2022年-2023年建筑工程管理行业文档 齐鲁斌创作6.12 电气一次设备安装Installation of electric equipment6.12.1 工程范围 The scope of engineer 本电站电气一次工程 engineer of electric in the power station (1)发电机7.2kV电压配电装置安装工程;The installation of 7.2KV distribution equipment of generator(2)72kV升压变压器安装工程;The installation of 72KV step-up transformer(3)72kV GIS开关站设备安装工程;The installation of 72KV GIS switchyard substation(4)72kV户外出线设备安装工程;The installation of 72kv outdoor out-going equipment(5)0.4kV厂用电系统及坝区馈电设备安装工程;The installation of 0.4KV equipment of station and dam district(6)电气一次电缆工程(包括一期砼中的预埋管路);The installation of power cables(7)全厂照明工程;The intalltion of lighting of power station(8)全厂接地工程;The installation of earthing system of power station6.12.1.2 主要工作内容The scope of contract设备到货验收、保管、部分基础件和构件的制作、安装、调试、试运行、消缺处理直至移交给业主的全部工作,承担业主认为有必要的设备出厂检查验收等,Take over and storage of equipment, produce of some basement and structure, installation, testing, performance, handle the defect and turn over to owner, other some inspect of ex-work equipment will be done .6.12.2 发电机7. 2kV电压配电装置安装Installation of 7.2KV voltage distribution equipment of the generator6.12.2.1 主要工程量及技术参数The technical data and the scope of installation发电机电压设备主要包括:共箱母线、发电机出口电流互感器、发电机断路器成套设备、隔离开关、电压互感器、避雷器、励磁回路电流互感器柜、励磁变压器、厂用隔离变压器、厂用变压器、厂用变压器回路断路器柜、限流熔断器柜及电流互感器柜。The voltage equipment of generator include bus bar, current transformer, generator circuit breaker, disconnect voltage transformer, lighting arrestor, excitation 发电机出口断路器成套设备The complete equipment of circuit breaker of generator型 号:typeKYN28-7.2额定电压:rated voltage7.2kV额定电流:rated current1250A额定频率:rated freqence50Hz额定开断电流:rated breaking capicity25kA数 量:number2台(套) Study the drawing and documents Prepare of installationprepareprepare Clear, adjust, testing of bus bar油样化验adjustBus bar connectBuss bar part install、connect接Earth , clear, mark Electric testBusbar and equipment connect Inspect of packageBus bar lift, break gap adjustEquipment located The installation plan of voltage equipment of gegerator to be seen next6.12.2.3 施工场地布置The layout of installation site主回路、分支回路封闭母线及设备运抵安装区后,其开箱、检查、清点验收以及逐段清扫、调整、分段交流耐压和各段母线附件安装等项工作,均在相应机组段母线及设备安装层地面进行,地面要求干燥、清洁,并铺垫橡皮或枕木。Main circuit and branch bus bar will be inspected, then cleared, adjusted, tested, and the some part will be installed, these work will be done in the place where the main equipment will be installed. the place will be clear, dry, and have rubber or crosstie6.12.2.4 发电电压设备及母线安装主要施工方案The main plan of installation of voltage equipment and bus bar of generator.(1) 基础埋件制作及安装 The installation and produce of embedded part 按图纸要求制作基础埋件,在不影响土建砼浇筑施工为原则下,随土建施工进度按设计图纸要求进行基础埋件的予埋。Produce the part according to the drawing, with the civil developing, install the embedded part.(2) 基础埋件处理及测量放点Process of base embedded part and measure mark(3)设备基础及母线基础构架安装 Installation of foundation of equipment and bus bar(4)发电电压设备及其母线的现场转运和吊装就位 Transport and hoisting of voltage equipment and busbar(5)母线的安装调整 Installation and adjust of busbar(6)母线安装完毕进行全面彻底的清扫、检查,在与电气设备连接前按规定要求进行电气检验及整体工频交流耐压试验。After finishing the installation of busbar, clear check everywhere then testing the power frequence voltage.(7)发电电压设备安装 Installation of voltage equipment after finish inspect, clear site,check the list,civil work is finished. (8) 按设计图进行接地。 Earth the equipment according the drawing6.12.2.5 发电电压设备及其母线现场检查试验与验收 According to the IEC and the China national standard, check the voltage equipment and bus bar in the site. 安全措施 Hoisting by professional worker, working with safety cap , and have fire fighting equipment. 主要施工工机具 Important installing tool NO.nameDescribe unitquntitynotemark1Wedding machine 22forklift2.5ton 23Water levelS3 14Nylon hanging strip2tonDouble 105Torque spanner0100Nmpieces46Leading chain12ton 207Electric drill 18cleaner 19Steelwire with nylon sheath 1ton 3010Oxygen,ethine 111car8ton 112crane8ton Material NO.nameDescribe unitquntitynotemark1Steel t1.52Steel plate=1016mmt23Wooden plate=2040mmm³0.56.12.3 72kV升压变压器安装The installation of 72KV step up transformer6.12.3.1 技术参数。Technical data and engineer72kV升压变压器安装工程包括升压变压器、中性点设备及控制柜。升压变压器低压侧采用共箱母线和发电机电压配电装置相连接,变压器高压侧与GIS连接采用管道母线。该电站电气设备最大运输重量为主变压器,主变压器充氮最大运输重量约t。The engineer of installation of main transformer include step-up transformer , neutural equipment and control panel. type:SF10-4500/69Rate capicity:4500kVARated voltage:69±2×2.5%/6.6kVNumber of phase:3Winding type:YN, dllThe type of change voltage:No load tap changer in HV Rated frequence:50HzImpedance voltage:13cooling:ODWFnumber:2 Installation Prepare for installationEmbedded the base partTransformer to siteCharge the oilCheck the tankWire connect and part installVacuum charge oilHot oil circulate Oil testCheck seal Oil level adjustOil testElectric testOil testHV connectInstall neutral equipmentt equippmenLocal panel installWire connectTesting partCheck the listCheck the partFilter the oilInspect oilFilter oil check oil 施工布置Prepare for installation ,include embedded the hook, prepare two oil tank, pipe, vacuum filter, vacuum pump etc 主变安装就位 Main transformer located in the site according drawing6.12.3.6 安装方案The plan of installation of transformer(1) 主变安装前的保管 Storge before installation of transformer according to manufacture rule and standard. (2) 主变及配电装置安装 Installation of transformer and distribution equipment, charge oil, assemble the pipeline, installation of High voltage and Low voltage bushing, reservoir etc. Inspection and acceptance主变及中性点设备的试验将按厂家说明书和中国现行的国家标准的有关方法和要求进行验收。Acceptant test will be done according to manufacture and standard (IEC or national standard) Installing equipment and special tool NO.nameDescribe unitquntitynotemark1Oil tank10m³piecess22Vacuum filter 6000L/Hunit13Vacuum pump50L/sunit14 stainless steel ball valve 50pieces105 stainless steel pipe50m906Welding machine400Aunit17 dry air producerDew point -40set18Vacuum meter pieces29Oil testing equipment set110Crane, transport equipmentjack、roller wheel等set111Water level meter、theodoliteset1+112Grinding wheel saw400unit113drillerunit114tractor5tunit115Soft pipe 50 PVCm1006.12.3.9 Main material。 序号名 称规 格单位数量备注1Angle steel40×4mmm602Steel plate=8mmm223Wood plate20×300× 600mmpieces84Steel pipe=50mmm805Steel pipe clip=50mmset256crossitepieces87rubber=8mm,wide 1mm10 6.12.4 72kV GIS开关站设备安装安装 72KV GIS equipment installation6.12.4.1 主要工程量及设备参数 intruduce and data of substation72kV GIS开关站布置在厂房右侧滩地上,高程为132.00m,主接线采用一机一变单母线接线方式,72KV GIS switchyard located in right place of power house, high level 132m, one generator with one transformer,single bus bar.GIS户内开关站主要参数GIS in door substation data:current:1250AFrequnce :50Hz breaking current:25kA short circuit closing current:kA peak withstand current:kA lightning impulse voltage(peak):kVFrequnce withstand voltage(RMS):kV : out going bar: Incoming bar: PT bar:2 2 0 the plan of installation Preparefor installationInstall earthing system, embedded partMeasure and markInstall the foundation CB, bus bar , DS,ES installBranch bus barVacuumize, charge SF6 gasCheck sealUnit equipment adjustGIS adjust testCheck acceptancecommissioningCheck and transport GISCable tray installControl panel installLay cableWire connect and checkOperation system installEarth of equipment装 72kV GIS equipment installation(1)GIS设备用汽车运到GIS室,用25T汽车吊将GIS设备吊到设备安装高程后再转运到GIS设备的安装部位。Equipment of GIS transport to the site(2) located to place of drawing with the crane。(3)mark the foundation (4)设备基础埋设及接地安装。 Erath and install the equipment foundation part(5)hoist and connect (6)管道、阀门、仪表配装及调整。Pipe , valve, instrument install (7)设备抽真空与充SF6气体。Vacuumize and charge SF6gas 检查验收项目 check and acceptance according to manual and standard special tool for the installation 序号名 称规 格单位数 量备 注1Vacuum pump30L/sUnit 12SF6gas leak detector Unit 13SF6charge equipmentUnit 14theodoliteJ2Unit 15Water level meterDS3Unit 16cleaner1000WUnit 27Weldding machine400AUnit 18jack2t、3tUnit 各29Manual lift2t、3tUnit 各210Grinding wheel sawUnit 111Power panelpieces212Long wire switch boxpieces213Torque spannerset26.12.4.6 material 序号名 称规 格单 位数 量备 注1alcoholContent 98.9%box12White cotton strip wide10mmroll103Clear papper box14Plastic filmwide1000mmroll25White clothwith1000mmm10 6.12.5 72kV户外出线设备安装 out door out going equipment installation6.12.5.1 72kV出线从GIS采用管道母线引出,经72kV电缆廊道引至户外出线平台架空出线。72KV out going bus pipe from GIS through 72KV cable gallery to the out door out going structure with over head wire6.12.5.2 plan of installationprepare Produce of structure measure , markEmbedded part transport and check 点、检查Install structureCheck test before installinstallConnect wireearthCheck and commissioning install method (1)设备基础安装the foundation of equipment install (2)设备基础支架制作及安装the structure produce and isntall (3)设备安装installation of equipment include equipment lift, CT install, LA install, the line trap install, installation of over head conductor 检查验收项目the item of check and accptance(1)电容式电压互感器检查试验项目 the capicity transformer testing include measure insulating resitance,AC withstanding voltage test,measure tg etc. (2)氧化锌(ZnO)避雷器试验项目 ZnO arrestor testing include measure insulating resistance,measure current in the performing,measure frequnce voltage or DC voltage etc. special tool 序号名 称规 格单位数 量备 注1Grinding wheel cutterf400unit12windlass3tunit13ladder8mset24car12munit15Crane 16tunit16.12.5.7 material 序号名 称规 格单 位数 量备 注1alcoholcontent98.9%box12White cotton stripWide 10mmroll103Clear papper box14Plastic filmWide 1000mmroll25White clothWide 1000mmm106Wood plate=10mmm227Steel pipe50m100 8Steel pipe clip50set20 9rubber1000×8mm20 6.12.6 0.4kV厂用电系统及坝顶用电系统设备安装 istallation of 0.4KV station power system and dam top power system6.12.6.1 station power system include 0.4KV station powersystem with power panel which is drawering, dam district power system the plan of installation盘柜:基础槽钢安装二期砼浇筑设备清点交接运输设备检查盘柜安装接地引线连接检查调试带电试运行验收。Pane: base channel steel install,concrete cast, check and turn over,transport,install, connect earthing wire, check and adjust commissioning,acceptance动力配电箱:设备清点交接运输安装接地引线电缆连接绝缘电阻测量带电试运行验收。Power distribution box:equipment check, transport,install, connect earthing wire, connect cable, measure insulating resistence, commissioning, acceptance.干式变压器:基础槽钢安装二期砼设备清点交接运输就位调整附件安装及接地引线连接清扫检查电气试验带电试运行验收。Dry transformer: base channel steel install, concrete cast, equipment check,transport, adjust, connect earthing wire, clear and check, test, commissioning,acceptance6.12.6.3 施工技术措施install methodInstall according to IEC standard , China national standard, manufacture manual. 现场试验与验收 the test in the site and acceptance(1)the test will be done according to the IEC, China Standard and the manufacture manual.(2)现场验收 the acceptance in the site按照制造厂的安装说明书及GBJ147电气装置安装工程高压电气施工及验收规范、GBJ148电气装置安装工程电力变压器、油浸电抗器、互感器施工及验收规范、GBJ149电气装置安装工程母线装置施工及验收规范、GB50150电气装置安装工程电气设备交接试验标准、GB50169电气装置安装工程接地装置施工及验收规范、GB50171电气装置安装工程盘、柜及二次回路结线施工及验收规范的要求准备安装和检查、试验记录。 According to the manual of manufacture and China national standard(GBj148,GBj147,GBJ149etc), check thestallation and record of test6.12.6.5 主要施工设备及专用工具special tool 序号名 称规 格单位数 量备 注1theodoliteJ2unit12 ater level meterDS3unit13cleaner1000Wunit24Weldding machine400Aunit15jack2t、3tunit1+16Manual lift2t、3tunit1+17Grinding wheel sawunit18ladder8mpieces29Traveling crane16tset1 6.12.7 电气一次电缆 power cable6.12.7.1 introduce and technical data电气一次部分电缆敷设工程包括主厂房、72kV主变及72kV开关站、72kV出线平台等地的电缆桥架安装、电缆敷设安装、一期混凝土中的预埋管路、二期混凝土内的电缆管埋设和预埋件埋设。电缆敷设以沿电缆桥架、电缆沟、电缆出线洞明敷为主,配合以穿管明敷和穿管暗敷,电缆敷设长度以施工图为准。电力电缆按电压等级分为35kV、10kV和1kV三种,35kV及10kV采用交联聚乙烯绝缘电缆,1kV采用聚氯乙烯绝缘电缆,所有电缆全部采用阻燃电缆。 Power cable engineer include power house, 72KV main transformer, substation, 72KV out going structure bay, cable tray install,cable lay out, cable pipe, embedded part.cable length is according to the drawing.power cable have 35KV,10KV, 1KV voltage ,35KV and 10KV cable is XLPE insulated, 1KV cable is PVC insulated. 电缆桥架安装 installation of cable tray 电缆桥架清点交接运输清理预埋件放点焊立柱上支臂安装桥架接地。 Cable tray check, transport,embedded part, mark, weldding pole,install tray, grounding. Power cable install according to the manual of manufacture and IEC or the China standard. the test and acceptance in the site will be done according to the manual of manufacture and IEC or the China standard GB 50168 and GB50169 ,GB50150-9. special tool 序号名 称规 格单位数量备 注1Weldding machine400Aunit22Cable lay machineset13Grinding wheel saw300unit14Grill gunSpray type unit25Electric hammerpieces16Handy driller16mmpieces17Electric toolset18Cable t