古典组织管理理论第1页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六Henri Fayol(18411925)was a French mining engineer,director of mines,and management theorist,who developed independent of the theory of Scientific Management,a general theory of business administration also known as Fayolism.He was one of the most influential contributors to modern concepts of management.法国 1841-1925 西方古典管理理论在法国的最杰出代表。亨利法约尔,法国科学管理专家。管理学先驱之一。1841年生于土耳其伊斯坦布尔,1925年卒于巴黎。早年曾为采矿师,是一位在理论上有特殊发现的地质学者。1860年从圣艾蒂安国立矿业学院毕业后进入康门塔里福尔香堡(Comentry-Fourchambault)采矿冶金公司,成为一名采矿工程师,并在此度过了整个职业生涯。他的一般管理理论也被称为法约尔主义,对现代管理理念产生了重大影响。第2页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六BiographyFayol was born in 1841 in a suburb of Istanbul,Turkey,where his father,an engineer,was appointed superintendent主管 of works to build a bridge.They returned to France in 1847.Fayol studied at the mining school。第3页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六In 1916 he published his experience in the book Administration of industry in general,only a few years after Taylor had published his theory of Scientific Management.第4页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六When 19 years old he started as an engineer at a mining company.He became director in 1888,()when the mine company employed over 1,000 people,and held that position over 30 years until 1918.By 1900 the company was one of the largest producers of iron and steel in France and was regarded as a vital industry.第5页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六FayolismFayolism is one of the first comprehensive综合的statements of表述 a general theory of management developed by Fayol.He has proposed that there are five primary functions of management 管理的五项功能and 14 principles of management14条原则.The five primary functions of management was popularized推广 by Fayol with the acronym缩写 of POCCC:planning,organizing,commanding,corordinating,controling1885年起任法国最大的矿冶公司总经理达30年。在实践和大量调查研究的基础上,提出了管理功能理论。将管理作为一个学科进行传授。1916年工业管理与一般管理问世,是他一生管理经验与管理思想的总结,他认为他的管理理论虽然是以大企业为研究对象,但除了可应用于工商业之外,还适用于政府、教会、慈善团体、军事组织以及其他各种事业。所以,人们一般认为法约尔是第一个概括和阐述一般管理理论的管理学家。第6页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六一、经营与管理及其关系一、经营与管理及其关系经营技术活动商业活动管理活动计划组织指挥协调财务活动会计活动安全活动第7页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六二、法约尔的二、法约尔的1414项管理原则项管理原则(1)(1)劳动分工:专业化通过使雇员的工作更有效率,从而提高了工作的产出权力与责任:管理者必须有命令下级的权利,但是行使职权的地方都应该建立相应的责任纪律:雇员必须遵守和尊重统治组织的规则统一指挥:每一个雇员只接受来自一个上司的命令统一领导:组织应当具有单一的行动计划指导管理者和雇员个人利益服从整体利益:任何雇员个人或雇员群体的利益不应置于组织的整体利益之上人员报酬:对雇员提供的服务必须付给公平的工资第8页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六二、法约尔的二、法约尔的1414项管理原则项管理原则(2)(2)适当的集权与分权:管理者应该根据不同实际情况适时适当的集权与分权:管理者应该根据不同实际情况适时改变集权与分权的比例改变集权与分权的比例等级链等级链(Chain of Command):上下级之间建立明确的职权:上下级之间建立明确的职权等级系列等级系列秩序:雇员和物料应当在恰当的时间处在恰当的位置秩序:雇员和物料应当在恰当的时间处在恰当的位置公正:管理者应当和蔼、公平地对待下属公正:管理者应当和蔼、公平地对待下属保持人员稳定:管理当局应该提供有规则的人事计划,并保保持人员稳定:管理当局应该提供有规则的人事计划,并保证有合适的人选接替职位的空缺证有合适的人选接替职位的空缺首创精神:允许雇员发起和实施计划将会调动他们的极大热情首创精神:允许雇员发起和实施计划将会调动他们的极大热情团队精神:鼓励团队精神将会在组织中建立其和谐与团结团队精神:鼓励团队精神将会在组织中建立其和谐与团结第9页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六三、管理工作的5大职能 法约尔把管理活动分为计划、组织、指挥、协调和控制五大职能。第10页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六简简 评评从经营活动中独立出管理活动提出管理活动所必需的五大职能提出14项管理原则为管理科学提供了一套科学的理论构架一般管理理论后来成为管理过程学派的理论基础法约尔为管理教育提供了理论依据第11页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六The Five Functions are:1.PLANNINGdrawing up plans of actions that combine unity一致性,continuity,flexibility and precision精确性 given the organisations resources,type and significance of work and future trends.第12页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六Planning is the most difficult of the five tasks and requires the active participation of the entire organisation.Planning must be coordinated on different levels and with different time horizons界限;第13页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六2.ORGANISINGproviding capital资本,personnel and raw materials for the day-to-day running of the business,and building a structure to match the work.第14页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六Organisational structure depends entirely on the number of employees.An increase in the number of functions expands the organisation horizontally and promotes additional layers of supervision;第15页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六3.COMMANDINGoptimising return from all employees in the interest of the entire enterprise.Successful managers have personal integrity诚实,communicate表达 clearly and base their judgments on regular audits审计.Their thorough knowledge of personnel creates unity,energy,initiative and loyalty and eliminates incompetence不称职;第16页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六4.COORDINATINGunifying 一致and harmonizing协调 activities and efforts to maintain the balance between the activities of the organisation.Fayol recommended weekly conferences for department heads to solve problems of common interest;第17页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六5.CONTROLLINGidentifying weaknesses and errors by controlling feedback反馈,and conforming一致性 activities with plans,policies and instructions.第18页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六The word Control clearly provoked引起some misunderstanding by English-readers because its 1st meaning in French is to check and its 2nd meaning is to have a grip抓住,影响 over.And it is the other way round in English.So for the French-reader Fayol clearly meant Check everything!.第19页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六Fayols management process went further than Taylors basic hierarchical层级 model by allowing command functions to operate efficiently and effectively through co-ordination and control methods.For Fayol,the managing director overlooked忽视 a living organism有机体系 that requires liaisonli*eizon联络 officers and joint committees.第20页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六The Art of Commanding relies upon certain personal qualities and upon the knowledge of management general principles.The manager in charge of a commandment must:第21页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六have a deep knowledge of his staff;cull剔除 the incapables;well know the conventions传统,习俗 binding the organisation and its members;give the good example(by his attitude);conduct regular inspections of the corps social;第22页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六get together his main partners in conferences(meetings)where are prepared the Unity of Direction and the Focus of Efforts;not be distracted忙乱 by details;aim to make prevalent推广,流行 among his staff,energy,initiative and dvouement.第23页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六The American Luther Gulick and Brit Lydnall Urwick expanded Fayols list to seven executive management activities summarised by the acronym POSDCORB:第24页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六planning:determine objectives in advance and the methods to achieve them;organising:establish a structure of authority for all work;第25页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六staffing安置职工:recruit,hire and train workers;maintain favourable working conditions;directing指示:make decisions,issue发布 orders 圣职and directives指令;第26页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六coordinating:interrelate相互关联 all sectors of the organisation;reporting:inform通报 hierarchy领导层 through reports,records and inspections;budgeting:depend on fiscal财政的 planning,accounting and control.第27页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六The 6 types of Operations经营For Fayol any Organisation can be subdivided细分 into six types of Operations.Each Operation being fulfilled by its corresponding相应的 Essential Function:第28页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六Technical Operations操作(production,manufacturing,transformation转换)Commercial Operations 运营(purchases,sales,exchanges)Financial Operations(seek for capital and finance management)第29页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六Security Operations(protection of goods and people)Accounting Operations会计运营(balance,P&L,cost control,statistics,etc)Administrative Operations(Management)(see below The 5 Elements of Administration)第30页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六In 1925 six month before Henri Fayols death Verney helped Fayol redefine The function of administration.The old definition went as follows:The activities involved in businesses can all be classified under one of the following six headings标题,方面:第31页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六 TECHNICAL,COMMERCIAL,FINANCIAL,SECURITY,ACCOUNTING,ADMINISTRATIVE organization,command,coordination and control.Compared with the new definition:The activities involved in businesses can all be classified under one of the following five headings:第32页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六 TECHNICAL,COMMERCIAL,FINANCIAL,SECURITY,ACCOUNTING These activities must be planned,organized,directed,coordinated and controlled,in a word:administered.第33页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六The removal of the distinction between management and administration and the re-definition of administration,it appears that Fayol had finally synthesized these two concepts.Therefore the previous difficulties with this distinction no longer exist.第34页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六The 9 Levels层次Fayol was representing an organisation like a living body(corps social,i.e.social body)with main organs hierarchically structured as follow:第35页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六Shareholders持股人,Board董事会 of Administration,General Direction and its General staff(advisors)第36页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六Regional/local Directions,Main Engineers,Services Managers,Workshops Managers,Foremen,工头Workers.第37页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六The 14 Principles of AdministrationDivision of work:Reduces the span跨度 of attention or effort for any one person or group.Develops practice or routine惯例 and familiarity.Authority:The right to give orders.Should not be considered without reference to responsibility.第38页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六Unity of direction:One head and One plan for a group of activities with the same objective.Subordination从属 of Individual Interests to the Common Interest:The interests of one individual or group should not prevail 压倒over the general or common good.第39页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六Remuneration 酬劳,偿还of personnel:Pay should be fair to both the worker as well as the organization.Centralisation:Is always present to a greater or lesser extent,depending on the size of the company and the quality of its managers.第40页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六Discipline:Outward表面的 marks of respect in accordance with formal or informal agreements between a firm and its employees.Unity of command:One man one superior!第41页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六Scalar 条块结合chain:The line of authority from top to bottom of the organization.Order:A place for everything and everything in its right place;ie.the right man in the right place.Equity:A combination of kindness and justice towards employees.第42页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六Stability of personnel tenure:Employees need to be given time to settle in to their jobs,even though this may be a lengthy period in the case of some managers.第43页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六Initiative:Within the limits of authority and discipline,all levels of staff should be encouraged to show initiative.Union is strength:Harmony is a great strength to an organization;teamwork should be encouraged.第44页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六Fayol suggested that it is important to have unity of command:a concept that suggests there should be only one supervisor for each person in an organization.Like Socrates,Fayol suggested that management is a universal human activity that applies equally well to the family as it does to the corporation.第45页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六The 16 Management Duties of the OrganisationTo aim at giving serious thoughts to activity plans and having them firmly executed.To aim at having employed people and used equipment being relevant to the goal,the resources and the needs of the organisation.第46页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六To set up a unique Direction(top management),skilled and vigorous.To consult others for actions,to coordinate efforts.To formulate decisions in a clear,clean and precise way.第47页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六To aim to an efficient recruitment,each department needing to be lead by a skilled and active man,each employee being at the place where he can provide the most services.To define clearly the attributions(i.e.job description).第48页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六To encourage people to take initiatives and responsibilities.To pay fairly and expertly for the services provided to the Organisation.第49页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六to sanction制裁 faults and errors.To enforce discipline.To aim at having individual interests subordinated to the Organisations interest.To give a special attention to the Unity of Command.第50页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六To supervise the material order and social order(i.e.to keep the place tidy and to avoid strikes).To verify everything(i.e.to apply quality control on every operation).To fight against the red tape官方文章 attitude.第51页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六The 7 QualitiesThe 7 qualities he was expecting from managers were:Health and vigour;Cleverness;Moral qualities;第52页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六General knowledge(culture);Management capacity;Notions观念 about other functions(activities);The strongest skills in the function managed.第53页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六For the Top Managing Director,the 7th quality was the broadest 广泛的skills in the dedicated专门的 activity of the organisation.For example,if the organisation was a car manufacturer,the top Director must have the largest possible knowledge about the manufacturing of cars.This was suggesting that this Director would have to be probably a former car manufacturing engineer.第54页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六Managers need the ability to perform the elements of Management but they also need abilities in the Technical,commercial,financial,security,and Accounting areas of the enterprise.Managerial Ability became more important as he moves up to upper level management.Fayols ideas inspired a number of individuals to teach and Write about management(Wren).第55页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六Research&teaching of ManagementFayol believed management theories could be developed,then taught(to students of Grandes coles).His theories were published in a monograph titled General and Industrial Management(1916).In doing so,he stated,.starting a general discussion-that is what I am trying to do by publishing this survey,and I hope that a theory will emanate from it.第56页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六His theories and ideas were ideally a result of his environment;that of a post revolutionized France in which a republic bourgeois was emerging.A bourgeois himself,He believed in the controlling of workers in order to achieve a greater productivity over all other managerial considerations.第57页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六 However,through reading General and Industrial Management,it is apparent that Fayol advocated a flexible approach to management,one which he believed could be applied to any circumstance whether in the home,the workplace,or within the state.第58页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六 He stressed the importance and the practice of forecasting and planning in order to apply these ideas and techniques which demonstrated his ability and his emphasis in being able to adapt to any sort of situation.第59页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六 In General and Industrial Management he outlines an agenda whereby,under an accepted theory of management,every citizen is exposed and taught some form of management education and allowed to exercise management abilities first at school and later on in the workplace.第60页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六Everyone needs some concepts of management;in the home,in affairs of state,the need for managerial ability is in keeping with the importance of the undertaking,and for individual people the need is everywhere in greater accordance with the position occupied.-excerpt from General and Industrial Management第61页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六DiscussionFayol has been described as the father of modern operational management theory(George,p.146).Although his ideas have become a universal part of the modern management concepts,some writers continue to associate him with Frederick Winslow Taylor.第62页,共87页,编辑于2022年,星期六 Taylors scientific management deals with the efficient org