托福高分范文:每周工作3天还是5天比较好托福写作题目Which would you prefer,working 3 days a week with long hours or working 5days a week with short hours?托福写作范文The enhanced flexibility of working modes is a notablesignal to mark the progress of modern society. Indeed, everysocial member is entitled to determine which style of workingbest fits him. People serving in different professional fieldsmay also have varied choices. If I am given the opportunityto decide on my own working schedule, I would prefer towork 3 days a week with long hours instead of working 5days a week with short hours.Firstly, longer working hours within a day might helpenhance working efficiency. During every day of a week atthe office, people are granted ample time to finish theirassigned tasks. Psychologically speaking, their attentioncould be more easily focused, because they have no excuseto postpone what could be done at present until tomorrow.Thus, it is more likely to bring about better results due to thereduction on intermittent work. In most cases, workingcontinuity contributes extensively to better performance. Bycontrast, if only a limited period of time is spent at workduring the daytime, it is impossible to finish a whole taskeffectively. Much work has to be left until the next dayarrives.Secondly, longer weekend gives people enough leisuretime to relax and recover from pressure. Frankly speaking,the traditional two-day holiday each week is far from enoughto recover from the overwhelming stress from work. If thenumber of free days could be doubled, fewer white collarswill be included in the sub-healthy group. Meanwhile, suchan innovative work schedule allows one to make diversifiedplans to relax. He is able to enjoy these resting days to theheart's content. For example, having a good sleep, doingsports, joining in entertaining activities, watching TV,reading funny books, spending happy hours with the family,cooking a big feast, going to the park, or even taking a longjourney, all these joyful things could be done within thelonger weekend.Last, if such a new working plan could be implemented,people no longer need to squeeze into the crowed buses andsubways during rush hours every weekday. Fewer driverswill be trapped in the long queues of waiting cars on themajor urban streets. Thereafter, the traffic jams, which havebecome a major problem in most cities around the globe,might be reduced. Safety of public transportation could beconsiderably enhanced at the same time. These are allpositive phenomenon that mark a significant step towardsocial progress.Undeniably, the flexibility of working schedule can domore good than harm to people's daily life. As long asefficiency is ensured, people should be given more freedomto choose their favorite working and living styles. Judgingfrom all the reasons listed above, I would tend to reiteratemy standpoint that working long hours within 3 days a weekis a better choice.托福写作中文翻译和注释中文翻译:更加灵活的工作模式是现代社会进步的显著标志之一。的确,每个社会成员都有权决定最适合自己的工作方式。不同行业的人也许会有不同的选择。如果让我决定自己的工作日程的话,我更偏向于每天工作时间较长,每周工作3天;而不是每天工作时间较短,每周工作5天。首先,一天内更长的工作时间也许有助于提高工作效率。在每个工作日内,人们会拥有充足的时间去完成分配给他们的任务。从心理角度而言,他们的精力更容易集中,因为没有理由将现在的工作推迟到第二天去做。于是,由于工作中断的次数减少,更可能获得更好的结果。在大多数情况下,持续工作极其有利于改善工作表现。相比之下,如果白天工作时间有限,就无法有效地完成整个工作任务了,很多工作都得推迟到下一个工作日。第二,更长的周末给予人们足够的休闲时间去放松自我并从压力中恢复过来。坦率地讲,若想从巨大的工作压力中恢复过来,每周传统的双休日是远远不够的。如果每周休假天数加倍,那么被纳入“亚健康”人群的白领人数就会减少。与此同时,这种创新的工作日程允许员工制订出丰富多彩的放松计划,并且能够尽情享受闲暇时光。例如,睡一个好觉、进行体育运动、参加娱乐活动、看电视、阅读有趣的图书、与家人共度美好时光、烹饪一顿美餐、逛公园,甚至进行一次长途旅行,这些愉快的事都可以在更长的周末内做到。最后,如果这个新的工作计划得以实施,人们就不再需要在每个工作日高峰时段都挤进拥挤的公共汽车或地铁里上下班了。在主要城市街道上,被困入车辆长队等待的司机人数也会减少。这样,交通堵塞就会得到缓解,而交通堵塞已经成为全球大多数城市面临的主要问题之一。与此同时,公共交通安全系数也会极大提高。这些都是标志着社会进步的积极现象。不能否认,工作日程安排的灵活性对于人们的日常生活来说是利大于弊的。只要工作效率得以保证,人们应该拥有更多自由去选择自己喜欢的工作和生活方式。综上所述,我认为每天工作时间较长,每周工作3天是更好的选择。注释:flexibility n. 灵活性;弹性decide on. 决定.;确定.have no excuse to. 没有借口去.postpone vt. 推迟;拖延reduction n. 减少;削减intermittent adj. 间歇的;断断续续的continuity n. 连贯性;连续double vt. 翻一番;加倍to the heart's content 尽情feast n. 盛宴implement vt. 实施squeeze into. 挤进.rush hours 高峰期a significant step toward. 向.迈出一大步reiterate vt. 重申你是否还想知道:托福写作注意事项托福写作打字速度要求托福写作打字键盘哪一款