云南省玉溪市云南省玉溪市 2020-20212020-2021 学年高二英语下学期期末教学质量检测试学年高二英语下学期期末教学质量检测试题参考答案题参考答案第一部分:听力(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)1-5 CBBAB6-10 CCABC11-15 AABCB16-20 CCAAB第二部分:阅读理解(共 20 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 40 分)21-23 ABC24-27 BACD28-31 DABC32-35 ABCD36-40 DFECG第三部分:语言知识运用第一节:完形填空(共 20 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)41-45 CBDAC46-50 CBDDA51-55 ABBDC56-60 AADBC第二节:语法填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)61.as62.collections63.appeared64.which/that65.to spy66.further 67.sitting68.powerful69.the70.isbelieved第四部分:写作第一节:短文改错(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)Last week,we held a class meeting naming(1.named1.named)“Working is the mostbeautiful”.Our teacher tells(2.told2.told)us that there would be a greatly(3.great3.great)activity to be organized on a farm.I signed up for a(4.the4.the)activity,and then prepared my luggages(5.luggage5.luggage)at home.I packed up my suitcase,that(6.which6.which)contained some daily necessities.I couldnt wait(7.7.toto)take part in the activity.On the farm,we were dividedinto several groups.Some students picked the oranges while others carried it(8.them8.them)into the baskets.Tiring(9.Tired9.Tired)as we were,our spirits were high.When I came back home,I shared my experiences with my parents,who were verymuch(10.10.muchmuch)proud of me.第二节:书面表达(满分 25 分)One possible version:Dear Mr.Smith,I am Li Hua,president of the Student Union,who is responsible for arrangingyour visit to our school next month.I am writing to express my warm welcome aswell as make the details clear.As scheduled,a well-prepared welcome party is to be held on the day of yourarrival.What then follows includes Chinese calligraphy show and the photographyexhibition,bothofwhichwillfocusonChinesecharacteristics.Withaknowledgeable guide accompanying you through the whole journey,I sincerely hopeyou can have an impressive experience in China.What do you think of the arrangements?If you have any further question,pleasecontact me.Looking forward to your coming.Yours,Li Hua附录 1 1:录音原文TextText 1 1W:Look at the sky!Its fantastic!WhatWhat a a brightbright andand colorfulcolorful scene!scene!EvenEven moremorebeautifulbeautiful thanthan sunsetsunset cloudsclouds andand stars.stars.(1)(1)Could I join and play with the kids?M:Sweetie.YouYoud d betterbetter not.not.ItIts s notnot onlyonly dangerousdangerous butbut alsoalso badbad forfor thetheenvironment.environment.(1)(1)TextText 2 2M:Oh,you look pale.Are you feeling ill?Do you want to take your time off thework?W:No,I I amam justjust feelingfeeling a a littlelittle sicksick sincesince itit ranran soso fastfast andand turnedturned suddenly.(2)suddenly.(2)Thanks for caring.I Illll getget offoff atat thethe nextnext stop.stop.(2)(2)take time off 休假TextText 3 3W:Hi,Henry,why didnt you go to the movies last night?M:I did go there.But where were you then?DidnDidnt t youyou telltell meme thatthat thethe moviemoviestartedstarted atat 7 7 p.m.p.m.inin RoomRoom 1?1?(3)(3)W:ItIt diddid startstart atat 7 7 p.m.,p.m.,butbut thethe moviemovieHi,Hi,MomMomwaswas playedplayed inin RoomRoom 7!7!(3)(3)Hi,Mom.你好,李焕英,贾玲导演,2021 年 2 月 12 日在中国大陆上映。TextText 4 4W:Spring is coming!How about a picnic tomorrow?M:Good idea!But the weather report said it would start to rain tomorrow afternoon.How about putting it off until Friday when the weather clears up?TextText 5 5W:Why are you so late?I remember its only thirty minutes walk to get here,right?M:Yes.Since it was cold outside,I I decideddecided toto drivedrive toto work.work.ButBut whenwhen I I walkedwalkedtoto thethe garage,garage,I I foundfound mymy carcar waswas stolen.stolen.(5)(5)W:Did you report the theft?M:Yes.Plus,Plus,oneone ofof mymy neighborsneighbors lentlent meme hishis bike.bike.(5)(5)TextText 6 6W:Hi,Andre,I read on WeChat that you walked 40,000 steps yesterday!DidDid youyou runruna a marathon?marathon?(6)(6)M:Err.I did run a“marathon”!Well,Well,whilewhile I I waswas enjoyingenjoying thethe beautifulbeautiful sunshinesunshineonon thethe benchbench inin a a nearbynearby park,park,(6)(6)a dog suddenly came out and carried my phoneaway.W:Then?Did you take it back?M:I tried but the dog ran so fast.I was quickly left behind and the only thingI could do was just stare after it.W:Oh,that was bad.HaveHave youyou calledcalled anyany friendsfriends oror neighborsneighbors toto helphelp catchcatch thethe dog?dog?(7)(7)M:TheThe policepolice came.came.(7)(7)But they also failed.TextText 7 7M:Oh,Maggie,you finally turned up.How was everything going?W:Very well.I I hadhad a a veryvery nicenice talktalk withwith thethe personnelpersonnel manager.manager.(9)(9)M:Congratulations!Congratulations!AndAnd welcomewelcome toto ourour company!company!(9)(9)W:Thanks for putting in a good word for me in front of the manager.M:Dont mention it.YouYou gotgot thethe jobjob justjust becausebecause ofof youryour skills.(8)skills.(8)YouYouveve beenbeeninin thethe businessbusiness worldworld forfor moremore thanthan tenten yearsyears andand youyou alwaysalways workedworked hard.hard.(8)(8)W:Thanks for your help anyway.I will come here again next Tuesday.M:So late?I thought it would be this Thursday or Friday.I cant wait to workwith you!put in a good word 推荐,美言,为说好话TextText 8 8W:HaveHave youyou watchedwatchedTenTen ofof ChinaChinas s InspirationalInspirational RoleRole ModelsModels 20202020lastlast night?night?(11)(11)M:Oh,Oh,I I waswas busybusy finishingfinishing mymy schoolschool projectproject then.then.(10)(10)I wanted to leave a goodimpression on my new teacher.SoSo I I onlyonly caughtcaught upup withwith thethe latterlatter halfhalf ofof thetheprogram.program.(10)(10)W:I I waswas movedmoved toto tears!tears!(11)(11)(12)(12)I I intendintend toto writewrite a a reportreport onon it.it.(11)(11)How aboutyou?M:Me too!I think all of them are great though theyve been doing different things.W:You are correct.Zhang Guimei is the one who touched me the most.SheShe reallyreallysetssets anan exampleexample toto meme aboutabout howhow toto becomebecome a a goodgood teacher.teacher.(10)(10)(12)(12)M:I know she is a headmaster of a girls high school in Yunnan,southwest China.Is she a local?W:She does work as a headmaster there.However,few people know that she is froman ordinary family in northeast China.M:Really?But she really looks like a southerner.Ten of Chinas Inspirational Role Models 2020感动中国 2020 年度人物颁奖典礼Zhang Guimei 张桂梅,丽江华坪女子高中校长,2021 年 2 月 17 日被评为“感动中国2020 年度人物”。TextText 9 9M:What do you usually eat for breakfast?W:Well,you know,I I alwaysalways staystay upup latelate toto finishfinish mymy novelsnovels soso I I oftenoften justjust graspgraspsomesome toasttoast asas I I getget upup tootoo late.late.(13)(13)M:Oh,you shouldnt do like this anymore.It will damage your health.W:You are right!M My y headhead oftenoften achesaches atat nightnight soso I I decidedecide toto changechange mymy lifestyle.lifestyle.(14)(14)M:Then what are you going to do?W:Err.I will get up earlier,run for one hour and then make my familya hearty breakfast.M:Thats really a good idea.Then what about your menu?Perhaps oatmeal porridgeis a good choice.W:MyMy mothermother whowho isis a a doctordoctor alwaysalways sayssays thatthat oatmealoatmeal isis goodgood forfor ourour stomachsstomachsbutbut mymy fatherfather reallyreally hateshates itit duedue toto thethe strangestrange flavor.flavor.(15)(15)M:Then why not take corn or pumpkin instead?W:Pumpkin is quite to my taste!And I can also use it to make some pies for my mother.M:MaybeMaybe youyou cancan alsoalso makemake somesome donutsdonuts forfor youryour sister.sister.LittleLittle girlsgirls areare alwaysalways fondfondofof them.them.(16)(16)W:ButBut t toooo muchmuch sweetsweet foodfood willwill dodo harmharm toto herher teeth.teeth.I I guessguess I Illll getget herher somesome corn.corn.(16)(16)a hearty breakfast 一顿丰盛的早餐oatmeal porridge 燕麦粥TextText 1010Hello,everyone,have you ever heard about the Sandwich Generation?Actually,Actually,thisthis phrasephrase hashas nothingnothing toto dodo withwith foodfood oror thethe peoplepeople whowho makemake sandwiches.sandwiches.(17)It(17)Itrefersrefers toto thethe generationgeneration caughtcaught inin thethe middle,middle,oror inin otherother words,words,itit isis thethemiddle-agedmiddle-aged peoplepeople whowho supportsupport bothboth theirtheir parentsparents andand childrenchildren whetherwhether financially,financially,physicallyphysically oror emotionally.emotionally.(17)According(17)According toto thetheHealthyHealthy ChinaChina 20302030,thethe averageaveragelifelife expectancyexpectancy ofof ChineseChinese peoplepeople willwill reachreach 7979 yearsyears whichwhich isis 2 2 yearsyears longerlonger thanthanthatthat inin 2018.2018.(18)(18)As people live longer,the Sandwich Generation is becoming moreand more common.Becoming a part of the Sandwich Generation can affect yourfinancial status,personal time,health,and career development.Although bothmen and women are involved,women are the ones who are primarily affected.Mostwomen have common difficulties in dealing with various aspects including children,elderly parents,family,work,and personal well-being.AlthoughAlthough theythey areareencouragedencouraged toto joinjoin thethe workforceworkforce,nurserynursery supplysupply remainsremains thethe biggestbiggest problemproblem forforthem.them.(19)(19)But I dont think it is an unsolvable problem.In my opinion,ifif thethegovernmentgovernment givesgives financialfinancial supportsupport toto taketake carecare ofof childrenchildren andand parents,parents,itit willwillgreatlygreatly reducereduce thethe burdenburden onon thethe SandwichSandwich Generation.Generation.(20)(20)theHealthy China 2030“健康中国 2030”规划纲要join the workforce 加入就业大军,参加工作the average life expectancy 人均预期寿命