语言外知识的习得第1页,共16页,编辑于2022年,星期二语言外知识的习得含义:指的是语言以外的知识体系,既包括广义上的基础知识,如政治、历史、地理知识,也包括狭义上的情境知识和专题知识。目的:有助于对原文的理解、译文的产出,同时可避免常识性或政治性的错误,有助于预测讲话后续内容,促进跨文化交际的顺利进行。第2页,共16页,编辑于2022年,星期二作为一位优秀的译员,都应涉及哪些领域的知识呢?第3页,共16页,编辑于2022年,星期二扎实的语言基本功是远远不够的,还必须掌握丰富全面的言外知识。口译实践中会遇到不同讲话人和各种交际场合,话题千变万化,内容包罗万象。译员应当是“杂家”。正如新中国的早期译员钟述孔钟述孔教授所说:“译员应当对一切有所了解,拥有百科全书般的知识。”第4页,共16页,编辑于2022年,星期二合格的口译员应该具有不断学习的好奇心,不断扩充自己的知识面。他应熟悉发言人国家的概况和文化习俗,熟悉发言所涉及的专业领域。口译中能否理解原语信息,很大程度上取决于口译员对发言所涉及的专业领域的了解。因此翻译前,译员要尽可能的收集有关资料、文件、讲稿,查找专业书籍和专有词汇,并做一些研究工作,在翻译时才能作到心中有数。第5页,共16页,编辑于2022年,星期二About the interpreting text-this text is about the animal moms第6页,共16页,编辑于2022年,星期二Some Pictures about Mothers Love第7页,共16页,编辑于2022年,星期二第8页,共16页,编辑于2022年,星期二听力前言:牛顿在原理一书里说:“大自然不做徒劳无功的事。不必要的,就是徒劳无功的。”(Nature does nothing in vain.The more is in vain when the less will do.)从以前听说鲑鱼妈妈的故事,就为之震撼至费解。便顿悟到可能一切都是母亲的本能吧!第9页,共16页,编辑于2022年,星期二第10页,共16页,编辑于2022年,星期二Tips:ultimate a.最终的,根本的;最佳的mammal n.哺乳动物womb n.子宫reptile n.爬虫动物predator n.掠夺者,食肉动物life and limb 【俚语】生命Komodo Dragon 科莫多巨蜥,产于印尼科莫多岛,全长9英尺,当今地球上最长的蜥蜴。walk off with 偷走,轻易赢得Godzilla n.大怪兽salmon n.鲑鱼,又叫三文鱼spawn v.产卵(蛋)current n.涌流,水流fertilize v.使受精第11页,共16页,编辑于2022年,星期二听力开始!Attention!第12页,共16页,编辑于2022年,星期二Ultimate Animal MomsMammal moms are experts at getting their newborns out of the womb and into the world.But its the egg-laying mothers who really win the award for finding the easiest way of bringing their children into the world.And egg-laying is not just for the birds.Fish,reptiles,and even bees lay eggs.Eggs are popular in the animal world for good reason.The babies do their growing inside the shell instead of inside of their mothers.Still,exiting the egg is the easy part.The toughest job belonged to mom.She was in charge of making sure her eggs didnt become another animals lunch.For the egg-laying moms of the animal world,the biggest challenge of motherhood is shielding her eggs from the ultimate nightmare.Eggs are pre-packaged meals for all sorts of 5)predators.These mothers are willing to risk life and limb to protect their eggs.Some require her to stay with them for months at a time,keeping them warm until they hatch.If protecting your eggs is the challenge,then the Komodo Dragon should walk off with the prize.For three long months she guards her eggs,and for this entire time she doesnt eat a thing.Successfully hatching 28 mini-Godzillas definitely puts her in the running for“Ultimate Mom.”第13页,共16页,编辑于2022年,星期二But other mothers have it a whole lot tougher.Getting this moms babies into the world requires an even greater sacrifice.Meet the female salmon.Her challenge:to travel thousands of miles back to the only place she can lay her eggs.Its her place of birth.Remarkably,she uses her sense of smell,some 30,000 times more sensitive than any humans,to get her there.Nobody knows what causes her to move from ocean feeding grounds to her birthplace,but after spending years in the Pacific Ocean,this salmon heads for her home stream to spawn.The final part of her journey takes her upstream.Its an incredible feat.The salmon has to battle deadly currents,evade predators on the lookout for their next meal,work her way through rocky streams,even launching herself up and over waterfalls.Only instinct and sheer determination keeps the salmon mom from giving up.It is the ultimate challenge.Only 5%of her female companions will actually complete the journey.Exhausted and near death,the salmon finally arrives at the place where she was born.Here she lays over a thousand eggs,and its here that the male salmon fertilizes them.Within a week,the salmon mom and all of the other fish that journeyed with her will die,turning this nursery into a graveyard.Clearly she wins the challenge,giving up her life for the sake of the next generation.Her precious eggs will soon hatch into baby salmon and begin their very own journey back downstream and out to sea,until it is their turn to become ultimate mothers and make their own ultimate sacrifice.第14页,共16页,编辑于2022年,星期二终极野妈妈终极野妈妈 哺乳动物类的妈妈是生产能手。但提到拥有让下一代降临世上最便捷之法的,产卵(蛋)的妈妈一定能获奖。不仅鸟类会产蛋(蛋),鱼类、爬虫类、甚至蜜蜂亦可以。卵(蛋)在动物世界很常见是有理由的。宝宝会在蛋壳里成长,而不是在妈妈的体内。其实,破茧而出是最简单的一步,最艰难的还是要妈妈来做。它要确保其卵(蛋)不会成为其它动物的午餐。在动物世界里,对产卵(蛋)的妈妈来说,最大的挑战是不让卵(蛋)受到破坏。那可是各种捕食者的快餐。这些妈妈愿意冒着生命的危险捍卫它们的卵(蛋)。有的需要妈妈呆在旁边几个月,保持卵(蛋)温暖直到孵化。若保护卵(蛋)是一个挑战,科莫多巨蜥着实应该得到大奖。它会守护蛋长达3个月,这段期间,它什么都不吃。能够成功孵化出28只小哥斯拉,它肯定能角逐“终极妈妈大奖”。第15页,共16页,编辑于2022年,星期二但其它妈妈就艰难多了。这个妈妈要子女降临世上,需要牺牲更多。让我们来认识一下鲑鱼妈妈。它的挑战是横越几千里,回去惟一它能产卵的地方它的出生地。令人难以置信的是,它利用它那比人类敏感三万倍的嗅觉,游到目的地。没有人晓得它为何要从大海聚食场游回出生地。但在太平洋生活多年后,这条鲑鱼要游回家乡的溪流产卵。最后一段旅程要游到上游,这实在是很困难的壮举。鲑鱼妈妈要与致命的急流搏斗,还要避开想把它作为下一顿的捕食者,穿过岩石密布的溪流,甚至跃过瀑布。全靠母亲的本能和坚定的决心,鲑鱼妈妈才没有放弃,这可算是终极的挑战了。只有5%的同伴能完成旅程。筋疲力尽、奄奄一息,鲑鱼妈妈终于游到它的出生地。它在这里产下超过一千颗卵,雄性鲑鱼就负责令卵子受精。但不到一星期,鲑鱼妈妈及其它完成生育旅程的同伴都会死去,把这个育儿室变成坟墓。很显然它战胜了挑战,为了下一代牺牲了自己的性命。而它珍贵的卵子将孵化成小鲑鱼,然后沿着下游游到大海,开始自己的征程,直到它们成为超级妈妈,并作出自己的终极牺牲。第16页,共16页,编辑于2022年,星期二