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    Unit 1 Starting out & Understanding ideas 教案-高中英语外研版(2019)选择性必修第二册.docx

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    Unit 1 Starting out & Understanding ideas 教案-高中英语外研版(2019)选择性必修第二册.docx

    高中高二年级英语组集体备课教案Unit 1 Growing upPeriod 1 Starting out and understanding ideas Teaching design 一 Teaching Aims &Core Literacy1. Lead the students to lock the key words through skimming, get the main information of the passage, feel the changes of their own, and grasp the author's writing intention.2. Lead the students to find out the main details in the article through intensive reading, that is, the various changes and different ideas about growing up in this passage, accept the fact and shoulder their own responsibilities and build up the correct values and views on life. 3. Guide the students to perceive the language features of the article through reading the passage, learn and master the topical vocabulary and phrases in the text, and use the vocabulary to express themselves.二 Teaching key and difficult points 1. Lead the students to understand the passage, understand the author's writing intention, and understand the main idea of the passage.2. Guide students to understand the stylistic features of argumentation articles.3. Guide the students to grasp the reading skills of skimming and intensive reading.4. Guide students to talk about their own ideas about growing up by using the vocabulary and phrases they have learned and mastered in this passage .三 Studying Methods1.Teach the students how to master a passage quickly. 2.Let the students retell the passage by using their own language and the vocabulary they learned in this passage. 3.Teach the students how to communicate with others and develop the sense of teamwork. 四 Teaching procedure1. Pre-reading(1) At what age are you allowed to do the following things in China? (page 2) Get a credit card. Get a drivers licence. Get a full-time job. Get the right to vote. Get a bank loan. Rent an apartment.(2) Predict what the passage is mainly about according to the title and the pictures.2. Fast-reading(1) Read the passage and find out the meaning of “the age of majority”.(2) Choose another suitable title for the passage and give your reasons. 1. Eighteen the Age of indecision2. Teenagers Hopes for the Future3. The Right to Vote Your Views4. Turning Eighteen What Does it Mean?3.Intensive readingOrganise information from the passage and complete the table(1)I think its strange that I can now take _. Yet I still cant vote I dont think thats fair, given that_. I should have a say on _.(2)At 18, I can do things like getting a credit card. More importantly, I can act on my desire to help others, for example by _. But although a lot of doors have opened for me, there are still _.(3)I thought that once I was 18 and in a full-time job Id be able to _, but my salary is not high enough, I also find it hard to save money because of _ and high commuting costs. Discuss the questions in the lead part of the passage.What new responsibilities will this freedom bring?五Vocabulary and language points长难句分析1. One reason is that although Ive been working ever since leaving school, I wont be voting in the next general election.2. Surely, if youre old enough to earn a wage and pay taxes, you should be allowed to have a say o how the government spends them.3. As an ambulance driver, shes seen a lot of car accidents involving teenagers and thinks the legal age for getting a driving licence should be 21.4. But I think Im already mature enough to understand that driving a car also means taking responsibilities for my life and the lives of other people.5. I expected to feel instantly different, as if I had closed the door on my childhood and stepped into a whole new adult world.6. In fact, the change has been more subtle and gradual than I imagined.7. Instead of being the selfish teenager I used to be, I have begun to feel more aware of other people and to develop a stronger sense of social responsibilities.8. Turning 18 also changed the way that society viewed me.9. I assumed Id already have a well-paid job and that Id be moving into a rented apartment as soon as I turned 18, but how wrong I was!10. I guess some responsibilities are more about attitude than age.


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