丽声指南针英语名著分级读物第一级The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf 牧童与狼 教学设计.docx
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丽声指南针英语名著分级读物第一级The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf 牧童与狼 教学设计.docx
教学基本信息丽声指南针英语名著分级读物小学版第一级The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf教学目标(含重点、难点)教学目标 学生通过阅读故事,能理解和运用名词:sheep, shepherd, wolf; 学生通过观察封面,回忆以前读过这个故事的相关信息,并进行故事要素的简单表达; 学生通过速读故事,查找信息:牧童一共喊过几次狼来了,培养查读策略;学生通过重读故事,对情节和人物进行具体分析,分析人物行为和心情的原因,并能 够将人物和自己产生关联; 学生通过阅读和分析故事能够简单推断和评价人物的行为; 学生能在表演和模仿中,体会人物心情,加深对故事的理解; 学生能在阅读故事中提炼出不能撒谎的主题意义。教学重点学生通过重读故事,对情节和人物进行具体分析,理清人物的心理变化,根据已有经 验和上下文能够填补故事空白和人物对话,培养推断策略; 学生能在表演和模仿中体会人物心情,加深对故事的理解。教学难点 学生能在表演和模仿中体会人物心情,加深对故事的理解。教学用具 读物 多媒体课件教学过程(设计中的教师提问、教学活动可根据实际情况适当增减)Stepl Lead-inPreload the vocabulary: shepherd, wolf, sheep> What animals can you see? (Sheep)> Who takes care of all the sheep? (A shepherd)Read the word syllable by syllable- What animal may come to eat the sheep? (A wolf)设计意图:引出话题,激发兴趣,预备词汇语言。Step2 Pre-readingCover preview> Can you read the title?- Can you point to the shepherd boy and the wolf separately?> Why do you think is the boy crying?Recall the story> Have you ever heard of the story before?-Who are in the story?-Where does the story take place?-What do they do in the story?Picture Walk> How does the shepherd boy feel in the two pictures?> Can you shout Wolf! as the shepherd boy in each picture?设计意图:观察与朗读封面,了解题目和主题内 容。很多学生可能读过中文版的故事,读前 了解一下学生都知道什么信息,梳理信 息。图片环游激起学生兴趣,让学生尝试在不同情境中呼喊狼来了 ,体会不一样的情感和语调。设计意图:速读全书,找到信息:牧童一共喊过几次狼来了 ?引导学生根据上下文,自己说出推断的Step3 While-readingGo through the book and find out原因。带着学生分局部重读全书,寻找信息以 及进行思考,围绕"Tom为什么总喊 狼来了"、"村民为什么生气"以及"为 什么村民第三次不再来救Tom ?"进 行整个故事的梳理。> How many times does the shepherd boy shout "Wolf! ?Reread for more detailsP25> Why does Tom shout "Wolf!”?Text-to-self> What do you do when you are bored?P6-8> How do people feel when they come? Why?学生在阅读过程中思考和评价人物和 情节,并与自己的生活产生联系。Evaluate the character> What do you think of Tom?P9-11> Why do people not come this time?Critical thinking> Do you like the ending? Why or why not?通过播放故事音频进行跟读模仿,提升 学生阅读兴趣,促进阅读的节奏感和流 利度。Listen and imitateStep4 Post-reading> Create more in the dialogue-Create the dialogue设计意图:结合故事发挥想象力,补全对话;通过 表演的形式把对话进行口头输出,关注-Practice the dialogue with proper tone and 说话的语音语调,表达人物情感。tuneFigure out the moral> What do you learn from the story?提炼故事主题,讨论学到了什么。 (Discuss in groups)Create a follow-up story为故事进行续写,在创造中内化语言。> What will Tom do after the wolf eats his sheep?> Maybe he will go to the people in the village and say sorry.> Maybe he will never tell lies again.家庭作业流利朗读全书 扩充人物对话框 小组为单位进行故事表演 续写故事