浅蓝色部分是答案判断题1. Business areas can be defined for more than one company code. True False2. The company code represents an independent company in the legal sense, for which acomplete set of accounts can be drawn up for purposes of external reporting. True False3. You create a return for goods sent back from a dissatisfied customer.Returns are processed in the same way as debit memo requests. True False4. A sales organization can be assigned to more than one company code. True False5. Business area represents an independent company in the legal sense, for which acomplete set of accounts can be drawn up for purposes of external reporting. True False6. A sales organization can also sell products supplied by a plant that is assigned to adifferent company code (inter-company sales processing). True False7. There are billing item category in system, and it controls the whole billing document. True FalseBilling type8. In Customizing for the billing type, you can determine whether billing is to becarried out with reference to a delivery or an order. True FalseBoth are ok9. You can only reference a delivery when creating an invoice. True False10. To cancel a billing document, you must create a cancellation document. True False11. You can control in Customizing whether the system is to set a billing blockautomatically for a credit or debit memo request. True False12. The invoice correction request represents a credit memo requests. They are the same. True False13. In invoice correction request, If other item pairs arise from the relevant billing document and these item pairs are unchanged, they can be deleted in one step, using the Delete unchanged items function. True False14. You must always refer to an existing document when creating a billing document. True False15. For delivery-based billing, the quantities to be billed, for example, can be taken fromthe underlying order; the prices, however are taken from the delivery. True False16. With the requirements in copying control you can, for example, specify whether goodsissue has to be posted before billing can be carried out. And you cannot define your own requirements. You have to always use the standard requirements True False17. If a billing document cannot be created, due to a billing block, for example, the systemwill issue an error log. True False18. You cannot create invoices using a background job. True False19. Using the general billing interface, you can invoice external documents in the SAPsystem (that is, orders and deliveries not created in the SAP system). True False20. You can configure the SAP system to create one billing document for each salesdocument. True False21. You can create new billing types or redefine existing ones in the standard system tomeet the requirements of your company installation. True False多选题1. Which statements are correct about Billing?A The billing document represents the final function in the SD process chain.B The billing document has different effects on various areas of the system.C Creates a work list for billing when create invoices post goods issue will creat a work list for billingD An important part of billing is the interface to Financial Accounting.2. In Billing Document, the header contains the general data that is valid for the entire billing document.This includes: 付款时间、人物、金额A Material numberB Customer number of the payerC Billing dateD Net value of the entire billing document3. Which statements are correct ?A The data in the billing document can be displayed on different screensB The graphical user interface of the programs for processing billing documents has been ergonomically improved.C Tab pages at header and item level and the use of flexible tables are an important part of these improvements.D You can go directly to the tab page you want by choosing Goto on the Overview screen and thus switch between the Overview, Header, and Item screens.4. When you make customizing settings for Organizational Units How to ProceedWhich statements are correct ?A In the first step, you define your own organizational structure in the relevant data views.B In the next step, you assign the various organizational units to each other.C Set up your organizational structure carefully and consistently, making sure that you take into account all the areas of your company.D Try to set up your organizational structure as efficiently as possible.5. Which the effects when billing?A Updating the document flowB Creating documents in Financial Accounting C Updating billing statusD Reduces inventory stock goods issue posted6. Which statements are correct ?A The sales Organization represents an independent company in the legal sense, for which acomplete set of accounts can be drawn up for purposes of external reporting.B Sales organizations and plants can be assigned to more than one company codes.C A plant can also be assigned to several sales organizations.D A sales organization can also sell products supplied by a plant that is assigned to a different company code (inter-company sales processing).7. Which statements are correct for Organization in Accounting ?A Each company code in the system uses general ledger accounts from several chartof accounts. Only oneB General ledger accounts within a chart of accounts are unique.C You can name the chart of accounts to meet your specific requirements.D In Financial Accounting, the business transactions are created, saved, processed andposted at company code level.8. Which statements are correct?A You can create several company codes for each client, in order to carry out accounting for several independent companies.B There must always be at least two company codes.C Because a unique assignment is made between sales organization and company code,the company code is automatically determined when you enter the relevant salesorganization in the sales order.D A company code may be divided into multiple business areas.9. Which statements are correct for Billing Type Controls?A You cannot create new billing types in the standard system.B Many of the control parameters in the billing type influence further processing inFinancial Accounting (posting block, account determination).C Using new fields in the billing type, you can map special features of the Sales andDistribution/Financial Accounting interface, such as document type, negative posting,branch/head office, and value dated credit memosD You can also use the report SDCHECKVOFA to check various settings within billingtypes for accuracy and consistency.10. Which statements are correct for Billing Type Proposal?A In Customizing for the sales document type, you can determine whether billing is to becarried out with reference to a delivery or an order. bothB The system proposes a relevant billing type from the underlying sales document type.C You can change the proposed value when creating billing documents by enteringthe required billing type in default data.11. Which statements are correct?A You can reference either an order or a delivery when creating an invoice.B If you want to ensure that goods have already been shipped before an invoice is created, create an invoice with reference to a sales order.C You can use an invoice to refer to an order and a delivery simultaneously.D If you want to invoice a customer for services rendered, normally you create an invoice with reference to the delivery12. Which statements are correct?A To cancel a billing document, you must create a cancellation document.B The system copies data from the reference document into the cancellation and offsets the entry in Accounting.C You need to make an entry in copying control for cancellations. Not have toD You also have the option of canceling individual items in a billing document.13. You can create credit and debit memo requests :A Without reference to a previous business transactionB With reference to an orderC With reference to a delivery deliver与钱无关D With reference to a billing document14. Which statements are correct?A You can release a credit memo request or return by removing the billing block.B Credit memo requests are usually blocked for billing (that is, credit) upon creationuntil the employee responsible releases this block.C You can control in Customizing whether the system is to set a billing block automatically for a credit or debit memo request.D Debit memo requests are processed in the different way from Credit memo requests.15. Which statements are correct for the Invoice Correction Process Flow ?A The invoice correction request represents a combination of credit and debit memo requests.B The invoice correction request must be created without reference to the correspondingbilling document.C When creating an invoice correction request, the items are automatically duplicated.D First all credit memo items are listed, followed by all debit memo items.16. Which statements are correct for pro forma invoices ?A Billing types for pro forma invoices are available for export transactions.B You can create pro forma invoices with reference to orders or deliveries.C You need to post the goods issue before creating a delivery-related pro forma invoice. Not need toD You can create as many pro forma invoices as required, since the billing status in the reference document is not updated.17. Which statements are correct for Cash sale ?A For cash sales, payment is made when the goods are ordered.B The order and the delivery are created in one step, although you receive a document for each.C Posting in Financial Accounting is made to the customer.D Order-related billing18. Each billing document requires a reference document (exception: billing of externaltransactions). This may be:A Sales documentB Outbound deliveryC Billing document19. Which statements are correct for business areas?A The business area represents an organizational unit for which you can carry out external reporting.B A business area may also be shared by several company codes.C Defining a business area is optional.D The relevant business area is determined for each order item according to defined rules.20. The following is a list of billing types in the SAP system. Which are correct?A F2 InvoiceB F8 Pro forma invoiceC G2 Credit memoD L2 Debit memo21. Which statements are correct?A You do not need to refer to an existing document when creating a billing document.B For delivery-based billing, the quantities to be billed, for example, can be taken fromthe delivery; the prices, however are taken from the underlying order.C The reference document is displayed as the source at header level in the copying control table.D Data will then be copied from the reference document to the billing document.22. The following controls are found at item level of Copying Control in the BillingA Billing quantity: Which quantity should be invoiced - the order or delivery quantityB Pricing and exchange rateC Determination of reference numbersD Determination of item numbers23. Which statements are correct for pricing?A The system determines a pricing procedure based on document informationB Individual condition types are stored in this pricing procedure in a corresponding sequence.C An access sequence define the different elements in pricing, such as prices, special offer discounts, and freight surcharges. Condition typeD An access sequence is stored for every condition type. This defines the search strategythe system utilizes when searching for valid condition records.24. At the time of billing, the following possible pricing types may be set for the items(in copy control)A A: The pricing elements are copied from the reference document and updatedaccording to a scale.B B: Pricing is carried out again.C C: The manual pricing elements are copied, and pricing is carried out again for theothers.D D: The pricing elements are copied unchanged from the reference document.E G: The pricing elements are copied unchanged from the reference document. The taxconditions are determined again.F H: The pricing elements are copied unchanged from the reference document. Thefreight is determined again.25. Which statements are correct ?A It is possible for you to bill each month's transactions that are relevant for billing atthe end of the month.B You can specify explicitly which transactions are to be billed by entering the documentnumbers manually.C If a billing document cannot be created, due to a billing block, for example, the systemwill issue an error log.D You cannot select individual items or partial quantities of items to be billed whenbilling deliveries or orders.26. Which statements are correct for Processing billing due lists.A You will not usually bill transactions individually. You are far more likely to carry outperiodic collective billing runs (by goods issue posting, for example).B If you are working with the billing due list, enter the selection criteria (such as sold-toparty, billing date, and destination country). The system uses the selection criteria as abasis for combining the transactions to be billed.C When selecting, you can also decide whether the billing due list should only containdocuments that are order-related, delivery-related, or both.D You can process the billing due list in simulation mode.27. Which statements are correct?A You can process invoices periodically. All deliveries due for billing on a certain datecan be combined into one collective invoice.B For process invoices periodically, maintain individual billing dates in the factory calendar using special rules.C For process invoices periodically, Enter the factory calendar in the customer master record of the payer (Billing schedule on the billing screen).D The calendar is client-dependent. Company-dependent/plant?28. Which statements are correct for Cancellation of Collective Billing RunA You can cancel a collective billing run.B The canceled billing documents are combined under a collective processing number in collective processing type S and can be displayed by choosing Billing document Log.C You can then bill the preceding documents for the canceled billing document again.D Only users with the correct authorization can cancel collective runs.29. Which statements are correct?A In the SAP system, you can include both o