On theCultivation of Autonomous Learning for Students in Middle School in Rural Area (1).doc
毕 业 论 文农村初中英语课堂教学中学生自主学习兴趣的培养The Cultivation of Students Autonomous Learning Interest in English Classroom Teaching in Rural Middle School专业名称: 体育 作者姓名: 导师姓名: 2017年 12 月体育专业毕业论文诚信承诺书论文题目农村初英语课堂教学中学生自主学习兴趣的培养英文题目The Cultivation of Students Autonomous Learning Interest in English Classroom Teaching in Rural Middle School作 者专 业体育班 级学 号指导教师职称/学位承诺内容:1本人郑重地承诺所呈交的毕业论文, 是在指导教师的指导下严格按照学校和学院有关规定完成的;2本人在毕业论文中引用他人的观点和参考资料均加以注释和说明;3本人承诺在毕业论文选题和研究内容过程中没有抄袭他人研究成果、伪造相关数据、或找他人代写等行为;若发现本论文系抄袭或他人代写,本人愿接受毕业论文成绩作废,不予毕业、取消学位等的处理;4在毕业论文中若有侵犯任何方面知识产权的行为, 由作者本人承担相应的法律责任。论文作者(签名): 年 月 日 农村初中英语课堂教学中学生自主学习兴趣的培养指导老师: 摘要:自主学习是一种高效率的学习方式,在当今提倡素质教育的环境下,自主学习得到了很大的重视,因为这不仅有助于培养学生的学习兴趣,更有利于培养学生的创新能力。然而农村初中生学习英语的自主性意识并不强,初中学生自主学习的能力也不高,英语学习的动力严重不足,他们很难在学习中发现问题、探究问题,解决问题。培养农村初中生英语自主学习的兴趣是提高农村英语教学质量的根本。为了提高农村初中生学习英语的自主性,本文对农村英语课堂教学和学习方法进行了探究。关键词:自主学习;课堂教学;学习方法;学习兴趣; 学习策略 The Cultivation of Students Autonomous Learning Interest in English Classroom Teaching in Rural Middle SchoolAbstract:Autonomous learning is an efficient way of learning. In today's environment of promoting quality education, autonomous learning has received great attention because it not only helps to cultivate students' innovative ability, but also helps to cultivate students' interest in learning. However, rural Junior High School students' autonomy consciousness is not strong enough in the study of English, and rural Junior High School students' ability of autonomous learning is not high as well. English learning motivation is seriously inadequate. They are difficult to find problems, explore the problems, and solve the problems in learning. Cultivating English autonomous learning interest of rural middle school students is the essence for improving the quality of English teaching in rural region. In order to improve the autonomy of learning English in rural middle school students, this paper explores its teaching and learning methods. Key Words: Autonomous Learning; Classroom Teaching; Learning Methods; Learning Strategies; Learning interestCONTENTSIntroduction11. Theoretical Framework 11.1 The Definition of Autonomous Learning 11.2 The Development of Autonomous Learning21.3 The Basic View of Autonomous Learning22. The Application of Autonomous Learning at Home and Abroad32.1 The Application Condition and Effect of Autonomous Learning Abroad32.2 The Application Condition and Effect of Autonomous Learning at Home4 2.3 The Shortcomings of Chinese Rural Autonomous Learning Compared with Cities43. The Influential Factors of Students' Autonomous Learning Ability in Rural English Classroom in China53.1 The Internal Factors Affecting Students' Autonomous Learning in Classroom Teaching53.2 The External Factors Affecting Students' Autonomous Learning in Classroom Teaching63.2.1 Schools factors53.2.2 Teachers factors63.2.3 Family factors64. Strategies to Promote Autonomous Learning74.1 Enhancing Motivation and Awareness74.2 Setting Practical and Meaningful Goals84.3 Selecting Suitable Learning Strategies84.4 Monitoring and Evaluating Learning Progress9Conclusion 10Notes11Bibliographies11Acknowledgments12ivIntroductionRecently, China has advocated the reform of English education and autonomous learning. We have made great achievements in improving interest of students in the cities, but it has not been well developed in the rural areas. Most teachers adopt traditional teaching way that is teacher-centered and whose objective is just passing knowledge to students. The traditional teaching ways cause many problems. To solve those problems, autonomous learning is a good choice, so it is vital to research on the good effect of autonomous learning.Researches on autonomous learning in different contexts are in great need and a variety of cultural orientations should be taken in consideration by researchers. Humanism, social cognition, constructivism as well as the learner-centered Approach (Nunan, 1988) all emphasize and support learners central place in class and their autonomy and independence after class. These researches not only focus on responsibility and involvement of learners but also on critical reflection of beliefs and attitudes to learning. (David Litt1e1991; 2010: 2) The success of a learning activity is, to some extent, contingent upon learners stance towards the world and the learning activity in particular, their sense of self, and their desire to learn (Benson&voller, 1997: 134).Chenduo (2006) fosters high school students the ability of autonomous learning based on experiments by building an efficient teaching pattern which takes learning notes as a carrier. Liyu (2008) also carries out experiments and points out that autonomous learning can be achieved for the students of the key senior middle schools, with the aid of the improvement in strategy of autonomous learning and efficient teaching patterns. Song Yanli (2009) through questionnaire investigation finds out the problems in high school students English learning and gives some valuable methods on how to foster the abilities of autonomous learning, further more putting forward the problems that need to be solved in the study of autonomous learning. However, seldom scholars research on applying autonomous learning to rural English classroom teaching. Therefore, the author believes that it is very important to cultivate the English interests of junior middle school students since it can achieve the purpose of cultivation of English learning.1. Theoretical Framework1.1 The Definition of Autonomous LearningAutonomous learning is a modern method of learning and it takes students as the main body. That is to say, students should observe, explore and practice on their own to achieve their learning targets. First of all, students should develop independent learning habits. Secondly, students should change our attitude towards study. Students must take the initiative to learn. Thirdly, students must learn to ask questions and try our best to answer them without anyones help. In the end, students can learn by taking advantages of internet technology. With the help of E-learning students can learn anytime and anywhere and students can use all of the information on the internet to improve ourselves (余若琳, 2017)1.1.2 The Development of Autonomous LearningThe first and influential definition is made by Holec who defined autonomy as “the ability to take charge of ones own learning in the process of learning” and “an ability that needs to be acquired” (1981:3). That is, during the whole learning process, learner makes decisions related to learning all by himself or herself. He or she should independently set learning goals, choose learning materials and time and environments, select learning strategies and methods, monitor learning process or organize and carry out the learning tasks and evaluate learning outcomes. In 1988, Holec (1988) further developed his definition and stated there are two kinds of learner responsibility which is a necessary requirement for autonomous learning. The first one he describes as static responsibility or as a finished product, that is, the learner set a language learning program for learning (江婧, 2016) 2. The other one is what the learner takes during the learning process or as the learning program develops. This one is more flexible and he describes it as dynamic responsibility. To Nunan (1995), autonomous learning ability is crucial and autonomous learners are able to set their learning goals and create their learning opportunities on their own. Huttunen defines autonomy in terms of performance. According to him, if a learner can be responsible for his or her language learning and be able to plan, monitor and evaluate his or her learning, he or she becomes fully autonomous. From Gardner and Miller (1994), autonomous language learners can decide their learning goals and plan how to learn and carry out the learning program (沈亚丽, 2015) 3. And as to Daml (1995), fully autonomous learners are those who actively participate in the social processes of classroom learning and actively interpret the new information and who masters and uses the knowledge about learning in any conditions and at any time. Rathbone (1996) defines autonomous learner as a self-activated maker of meaning and an active agent during the learning process. To be specific, learners, instead of teachers, are the center of learning and they are responsible for their own learning, they are self-initiated and interact with the world.1.3 The Features of Autonomous LearningThe features of autonomous learning can help us to judge whether the learner is autonomous or not and to judge the autonomous level of the learner.From the definition above, it can be concluded that autonomous learning is: (1) Initiative. The learner studies spontaneously out of his own instinct needs and willingness. The autonomous learner should set appropriate goals that match his characteristics and that he can reach after the learning. He should independently decide the learning material, the place and the time as well as monitor the learning process and adjust the learning. (2) Abundant. The learning materials that the learners can access to be abundant and the learning skills or strategies the learners can adopt are various. Besides, the places where the learners learn are not only the classrooms but also the places that are full of learning materials such as library. (3) Affective. Autonomous learning is affective because it takes affective factors into account. For example, the learners motivations are stimulated and they are confident of themselves. During the whole learning process, other affective factors are involved which can promote the learning results. (4) Democratic. Autonomous learning is not wholly student-independent but with the help of teachers who act as the guide, organizer and participant. Student-teacher relationship is democratic and the learning atmosphere is harmonious and pleasant. (5) Effective. Since the learning center are students who can coordinate all the factors including the learning strategies and the affective factors, the learning results can be the best which is the aim of autonomous learning-make learning result to be optimum(王月娟,2014) 4.2 The Current Application Condition of Autonomous Learning at Home and AbroadThe application condition and effect of autonomous learning at home and abroad are discussed much, and the shortcomings of Chinese rural autonomous learning are represented.2.1 The Current Application Condition and Effect of Autonomous Learning AbroadThe application condition of autonomous learning abroad is as follows: In the last 30 years, the researches of autonomous learning have gained widespread popularity in educational fields in the west. Some of them pay close attention to social, political, psychological, ideological, philosophical facets of autonomous learning (Holec 1979; Dickinson 1987; Weden and Rubin 1987; Graks and Grundy 1988; Brooks and Grundy 1988; Little and Singleton 1989; Littlewood and Nunan 1997; David Litt1e1991; 2010:2). Some are interested in learner training (McCafferty, 1982; Dickinson, 1987; Holed 1987; Oxford 1987; Cotterai, 1995, 2000). Some are on the application of practice in autonomy and independence. (Boud 1988; Candy 1998; Dickinson 1988 and 1993; Lee 1998; Cotteral 1993; Marshall 1996; Nunan 1997). The researches in the west have something in common in concern with autonomy and independence, offering new understanding of the principles of autonomy and independence on educational structures and methods. At the same time, these researches have a great effect on some methodological and pedagogical creations, which generally are called as “self-directed learning, autonomous learning or independent learning” (施全荣,2013) 5. Humanism, social cognition, constructivism as well as the learner-centered Approach (Nunan, 1988) all emphasize and support learners central place in class and their autonomy and independence after class. Based on Piagets interactionism (Piaget, 1977), “learning takes place when learners actively construct their own understanding and knowledge through their interaction with the world around them”, more importance is put to learners cognition, personality and motivation. In addition, to foster autonomous learning, these researches not only focus on responsibility and involvement of learners but also on critical reflection of beliefs and attitudes to learning (David Litt1e1991; 2010: 2). The success of a learning activity is, to some extent contingent upon learners stance towards the world and the learning activity in particular, their sense of self, and their desire to learn (赖颖达,2011) 6. That is, it is beliefs and attitudes that will affect learners to act in some ways in learning process.The application effect of autonomous learning is good as the United States has only 200 years of history, but it is a large melting pot of different cultures. A variety of ideas and values collide with each other here, wiping out new sparks. Accepting new ideas is not a challenge for Americans, but an opportunity to change the status quo. Compared to the Chinese people, they can create new ideas of autonomous learning.2.2 The Application Condition and Effect of Autonomous Learning at HomeThe studies above are based on the western context, which is different from that of China. Different contexts are likely to produce different practices and outcomes (Chan, 2001). A persons beliefs, attitudes and actions are influenced by cultural orientation, so the researches on autonomous learning in different contexts are in great need and a variety of cultural orientations should be taken in consideration by researchers (蔡丹丹,2011) 7. Li Hong (1998) studied the applicability of autonomous learning in English teaching in China. As far as she is concerned, students should not be made entirely independent without teachers guiding and instructions. Qi Hongbo (2002) according to the three major learning theories (Humanism, Constructivism, and Cognitive theory), made a conclusion that a learner must be regarded as a “complete whole person”. Teachers should guide them to explore and discover all that they wonder and teachers should have a good knowledge of the dynamic interplays of the four factors in a teaching and learning process: the teacher, learners, task and context(s) (2002: 83). Peng finding makes a research (2002) on the possibility of autonomous learning based on an English learning model, which is designed for Chinese college students by finishing autonom