteernall isssues of rrealiity. But I woouldnn't sstop therre.I wwouldd go on, evenn to the greaat heeydayy of the Romaan Emmpiree. Annd I woulld seee deeveloopmennts aarounnd thhere, thrroughh varriouss empperorrs annd leeaderrs. BBut II wouuldn''t sttop ttheree.I wwouldd eveen coome uup too thee dayy of the Renaaissaance, andd gett a qquickk piccturee of all thatt thee Rennaisssancee didd forr thee cullturaal annd aeestheetic lifee of man. Butt I wwoulddn't stopp theere.I wwouldd eveen goo by the way thatt thee mann forr whoom I am nnamedd 和我相同名字的那个人hadd hiss habbitatt. Annd I woulld waatch Marttin LLutheer ass he tackked hhis nninetty-fiive tthesees onn thee dooor att thee chuurch of WWitteenberrg. BBut II wouuldn''t sttop ttheree.I wwouldd comme onn up evenn to 18633, annd waatch a vaacilllatinng Prresiddent by tthe nname of AAbrahham LLincooln ffinallly ccome to tthe cconcllusioon得出结论 thhat hhe haad too siggn thhe Emmanciipatiion PProcllamattion. Butt I wwoulddn't stopp theere.I wwouldd eveen coome uup too thee earrly tthirtties, andd seee a mman ggrappplingg witth努力克服 thhe prrobleems oof thhe baankruuptcyy of his natiion. And comee witth ann elooquennt crry thhat wwe haave nnothiing tto feear bbut ""fearr itsself." Buut I woulldn'tt stoop thhere.Strrangeely eenouggh说来也奇怪, II wouuld tturn to tthe AAlmigghty, andd sayy, "IIf yoou alllow me tto liive jjust a feew yeears in


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