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z云南民族大学外国语学院云南民族大学外国语学院英语专业本科学生毕业论文英语专业本科学生毕业论文开题报告书开题报告书题题目目AStudy of CognitiveApproachApplied in Teaching EnglishGrammar in Senior Middle School认知法在高中英语语法教学中的认知法在高中英语语法教学中的应用研究应用研究姓姓名名周洪艳周洪艳班班级级2013 级英语三班级英语三班学学号号201308401315指导教师指导教师李雪梅李雪梅2016 年年 10 月月 30 日日论文题目论文题目(Title)(Title)AStudy of CognitiveApproachApplied in Teaching EnglishGrammar in Senior Middle School认知法在高中英语语法中的应用认知法在高中英语语法中的应用中心论点:中心论点:Central Argument:本文以皮亚杰的认知心理学为基础,论述认知法的定义、基本原则和认知法在高中英语语法教学过程中的有效性。On the basis of Piagets cognitive psychology,this paper discusses the definition,basicprinciples of cognitive method and the validity of cognitive method in English grammarteaching in senior middle school.本研究目的和意义本研究目的和意义:The Purpose and Significance of This Study:研究目的研究目的:以皮亚杰的认知心理学为基础,对比传统的语法教学方法,分析研究认知法在高中英语语法中的应用,从而提高学生学习英语的兴趣和英语听说读写综合能力。The Purpose of this study:Based on Piagets cognitive psychology,the authorcompared the traditional grammar teaching methods with the application of CognitiveGrammar in senior middle school English grammar so as to improve the students interest inlearning English and the integrated ability of listening,speaking,reading and writing.研究意义研究意义:改变传统语法教学方法,运用认知法教授英语语法知识来提高学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们自主学习的能力,促进学生学习掌握和运用基础语法知识,从而提升整体语法能力,最终提高英语成绩。The Significance of this study:The significance is to change the traditional grammarteaching methods with cognitive methods to teach English grammar knowledge to improvestudents interest in learning English,to cultivate their ability to learn independently,andpromote students to master and use basic grammar knowledge.本研究的理论意义(国内外文献综述)本研究的理论意义(国内外文献综述):The Theoretical Significance of This Study(Domestic and Foreign Literature Review):研究背景:随着我国教育改革的不断深入,英语教学发生了许多变化,出现了很多的教学方法。近几年来,英语教学在交际教学的影响下,过分注重了学生听说能力的培养和训练,忽视了对学生语法的教学,片面强调了语言的交际功能,致使学生在语言的准确性不够和许多错误语法。认知法教学法是从人类认识规律的角度出发,强调不单单要从形式上学习语法,还要从理解上去学习。对于解决当前英语教学中出现的问题,应该加强认知法在英语语法教学中的应用,以促进英语教学的进一步发展。Background:With the development of Chinas education reform,English teaching hasundergone many changes and there have been a lot of teaching methods.In recent years,under the influence of communicative approach,English teaching has paid too muchattention to the training of students listening and speaking ability but neglecting the teachingof students grammar and unduly emphasizing the communicative function of language,which results in the verbal accuracy and grammar.There are many disadvantages.Cognitiveteaching method is from the perspective of human understanding,emphasizing not only fromthe formal learning of grammar,but also from the understanding to learn language.To solvethe problems in the current English teaching,we should strengthen the application ofcognitive method in English grammar teaching and promote the further development ofEnglish teaching.2.研究现状研究现状 Research Status2.1 国内外关于认知法与语法教学的研究国内外关于认知法与语法教学的研究Domestic and Foreign Research on Cognitive Law and Grammar Teaching2.2.1 国外研究状况国外研究状况 Research StatusAbroad认知法又叫认知符号法,一直以来,国外学者对它的研究从未间断过。美国心理学家卡鲁尔在 1964 年撰写出版了语法翻译法的现代形式,文中首次提出了认知。认知法心理学基础源于认知心理学,其代表人物皮亚杰于 60 年代初创立了发生认识论,他通过研究语言在儿童认知能力发展中的作用,发现儿童与人类天生能力和客观经验密切相关,是两者相互作用的结果。心理学家布鲁纳提出的“基本结构”和“学习者为中心”的理论对认知法的形成也产生了巨大影响。心理学家奥苏贝尔则提出了“有意义学习理论”,即认知学习,试图将认知心理学运用到教学领域。认知法的语言学理论基础是乔姆斯基创立的转换生成语法理论,他提出的“语言习得机制”认为人类天生具有学习语言的潜能。18 世纪哲学家维柯提出的建构主义学习观为认知法形成提供了教育理论基础。Cognitive approach,called cognitive symbolic approach,has been researched by foreignscholars.American psychologist Karuer wrote and published the“Modern Form of GrammarTranslation Method”in 1964,in which the cognitive method was put forward the first time.Cognitive psychology is derived from cognitive psychology,and the representative Piagetfounded the epistemology in the early 1960s,found that the language in the cognitivedevelopment of children and that children are closely related to innate human ability andobjective experience is the result of the interaction between the two.Psychologist Bruner putforward the“basic structure”and“learner-centered”theory on the formation of cognitiveapproach.Psychologist Aosubell put forward the“meaningful learning theory”,namely,cognitive learning,trying to apply cognitive psychology to the teaching.Cognitive linguistictheory is based on Chomskys theory of transformational generative grammar.He proposed“Language acquisition device”that human beings have the potential to learn the language.Inthe18th century,philosopher Vicos constructivist learning concept for the formation ofcognitive theory provides a theoretical basis for education.国外学者关于英语语法研究主要从 17 世纪第一批英语语法著作出现,18 世纪研究英语语法的书籍大量出现开始,这一阶段的特征是规定性语法,基本上全盘套用拉丁语探讨英语中的问题。19 世纪下半叶出现了描写性语法,这一派学者认为语言是变化的,反对照套拉丁语,语法处于不断地发展和完善之中。20 世纪中叶出现了美国结构主义语法,这一学派认为他们自己的学说是描写语言,将以前的语法称为传统语法。20 世纪 50 年代后期,美国出现了以乔姆斯基为代表的转换生成语法,生成语法的句法是与语义区分的。20 世纪下半叶发展起来的功能语法以语法为中心,涉及语义、语音和形态等。20 世纪 80 年代以来提出了认知语法,是以描述语言的心理真实性为目标,为解释语法再生力、词的引申和修辞语言提供了统一的框架,语言的创造力也被置于人类知识学习、推理、解决问题的能力范围之内。语言学家对语法的认识不断加深,从对词法、句法和语法研究到对语篇语法的研究。Foreign scholars who researched English grammar mainly started from the first Englishgrammar books appeared in the 17th century.A large number English grammar books ofstudying English grammar in the 18th century.This stage is characterized by prescriptivegrammar,basically the whole application of Latin to explore English problems.In the secondhalf of the nineteenth century,there was a descriptive grammar,in which the scholar thoughtthat the language was changed and the Latin language was opposed,and the grammar wasconstantly developing and perfecting.In the middle of the twentieth century,the Americanstructuralist grammar appeared.The scholars of this school think that their own doctrine isdescriptive language,and the former grammar is called traditional grammar.In the late 1950s,the United States developed transformational generative grammar represented by Chomsky,and the syntax of generative grammar was distinguished from semantics.The functionalgrammar developed in the second half of the 20th century focuses on grammar,involvingsemantics,phonetics,morphology and so on.Since the 1980s,cognitive grammar has beenproposed,which aims at describing the psychological authenticity of language.Wordextension and rhetorical language provides a unified framework,and the language ofcreativity has also been placed in human knowledge learning,reasoning,problem-solvingability within the scope of cognition.Linguists have deepened the understanding of thelanguage,from the lexical,syntactic grammar to the study of discourse grammar.2.2.2 国内研究状况国内研究状况 The Status of Domestic Research国内学者关于英语语法的研究主要有许国璋指出语言之有语法,语法之有制约作用,是语言本身所决定的。张正东(2004)年指出语法是对语言中存在的规则性和不规则性所作的概括描述;戴炜栋(2006)年指出语法涵盖的内容较广和语用规律的元语言知识。赵艳芳(2005)年指出对语法的研究历来具有狭义和广义之分。在语法研究的发展过程中,出现过很多种语法理论,各种理论都有其优缺点,所以我们要扬长避短,做到更合理、更有效的进行教学。The study of English grammar by Chinese scholars mainly includes that Xu Guozhangpoints out that grammar is restricted by language and that grammar is determined bylanguage itself.Zhang Zhengdong pointed out that grammar is a general description of rulesand irregularities existing in language in 2004.Dai Weidong pointed out that grammar coversa wide range of content and meta-language knowledge of pragmatic laws in 2006.ZhaoYanfang pointed out that the study of grammar has always been narrow and broad sense in2005.In the development of grammar research,there have been a lot of theories of grammar,which have their advantages and disadvantages,so we should avoid weaknesses to make amore reasonable and more effective teaching method.本研究的问题、理论、方法和视角:本研究的问题、理论、方法和视角:The Research Questions,Theories,Methods and Perspectives:问题:问题:1)认知法语法教学是否比传统的语法教学方法更有效?2)认知法教授语法是否能提高学生学习英语的兴趣和英语听说读写综合能力?Question:1)Is cognitive grammar teaching more effective than traditional grammarteaching methods?2)Does cognitive grammar teaching improve students interest in learning Englishand their ability to read,write,write,and write?理论:理论:认知心理学理论Theory:Cognitive psychology theory方法:方法:定性分析,文献法Methods:Qualitative analysis,related data and literature analysis视角:视角:认知心理学Perspective:Cognitive psychology本研究的主要观点和重难点:本研究的主要观点和重难点:The Main Points of This Study and The Difficulties:主要观点:主要观点:对于高中生来说,语法在英语学习过程中是重要的,也是非常必要的,同时又是最难掌握的。本文以皮亚杰的认知心理学为基础,论述认知法的定义、基本原则和认知法在高中英语语法教学过程中的有效性。Main Point:Grammar is very important and necessary in the English learning process tosenior middle school students,but it is also difficult to master.On the basis of Piagetscognitive psychology,this paper discusses the definition,basic principles of cognitive methodand the validity of cognitive method in English grammar teaching in senior middle school.重难点重难点:重点是运用认知法教学理论来教授高中生语法知识,从而有效的培养和提高学生学习英语的兴趣和英语听说读写综合能力。The key point is to use the theory of cognitive teaching to teach the grammar knowledgeof senior middle school students,so as to cultivate and improve students interest in learningEnglish and the integrated ability of listening,speaking,reading and writing.难点是不知道怎样教才能避免使语法陷入刻板的教学模式,怎样正确运用认知法在高中英语语法教学过程中。The difficulty is that I dont know how to teach the grammar to avoid a rigid teachingmodel and how to correctly use the cognitive method in English grammar teaching process insenior middle school.Detailed Outline:1.Introduction1.1 Background of the Study1.2 Significance of the Study2.Literature Review2.1 Oversea Study2.2 Domestic Study3.Cognitive Theory and CognitiveApproach3.1 Cognitive Psychology3.2 The Principle of CognitiveApproach3.3 The Teaching process of CognitiveApproach4.English Grammar and English Grammar Teaching4.1The Definition of Grammar4.2 The Importance of Grammar Teaching4.3 The Principles of the English Grammar Teaching5.Using the CognitiveApproach in English Grammar Teaching:An Example inAClass5.1 Using the CognitiveApproach to Learn the Present Perfect Tense5.2MakeAPractice6.Conclusion写作进程写作进程(Schedule):2016 年 9 月 28 日与指导老师联系/见面/沟通,讨论论文方向和选题2016 年 10 月做读书笔记 完成开题报告2016 年 10 月 31 日填写开题报告的所有内容,并提交论文开题报告2016 年 11 月 1 日-12 月 31 日指导学生完成实验、调查和论文正文写作2016 年 1 月 3 日提交论文正文初稿给指导教师,毕业论文中期检查2017 年 2 月 10 日提供初稿反馈意见2017 年 3 月 7 日提供修改稿 12017 年 3 月 21 日提供修改稿 1 反馈意见2017 年 3 月 28 日提供修改稿 22017 年 4 月 4 日指导学生做好参考书目2017 年 4 月 11 日提供修改稿 3,按要求做好参考书目2017 年 4 月 17 日指导学生做好论文正文前的材料(封面、序言、目录)2017 年 4 月 24 日提供修改稿 4,按要求做好正文前材料2017 年 4 月 29 日提交定稿2017 年 5 月 6 日毕业论文答辩参考书目参考书目(References):1 ANTHONY&G.DAVID.An introduction to applied cognitive psychologyM.New York:Psychology Press,2005.2 BROOK ANDREW.The prehistory of cognitive scienceM.England:Palgrave Macmillan Press,2007.3 ELLIS.R.The study of second language acquisition M.London:Oxford University Press,1994.4 HALLIDAYM.A.K.On grammarM.Beijing:Peking University Press.2007.5 SKEHAN,Peter.A cognitive approach to language learningM.上海:上海外语教育出版社,20006 陈婷.高中英语语法教学现状分析及反思 D.湖北:华中师范大学,2006 年 6 月.7 戴炜栋.陈莉萍.二语语法教学理论综述 J,外语教学与研究,2005(2).8 黄小锐.浅析认知语言学在英语语法教学中的应用 J.佳木斯教育学院学报,2012(2).9 刘伟.高中英语课堂语法知识结构输入分析D.山东:山东师范大学,2013.10 皮亚杰.发生认识论原理 M.北京:商务印书馆,1997.11 舒白梅.陈佑林.外语教学法 M.北京:高等教育出版社,1998.12 舒亚琴.浅析认知教学法 J.教育教学论坛,2014(39).13 吴进业,花清亮.中国当代外语教学法 M.河南:河南大学出版社,2001.14 许国璋,李凤琴.中困现代语法研究论文精选 M.海外语教育出版社 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