Chapter 1 Invitation to LinguisticsLanguage The Definition(语言的定义) The Design Features Arbitrariness (本质特征) Duality Creativity Displacement 语言先天反射理论 The Origin Of Language The bow-bow theory (语言的起源) The pooh-pooh theory The “yo-he-yo”theory Jacobos(与The Prague School一致)Referential Functions Of Language Ideational Poetic Emotive Halliday Interpersonal Conative Phatic Textual Metalingual The Basic Functions Informative Interpersonal Performative Emotive function Phatic communion (B.Malinowski 提出) Recreation function Metalingual function Linguistics The Definition The Main Branches of Linguistics Phonetics (微观语言学) Phonology Morphology Syntax Semantics Pragmatics Macrolinguistics Psycholinguistics (宏观语言学) Sociolinguistics Anthropological Linguistics Computaioanl Linguistics Descriptive &Prescriptive Synchronic&Diachronic Important Distinctions Langue&Parole Competence&Performance Chapter 2 Speech Sounds Phonetics Acoustic Phonetics (声学语音学) 语音学 Auditory Phonetics(听觉语言学) Articulatory Phonetics(发声语音学) Speech Organs/Vocal organs (lungs ,trachea,throat,nose.mouth) IPA/Diacritics(变音符) Consonants The definition The manner of articulation Articulatory Phonetics The place of articulation (发声语音学) Vowels The definition The sound of English:RP/GA Cardinal vowels The requirements of description Coarticulation Anticipatory Coarticulation Perseverative Coarticulation Phonetics transcription Narrow transcription Broad transcriptionPhonology 音位理论 Minimal Pairs(cut&put)音素是语音学研究的单位。人类在说语音时所发出的一 切音都是音素,有些音素具有区别性价值,而有的没有。Feet/di:t/中有/f/,/i:/,/t/三个音素。音位是音系学研究 基本单位,它们具有区别性价值,是抽象的,是一组语音特征的集合,不是一个具体的音。音位在特定的语音环境里的具体体现形式形成音位变体,同一语音在不的语音环境里体现为不同的变体称之为音位变体。不送气 /t/,/送气th/ 是/t/ 的音位变体。 Phone&Phonemes&Allophone(音素&音位&音位变体)音系学 Complementary Distribution Free variants(自由变体)/variation(自由变体现象) Phonological contrasts or opposition(音位对立) Distinctive Features(First developed by Jacobson as a means of working out a set of phonological contrasts or opposition to Capture particular aspect of language sounds) progressive assimilation Phonological Process 音系过程 Assimilation Progressive assimilationPhonology Phonological rules sequence rule Assimilation Epenthesis&Rules ordering&The elsewhere condition Suprasegmental features The definition The syllable structure Rhyme(Rime) (nucleus/peak&coda) Onset Stress Tone Intonation Chapter3 LexiconWord The definition Three sense of “word” A physically definable unit Word both as a general term and as a specific term Word is a grammatical unit Identification of word Stability Relative uninterruptibility A minimum free form The classification of word Variable&Invariable words Grammatical words&Lexical words (function words&content words) Closed-class words & Open-class words Word Class Particles (part of Speech) Auxiliaries Pro-form Determiners Lexical change The change proper Invention Blending Abbreviation Acronym Back-formation Analogical creation Morpho-syntactical change Morphological change Syntactical change (split infinitive /Postponed prepositions/ objective case of relative pronoun) Semantic Change Broadening(holiday) Narrowing(girl) Meaning shift/zero-derivation(conversion) Folk-etymology Phonological change(refers to the changes in sound leading to changes in form) (原因)factors Loss Addition Metathesis(换位) Assimilation Orthographic change( Changes can see in the graphitic level.Since writing is a recording of the sound system in English,phonological changes will no doubt set off graphitic changes) Morphology The main fields The inflectional morphology The derivational morphology Morpheme The definition Sememe&Morpheme&Phoneme&Morpheme The classification Free &bound Morpheme Root&Affix&stem Inflectional affix&Derivational affix Phonology & Morphology Chapter4 From Word to TextSyntax The definitionSyntactic Relations Positional relations(word order) F.de.Saussure syntagmatic relation(horizonal/chain relation)一个方面 Relation of substitutability(associative/paradigmatic relations) Relation of Co-occurrence Vertical or choice relations Traditional Syntax Category Gender Number Case Agreement/concordStructural Syntax syntagmatic relations(组合关系) paradigmatic relations(聚合关系) IC analysis The definition Grammatical construction Constituent Tree diagram&Bracketing Endocentric&Exocentric Constructions/CoordinationGenerative Syntax Syntax Function (subject/Predicate/Object) Syntax Movement NP Movement Aux-Movement Wh-Movement Deep &Surface Structures Rules GBFunctional Syntax Theme&Rheme(主位&述位) FSP CD(communicative dynamism)It sees sentence(utterance) as the basic unit SFG Within the sentence conjoiningPhrase&clause&sentence Embedding Beyond the sentence Text linguistics&Discourse analysis Cohesion(conjunction/ellsis/lexical/repetition/reference/substitution) Chapter 5 Meaning Semantics The definition Meanings of “meaning” The Meaning of Meaning(C.k.Ogden&C.A .Richards) G. Leech 七分法 Behaviorism ConceptualismThe referential theory The definition Semantic triangle Sense&reference/Connotation&Denotation)Sense relation synonymy (context dependent) Dialectal synonymy Collecotional synonymy Emotional synonymy Stylistic synonymy Semantic shades synonymy Antonymy Gradable antonymy Complementary antonymy Converse antonymy Relational opposites Hyponymy Superordinate Hyponyms Polysemy Homonymy Homophones Homographs Complete homonyms Sentence Meaning An integrated theory The principle of compositionality A dictionary A set of projection Sentence relations Entailment Presupposition Logical Semantics propositional logic Contradiction Inconsistency Predicate logic Semantic anomaly Componential Analysis Chapter 6 Language &Cognition Cognition The definition Language&CognitionPsycholinguistics The definition Language Acquisition The Definition The stage Pre-language(3-10months) The oneword/holophrastic Two-word Three-word utterance Fluent grammatical conversationLanguage comprehension word recognition Comprehension of sentences Comprehension of text Language Production Access to words Generation of sentences Written language productionCognitive Linguistics Construal&construal Operations Attention&Salience Judgment&Comparison Categorization The definition classification Basic level Superordinate level Superordinate lever Image Schema Metaphor The definition Classification Ontological Metaphors Structural Metaphors Orientional Metaphors Metonymy Blending Theory Chapter7 Language&Culture&SocietyLanguage&Culture The relationship London School B.Malinowski&J.Firth&Halliday between the L&C L is a doing “Context of Situation” Structuralism Boas&Sapir&Worf Sair-Whorf Hypothesis Eugene Nida Culture in Linguistics Study Culture in Language teachingLanguage&Society Sociolinguistics S Bilingualism/multilingualism