商务英语课件PPT (41).pdf
Unit 10 Speaking:Describing changes and charts C e n t r a l S o u t h U n i v e r s i t y Different Types of Charts The Vocabularies of Trends and Changes The Application of Sentences Contents.目录 Different Types of Charts 01 自 强 不 息 厚 德 载 物 C e n t r a l S o u t h U n i v e r s i t y 1.Line Chart a type of chart that displays information as a series of data points with a continuous line;to describe a trend;easy to understand and simple in form.Different Types of Charts 01 自 强 不 息 厚 德 载 物 C e n t r a l S o u t h U n i v e r s i t y 2.Bar Chart a graph that plots data using rectangular bars or columns;to show data in multiple,highly visual ways;Data is presented via vertical or horizontal columns.Different Types of Charts 01 自 强 不 息 厚 德 载 物 C e n t r a l S o u t h U n i v e r s i t y 3.Pie Chart to use pie slices to show relative sizes of data;each sector shows the relative size of each value;usually take percentage and proportion as the core The Vocabularies of Trends and Changes 02 自 强 不 息 厚 德 载 物 C e n t r a l S o u t h U n i v e r s i t y verbs:increase;go up;rise;grow;jump;leap;soar;shoot;pick up.nouns:increase;growth;jump;soar;upward trend.1.Upward Trend Examples:Profits soared 18.5%.Profits rose 11%to$2.7 billion.Profits have gone up from 3 million to 4 million euros.Our business grew by 10%last year.The Vocabularies of Trends and Changes 02 自 强 不 息 厚 德 载 物 C e n t r a l S o u t h U n i v e r s i t y verbs:fall;decrease;go down;slide;collapse;decline;drop;plummet.nouns:collapse;decrease;fall;decline;drop 2.Downward Trend Examples:Profits are falling.Sales plummeted in January.Theres been a decrease in annual sales of 1 million euros.The Vocabularies of Trends and Changes 02 自 强 不 息 厚 德 载 物 C e n t r a l S o u t h U n i v e r s i t y verbs or verb phrases to describe a steady trend:hardly change;have little change;keep steady;level off;remain constant;stay the same;3.Steady Trend and Fluctuation words to express fluctuation:fluctuate;rebound;undulate;wave The Vocabularies of Trends and Changes 02 自 强 不 息 厚 德 载 物 C e n t r a l S o u t h U n i v e r s i t y The adverbs with higher degree:considerably;dramatically;greatly;markedly;obviously;quickly;rapidly;sharply;significantly;suddenly;The adverbs with lower degree:slightly;gradually;slowly;steadily;4.Degree Adverbs The Vocabularies of Trends and Changes 02 自 强 不 息 厚 德 载 物 C e n t r a l S o u t h U n i v e r s i t y Both share prices rose sharply in January.Neither company has made a profit yet.Like X,Y fell in June .X rose just as sharply as Y X fell sharply whereas/while Y remained steady.X fell quickly compared to Y Unlike Y,X rose by 10%X rose far more dramatically than Y.the doubled/tripled in compared with those in 5.Expression for Comparing Trends The Vocabularies of Trends and Changes 02 自 强 不 息 厚 德 载 物 C e n t r a l S o u t h U n i v e r s i t y accounts for%of the total takes up%in the whole occupies%in all 6.Descriptions of Percentages The Vocabularies of Trends and Changes 02 自 强 不 息 厚 德 载 物 C e n t r a l S o u t h U n i v e r s i t y Sales have increased _ 5m _ 7m.Sales have increased _ 2m.There has been an increase _ 2m in our sales.Sales now stand _ 7 million.Sales reached a peak _ 7 million in July.Sales reached a low point _ 1 million in April.7.Prepositions Please complete these sentences about the graphs below with appropriate prepositions.from to by of at of of The Application of Sentences 03 自 强 不 息 厚 德 载 物 C e n t r a l S o u t h U n i v e r s i t y Look at the charts below.They show the share price for eight different companies during one month.Which chart does each sentence 1-5 describe?M a r c h 1 9 9 7P r ic eS h a r eAM a r c h 1 9 9 7P r ic eS h a r eBM a r c h 1 9 9 7P r ic eS h a r eCM a r c h 1 9 9 7P r ic eS h a r eFM a r c h 1 9 9 7P r ic eS h a r eGM a r c h 1 9 9 7P r ic eS h a r eHM a r c h 1 9 9 7P r ic eS h a r eDE M a r c h 1 9 9 7P r ic eS h a r eED 1.The share price reached its peak around the middle of the month and then dropped sharply.2.The share price climbed steadily before falling slightly towards the end of the month.3.The share price fell sharply before slowly recovering to the same level as at the beginning of the month.4.Except for a slight fall around the middle of the month,the share price showed little change.5.The share price showed a great improvement after the middle of the month.E D The Application of Sentences 03 自 强 不 息 厚 德 载 物 C e n t r a l S o u t h U n i v e r s i t y Look at the graphs below.They show the imports and exports of eight different countries(A-H)over the same three-year period.Which graph does each sentence(6-10)describe?BA1998 1999 2000100200300$Millions1998 1999 2000100200300$MillionsExportsImportsDC1998 1999 2000100200300$Millions1998 1999 2000100200300$MillionsFE1998 1999 2000100200300$Millions1998 1999 2000100200300$MillionsHG1998 1999 2000100200300$Millions1998 1999 2000100200300$Millions 6.Exports fell during the second year but then made a strong recovery in the final year.7.Exports reached a peak at the beginning of the third year,while imports fell steadily through the whole period.8.Imports remained fairly steady for the first tow years before dropping dramatically in the third year.9.Exports dropped in the first year but then increased considerably and overtook imports in the final year.10.Imports rose over the whole period,while exports reached a peak at the beginning of the third year and then began to fall.The Application of Sentences 03 Look at the charts below.They show the turnover of eight different companies in the food Industry over a period of three years.Which chart does each sentence(11-15)describe?1996 1997 199850100150ATurnover($m)1996 1997 199850100150Turnover($m)B1996 1997 199850100150CTurnover($m)1996 1997 199850100150DTurnover($m)1996 1997 199850100150ETurnover($m)1996 1997 199850100150FTurnover($m)1996 1997 199850100150GTurnover($m)1996 1997 199850100150HTurnover($m)11.This companys turnover dipped slightly in 1997,then rose dramatically the following year.12.This companys turnover fell in 1997 and not recovered.13.This companys turnover showed significant growth between 1996 and 1997,followed by only a small rise.14.This companys turnover peaked in 1997,dropping back considerably in 1998.15.This turnover of this company showed rapid growth throughout the period.The Application of Sentences 03 Look at the chart below.They show the sales figures of three furniture companies,K,L and M,for eight different products A-H.Which chart does each sentence 16-20 describe?16.Sales of this product were higher at M than at K or L.17.L has more than half of the market for this product.18.All three companies have an equal share of the market for this product.19.Ks sales of this product have not been as high as those of the other two companies.20.K has done as well with this product as the other two companies together.自 强 不 息 厚 德 载 物 C e n t r a l S o u t h U n i v e r s i t y The Application of Sentences 03 Describe two more sentences about each of the graphs below Sales rose to around seven million this year compared to four point seven five million last year.Sales jumped to seven million this year.Sales rose in the first three months,but plummeted in April.There was a tripling of sales in May compared to April.