节选自声调与音节之关系在语言中,语音四要素不仅地位不平等,而且层次也不一样。音高、音强、音长等超音质特征不受音素限制,可以超出一个音素的范围,如声调的变化往往是整个音节的音高变化,而不是其中某个音素的音高变化。音色与音色之间的区别是绝对的,而大部分超音质特征都具有相对性,一般是与周围超音质特征比较才得以体现的,如汉语声调是相对音高,而不是绝对音高,英语中如果没有长元音,也就无所谓短元音了。音高、音强、音长三者与音色不是同一平面、同一层次的东西,它们是附加在音色成分之上,通过音色来体现的。音节中的音色是第一层次的,音高、音强、音长是第一层次之外的因素。由于构成音节的要素呈现出层次性,因此音节也是有层次的。只考虑音色因素,由音素所构成的基本音节是第一层次的音节。在此基础上进一步涉及到音高、音强、音长等超音质特征的一般音节是第二层次的音节。说话理论将音节的表征形式区分为两类:一种是以骨架的形式存在,其功能是收纳及组织音素;另一种是以实体的形式存在,其功能是作为话语的单位。我们认为这正是音节存在的两种形态即静态音节和动态音节。音色支撑起整个音节的骨架,是音节的基础,是音节的灵魂,此时的音节是静态音节,这是一个一般的、抽象的概念,它的表意功能是模糊不清的。静态音节舍弃了音质以外的其他语音特征,是基本音节,是第一层次的音节。动态音节则是指在音色基础上,由音色、音高、音强、音长四要素共同组成的一般音节,它的表意功能是具体清晰的。动态音节以实体形式存在,能够作为话语单位,是第二层次的音节。音节有基本音节和一般音节之分(叫做狭义音节和广义音节或者其他什么别的也行),它们既有层次上的区别,也有存在形式上的区别。对于不同的语言或者针对不同的语用需要,人们往往使用不同意义的音节概念。由于音节结构不是一个具体的声音,它是用来表征一种语音系统的韵律结构的一个抽象单位,而每个语言都有自己特有的音节结构,不同语言音节的语音形式差别也很大,把音段序列组合成音节的过程可能会发生在比较抽象的音系底层,一些表层现象常常会干扰对底层结构的认识,所以音节的概念至今还没有定论,这方面的研究也主要指的是第一层次基本音节。再者,受西方语言学理论的影响,由于非声调语言音高、音强、音长的影响远不如音色那么大,如印欧语系的语言主要靠音色辨义,音长和音强有一定的语音作用,但都不象汉语的声调那样具有类型化、规律化的特点,所以音节对于这些语言而言,一般就是指基本音节。而汉语是声调语言,声调可以区别意义,由于声调在汉语中的重要地位,使得音高这种非音质特征也显得尤为重要,所以汉语音节更多指的是一般音节。上述关于音节的表述,现代汉语词典认为音节是“由一个或几个音素组成的语音单位”,这就非常明确地肯定了音节的组成成分只是音色,从而排除了其他的语音要素,这与它将带调的音节列入音节表里的做法是自相矛盾的。而且“一个汉字就是一个音节,一个音节写成一个汉字”的表述也是有歧义的,不利于帮助判断音节。一个汉字只是在语音上与音节相对应,汉语400多个基本音节、1 300多个一般音节负载着通用字形约7 000个,一个汉字在语义上与词或语素相对应。语言中音节的数量大大少于词和语素的数量,音位的数量又大大少于音节的数量。黄本教材“一个音节可以是一个音素,也可以由几个音素合成”的表述有点模糊,根据其后面的观点“声调不是音节的组成成分”来看,应该是与现代汉语词典的看法是一致的。胡本教材认为“用现代语音学的方法对音节进行比较精细的分析就得到各个音素。”这只是分析了第一层次的音节,如果继续往下分析,就可以得到声调的概念了,这样才能与“用中国传统的方法对音节分析获得声母、韵母、声调各个部分”相一致。辞海“一个音节可以由一个或几个音素组成”虽然没有指出还可不可以由其他因素组成,但只把音素作为音节判断的一个因素,而不是唯一的组成要素,应该是可以接受的。In the language, the voice of the four elements not only unequal status, and level are not the same. Pitch, tone, tone and long super quality features from phonemes limit, beyond the scope of a phoneme, such as the change of tone is often the pitch change of the whole syllable, rather than one of the phonemes of pitch change. Is the absolute difference between the tone and timbre, while most of the super quality features have relative, usually around the ultra-sound characteristics to be reflected, such as Chinese tones is relative pitch, rather than absolute pitch, English in a short vowel, it does not matter if there is no long vowel. Pitch, tone, tone length three and the sound is not the same plane, the same level of things, they are attached above the sound composition by the tone to reflect. Tone syllable is the first level, pitch, sound intensity, duration factors other than the first level. Constitute the elements of the syllable showing the hierarchy of the syllable is also the level. Only consider the sound factor posed by the phoneme syllable is the first level of syllables. On this basis, further relates to the pitch, sound intensity, ultra-sound characteristics of the sound long syllable is the second level of the syllable.Talk theory the characterization in the form of the syllable into two categories: one is a skeleton form, its function is incorporated and organization phonemes; the other is in the form of entity, its function as a unit of discourse. We believe that this is the syllable exist two forms of static syllables and dynamic syllable. Sound support from the skeleton of the entire syllable, syllable, is the soul of syllables, syllable at this time static syllable, which is a general, abstract concept, it ideographic function is obscure. Static syllable abandon the sound other than the voice features, the basic syllables, the syllables of the first level. Dynamic syllable is the tone on the basis of the tone, pitch, sound intensity, duration four elements together constitute the general syllable, its ideographic function of clear-cut. Dynamic syllable exist in physical form, can be used as the unit of discourse is the second level of the syllable.Syllable of the basic syllables and syllables (called narrow syllable and generalized syllable or anything else will do), the difference between them both levels, there exist formal difference. For different languages or for a different language, people tend to use the concept of meaningful syllables. Syllable structure is not a specific sound, it is an abstract unit of the prosodic structure used to characterize a voice system, and each language has its own unique syllable structure, syllable voice in different languages in the form varies widely, segment sequence into syllables may occur in a more abstract phonological underlying some surface phenomenon will often interfere with the understanding of the underlying structure, so the concept of the syllable is still not conclusive, research in this area mainly refers to the first a level of basic syllables. Furthermore, by the Western linguistic theory, the non-tone language, pitch, tone, tone-long impact far less sound is so big, such as the Indo-European language depends mainly on sound analysis of meaning, tone length and intensity of sound The role of the voice, but nothing like the tones of Chinese type, regular features of syllables for these languages, generally refers to the basic syllables. Chinese is a tonal language, tone can be the difference between significance and makes the pitch of this non-quality features is particularly important due to the important position of the tone in Chinese, Chinese syllables is more general syllable. Representation of the syllable, "Modern Chinese Dictionary" syllable is the voice unit consists of one or several phonemes, which very clearly affirmed the composition of the syllable just sound, thus excluding other elements of voice, which practices included in the syllable table and it will tone syllable is self-contradictory. And "a character is a syllable, a syllable written a Chinese character for" expression is ambiguous, not to help determine syllable. A character is only in the voice and syllable corresponding to Chinese more than 400 basic syllables over 300 syllable load the generic glyph about 7000, a character is semantically corresponds to the word or morpheme. The number of syllables in the language a lot less than the number of words and morphemes, the number of phonemes is considerably less than the number of syllables. Yellow textbook "one syllable can be a phoneme, but also by the representation of the phoneme synthesis is a bit fuzzy, according to their point of view behind the point of view, the tone is not a syllable composition with the views of the" Modern Chinese Dictionary " is the same. Hu textbook that "modern voice on a syllable more detailed analysis of each phoneme." This is just analyzed the first level of the syllable, if it continues down analysis on the concept of the tone, so as to with the consonants, vowels, syllables analysis using traditional methods and tone of each part of the "consistent. Dictionary "a syllable consists of one or several phonemes" Although that still able to be formed by other factors, but only the phoneme as a factor of syllable judgment is not the only elements, should be acceptable.