托福听力常见题型解题思路讲解:主旨题和细节题 托福听力虽然不仅题型众多,而且不同的题型都有各自的针对性解题思路技巧,今日我给大家带来托福听力常见题型解题思路讲解,盼望能够关心到大家,下面我就和大家共享,来观赏一下吧。 托福听力常见题型解题思路讲解:主旨题和细节题 主旨题 主旨题是以录音材料的主旨大意作为考查内容的一种题型。主旨题的考查频率特别高,几乎每篇托福听力的录音材料都会考一道主旨题,有的录音材料甚至会考两道。主旨题常见的提问方式有以下几种: What is the main idea of this lecture? What are the two speakers talkinarteau, a behavioral scientist at the University of CambridC Public Health. Aside from alterinarteau says that, if subsequent studies confirm this effect, public health officials miandatinaximum size in which wine can be sold could be a measure thats introduced to reduce the overconsumption of alcohol that seems to be cued by the seekine. 我正试着劝告凯伦和我一起出去。 2. even thoue for anythin 除了外; 例句:Aside from cancelined Buck winds up in the Yukonwhere he succumbs to his desire to return to his wild cousinsthe wolves. Its hard to say no to that call, isnt it Buck? Its all riself was the descendant of wolves. Wolves that lived more than 10,000 years ae people would have been huntinans roamed across Eurasia. They would eat, and throw scraps around their settlement. Which attracts wildlife. Wildlife like wolves. Over time a split would have appeared in wolf populations, he says: those wolves that feared humans, and those that didnt. So this would have facilitated, I think, the domestication process. At which point humans deliberately took wolves as pets. But that domestication process, Frantz says, may have happened more than once: first in the west, in Europe. And a a 4,800-year-old Irish does of hundreds of other modern and ancient doily tree, they determined that doesticated in Europe, at least 15,000 years aestication in East Asia, more than 13,000 years aetime after that, they say, humans from East Asia wandered to Europe and brou. Leadinixinost purebred doinds usif you utts. 杰克·伦敦的小说野性的召唤中,一只名为巴克的狗狗最终从人类文明.返回狼群。 那样的召唤很难拒绝,对吧,巴克!好了伴计。 走吧! 当然,巴克是狼的后代。 驯化过程.jpalia. 总统即将结束对索马里的访问。 2.domestication process 驯化过程 例句:In their studies, the researchers also found that farmers have tried to develop ricevarieties expressinestication process. 在讨论过程中,科研人员也发觉了在水稻驯化过程中,农夫选择培育了ily tree shows our family members and relatives. 家谱表明我们的家庭成员和亲戚。 托福听力常见题型解题思路讲解:主旨题和细节题