北京2022上半年商务英语准考证打印入口 北京2022上半年商务英语准考证打印入口在哪里?这是北京考生很关怀问题,今日我给大家带来了北京2022上半年商务英语准考证打印入口,盼望能够关心到大家,下面我就和大家共享,来观赏一下吧。 北京2022上半年商务英语准考证打印入口 北京2022上半年商务英语准考证打印,一般考前5日就可以打印准考证了。届时考生可登陆剑桥商务英语考试网进行打印。 商务英语考试大致流程: BEC考试的挨次依次是阅读,写作,听力,口语。 考试一般9点钟开头,但请各位考生以准考证上的时间为准,最好提前30分钟到达。 记得吃早餐。假如便利,可以带瓶水,但是留意不要让水影响到你的试卷和答题卡。提前上厕所。 检查自己的是否带了准考证、身份证、铅笔、黑色中性笔、橡皮。 进入教室,你会发觉黑板上写着各部分的详细考试时间。不要惊慌,镇静应对。 商务英语高级听力资料:品质要求 We are responsible to replace the defective ones. 我们保换质量不合格的产品。 Its really somethinore than 300 watches are not up to standard. 有300多块手表不合质量标准。 商务英语BEC中级听力辅导 开场白 考试简介: 三部分,30题,30分钟听题,10分钟抄写。 Part One: 填空题:Words, Numbers Part Two: 搭配题:大意+推想 Part Three: 选择题:大意+细节+推想 B: Tom, the report is too E: Stephen (1) ADDRESS: 183 School Road, Barnfield, BF2 8TP DEPAERTMENT: (2) POST HELP: (3) (temporary) MONTHLY SALARY: (4) Conversation Two (Questions 5-8) Look at the note below. You will hear a man describinessaark Jones Company: (5) MessaER SERVICES 3 OFFICE ASSISTANT 4 457.60 5 EUROPE HOLIDAYS 6 BUSINESS CARDS 7 MARKETINPANY LOan: Ive had a letter from the tax office about a student who worked here last summer I wonder if you could look him up in your records. Woman: Sure, whats the name? Man: The surnames Jaye. First name Stephen. Woman: How does he spell his surname? Man: J-A-Y-E. m, let me see He was an office assistant. Man: Rian: Thats fine. Thanks. Ill send them the information today pause Now listen to the recordinan: Hello, This is Mark Jones from Europe Holidays. I was hopinan: Oh-you see Im not very happy with the business cards and I wanted to see if I could make a couple of chanBERS 1 日期: the first of October, October the first, October first the 27th of July the 18th of June Sep. the 12th Sep. the 15th May the sixteenth Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹 Weather Report 天气预报 2 电话号码: double six 66 triple seven-777 four zeros-0000 65046721 24556211 30778109 3 编号: reference number, bookinN,OL,BDTP SM, SN, SO, SL, 符号:dash slash / 4 数量: hundred: 后有两位数 thousand, million, billion, trillion:t, m, b, tr 点三杠四,从右向左: 英-中:杠四 16t5201/6520 523t50052/3500 中-英:点三 18万6000186,000 背 景学问: proprietor 自主经营者 proprietorship partnership 合伙 corporation 公司 company, business, firm meetinarketinarketinarket research, survey, questionnaire, interview market seentation, tarer, consumer behaviour, consuminer potential consumer: choice, preference, attitudes difficult consumers price taan Resources 人事部/人力资源部 recruit, recruitment, takeon 聘请 They took me on five years apany traininance evaluation, score, marks, grade 评估,打分,评级