操作系统(英)课程教学大纲(Operating Systems)一、基本信息课程代码: 1201313 学 分:3学分总 学 时:51学时 (其中实验 9 学时)适用对象:本科计算机科学与技术、信息管理、电子商务、物流等专业先修课程:数据结构、程序设计语言二、课程性质、教学目的和要求 (一)课程性质和目的 操作系统课程是计算机科学与技术本科生专业主干课程,也是信息类各专业的必修课程。通过本课程的学习,使学生认识到操作系统在计算机软硬件资源管理中的地位和作用,掌握操作系统的基本概念、原理和基本方法,掌握操作系统的开发模式、开发方法和操作系统的分析、设计能力,了解操作系统的发展方向,培养学生观察问题、分析问题、解决问题和实际动手能力,为学生以后参与系统软件分析和开发奠定基础。 (二)教学方法与手段 本课程使用原版教材,采用双语教学,采用课堂讲授和上机实践相结合的方式,并在多媒体环境下进行教学。(三)教学安排 本课程的总学时为51学时,其中课堂讲授42学时,上机实践教学9学时。三、教学内容及学时分配Chapter 1 Introduction ( 1.5 hours, Lab 0 hour)Main Points: Short history, Operating System Concepts, Objectives, Functions, Multiprogramming, Real-Time System, Batch system, Time-sharing system, Distributed operating system, Network operating system.Chapter 2 Computer-System Structures ( 1.5 hours , Lab 0 hour)Main Points: Computer-System Operation, I/O Structure, Storage Structure, Hardware Protection, including Interrupts, DMA, User and Monitor mode.Chapter 3 Operating-System Structures ( 5 hours, Lab 3 hours )Main Points: System Components (including Processes, Memory Management, Information protection and security, Scheduling and resources management.), Operating-System Services, System Calls, System Programs.Chapter 4 Processes ( 6 hours, Lab 3 hours )Main Points: Process Concept (including States and its transitions, PCB.), Operations on Processes, Cooperating Processes, Interprocess Communication.Chapter 5 Threads ( 1 hours, Lab 0 hour)Main Points: Thread definition, creation, manipulation, User and Kernel Thread.Chapter 6 CPU Scheduling ( 5 hours , Lab 0 hour)Main Points: Basic Concepts (including Long-term scheduling, Medium-term scheduling, Short-term scheduling.), Scheduling Criteria, Scheduling Algorithms (including First-Come-First-Served (FCFS), Priority, Round-Robin (RR), Short Job First, Multilevel Queue, Multilevel Feedback Queue, Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN).). Chapter 7 Process Synchronization ( 6 hours, Lab 0 hour )Main Points: The Critical-Section Problem, Synchronization Hardware, Semaphores, Classic Problems of Synchronization, Monitors.Chapter 8 Deadlocks ( 5 hours , Lab 0 hour)Main Points: Deadlock Characterization, Conditions for Deadlock, Methods for Handling Deadlocks, Safe State, Bankers algorithm, Resources allocation graph algorithm.Chapter 9 Memory Management ( 4.5 hours, Lab 0 hour )Main Points: Relocation, Protection, Sharing, Logical Organization, Physical Organization, Swapping, Contiguous Memory Allocation, Paging, Segmentation, Segmentation with Paging, Fragmentation, First Fit, Best Fit and Worst Fit Policy.Chapter 10 Virtual Memory ( 4.5 hours, Lab 0 hour )Main Points: Hardware support, Address Translation in a Paging System, Demand Paging, Thrashing, Page Replacement Policy. Chapter 11 File-System Interface ( 5 hours, Lab 3 hours )Main Points: File Concept, Access Methods, Directory Structure, File Sharing and Protection.Chapter 12 File-System Implementation ( 2 hours , Lab 0 hour)Main Points: File-System Structure, File-System Implementation, Directory Implementation, Allocation Methods, Free-Space Management. Chapter 13 I/O Systems ( 2 hours , Lab 0 hour)Main Points: I/O Hardware, Polling, Interrupts, DMA, I/O Scheduling, Buffering, Caching, Spooling.Chapter 14 Mass-Storage Structure ( 2 hours, Lab 0 hour)Main Points: Disk Structure, Disk Scheduling Algorithms, Disk Management, Swap-Space Management, RAID Structure. 四、课内实验内容、要求及学时(一)实验目的、方式及环境 目的:通过设计综合性实验,使学生从实践中了解和掌握本课程的基本概念、方法及其基本开发思想。方式:由教师提示实验原理、方法、步骤等内容,在教师的指导下,学生独立完成实验。环境:采用UNIX/LINUX操作系统平台来进行实验。(二)实验内容与学时分配序号实验项目名称实验类型实验内容介绍应达到的基本要求学时分配1理解UNIX/LINUX Shell及UNIX的进程树验证、设计1 型Shell命令的操作和使用,尤其是重定位、管道的应用;2 创建进程,撤消进程,检查进程的状态;3 编程在子进程中完成ls的功能。属于第3章了解并掌握操作系统与用户的接口界面;了解进程的结构及控制方法。32Shell程序设计验证、设计1 了解Shell程序设计;2 阅读/etc/rc.d中的启动文件,详细分析其中23个启动文件的功能和作用;3 编写Shell过程,实现指定目录的复制。属于第4章了解Shell过程,能进行简单的Shell程序设计。33文件的操作和使用验证、设计1 测试COPY文件时性能与缓冲大小的关联性;2 用密码串逐字符异或操作来实现对一个文件的加/解密。属于第11章熟悉文件系统的操作和使用方法。3五、考核方式及成绩评定 考 核 方 式:闭卷考试。成绩评定标准:采用笔试与上机实践、作业相结合。总成绩 = 期末考试成绩*70% +课内实验成绩*10% + 平时成绩*20% ;成绩评定为百分制。六、教材及主要参考书 教 材:Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Galvin, and Greg Gagne, John Wiley and Sons, Operating Systems Concepts, Higher Education Press, Ed. 6th, 2002. 参考书目:1、William Stallings, Operating Systems, Fourth Edition, 2001. 2、汤子瀛等,计算机操作系统,西安电子科技大学出版社,第三版,2000年2月。 执笔人: 俞军