Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date国内快递服务合同示范文本国内快递服务合同示范文本国内快递服务合同示范文本国 家 邮 政 局文 件国家工商行政管理总局国邮发XX193号关于印发国内快递服务合同示范文本的通知各省、自治区、直辖市邮政管理局、工商行政管理局:为规范快递服务,维护消费者的合法权益,国家邮政局和国家工商行政管理总局组织制订了国内快递服务合同示范文本。现予印发,自XX年10月1日起施行。请各省(区、市)邮政管理局、工商行政管理局指导快递企业做好施行工作,要密切注意施行过程中的情况,出现问题及时向国家邮政局、国家工商行政管理总局报告。国家邮政局 国家工商行政管理总局二八年八月十八日gf-XX-0410国内快递服务协议1.快递详情单是本协议的组成部分。本协议自寄件人、快递服务组织收寄人员在快递详情单上签字或盖章后成立。2.快递服务组织依法收寄快件,对信件以外的快件按照国家有关规定当场验视,对禁寄物品和拒绝验视的物品不予收寄。向寄件人提供自快件交寄之日起一年内的查询服务。3.寄件人不得交寄国家禁止寄递的物品,不得隐瞒交寄快件的内件状况,应当依照相关规定出示有效证件,准确、工整地填写快递详情单。4.快递服务组织在服务过程中造成快件延误、毁损、灭失的,应当承担赔偿责任。双方没有约定赔偿标准的,可按照相关法律规定执行。既无约定也无相关法律规定的,从快递服务标准规定。快递服务组织有偿代为封装的,承担因封装不善造成的延误、毁损、灭失责任。5.寄件人违规交寄或填单有误,造成快件延误、无法送达或无法退还,或因封装不善造成快件延误、毁损、灭失的,由寄件人承担责任。6.快递服务组织可以与寄件人约定送达时间,没有约定的从快递服务标准规定。快递服务组织将快件送达收件人,登记收件人有效证件号,经收件人签章,视为送达。收件人是单位的,由单位收件人员签章,加盖该单位收发章,视为送达。7.免责事由从法律法规规定,未尽事宜可由协议双方另行商定。domestic express service agreement1. the express waybill constitutes part of this agreement which shall come into force upon the signature or seal by both the sender and collector on the waybill.2. all collection and delivery activities shall be governed by law. the express service provider would examine right on the spot all items except letters according to relevant rules and regulations, and shall not accept prohibited or unexamined items. tracking and tracing service shall be available within one year as of the collection date.3. the sender shall not consign any prohibited articles, or conceal any information concerning the articles contained in the items to be delivered, shall provide valid certificates as stipulated and fill out the express waybill accurately and carefully.4. the express service provider shall assume the liabilities of compensation for any delay or damage to or loss of items incurred in the process of the service. relevant rules or regulations shall apply in case of unavailability of agreement on compensation standard, and the express service standard in case of absence of both agreement and regulations. the express service provider shall bear the responsibility for any delay or damage to or loss of items arising from pre-paid but improper packaging by the express service provider.5. the sender shall take the responsibility for any delay or failure in delivery or return arising from improper consignment or inaccurate information provided, or any delay or damage to or loss of items incurred in connection with inappropriate packaging by the sender.6. the express service provider may agree on a delivery time with the sender, and the express service standard shall apply in case no such agreement is made. the express item shall be deemed delivered upon recording of receivers id number, signature or seal by the receiver, and/or the company seal if applicable after the express service provider sends it to the addressee.7. relevant rules and regulations shall apply to disclaimer subjects. and matters not mentioned herein may be negotiated later by the two parties to this agreement.国 内 快 递 详 情 单express waybill快递服务组织名称、标识 条形码或编号位置express service provider name & logo barcode or waybill no.寄件人姓名from 联系电话(非常重要)phone (very important) 收件人姓名to 联系电话(非常重要)phone (very important)单位名称company name 单位名称company name寄件地址address-用户代码 邮政编码 customer code postal code 收件地址address- -城市 邮政编码 city postal code文件document 物品 parcel 如系物品,请据实填写内件名称及数量。如需保价,请据实申报保价金额并交纳保价费。please specify the contents and amount of the parcel, declare value for carriage and pay the appropriate charge. 重量 千克weight kg 体积 长 ×宽 ×高 = 厘米3volume l ×w ×h = cm3保价 declaring a value for carriage 保价金额: 万 仟 佰 拾 元(大写)declared value for carriage 付款方式 现金 协议结算 means of payment cash agreement内件品名name of contents 数 量amount- - 资 费charge ¥ 加急费urgency surcharge ¥ 包装费packagingfee ¥ 保价费charge for declared value ¥费用总计total ¥ 1% 2% 3%商定agreement 特别声明special statement 非禁寄品 易碎 加急 其他 non-prohibited articles fragile urgent others 非保价快件赔偿限额compensation limits for articles without declared value 资费2倍 资费5倍 商定 charge x 2 charge x 5 agreement收件人签名receivers signaturey年 m月 d日 h时证件: 证件号:id: id no.: 代签人签名:authorized signatory:y年 m月 d日 h时证件: 证件号:id: id no.:寄件人签名:senders signature y年 m月 d日 h时 收寄人员签章:accepted by (signature)备注remarks单号位置 填写本单前,务请阅读背面快递服务协议!您的签名意味着您理解并接受协议内容。your signature indicates you have read, fully understand and accept the “domestic express service agreement” on the back of this form.请正楷用力填写! 服务电话: 查询电话: 网址:press hard hotline inquiry line website-