考研英语(二)考研英语(二)大作文功能句大作文功能句首先,考研英语(二)的大作文写作主要考察图表作文的形式。图表作文的首段主要为“数据描述”,主要体现在两种形式:相同事物写变化+不同事物写对比。二、三段内容比较灵活,写作时可以从现象、原因、危害、建议等多个角度展开分析。以下的功能句,既能用于整篇作文的开篇,亦可用于第二、三段的写作,此外小作文中的表达也完全可用于大作文写作,这些功能句通过逻辑关系排序、连接起来其实就组合成一篇作文。1. 图表综述这是一个柱状图,清晰展示了某高校 2013 年和 2018年本科毕业生去向方面的明显差异。This is a column chart, clearly illustrating the strikingcontrasts in graduates career paths in a certainuniversity between 2013 and 2018.所给的是一个饼状图,清晰展示了 2017 年某城市消费者在选择餐厅考虑因素方面存在显著差异。This is a pie chart which clearly illustrates thestriking contrasts in the factors customers considerwhen choosing restaurants in a certain city in 2017.所给是一幅柱状图,清晰展示了中国某城市居民春节消费方面的对比。There is a column chart which clearly illustrates thestriking contrasts in the consumption of residentsduring the Spring Festival in a certain city of China.2. 数据上升:然而,选择升学的毕业生比例明显上升,从 26.3%增长到 34%。同时,创业的毕业生比例从 1.3%增长到了 2.6%。However,therewasasharpincreaseintheproportion of those who chose to further their study,from 26.3% to 34.0%. Meanwhile, the percentage ofgraduates who started own business ascended from1.3% to 2.6%.自此之后,数据开始飙升,最终在 2008 年达到了 40亿的峰值。Since then, it surged remarkably, reaching the peakat 4 billion in 2008.3. 数据稳定:2007 年和 2008 年,数据稳定在 10 亿。The number maintained stable at 1 billion in 2007and 2008.4. 占比/排序:新年礼物的花销是最大的比重,达到了 40%;其后是交通和聚餐,均占 20%。The expense on gifts for the New Year is the largestproportion, accounting for 40%. Then the next arefees on transportation and gathering dinners, with thesame 20%.最后出现的是其他所有花费的综合,20%。Finally comes the total expenditure on others, at20%.5. 图表联系主旨这样的场景能自然联系到世界手机产业的迅速发展。但什么导致了以上差异?在我看来,至少两个原因可以解释这种现象。Such a scenario can be naturally associated with thespeedy advancement of cell phone industry in theworld. But what resulted in the differences above? Atleast two reasons can account for this phenomenon.这种场景能自然联系到的流行/重要性/激烈竞争。Such a scene can be naturally associated with thepopularity/ significance / fierce competition .We can naturally associated such a scene with thepopularity /significance / fierce competition .6. 的特征是一方面,近几年发展中国家的突出特点就是经济的迅速发展,这使得很多当地居民有了额外的钱购置手机这项服务。典型例子就是中国。For one thing, in recent years, developing countrieswere characterized by the prosperity and boom ineconomy, which enabled residents there to possessadditional money to afford the cell phone service. Acase in point is China.一方面,大学毕业生的特征就在于他们已经是成年人,需要工作来独立养活自己。这使得大学中的大多数年轻人毕业后去找工作。For one thing, college graduates are featured by thefact that they have become adults and need jobs tosupport themselves independently. This enables amajority of youngsters in college to seek jobs aftergraduation.7. 对比:另一方面,与发展中国家相比,发达国家居民更加富裕且人口规模较小;因此,一大部分比例的人们若干年前就已经购买了手机。For another, compared with developing countries,citizens in developed nations were wealthier andtheir population was smaller. Therefore, a largeproportion of people there purchase mobile phonesyears ago.8. 排比:出国留学带给年轻人更多机会,唤起他们对外国文化的热情,帮助他们拓宽视野。Studying abroad/Overseas study brings young peoplemore opportunities, arouses their enthusiasm forforeignculturesandhelpsthembroadentheirhorizons.9. 建议因此,手机制造商应更多关注发展中国家的市场。Accordingly,itisessentialforcellphonemanufacturers to focus more eyesight on the hugemarket in developing countries.制定综合策略同时,他们应制定综合性策略提升汽车的质量和售后服务。Meanwhile, it is advisable for them to work outcomprehensive strategies to strengthen the quality ofcars and after-sale service.展望未来如果他们能尽全力这样来做,手机产业的明天将一片光明。Provided that they try their utmost to do so, the futureof the cell industry will be hopeful.提出建议无论每个部分的花销是否理性,重要的是人们享受了新年的喜庆氛围。Whether each part of the expense is rational or not, itis of great significance for people to enjoy the joyousatmosphere of the new year.10. 个人观点和选择作为一名大学生,我正在准备研究生入学考试。我相信研究生学习会带给我更好的就业机会,唤起我对学术研究的热情,帮助我拓宽视野。As a college student, I am preparing for the nationalentrance examination for postgraduate.I deem thatstudying as a postgraduate may bring me better jobopportunities, arouse my enthusiasm for academicresearch and help me to broaden my horizon.