生物学导论生物学导论biology现在学习的是第1页,共35页Chap 19 Nutrition Food and Diet现在学习的是第2页,共35页Contentsn n19.1 Living Things as Chemical Factories19.1 Living Things as Chemical Factoriesn n19.2 Kilocalories,Basal Metabolism,and Weight Control19.2 Kilocalories,Basal Metabolism,and Weight Controln n19.3 The Chemical of Your Diet19.3 The Chemical of Your Dietn n19.4 Amounts and Sources of Nutrients(self-learning)19.4 Amounts and Sources of Nutrients(self-learning)n n19.5 The Food Guide Pyramid with Five Food Groups19.5 The Food Guide Pyramid with Five Food Groupsn n19.6 Eating Disorders19.6 Eating Disordersn n19.7 Deficiency Diseases19.7 Deficiency Diseasesn n19.8 Nutrition Through the Life Cycle19.8 Nutrition Through the Life Cyclen n19.9 Nutrition for Fitness and Sports(self-learning)19.9 Nutrition for Fitness and Sports(self-learning)现在学习的是第3页,共35页Key termsn nAbsorption Absorption 吸收吸收吸收吸收n nAnorexia nervosaAnorexia nervosa神经性厌食症神经性厌食症神经性厌食症神经性厌食症n nAssimilationAssimilation同化同化同化同化n nBasal metabolic rateBasal metabolic rate基础代谢基础代谢基础代谢基础代谢率率率率n nBulimiaBulimia易饿症易饿症易饿症易饿症n nCalorieCalorie卡路里卡路里卡路里卡路里n nDigestionDigestion消化消化消化消化n nFood guide pyramidFood guide pyramid金字塔食金字塔食金字塔食金字塔食物指南物指南物指南物指南n nIngestionIngestion摄取摄取摄取摄取n nKilocalorieKilocalorie大卡大卡大卡大卡n nKwashiorkorKwashiorkor恶性营养不良恶性营养不良恶性营养不良恶性营养不良n nMineralMineral矿物质矿物质矿物质矿物质n nNutritionNutrition营养营养营养营养n nObeseObese肥胖的肥胖的肥胖的肥胖的n nSpecific dynamic action Specific dynamic action(SDA)(SDA)食物特殊动力作用食物特殊动力作用食物特殊动力作用食物特殊动力作用n nVitamin-deficiency diseaseVitamin-deficiency disease维生维生维生维生素缺乏症素缺乏症素缺乏症素缺乏症现在学习的是第4页,共35页19.1 Living things as chemical factories:Matter and Energy Manipulatorsn nNutrients:molecules required to support living thingsn nNutritionn nA branch of sciencen nProcesses by which we take in food and utilize itIngestion,digestion,absorption,assimilationIngestion,digestion,absorption,assimilationn nGenetic material,DNA,control the interconversion processes现在学习的是第5页,共35页19.2 Kilocalories,Basal Metabolism,and Weight controln nKilocalorie 大卡大卡:the unit used to measure the amount of energy in foods n n1 kilocalorie=the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water 1Cn n1 kilocalorie(C)=1000 calorie现在学习的是第6页,共35页Basal metabolic raten nBasal metabolic rate(BMR,基础代谢率基础代谢率):the rate at which the body uses energy when at restn nFactors affect BMR:age,sex,climate,altitude,physical condition,hormones,previous diet,percentage of weight that is fat,and time of yearnSpecific dynamic action(SDA)食物特殊动力作用食物特殊动力作用:amount of energy needed to process the food,10%of total daily kilocalorie intakenActivity level现在学习的是第7页,共35页n nBody mass index(BMI,体重指数体重指数)weight in kilograms BMI=(height in meter)2 Ideal BMI:18.525kg/m2现在学习的是第8页,共35页n nWeight control:a matter of balancing the kilocalories ingested 摄取with those of expendedn nDecreasing or increasing 5001000 kilocalories per day 12 pounds(0.450.9 kilogram)per week现在学习的是第9页,共35页n nSteps in weight control:n nCheck with your physiciann nDetermine the number of kilocalories you are consumingn nReduce the amount of food or increase your intake:1200 kilocaloriesn nAnother valuable way is an increase in exercise while keeping food intake constantn nInsisting现在学习的是第10页,共35页19.3 The chemical composition of your dietn nKinds of nutrients:n nCarbohydrates(碳水化合物碳水化合物)n nLipids(脂类脂类)n nProteins(蛋白质蛋白质)n nVitamins(维生素维生素)n nMinerals(矿物质矿物质)n nWater(水分水分)现在学习的是第11页,共35页Carbohydrates n nCarbohydrate:monosaccharides or disaccharides,starch(primary form of carbohydrate we obtained),glycogen,cellulosen nFunction:n nUtilized in cellular respiration to provide energyn nUsed as building blocks in the manufacture of molecules such as nucleic acidn nA source of fiber that slows the absorption of nutrients and stimulates peristalsis 蠕动蠕动 in the intestinal tract现在学习的是第12页,共35页Lipids n nSubclasses of lipids:Subclasses of lipids:n nPhospholipids(磷脂磷脂):essential components of cell membranesn nSteroids(类固醇类固醇):many are hormones,cholesterol 胆固醇胆固醇n nTrue fats(triglycerides,甘油三磷脂甘油三磷脂):source of energy,essential fatty acids,dissolve some vitaminsn nDefending from cold and heat loss,shock absorber Defending from cold and heat loss,shock absorber n nGive pleasant taste,full feeling of a mealGive pleasant taste,full feeling of a meal现在学习的是第13页,共35页Proteins n nFunction:n nEssential components of hemoglobin 血色素血色素and cell membranes,antibodies,enzymes,some hormones,hair,muscle,tissue fiber,collagen 胶原胶原质质n nProvide a last-ditch 最后的最后的 source of energy during starvationn nCannot be stored for later usen nThe amount of protein necessary in the diets is about 50 grams/day现在学习的是第14页,共35页Vitamins n nVitamins are organic molecules,needed in minute amounts to maintain essential metabolic activitiesn nCannot be manufactured by the bodyn nPlay a role in assisting specific enzymes that bring about essential biochemical changes,coenzymes(辅酶辅酶)n nHigh doses of vitamins toxic现在学习的是第15页,共35页Minerals n nAll minerals are inorganic elements n nCannot be synthesized by bodyn nCannot be broken down or destroyed by metabolism or cookingn nCan function as regulators,activators 催化催化剂剂(Mg+),transmitters(Na+,K+)传导物传导物,controllers of enzymatic reaction现在学习的是第16页,共35页Water n nUniversal solventUniversal solventn nAll the chemical reactions in living things take place in All the chemical reactions in living things take place in waterwatern nPrimary component of blood,lymph,body tissue fluids Primary component of blood,lymph,body tissue fluids 组组组组织液织液织液织液n nWastes are eliminated from body dissolved in waterWastes are eliminated from body dissolved in watern nConveyor Conveyor 传输传输传输传输 of heat,wastesof heat,wastesn nEssential reactants in hydrolytic Essential reactants in hydrolytic 水解水解水解水解 reactions of reactions of metabolismmetabolism现在学习的是第17页,共35页19.5 The food guide pyramid with five food groupsGrain products Grain products groupgroupVegetable Vegetable groupgroupFruit groupFruit groupMeat,poultry,fish,Meat,poultry,fish,and dry beans group and dry beans groupDairy products Dairy products groupgroup现在学习的是第18页,共35页Grain products groupn nProvide most of kilocalorie requirements in the form of complex carbohydrates,fiber,vitamin B,mineralsn n611 servings(1 serving=1 slice of bread;1/2 cup of cooked cereal,1 ounce of ready to eat cereal,100 kilocalories)each day现在学习的是第19页,共35页Fruit groupn n2 or 4 serving per day(1 serving=1 medium apple;cup of fruit;cup of juice)n nProvide fiber,carbohydrate,water,vitamins(particularly vitamin C)现在学习的是第20页,共35页Vegetables groupn n34 servings(1 serving=a cup of raw leafy vegetables,cup of other types)each dayn nProvide vitamins,water,minerals,fiber现在学习的是第21页,共35页Dairy products groupn n2 servings(1 serving=1 cup of ice cream,milk,or 2 ounces of cheese)each dayn nProvides minerals,water,vitamins,carbohydrates,protein现在学习的是第22页,共35页Meat,poultry,fish,and dry beans groupn n57 ounces(140 200 grams)per dayn nProtein rich现在学习的是第23页,共35页19.6 Eating disordersn nThree most common eating disorders:n nObesity(肥胖肥胖)n nBulimia(易饿症易饿症)n nAnorexia nervosa(神经性食欲缺乏神经性食欲缺乏)现在学习的是第24页,共35页Obesity n nBMI 30kg/m2n nAffect the peoples health and life spann nImbalance between need for kilocalories and the amount of food aten nPrevailing culturen nGenetic reasonn nChemical imbalance of the nervous system现在学习的是第25页,共35页Bulimia n nBulimia 易饿病易饿病 is a disease condition in which the person has a cycle of eating binges 狂欢狂欢 followed by purging the body of the food by inducing vomiting 呕吐呕吐 or using laxatives 轻泻剂轻泻剂现在学习的是第26页,共35页Anorexia nervosan nA nutritional deficiency disease 营养缺乏症营养缺乏症,characterized by severe,prolonged weight loss as a result of a voluntary severe restriction in food intaken nThis disease is thought to stem from social and cultural factors现在学习的是第27页,共35页19.7 Deficiency diseases 营养缺乏症营养缺乏症n nProtein-deficiency diseasen nKwashiorkor(恶性营养不良恶性营养不良):distended 扩大的扩大的 belly,slow growth,slow movement,emotionally depressed现在学习的是第28页,共35页n nStarvation:Starvation:n nVitamin-deficiency disease Vitamin-deficiency disease 维生素缺乏症维生素缺乏症维生素缺乏症维生素缺乏症:rare:rare现在学习的是第29页,共35页19.8 Nutrition through the life cyclen nInfancy(birth to 12 months):n nFirst growth spurtn nA persons total energy requirements per kilogram are highest:100 kilocalories per kilogram of body weight per dayn n50%for basal metabolic raten nHuman breast milk is the most appropriate food现在学习的是第30页,共35页n nChildhood(1 year to puberty 青春期青春期)n nGrow lower than infancyn nProtein,minerals,and vitamins should be enoughn nMultivitamin supplements should be care现在学习的是第31页,共35页n nAdolescence青春期青春期n nThe body changes from nonreproductive to reproductiven nSecond growth spurtn nMales require more certain nutrients(protein,vitamin A,magnesium镁镁,and zinc锌锌)than femalesSimilar proportion of body fat and muscle,15%19%Female body fat increases to 23%Males decrease to 12%Before pubertyDuring puberty现在学习的是第32页,共35页n nAdulthood n nPeople who have completed the changes associated with adolescence are considered to have entered adulthoodn nDuring adulthood,body enters a plateau phase稳稳定期定期,and diet and nutrition focus on maintenance and disease preventionn nThe two minerals that demand special attention are calcium and iron,especially for women现在学习的是第33页,共35页n nNutritional needs associated with pregnancy 孕妇孕妇 and lactation 哺乳期哺乳期n nIncreased by 300 kilocalories per dayn nAt least 65 grams protein per dayn nFolic acid 叶酸叶酸 and ironn nOld agen nSupplement of vitamin,n nSupplement of mineral现在学习的是第34页,共35页Summaryn nNutrients,Content of nutritionn nKilocalorien nFunction of Carbohydrates,Lipids,Proteins,Carbohydrates,Lipids,Proteins,Vitamins,Minerals and Watern nBasal metabolic rate,Body mass indexn nFive food groupsn nEating disorders:Obesity,Bulimia,Anorexia nervosa现在学习的是第35页,共35页