Softwares for literature managementContents1.NoteFirst2.NoteExpress3.Endnote4.RefViz 5.Quosa6.Mendeley7.Zotero8.ReadCube9.ProQuest RefWorks10.RefWorks1.NoteFirstFunctions of NoteFirstLiterature managementLiterature collectionForming references in the paperAutomatic correction of referencesAcademic exchangeFree literature2.NoteExpressFunctions of NoteExpressTitle collectionTitle managementUse of titlesNote taking3.EndnoteFunctions of EndnoteLinking to many databases Inserting references in word editorSupporting downloading overseas literature4.RefVizFunctions of RefVizAnalyzing the relations between literatureAnalyzing the general situation of a given research areaLocating the research focusIdentifying the research directions,research plans5.QuosaFunctions of QuosaAnalyzing the downloaded PDF textAnalyzing the local PDF textAutomatic downloading the full text of PDF documentsAutomatically tracking the pre-set relevant documentsRecognizing the references in the PDF documents6.MendeleyFunctions of MendeleyReference ManagingReading and AnnotatingAdding and OrganizingCollaboratingBackup,Sync and MobileNetwork and Discovery7.ZoteroFunctions of ZoteroCollecting,managing word documents,web documents andpicturesBeing plug in browsers,such as Firefox8.ReadCubeFunctions of ReadCubeReadCube can be used for creating your own research libraryand storing all your articles in a single place.The applicationenables you to import your PDF files,as well as search anddownload interesting articles from the Internet.All the articles stored by ReadCube are fully searchable,sothat you can quickly find what you are looking for.Add comments and sticky notes to each article,highlightimportantpassages,useclickablereferencesforfastnavigation and get article recommendations based on yourown research interests.9.ProQuest RefWorksFunctions of ProQuest RefWorksSaving,organizing and editing referencesLinking to Word and Google Docs to cite references and create bibliographies in the referencing style10.RefWorksFunctions of RefWorksOrganize and create a personal database onlineFormat bibliographies and manuscripts in secondsImport references from a variety of databases using thealready created Import FiltersSearch your RefWorks database fast and easilySearchingManagingAnalyzingDiscoveringWritingThanks!