GRE填空题高分技巧揭秘 ufwene, who chairs the Lin ar,芝加哥高校语言学系的主任,认为,杀伤力的武器不是政府政策,而是经济全球化。 新andatory sentences are not necessarily a chanent? 典型句式: 修饰繁杂;规律严密 句子主干: Which of the followin。 翻译: 下列哪一个,假如正确,为该断言供应了强有力的证据,该断言说,B新近引入的强制性判决并不必定是论证中所描述的在实现真正的公正方面的一个坏的变化。 17 I didnt realize that puttinoney in the bank and savinent is not the same thine thiniliation so much as makinethinuch as B. 翻译: 我们不认为这真的的羞辱,只不过是让大家知道罢了。 19 I can no more disown him than I can disown the black community. I can no more disown him than I can my white other. - Obama, referriner pastor the Rev.Jeremiah Wriore A than B 结构(否定表达);省略成分。 句子主干: I can no more disown A. I can no more disown A. 翻译: 我不能否认他,正如我不能否认(我的)黑人父老。我不能否认他,正如我不能否认我的白人外祖母。 20 A newly fertilized ovum, a newly implanted clump of cells, is no more a person than an acorn is an oak tree. 典型句式: A is no more B than C is D 句子主干: A ovum is no more a person. 翻译: 一个刚刚受精的卵子,一堆新移植的细胞,不能说是人,就像一颗种子不能说是橡树。 新ployee contribution costs an enrolled employee siployee less. 翻译: 要求雇员付费的方案每年要求参加的雇员支付的费用比SAI公司之外的典型的健康方案要求的费用要少得多。 12 Clearly, then, it must be in evadin. 典型句式: it 形式主语,倒装句。 句子主干: That the spiders color chan must be in evadinstance would occur as conclusive evidence that that circumstance will not occur. 典型句式: it treats A as B;修饰与主干;规律严密 句子主干: It treats evidence for the absence of one condition as conclusive evidence. 翻译: 它把某状况发生时存在的一个条件的缺失的证据当作该状况确定不会发生的结论性证据。 15 The reasoninent treats evidence that a factor is necessary to bring about an event as if it were evidence that the factor is sufficient to bring about that event. 典型句式: in that 因果关系;层层修饰;规律严密 句子主干: The reasoning is flawed. 翻译: 该推理是错误的,由于该论证把某大事发生所必需的一个因素当成是该大事发生的充分条件。 GRE填空题高分技巧揭秘