国际著名酒店娱乐部程序(英文)-17 ACTIVITIES.314-333精编版[20页].docx
最新资料推荐STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT: ACTIVITIES JOB CATEGORY: BEACH ATTENDANTHEAD: G. M. APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: KNOWING HOW TO TEACH AND GIVE INSTRUCTION TO SMALL AND LARGE GROUPSSTANDARD: ALL STAFF MUST BE ABLE TO TEACH AND GIVE INSTRUCTION EFFECTIVELYPROCEDURE:When giving group or individual instruction at Sheraton the following guidelines must be taken into consideration:1. Instruction must be given clearly and in a loud voice enabling all pupils to hear.2. The instructor must maintain eye contact with the whole group to ensure a relationship is established.3. The content of the lecture should be simple yet interesting.4. The aims should be attainable, yet challenging.5. The teaching should progress in stages, and there should be a improvement through those stages.6. The use of pupil participation must be brought into the lesson. Also a demonstration, where useful, may be use.7. An effective way of testing for results should be stet.8. A concise and simple summary must end each instruction period, and a conclusion. There must be a clear beginning and an end.9. Things to avoid.PROCEDURE: (continued)Do not dwell on any one part of the lesson too long.Do not encourage one pupil more than the others.Do not progress too rapidly.Do not be over familiar with guests.Do not speak too quickly or softly.10. Above all, make any instruction fun and enjoyable and always highlight any achievement, however small.STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT: ACTIVITIES JOB CATEGORY: BEACH ATTENDANTHEAD: G. M. APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: HOW TO TEACH CHILDRENSTANDARD: ALL STAFF MUST HAVE THE ABILITY TO RELATE TO CHILDREN AND TEACH THEM EFFECTIVELYPROCEDURE:Taking into consideration the main guidelines for teaching already given, childrens lessons must be prepared and carried out with other points in mind.- Childrens attention span is shorter, so make instruction periods more concise.- A stress must be placed on fun learning.- Games and competitions are to be used but not at the expense of having winners and losers.- The instructor should be enthusiastic and friendly.- Children will often identify with an instructor and become familiar and relaxed with him. This will help instruction and should be encouraged.- Informality is to be emphasised.- The ages of children are a factor, and this is to be realised.- Children are often nervous and shy initially, in the company of other children, and this must be overcome.Children have a far greater capacity to learn then adults and the ability must be harnessed in instructional periods. In fun games and competitions, a maximum level of participation is to be encouraged, and a careful watch must discouraged or put off in any way.Teaching and organising childrens events can be very rewarding and fun take great care in preparation.STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT: ACTIVITIES JOB CATEGORY: BEACH ATTENDANTHEAD: G. M. APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: ORGANISING MINI-TOURNAMENTSSTANDARD: EACH MEMBER OF STAFF WILL KNOW THE DIFFERENT WAYS OF ORGANISING THE TOURNAMENTS AND WILL BE ABLE TO CARRY THEM OUTPROCEDURE:The mini tournaments to be offered will include:A scrabble tournament.Darts.Soccer.Petanque.Table tennis.Trivial Pursuit etc.Depending on the number of people participating, each tournament will have to have a different format for each eventuality. In general though, the event must be fun, must receive a definite beginning and end, and must be visibly scored. Some of the choices in each tournaments are as follows: -1. Scrabble This event could be a knockout tournament with a draw made for who plays who. It could also be a team event with four or five in a team. Finally it could be a mass event with one group against another.2. Darts Tournament This could be organised a number of ways. One way is to have all participants names at the top and one to ten written down the left hand side. Each person would then have ten goes at a maximum score. After each throw the score would be added to the last producing a continuous score system. After ten goes, the winner would be the one with the highest score. If too many people show up, this could be a good elimination system. Another way is to have a team event, a round the clock event or “301”.PROCEDURE: (continued)1. Soccer This event should be easy enough to arrange into one game. If too many people show up, it can be a knock out tournament or such like.2. Petanque This event could take many forms. It is played in the same way as bowls, but instead of rolling the balls, they are thrown underarm. To create an atmosphere, the attendant could get some fresh music on a tape, and could wear a french outfit with beret. Bread and cheese could also be made available.It could be organised in a knockout or team format such as team A against team B with individual matches bringing in team points.3. Table tennis This could be organised similar to the others with team events in the case of lots of participants, or using a knockout or league system for less people. Games could be shortened if necessary to 10 or 15 points.4. Trivial Pursuit Teams could be organised into tables and a number of rounds could be organised. For example.round 1 questions to all.round 2 team questions.round 3 childrens questions.round 4 female question/male question.round 5 mastermind format.round 6 final competitive round.Scores would be kept at all times and encouragement given.Each mini tournament will be organised tightly and effectively with equipment ready beforehand, guests aware of the rules, and the competition being easy to follow. Care must be taken to prepare beforehand.STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT: ACTIVITIES JOB CATEGORY: BEACH ATTENDANTHEAD: G. M. APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: MANNING THE BEACH BURESTANDARD: PROCEDURE:STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT: ACTIVITIES JOB CATEGORY: BEACH ATTENDANTHEAD: G. M. APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: KNOWING THE VOUCHER AND CONTROL SYSTEMSSTANDARD: PROCEDURE:STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT: ACTIVITIES JOB CATEGORY: BEACH ATTENDANTHEAD: G. M. APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: PREPARATION OF EQUIPMENT FOR ACTIVITIESSTANDARD: EQUIPMENT MUST BE READY IN GOOD TIME FOR EACH ACTIVITY, PREPARED WELL ADVANCE, AND LAID OUT NEATLY.PROCEDURE:1. The equipment Supervisor should check the daily activities and special activities lists for the day.2. He should then make a note of all equipment needed, at what times, and where.3. He should then check all equipment needed for that day and ensure that there are no breakages reported or loss of equipment which could affect the activity.4. It is then the equipment supervisors job to get the appropriate equipment, with the help of the beach attendants, to the appropriate area in good time for each activity.5. When arranging any equipment, for example, aerobics in the ballroom, equipment must be laid out in a nice manner. This may involve spreading out mats, placing tapes and cassette in the room etc. The importance of a guests first impressions of an activity cannot be stressed too heavily.6. On completion of all activities, the equipment Supervisor should ensure the relevant equipment gets returned to the appropriate place. This can be done by telling the attendants to bring the equipment back or by checking personally. Either choice taken the equipment supervisor is responsible for its safe return.STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT: ACTIVITIES JOB CATEGORY: BEACH ATTENDANTHEAD: G. M. APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: PREPARATION FOR LOCAL THEME ACTIVITIESSTANDARD: PROCEDURE:STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT: ACTIVITIES JOB CATEGORY: BEACH ATTENDANTHEAD: G. M. APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: PREPARATION OF VIDEO SHOW EQUIPMENTSTANDARD: PROCEDURE:STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT: ACTIVITIES JOB CATEGORY: BEACH ATTENDANTHEAD: G. M. APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: PREPARATION OF ICE CARVING AND FLAMBE DEMONSTRATIONSSTANDARD: PROCEDURE:STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT: ACTIVITIES JOB CATEGORY: BEACH ATTENDANTHEAD: G. M. APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: KNOWLEDGE OF CHILDRENS PROGRAMMESSTANDARD: ALL STAFF MUST KNOW THE CHILDRENS ACTIVITIES, TIMES, AND FORMAT. THEY SHOULD BE ABLE TO HELP OR ORGANISE EACH ACTIVITYPROCEDURE:ALL STAFF MUST KNOW 1. The programmes form and duration, a handout will be given.2. The special activities programme and each activity handouts again will be given.3. The number of attendants needed for each activity and the basic requirements of each task.4. The handouts will be kept and staff should learn what the activities mean and at what times each event will be held.5. A verbal test will be given.The daily activity list are non-changeable. The special activities lists may be changed at certain times.STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT: ACTIVITIES JOB CATEGORY: BEACH ATTENDANTHEAD: G. M. APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: ISSUE AND RECLAIM OF TOWELS FROM TOWEL BURESTANDARD: PROCEDURE:STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT: ACTIVITIES JOB CATEGORY: BEACH ATTENDANTHEAD: G. M. APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: CHILDRENS TALENT SHOW, EVENT AND PREPARATIONSTANDARD: ALL STAFF SHOULD BE AWARE OF THE FORMAT AND BE ABLE TO PRODUCE THE EVENTPROCEDURE:Preparation for the childrens talent show will be carried out in the childrens meeting at 8.30 a.m. 9.15 a.m. Additional preparation time can be used during the Sunday Matinee movie at 4.30 to 6.00 p.m. The instructor must prepare the children in certain ways:- Give them confidence.- Promote a sense of fun.- He must give encouragement.- He should introduce practical ideas.- He should get fun names for each event.- Costumes when available, should be supplied.- A programme should be drawn up on the board.Ideas for acts: To compare the acts, one child will be chosen.6. One idea would be to invent a theme and make each act conform to it.7. A group song at the beginning or end of the show.8. A dancing act with just girls, then mimicked by the boys in their act.9. Juggling or a strong man act.10. A musical instrument being played.11. A mime to a song.12. An animal tamer with children as the animals.13. A Meke with the children dressed as Fijians.PROCEDURE: (continued)14. A magic act/a poem.10. Any other ideas would be welcome.The preparation for each act would be assisted by the instructor who would make constructive suggestions. The equipment needed would make constructive suggestions. The equipment needed would vary on the number of participants, but would need to be prepared very carefully and meticulously.During the show the instructor should act as a prompter and should take no visible part in the proceedings in between completing the introduction and rounding up with a conclusion.STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT: ACTIVITIES JOB CATEGORY: BEACH ATTENDANTHEAD: G. M. APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: CLEANING OF THE POOL AND POOL AREASTANDARD: POOL SHOULD BE SPARKLING, POOL AREA SHOULD BE SPOTLESS AND CLEANED TWICE DAILY. TRAINING WILL BE CARRIED OUT BY THE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT.PROCEDURE:POOL CLEANING1. The attendant operating the early will do the early pool cleaning as soon as he arrives at work and well before guests wake.2. Pools will then be cleaned according to engineering department directions using the water vacuum and surface cleaning equipment stored in the swim pool plant room.3. Back wash procedures will have to carried out.4. On completion equipments will be cleaned and stored neatly in the swim pool plant room.5. This process will be repeated each morning.POOL AREA CLEANING6. The attendant operating the early shift will begin the pool area cleaning after completion of the pool cleaning, and will be joined by another attendant at the beginning of the second shift.7. Equipment will be removed from the swim pool plant room.8. All litter will be picked up and stored in a portable bin.9. All lounge chairs will then be moved forward and the area behind them will be mopped using a mop, brush, bucket and cleaning liquid.PROCEDURE: (continued)10. This area will then be rinsed using fresh water until no sign of cleaning liquid is visible.11. Chairs will then be cleaned using a detergent, bucket, and wet cloth. Top and bottoms will be cleaned.12. Following this, chairs will be dried using a dry cloth and returned to original places.13. Then all other areas not impeded by the clean lounge chairs will be washed, again using mop, bucket, brush and cleaning liquid.14. This area will then be rinsed thoroughly and brushed until no sign of cleaning liquid is visible.10. Before putting equipment away both attendants will walk around doing a visual check for any places which were missed or any litter not removed. The pools will also be checked visibly.11. When satisfied that all is spotless, equipment is to be cleaned and stored back in the swim pool plant room.STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT: ACTIVITIES JOB CATEGORY: BEACH ATTENDANTHEAD: G. M. APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: CARRYING OUT MISCELLANEOUS ACTIVITIESSTANDARD: ALL STAFF WILL BE FLEXIBLE ENOUGH TO CARRY OUT ACTIVITIES AT SHORT NOTICE AND BRING IN SPECIAL SKILLS OF THEIR OWN SUBJECT TO THE ACTIVITY DIRECTORS APPROVALPROCEDURE:The activities presented