秘密启用前2022届山东省聊城市普通高中高三下学期4月二模考试英语试题祝考试顺利 (含答案) 本试卷分三局部,共1总分值120分。考试用时100分钟。 第一局部 阅读(共两节,总分值50分)第一节(共15小题;每题2. 5分,总分值37. 5分)阅读以下短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最正确选项。AReceiver: Marvin Jones Date: December 27, 2021Street address: 117 New Cavendish Street, London, WlT5DU, United Kingdom PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIALAs a result of d i scuss i on and successfuI comp Iet i on of two test translations under commerc i a I conditions dur i ng your visit, 15 m p I eased to i nform you of your emp I oyment at our off i ce. The principal terms are as fol lows.Position: STAFF TRANSLATOR AND CHECKER.Start i ng date: February 1, 2022.Working hours: FuI I time. 35 hours per week. Core hours are from 9:00 to 17:00 with 60 minutes for Iunch. Flexibi Iity is subject to approvaI.Holidays: 20 days per year pI us a I I pub Iic hoiidays.Dut ies: Your principal dut ies are trans I at ion from Norwegian and Swed i sh i nto Engli sh and check i ng other trans IatorsJ trans I at i ons. AI so, it' s expected that you5 I I be exposed to texts i n Dan i sh on occas i on.D. Make the worId better with a simple method.14 What' s the author5 s attitude to the consumption of the solar power and wind power?A. Uncertain.B. Cautious.C. Unconfident. D. DoubtfuI.15. Wh i ch of the fol lowing i s the advantage of Power-to-X techno Iog i es?A. They can ad just power suppIy.B. They can conserve energy.C. They he Ip make more eIectr i c i ty.D. They can create power from wind and sun.【1215题答案】【答案】12. D 13. C 14. D 15. A【解析】【导语】本文为一篇说明文。讲述了当今世界在变化,第四次工业革命带来了巨大的变化,同时 也给未来带来了更多的机会和新的挑战,因此我们解决环境问题的方式应该多样化。【12题详解】主旨大意题。根据第二段“In any per iod of rapid change there i s a trend to look for a simple method, to greet the new th i ngs and rep I ace the o I d way of do i ng th i ngs. But a cIose Iook at the facts tells a d i fferent story. Comp I ex prob Iems requ i re many solutions working in harmony to enable positive change.(在任何快速变化的时期,都有 一种趋势,那就是寻找一种简单的方法,迎接新事物,取代旧的做事方式。但仔细观察这些事实, 就会发现一个不同的故事。复杂的问题需要许多协调一致的解决方案来促成积极的变化)”可 知,第二段主要说明解决问题不能一味追求简单的方法,有的问题应该用多种方法协调解决。故 选Do【13题详解】细节理解题。根据文章第三段的"And while technologies offer new tool s to he I p uncover solutions, the process a I so requ i res hard work, imagination and Iots of improvement.(虽然技术提供了新的工具来帮助发现解决方案,但这个过程也需要艰苦的工作、 想象力和大量的改进)”可知,作者希望科学家和工程师带着想象力努力工作,以提供解决方案。 应选C。【14题详解】推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段的"We cannot contro I sunsh i ne I eve I s or dec i de when the wi nd bIows, wh i ch means so I ar power and wi nd power generators wiI I produce too much or too I ittIe energy at times. The transition to renewabIes needs to take account of serious considerations.(我们无法控制阳光,也无法决定什么时候有风,也就是说太阳能 站和风能站有时会产出太多或太少的能量。向可再生能源的过渡需要认真考虑)”可知,作者认 为太阳能和风能是我们无法控制的,需要认真考虑向可再生能源的过渡。由此推知,作者对使用 太阳能和风能持怀疑态度。应选D。【15题详解】细节理解题。根据最后一段的 “Power - to-X technologies enab I e spare energy created by renewabIes to be stored and red i str i buted when and where it i s needed. (Power-to-X 技术使可再生能源产生的闲置能源能够在需要的时候和地点进行存储和再分配)”可 知,Power-to-X可以在适当的时间和地点进行储存和再分配,即它的优势是调整能源供应。故 选Ao第二节(共5小题;每题2. 5分,总分值12. 5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Green exerc i se i s a term used to descr i be any type of phys i ca I exerc i se that takes p I ace i n a natura I env i ronment, rather than in a hea I th club or gym. 16 Instead, it re I ies on the use of natura I means of taki ng part i n act i v it i es that improve strength and endurance with as I i ttIe re I i ance on equ i pment as poss i bIe.17 For examp Ie, some consider a truIy naturaI exercise exper i ence requ i res that the i nd i v i duaI wear cIoth i ng on Iy made from naturaI f i bers. Others cons i der barefoot (赤脚的)runn i ng or walking wou I d be greener and thus be more des i rab I e than running or walking with shoes.A sI i ghtIy d i fferent approach to green exerc i se puts more stress on fresh a i r, sunshine, and invoIvement with the naturaI worIdf rather than the equipment or cIothing 18 In I ike manner, cI imbing a mountain using standard used dur ing the exerc i se. equ i pment and protect i ve cIoth i ng wouId a I so be cons i dered green exerc i se.Many cons i der green exerc i se he I ps to reconnect human be i ngs w i th the natura I wor I d. The i nteract i on with nature he Ips to Iower people' s bIood pressure, refresh the i rmind, and actuaI Iy improve thei r seIf-esteem (自尊).19Not everyone be I i eves that green exerc i se i s more benef i c i a I than work i ng out i n a health cIub or gym. 20 MeanwhiIe, the use of fitness devices may result in more chai I eng i ng workouts, wh i ch he I p strengthen the heart and I ungs i n ways that more simpI istic exercise in a naturaI setting would be difficult to manage.A. Spirits are a I so be I ieved to be positively affected.B. A green gym uses as Ii ttIe equ i pment as poss i bIe.C. Al I forms of green exerc i se are good for you.D. Op i n i ons on what truIy green exerc i se means d i ffer.E. Besides, i t usua I I y doesn* t use f i tness equipment that i s norma I I y found i n a gym.F. So riding a b i eye Ie i n a forest can be cal led a type of green exerc i se.G. Some po i nt out that many hea I th c I ubs are constructed to make ful I use of natura I I ight.【1620题答案】【答案】16. E 17. D 18. F 19. A 20. G【解析】【导语】本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了一种新的运动方式一绿色运动,不同于在使用健身 房的健身设施,更强调与大自然的接触,说明其利弊。【16题详解】根据上文 “Green exercise is a term used to descr ibe any type of physical exercise that takes p I ace i n a natura I env i ronment rather than i n a health c I ub or gym.(绿色运 动是一个术语,用于描述在自然环境中进行的任何类型的体育锻炼,而不是在健身俱乐部或健 身房中。)”开头介绍绿色运动不同于在健身房的锻炼,空格处承上启下,以及后文的 "Instead/5说明空格处的意义与后文相反。因此,空格处应继续说明绿色运动与健身房运动的不同之处,选项E项提到了 “gym”,与上下文一致。应选E。【17题详解】根据后文 “For examp I e, some cons i der a tru I y natura I exerc i se exper i ence requ i res that the i nd i v i dua I wear cIoth i ng on Iy made from naturaI f i bers. Others cons i der barefoot running or walking with a big arena to be more desi rabIe than running or walking with shoes.(例如,一些人认为,真正自然的运动体验要求人只穿天然纤维制成的衣服。其他人那么认 为赤脚跑步或在大型竞技场上行走,比穿着鞋子跑步或行走更可取从两个方面举例说明了 两种不同的绿色运动方式。因此空格处总结性说明不同的人,对于什么是真正的绿色运动观点 不同。应选D。【18题详解】根据后文 “Similarly, cl imbing a mounta i n us i ng standard equ i pment and protect i ve c Ioth i ng would a I so be cons idered a green exerc i se.(同样,使用标准设备和防护服爬山 也将被视为绿色运动。)”说明什么样的锻炼会被视为绿色运动,由“In like manner"可知, 空格处也是F介绍绿色运动的类型,而F项中“can be cal led a type of green exercise” 与后文中的"also be considered a green exercisen结构一致,都是在介绍绿色运动的类型。 应选Fo【19题详解】根据前文 uThe i nteract i on w i th nature he I ps to I ower peop I es5 blood pressure, refresh thei r mind, and actuaI Iy improve thei r seIf-esteem.(与大自然的互动有助于降低人们 的血压,更新他们的思维,并实际上提高他们的自尊。)”介绍了绿色运动对于身体、头脑和心 理健康的优点,而A项承接上文,接着说明了绿色运动在精神上的积极影响。应选Ao20题详解】根据上文 "Not everyone be I i eves that the green exerc i se i s more benef i c i a I than working out in a health club or gym.(并非所有人都认为绿色运动比在健身俱乐部或健身 房锻炼更有益。)”可知,该段在介绍另一种观点,指出使用健身器材锻炼也有好处,以及“Meanwhile,”后文说明使用健身器材有利于增强心肺功能。因此,空格处也是在讲述健身 俱乐部或者健身房的优点,G项中的“many health clubs”与上文的"in a health club or gym” 上下一致。应选G。第二局部 语言运用(共两节,总分值30分)第一节(共15小题;每题1分,总分值15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项。When I was a boy, I spent much time playing a I one. I d i dn* t 21 too much, though. I I i ved outs i de town, next to a forest where oaks (橡树)were my 22 I wouId s i t i n the i r shade and enjoy the i r peace.Therefore it was so 23 for me when I was in 24 in a wood processing factory. It wasn5 t just the back-breaking work, Iong 25 and Iow pay. 11 was a I so see i ng trees be i ng cut. The red oak tree were 26 affected because they made the prett i est hardwood fIoor i ng.One afternoon after a long day' s work, I decide to take a waIk in the 27 As I wandered, I was filled w i th 28for chiIdhood days. Fee Ii ng so down, Idropped my head and that was when I 29 it: a red oak acorn (橡子)that had somehow 30 hungry animals a I I winter I ong. Someth i ng I' d read once31 me at that moment “An acorn 32 a forest eventuaI Iy if it【2厂35题答案】【答案】21. C 22. D【2厂35题答案】【答案】21. C 22. D23. B24. C25. A 26. B 27. B 28. A 29.wants!“ I smi led, and carefuI Iy33_that I ittIe acorn.Then I headed home,no I onger34, for I a I soreaIi zed i n our I i fe we a Il_35as anacorn,but whether our future i s a forest or not i s up to us.21. A.demandB. changeC.mindD.not i ce22. A.she ItersB. hopesC.favor i tesD.companions23. A.surpr i s i ng B. toughC.impress i veD.vital24. A.troubIeB. bus i nessC.empIoymentD.I uck25. A.hoursB. meet i ngsC.breaksD.fI i ghts26. A.equaIlyB. heavilyC.rare I yD.sudden Iy27. A.factoryB. woods0.mounta i nsD.town28. A.Iongi ngB. concernC.regretD.struggle29. A.rece i vedB. rememberedC.recogn i zedD.spotted30. A.encountered B. I eftC.surv i vedD.fed31. A.foundB. d i sappo i ntedC.gu i dedD.struck32. A.becomesB. preservesC.ref I ectsD.represents33. A.co I IectedB. p i ekedC.p I antedD.examined34. A.fearfuIB. hes itantC.worr iedD.depressed35. A.f i ght back B. start outC.step forwardD.break through30. C 31. D30. C 31. D32. A 33. C 34. D 35. B【解析】【导语】本文是夹叙夹议文,主题语境是“人与自我”。作者从小以森林为伴,当他长大后在木 材加工厂工作时,劳累的工作以及看着美丽的树木被砍伐使他心情沮丧。后来他在森林散步时 发现了一颗橡子,他把它种下来,期待橡子能长成一片森林。21题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:不过我并不介意。A. demand要求;B. change变化;C. mind思 维;D. notice注意。根据下文的“though”可知,作者虽然小时候很多时候都是一个人玩, 但他并不太介意。应选C项。22题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:我住在城外,紧挨着一片森林,橡树是我的同伴。A. shelters遮蔽, 庇护;B. hopes 希望;C. favorites 工厂;D. companions 同伴。根据上文的“I spent much time playing alone,", though” 和下文的 “sit i n thei r shade and en joy the i r peace” 可知,这些橡树是作者的同伴。应选D项。23题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:因此,当我在一家木材加工厂工作时,这对我来说太难了。A. surprising令人惊讶的;B. tough困难的;C. impressive让人印象深刻的;D. vital至 关重要的。根据下文的"It wasn5 t just the back-breaking work, long 5, and Iowpay. It was also seeing trees being cut.”以及对作者沮丧状态的描写可知,作者在木材 加工厂工作,这些让他感到煎熬。应选B项。24题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:因此,当我在一家木材加工厂工作时,这对我来说太难了。A. trouble 麻烦;B. bus i ness 生意;C. emp I oyment 雇佣、就业;D. I uck 运气。根据下文 u0ne afternoon after a long day5 s work”可知,作者在木材加工厂工作。应选C项。25题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:这不仅仅是累人的工作、工作时间长,工资也低。A. hours小时; B. meetings 会议;C. breaks 休息;D. flights 打斗。根据上文的"back-breaking (使人 极度劳累的,累断腰的)”可知,这里指工作时间长。应选A项。【26题详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:红橡树受到了严重影响,因为它们制作了最漂亮的硬木地板。A.equal ly平等地;B. heavi ly严重地;C. rarely罕见地;D. suddenly突然。根据空后 "because they made the prettiest hardwood flooring”可知,红橡树因为可以被用来制作最漂亮的硬木地板而受到严重影响。应选B项。【27题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:一天下午,在漫长的一天工作之后,我决定去树林里散步。A. factory 工厂;B. woods树林;C. mounta i ns山脉;D. town城镇。结合下文的ua red oak acorn (橡 子)" 以及"An acorn 12 a forest eventua I I y i f i t wants” 可知,作者来到小时候玩耍的树林散步。应选B项。28题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我漫步时,我对童年充满了怀念。A. longing憧憬,怀念;B. concern 担忧;C. regret 遗憾;D. struggle 挣扎。根据第一段"I would sit in thei r shade and enjoy their peace.(我会坐在它们的树荫下,享受他们的宁静。)”可知,作者很享受自 己的童年时光。所以长大后作者在树林闲逛时,心中充满了对童年时光的怀念。应选A项。29题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:我情绪低落,低下头,就在这时我发现了它:一颗红色 橡子,不知 怎么的,它整整一个冬天都没有被饥饿的动物吃掉而幸存了下来。A. received收到;B. remembered记得;C. recognized识别出;D. spotted发现。此处指作者低头时看见了一颗 橡子。spotted “发现”符合文意,应选D项。30题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:我情绪低落,低下头,就在这时我发现了它:一颗红色的橡子,不知 怎么的,它整整一个冬天都没有被饥饿的动物吃掉而幸存了下来。A. encountered遭遇;B. left离开;C. survived幸存,继续存在;D. fed喂养。结合语境和常识,这颗种子既然被作 者发现,说明它没有被饥饿的动物吃掉。survive ”渡过难关、从(困难)中挺过来”、继续存 在,符合句意。应选C项。31题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:那一刻,我突然想起曾经读到的一句话:“一颗橡子最终会变成一 片森林,如果它愿意的话!" A. found找到;B. disappointed使失望C. guided带着,指导;D. struck打击,(想法)突然出现。那一刻,作者曾经读过的这句话"An acorn 12 a forest eventua I I y if it wants!,J突然出现在他的脑海中。strike常用义为“打、击、撞”, 在文中表示“突然出现、突然想起"。应选D项。32题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:那一刻,我突然想起曾经读到的一句话:“一颗橡子最终会变成一 片森林,如果它愿意的话! " A. becomes成为;B. preserves保护,保存;C. ref I ects反射, 反映,表达;D. represents代表。根据句意,种子变成森林,become是系动词,应选A项。33题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:我微笑着,小心翼翼地种下了那颗小橡子。A. collected收集;B. p i eked 采摘;C. p I anted 种植;D. examined 检查。根据上文的 “An acorn becomes a forest eventual ly if it wants."可知,作者希望这颗种子变成树林,故他会小心翼翼地种下那颗种 子。应选C项。34题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然后我回家,不再沮丧,因为我也意识到在我们的生活中,我们都 是从橡子开始的,但我们的未来是否是一片森林取决于我们自己。A. fearful害怕的;B. hesitant犹豫的、踌躇的;C. worried担忧的;D. depressed沮丧的。根据上文“Feeling so down"以及"no longer"可知,作者前后的心理形成比照,所以此处不再沮丧。应选D项。35题详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:然后我回家,不再沮丧,因为我也意识到在我们的生活中,我们都是 从橡子开始的,但我们的未来是否是一片森林取决于我们自己。A. fight back抗争,还击、斗 争;B. start out开始(生活、职业、重要阶段);C. step forward主动站出来;D. break through突破,冲破。此处是文章主旨的升华,作者意识到每个人刚开始都像橡子一样,未来能 否成为森林取决于自己。应选B项。第二节(共10小题;每题1.5分,总分值15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Recognizing a cat' s emotions from its face is often hard, even for its owners, Now, researchers from Canada5 s Un i vers ity of Guelph insist that cats a I so express emot i ons on the i r faces-one just has to I earn how to interpret 36 (they)!For the i r study, Professors Lee N i eI and Georg i a Mason surveyed6,30037 (volunteer) from 85 countr ies. The participants 38 (show) the cats' faces from a ser i es of short v i deos.The researchers, who pub I i shed the i r f i nd i ngs i n the November 2019 i ssue of Animal We I fare, found that on Iy 819 part i c i pants were abIe to read the cats'emotions 39 (accurate) over 75 percent of the time. Further research showed that the so-caI Ied “cat whisperers“ were primari ly women and veterinarians, and younger adults a I so seemed to be able to read the express i ons even 40 (we I I) than older i nd i v i dua I s.Surpr i s i ng Iy, be i ng a cat owner d i d not he I p to read cats' emot ions, i nd i cat i ng that a strong attachment to the animal did not necessar i Iy mean 41 better understand i ng of its emot ions.The researchers be I ieve cats5 express i ons can be I earned overt i me, 42 exp Iains why veter i nary (兽医的)staff scored h i gh 43 the study. “This i s important to be able to do because it could he I p strengthen the bond between owners and cats, and so improve cat care and welfare,“ sa i d N i eI.44 (f i nd) out i f you have what i t takes to be a “cat wh i sperer" , take the fun cat faces qui z 45 (create) by the study1 s researchers.【3645题答案】【答案】36. themvolunteers37. were shownaccurate Iy38. better 41. awh i ch 43. i n44. To findcreated【解析】【导语】本文是一篇说明文。主要讲了从猫的脸上识别猫的情绪是一件困难的事情。但加拿大 圭尔夫大学的研究人员坚持认为,猫也会在脸上表达情感一人们只需学会如何解读它们就可 以了。文章介绍了就此进行的一些实验。36题详解】考查代词。句意:现在,加拿大圭尔夫大学的研究人员坚持认为,猫也会在脸上表达情感一 人们只需学会如何解读它们就可以了!空白处作interpret的宾语,指代上文emotions应用 them。故填 thenio37题详解】考查名词的数。句意:在这项研究中,李尼尔教授和乔治亚梅森教授调查了来自85个国家的6300名志愿者。volunteer “志愿者”为可数名词,空格前有基数词6, 300,空格处填其复数形 式。故填 volunteers。38题详解】考查时态和语态。句意:研究人员向参与者展示了一系列短视频中的猫的脸。主语part ici pants 与shown之间是被动关系,根据前文的时态可知此处用一般过去时的被动语态,注意主谓一致。 故填 were showno39题详解】考查副词。句意:研究人员将他们的研究结果发表在2019年11月的动物福利杂志上,他 们发现只有13%的人,即819名参与者,能够在75%以上的情况下准确读出猫的情绪。修饰谓语“were ab I e to read”用副词。故填 accurate I y。40题详解】考查比拟级。句意:进一步的研究说明,所谓的“猫语者”主要是女性和兽医。年轻人似乎比 年长者更能读懂猫的表情。根据空格后的“than”可知空格填副词well的比拟级。故填better。41题详解】考查冠词。句意:令人惊讶的是,养猫对研究参与者并没有什么帮助,这说明对猫的强烈依恋并 不一定意味着更好地理解它的情感。结合句意表达“更加理解"为a better understanding of, better的发音是辅音音素开头,故填a042题详解】考查定语从句。句意:研究人员认为猫的表情是可以通过时间习得的,这也解释了为什么兽医 人员在这项研究中得分较高。分析可知空格处引导非限制性定语从句,修饰前面整个句子,从句 缺少主语,故用关系代词which。故填which。43题详解】考查介词。句意:研究人员认为猫的表情是可以通过时间习得的,这也解释了为什么兽医人员The fol lowing are your